Fotografie principală pentru Team Coaching Festival
Team Coaching Festival

Team Coaching Festival

Îndrumare și formare profesională

A marketplace with team coaches, models, knowledge, researches to learn more about team development challenges.

Despre noi

Team coaching has evolved since 2010 up to now when gets professionalization and distinction both within team development modalities and coaching associations. EMCC Global and ICF developed standards and competences for team coaching, theories, models and glossary are organized in a knowledge management base, research, study cases and evidence-based practice grow, ethical codes are in place and team coaching supervision and mentoring become consistent. In this context our aim is to gather and foster team coaches and people interested in team development, team coaching, team building, team facilitation, team consulting, team mentoring in order to have a marketplace focused on learning, experimentation, sharing, and professional dialogue that will provide the appropiate support and resources for teams and organization all over the world.

Sector de activitate
Îndrumare și formare profesională
Dimensiunea companiei
2-10 angajați
team development, team building, team facilitation, team consulting, team mentoring, teaming și team coaching


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