Malo je brendova koji izdrže test vremena, ali Mobil Delvac nije samo izdržao već je kroz svoj kvalitet i pouzdanost osvojio povrenje korisnika šriom sveta. Sto godina predanosti. Inovacija. Pouzdanosti. Danas obeležavamo 100 godina kako bismo se podsetili na svaki trenutak kada je naša snaga bila vaša podrška. Zajedno sa vama smo rasli, učili, prevazilazili prepreke i pomerali granice, a sada se pitamo - Koje granice ćemo pomeriti u narednom veku?👨🔬 🧪 🛢️ 🏆 Not many brands stand the test of a century, but Mobil Delvac has not only endured, but through its quality and reliability, it has earned the trust of customers worldwide. One hundred years of determination. Collaboration. Trust. Today, as we celebrate 100 years of Mobil Delvac, we reflect on every moment when our strength was there to support you. Together with you, we have grown, learned, overcome obstacles, and pushed boundaries, and now we ask – What boundaries will we push in the next century? 👨🔬 🧪 🛢️ 🏆 #Mobil #MobilDelvac #MobilDelvacAnniversary #Plattner #AuthorizedMobilDistributor
Plattner d.o.o.
Oil and Gas
Bačka Palanka, Vojvodina 500 followers
Authorized Mobil Distributor
About us
Company Plattner d.o.o. was founded on 15.10.1992. in Backa Palanka, Serbia. From the founding to the present day our goal is to offer exclusive products of the world renowned producers that have first-class quality. Accordingly, we have become authorized distributors of ExxonMobil. Plattner d.o.o. is the only authorised distributor of Mobil lubricants for Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia&Herzegovina, Albania , North Macedonia.
- Website
External link for Plattner d.o.o.
- Industry
- Oil and Gas
- Company size
- 51-200 employees
- Headquarters
- Bačka Palanka, Vojvodina
- Type
- Privately Held
- Founded
- 1992
- Specialties
- Distribution Business, Passenger Vehicle Lubricants, Commercial Vehicle Lubricants, Industrial Lubricants, and Transformer Oils
Ulica Branka Bajića 79
Bačka Palanka, Vojvodina 21400, RS
Novosadski put 67
Novi Sad/Veternik, Vojvodina 21000, RS
Maksima Gorkog 153
Beograd, Serbia 11000, US
Employees at Plattner d.o.o.
Vaš partner na putu ka boljim performansama! Sa Mobil 5W-30 motornim uljem, Vaša vožnja postaje umetnost – zaštita koja traje, performanse koje oduzimaju dah, i efikasnost koja štedi gorivo pri svakom pređenom kilometru. Izaberite Mobil jer vaš automobil zaslužuje najbolje! 👨🔬 🛢️ 🏆 🏎️ Your partner on the road to better performance! With Mobil 5W-30 motor oil, your drive becomes an art – protection that lasts, performance that takes your breath away, and efficiency that saves fuel with every mile. Choose Mobil because your car deserves the best! 👨🔬 🛢️ 🏆 🏎️ #Mobil #Mobil1 #Plattner #AuthorizedMobilDistributor
Vaša mehanizacija mora biti izdržljiva baš kao i Vi, jer ono što nosimo u sebi je ono što nas gura napred. 💪🌾 Održavanje mehanizacije i opreme ključno je za uspeh tokom cele godine, a Mobil Delvac™ ulja i maziva pružaju upravo to. Formulisana su tako da se nose sa svim izazovima i poboljšaju performanse, bez obzira na vremenske uslove. Čuvajte Vaše mašine i obezbedite im dugotrajan rad – jer Vaš uspeh zavisi od njih! 🚜✨ Your machinery must be as durable as you are, because it’s what’s that keeps you going. 💪🌾 Maintaining your machinery and equipment is key to success throughout the year, and Mobil Delvac™ lubricants provide just that. Formulated to handle all challenges and enhance performance, regardless of the weather conditions. Take care of your machines and ensure their long-lasting operation – because your success depends on them! 🚜✨ #MobilDelvac #Poljoprivreda #Mobil #UljaiMaziva #Agri #Traktor #Mehanizacija #Plattner #AuthorizedMobilDistributor
Zašto je pravi izbor motornog ulja bitan za Vaš automobil? 🚗 🔧 Odabir pravog motornog ulja nije samo pitanje kvaliteta, već i zaštite motora, smanjenja potrošnje goriva i očuvanja performansi Vašeg automobila i upravo zato je bitno da pažljivo izaberete motorno ulje koje će se starati o Vašem automobilu. Ne dozvolite da pogrešan izbor izazove problem i dodatne troškove! Kliknite na link i saznajte sve što trebate znati o motornom ulju i kako odabrati najbolje za Vašeg mezimca. 🚙💨 Why is the right choice of lubricants important for your car? 🚗 🔧 Choosing the right motor oil is not only a matter of quality, but also of engine protection, fuel economy and maintain your car's performance, and that is exactly why it is important to carefully choose the lubricant that will take care of your car. Don't let the wrong choice cause problems and additional costs! Click on the link and find out everything you need to know about lubricants and how to choose the best one for your pet. 🚙💨 #Mobil #Mobil1 #MobilLubricants #MobilMotorOil #Plattner #AuthorizedMobilDistributor
Plattner d.o.o. reposted this
ExxonMobil operates eight state-of-the-art Lube Oil Blending Plants (LOBPs) across Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. These facilities produce hundreds of Mobil™-branded lubricants and greases, ranging from low-viscosity engine oil to energy-efficient hydraulic fluids. But our mission goes beyond just manufacturing. Each of our EMEA plants is actively working on the reduction of impact across the supply chain. Our goal? To achieve more with less over time: enhanced productivity at the same time as lower greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and less waste. Swipe to find out more. #SustainabilityInMotion #LessEnergy #LessWaste #LowerGHGEmissions
Kada birate motorno ulje za svoj automobil izaberite najbolje! 🔧 Zašto baš Mobil? 50 godina poverenja i kvaliteta: Mobil je već pola veka na vrhu, postavljajući standarde u auto industriji. Kada izaberete Mobil, birate iskustvo kvalitet i stručnost! Mobil ulja smanjuju trenje, čine motor efikasnijim i produžavaju njegov vek, pružajući mu savršenu zaštitu. Vaš motor je uvek zaštićen, bez obzira na vremenske uslove, bilo da je zima ili leto Mobil ulja pružaju vrhunske performanse. 👨🔬 🧪 🛢️ 🥇 🚗 Sigurna vožnja, kilometar po kilometar jer svaka vožnja je važna! Sa Mobil uljem, možete da budete sigurni da će vaš motor raditi kao nov. Izaberite Mobil i vozite bezbrižno. Za više informacija nas pozovite ili potražite Mobil proizvode u prodavnicama naših distributera širom Srbije! #Mobil #MobilUljaiMaziva #MobilUlje #MobilUlja #MotornaUlja #UljeZaAuto #Ulje #Mobil1 #Plattner #AuthorizedMobilDistributor
Racing or normal driving, Mobil 1™ FS X2 5W-50 helps to provide heavy-duty engine performance – preventing deposit and sludge buildup, ensuring long engine life, and providing protection at both high and low temperatures, making every moment of your drive outstanding. Choose the best lubricants for your car! 🛢️ 🏆 🏎️ #Mobil #Mobil1 #Plattner #AuthorizedMobilDistributor
Mobil 1™
🚗🔧 Novi broj Auto Bild magazina je tu! 🔧🚗 U ovom specijalnom novogodišnjem broju možete pronaći i naša Mobil maziva koja štite Vaš motor i pomažu da ostvarite bolje performanse, bez obzira na izazove koje srećete na putu. 🛢️💪 Ne propustite da zavirite u novi Auto Bild i saznate više o inovacijama u svetu automobilizma. 🚙 #MobilMaziva #Autobild #VozitePametno #MobilLubricants #AutoIndustrija #Plattner
For many people one journey is the most important one – the journey home to spend time with loved ones. Holidays are here to remind us of the most important things in life - family and friends and give us new energy and enthusiasm for the coming year. Plattner doo and Mobil™ wish everyone a happy and healthy holiday season. Safe journeys to your final destination! 🌲 🎁 🚗 #Mobil #MobilUljaiMaziva #Plattner #AuthorizedMobilDistributor
Vaši eksperti su tu da pokrenu svet, a naši su tu da vas podrže. Sa Mobil-om, dobijate više od vrhunskih maziva – dobijate stručnost, saradnju i ponos na svakom koraku. Zajedno činimo svet efikasnijim, pokrećemo operacije i stvaramo uspeh. 🛢️ 🧪 👨🔬 🥇 Your experts make the world work, and ours are proud to support you. With Mobil, you fill with more than just exceptional lubrication. You fill with expertise, collaboration and pride. You fill with Mobil. 🛢️ 🧪 👨🔬 🥇 #Mobil #Plattner #FillWithMobil #AuthorizedMobilDistributor