Četvrtak, 18.aprila u 18:30 :) Big Data Belgrade meetup - sjajne teme i predavači vas čekaju 🤓 Vidimo se!
Calling all Data & AI professionals, students, and enthusiasts! Big Data Belgrade's first ever mini-conference is only a week away, and is happening on Thursday, April 18th, at 6:30pm at our regular venue, ICT Hub, Kralja Milana 10. First up, we have Professor Branko Urosevic from the Računarski fakultet of Union University, who will talk about Computational Finance, an advanced area of applied economics, in which Artificial Intelligence is making huge waves. Second, Milos Milovanovic and Sinisa Jovic from Things Solver - member of ASEE, one of our leading Data & AI consultancies, will talk about how they are solving complex problems in industries like telecommunications, banking and FMCG, using an amazing platform they've developed called Solver AI Suite. Third up, Sem Sinchenko, Senior Data Engineer at Raiffeisen Bank International AG, the country's most data-driven financial institution, is going to talk about writing custom connectors for the upcoming 4.0 version of Apache Spark. Last but not least, Stefan Stojanović, DevOps Engineer at BlueGrid.io is going to give a fun talk about the charms of infrastructure work and handling large workloads on Kubernetes clusters, including a live demo of a K9s, a tool used for this very purpose. After this, we are taking a break until September, as in May we are throwing all of our support into ML Conference (ml-conference.rs), which is happening in Subotica, on May 31st and July 1st, and is co-organized by InspiraHub, DataKolektiv and MACHINERY, so these are two events you surely do not want to miss! #data #ai #dataengineering #bigdata #community #meetup #belgrade