Welcome to Life Lenses®
The premier personality assessment for team building, conflict resolution, and productivity.
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You’re great at what you do –– and you’re lucky enough to work with a team of brilliant people who are great at what they do.
Just one problem … in addition to being smart, exceptional people, they’re also, well, frustrating as hell.
Not all the time. But often enough to make life harder than you’d like it to be.
The thing is, you know they’re geniuses — that’s why you hired them, or why you took the job with them. It’s just, for some reason, you all keep bumping into each other.
It’s not like you’re constantly in conflict. In fact, most of the time, you’re not actually arguing. It just feels like you’re all speaking different languages.
But what if you could have a pair of X-ray specs that lets you see straight into their thought processes and hearts.
Good news: you can! They’re called Life Lenses®.
Life Lenses® for Individuals
Life Lenses® for Teams and Groups
“Is Life Lenses® for Me?”
Remember how game-changing it was when you first learned about the Love Language, Myers Briggs, or True Colours?
This is like that…. on steroids.
And it is absolutely perfect for you if you:
–– Feel like you’re speaking a language nobody gets but you, and DESPERATELY wish you could communicate more clearly and be understood.
–– Have to make a TON of decisions every day. Which would be overwhelming enough … but when you add in the added frustration about having to have conversations about those decisions that end up with everyone talking past each other, and that’s a recipe for roadblocks.
–– Hate conflict, and yet somehow find yourself navigating a bunch of misunderstandings, hurt feelings, and confusion all the time.
–– Feel like you’re having to constantly decipher the people around you. Best case, it’s tiring. Worst case, it feels like people are trying to provoke you with all the crazy, stupid things they’re doing.
Now, let’s be honest … you totally can handle this on your own. After all, you are awesome at what you do! But how much easier would things be if you had a crystal ball that would help you make decisions that you don’t regret for the rest of your life (or just the rest of your dinner!)
Life Lenses® isn’t that. But it’s the closest thing to it you’re going to find!
Let me tell you how it’s entirely possible to navigate your days, conversations, and relationships with ease and excitement. Truly. Really.
It’s all about perspective.
How often do you think about your left baby toe?
Unless you’ve just collided with a couch, I’m guessing you’re hardly ever aware of it, right? And why should you be? You have a whole bunch of stuff going on; you can’t pay attention to everything!
So naturally — and quite rightly — you filter LOTS of things out.
Like your tiny toe. Or, I don’t know, your hair follicles. Or what time the mail usually arrives.
But what if you’re also filtering out too much of the stuff that actually matters?
What if all of that unconscious filtering is the very reason you so often feel stuck, lost, misunderstood. As if everyone around you is speaking Klingon…
And what if learning to filter more strategically — learning to view life through a different lens — was the best way to clear the confusion, to open up new worlds, and to start living with ease?
Live your life through a different lens. Start your Life Lenses® Assessment Today.
Here’s the thing: Great minds DON’T think alike.
Only we’ve kinda been sucked into the idea that they do.
We’ve become entrenched in tribalism — we’ve formed our views and we stick to them no matter what. We only follow people who share those views, watch the news channels that support those views, and form friendships with others who reinforce those views.
We’ve never been so connected and yet so disparate, so distanced. Never known so much conflict.
And the consequences are huge; we miss out on the dance of difference, on the diversity of views, insights, and experiences that can so enrich our lives. We miss out on the things that can help us reduce conflict, lessen disagreements, parent with ease, create far better products, services, programs…
But there is a way to shift your view, to address your biases (we all have ‘em), and to benefit from other perspectives:
Learn to look at life through a different lens.
Life Lenses® is an interactive self-assessment tool that helps you to do just that. It shows you how to…
Communicate WAY more effectively
We all wear invisible lenses that color our perspective and shape how we see the world –– not to mention our communication! But if you can learn to identify which lens you’re wearing, suddenly, you’re able to get YOUR message across and understand OTHERS way better.. Annnnd wayyyy more options become available for how to move beyond that communication quagmire you’ve dug yourself into. Communication then becomes easier than you could ever imagine.
Make decisions with ease.
When you walk through the world with a greater understanding of yourself and others, decision-making becomes simpler, even enjoyable! Without that veil of confusion you realize that options and opportunities really are everywhere.
Resolve (and avoid) conflict.
Understanding the lens you wear and the biases you’ve been carrying around changes the way you see the world. And the way others see you. This makes it sooooo much easier to resolve and avoid conflict with the people in your life, from your work colleagues and clients to your partner and yes, even your hormone-addled teenagers!
With Life Lenses®, 1000s of people have learned to see more clearly — even me. Ready for your own outta sight insight?
How the Life Lenses® Assessment Works
Life Lenses® is an assessment NOT a test.
You know what that means: there’s no pressure, no stress, and absolutely no wrong answers.
Because Life Lenses® entire ethos is about making your life easier. Starting now…
Get your customized report instantly.
And don’t worry — it’s not gonna feel like you’ve just been given a ton of homework. We’re simplifying, remember?
So no crazy formulas to decipher or memorize. No weird-sounding labels that you can’t pronounce. In fact, nothing complicated at all. Just well-researched, common sense insights that you can implement straight away.
Illuminate where you shine.
Life Lenses® will show you your strengths, highlight what comes naturally to you, and direct you towards your own “happy place” so you can shine in every area of your life, as a leader, a team player, as a partner, a parent, or a friend
Identify your blind spots.
We all have them: weaknesses, biases, things that blind us to our limitless potential. Uncover them and you control them. Uncover them and you can find the gold within. Uncover them and you can open up new worlds, right under your nose.
Access your very own universal translator.
The Life Lenses® assessment is like tapping into your “Spidey senses”. The tingle that hooks you into other people’s communication styles.
It gives you insight that allows you to both understand and be understood, and to resolve conflict whether you’re dealing with a petulant co-worker, an awkward boss, or an un-figure-out-able kid.
Break out of the box.
Hate being put in a box? Me too! Life Lenses® isn’t about restricting you, reducing you to a “type”, or pigeonholing you.
It isn’t about telling you who you are but about helping you see that for yourself so you can step into your potential, see shiny new possibilities and get your butt-kicking ideas out into the world. It’s about giving you the power to remove the lenses that aren’t serving you.
It’s about giving you room to breathe.
The world isn’t getting any easier, folks.
It’s an increasingly complex, complicated, confusing place and the stakes feel so high that it’s no wonder we play it safe in our own little corner of the sandbox. No wonder we cling to our clans, our well-worn opinions, and our established worldviews.
But in doing so, we aren’t keeping ourselves safe, we’re keeping ourselves small.
Trying on a different lens is like taking off a blindfold you didn’t know you were wearing. Removing it will help you move through the world with clarity, with ease, and with resilience, and the ability to see your limitless potential.
Bottom line? You’ve always been the master of your own life. Only now you have the incredible insight, the tools, and the awareness to make it feel effortless.