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1_Egyptian obelisk from the temple of Isis
2_Egyptian obelisk from the temple of Isis
3_Egyptian obelisk from the temple of Isis
4_Egyptian obelisk from the temple of Isis
5_Egyptian obelisk from the temple of Isis
1_Egyptian obelisk from the temple of Isis
2_Egyptian obelisk from the temple of Isis
3_Egyptian obelisk from the temple of Isis
4_Egyptian obelisk from the temple of Isis
5_Egyptian obelisk from the temple of Isis
1_Egyptian obelisk from the temple of Isis
2_Egyptian obelisk from the temple of Isis
3_Egyptian obelisk from the temple of Isis
4_Egyptian obelisk from the temple of Isis
5_Egyptian obelisk from the temple of Isis
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Egyptian obelisk from the temple of Isis

Obelisco egizio dal Tempio di Iside
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Corso Garibaldi, 139, 82100 Benevento BN, ItalyКарта

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