Automatika i procesni inženjering

Automatika i procesni inženjering

Automation Machinery Manufacturing

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About us

Potekli smo na osnovama dobre famaceutske prakse iz firme koja je prednjačila, a i dan danas je vrhu u tehnološko-tehičkom smislu. Postojanje firme od 2009 i reference su merilo uspeha i potvrda kvaliteta. Svi naši izvedeni projekti su funkcionalnom stanju, nalaze se na teritoriji Evrope (Evropska unija), Rusije, Azije, Arabijskog poluostrva, kao i na prostorima republika bivše Yugoslavije. Firma ima licene za projektovanje automatike i motornih pogona, kao i za procese izvođenja radova. Firma izrađuje ormane za automatiku i elektromotorne pogone. Automatika se bavi i programiranjem PLC-ova i SCADA sistema. Automatika izradjuje validacionu dokumentaciju u skladu sa GMP i CFR21/11 standardima. Svu opremu puštamo u rad na licu mesta, obučavamo korisnike i u garantnom roku pružamo podršku krajnjem korisniku. Automatika sklapa sa korisnicima ugovore o godišnjem održavanju.

Automation Machinery Manufacturing
Company size
2-10 employees
Privately Held


Employees at Automatika i procesni inženjering


  • Liderstvo i inovacije u Industriji 4.0 🌐 Impresivan skup lidera iz oblasti proizvodnje okupio je vrhunske menadžere i stručnjake, uz sjajnu organizaciju i inspirativnu energiju. Bilo nam je zadovoljstvo dati svoj doprinos kroz diskusije na teme poput realizacije i integracije "gotovih fabrika" i njihovog prelaska ka Industriji 4.0, kao i o ulozi veštačke inteligencije u transformaciji industrije. Razgovarali smo o tome gde se danas nalazimo i gde treba da budemo sutra. Zahvaljujemo se na pozivu Menadžment Centar Beograd (MCB), jer nas ovakvi događaji inspirišu da nastavimo da pomeramo granice mogućeg. 🔧💡 #Industrija4 #Inovacije #VeštačkaInteligencija #Proizvodnja

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  • Thrilled to announce that Automatika i Procesni Inženjering has been recognized by as one of the top 99 most successful companies for the second year in a row! This honor reflects the dedication of our incredible team and the trust of our clients and partners. Consistency, innovation, and hard work have brought us here, and we’re excited to keep pushing boundaries and delivering excellence. Thank you,, for this recognition, and thank you to everyone who has supported us along the way. Here’s to even more success ahead! ✅ #Achievement #Top99 #Success #Automatika

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  • Proud moment for Automatika i Procesni Inženjering! We are excited to announce that we have received our official Credit Rating Certificate. This certification reflects our unwavering commitment to financial transparency, credibility, and operational excellence. A strong credit rating is more than just a number—it’s a testament to our team’s dedication and the trust our partners place in us. This milestone opens up new opportunities for collaboration and growth, strengthening our position in the industry. Thank you to everyone who has supported us on this journey, here’s to reaching new heights with continued trust and reliability! ✅ --- Нешто на шта смо заиста поносни, наставиће се… #automatika #automation #industry

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  • The project in Iraq at the Rasan Pharmaceutical company has been completed. Inside the factory we upgraded the existing BMS and EMS systems designed to control over thirty clean rooms, along with installing the electrical cabinet needed to control all the devices in the field. We thank you for the trust shown, for the wonderful hospitality and successful cooperation. ✅ Пројекат у Ираку у фармацеутској компанији Rasan Pharmaceutical је завршен. Унутар фабрике смо надоградили постојеће БМС и ЕМС системе дизајниране за контролу преко тридесет чистих просторија, уз уградњу електро ормана потребног за контролу свих уређаја на терену. Захваљујемо се на указаном поверењу, на дивном гостопримству и успешној сарадњи. ✅ #bms #ems #scada #plc #hvac #cleanrooms #automation #iot #electricalcabinets #industry4 #siemens

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  • The chemical preparation of water in the pharmaceutical industry goes a step further compared to the standard preparation for drinking. Water is used as an essential ingredient in many pharmaceutical products, so it is essential that it be ultrapure and of consistently high quality. Automatika has successfully carried out the regulation of the chemical preparation of water, together with the assembly of the cabinet and the training of the users. ✅ Your Automatika team! Hemijska priprema vode u farmaceutskoj industriji ide korak dalje u odnosu na standardnu pripremu za piće. Voda se koristi kao esencijalni sastojak u mnogim farmaceutskim proizvodima, pa je neophodno da bude ultračista i dosledno visokog kvaliteta. Automatika je uspešno izvela regulaciju hemijske pripreme vode, zajedno sa sklapanjem ormana i obukom korisnika. ✅ Vaš Automatika tim!

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  • Factory acceptance testing (FAT) is crucial in automation for several reasons: 1. Reduces risk of on-site problems: FAT is conducted in a controlled factory environment before equipment is shipped to the customer. This allows for early detection and resolution of issues, saving time and money in the long run. ✅ 2. Improves equipment quality: FAT helps ensure equipment meets all specifications and complies with industry standards. This results in more reliable and efficient equipment. ✅ 3. Enables early detection of integration issues: FAT can help identify problems with how different components of the automation system integrate. This helps guarantee the system will function flawlessly when installed on-site. ✅ 4. Assists in customer training: FAT can be used to train the customer on operating and maintaining the equipment. This ensures the customer can maximize their investment. ✅ 5. Documents equipment performance: FAT results can be used to document the equipment's performance. This can be valuable for comparing performance over time and troubleshooting any issues that may arise. ✅ In short, FAT is a vital tool for ensuring automation equipment is high-quality and meets the customer's needs. Your Automatika Team!

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