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Ван Ван
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Wuling West Peak Alpine Water Slide
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Yarlung Tsangpo Grand Rafting
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Пекин: достопримечательности
Запретный город
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Один из пунктов-точек: 600 год, во дворце Мин Цин, всемирное культурное наследие, архитектурное трясение, верхние и культурные основы, глубокие. 2. Мы должны купить-заинтересоваться: коробка кошек в Дворце, охрана передний дворец. - Искусство: сложенный картотека Цзянчжэнь, календарь Дворца (можно запечатать). - Полезно: красная стена красновато, украшения элементов к жемчужине. 3. Полезно 1. Транспорт: Восточная станция Тяньаньмэнь, Линия № 1, или Восточная ворота Тяньаньмэнь, пешеходная до полудня. 2. Рассказ: аренда электронного объяснения (20 юаней) или с официальным гидом. 3. Примечание: Принесите удостоверение личности! Надейтесь на удобные туфли и готовьте В-пятых, подводный итог - пейзаж: четырёх сезонов красота, снегопады герцог. - Смысл: миниатюра китайской цивилизации, от здания до класса учебников в культурном стиле. - Рекомендуемый индекс: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Слово: если время достаточно для того, чтобы отправиться в Пекинскую достопримечательность, выберите дворец. Добавить: документальный фильм "Дворец" "Я чинил реликвии в Дворце" (посмотрите и повторите, чтобы испытать удваиваемый!)
Пекинский глобальный курорт
34513 отзыв
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Anonymous User
Фантастический семейный день! Всеобщий - это радость ходить вокруг, даже если вы не в быстроскоростных высокоадреналиновых поездках. Это красивое место и внимание к деталям с каждым из достопримечательностей удивительно. Безусловно рекомендуется 😎
37626 отзыв
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Так увлекательно видеть стену вашими глазами! Мы исследовали южную сторону и она менее переполнена, и нам понравилось быть здесь. Хотя сотрудники не могли помочь нам направить нас к входу. Они только указали на вход в кабельный автомобиль и сказали, что это единственный путь, но вход походной маршрут был в другом направлении и они могли только указать в другом направлении.
Национальный музей Китая
2241 отзыв
Национальный музей Китая Национальный музей Китая (НМК) является самым высоким учреждением в Китае, которое собирает, изучает, демонстрирует и интерпретирует ощутимые доказательства, демонстрирующие лучшее из тонкой традиционной культуры Китая, Революционная культура и продвинутая социалистическая культура. Это верховный дворец истории, культуры и искусства, а также "культурная лавка" Китая. История НМК можно проследить в подготовительном офисе Музея китайской истории, созданном в 1912 году. В 2003 году НМ
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Ван Ван
20038 отзыв
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Отличное место, очень большой район, паспорт должен сначала обменять билет на счетчик, очень удобное место при выходе в город
Сады и сады
31242 отзыв
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Гора и вода в целом совпадают. Озеро Куньмин трясется, утренняя лужайка растет на чистом озере, несколько водных птиц ласково смотрят на озеро, а положение Розы дает посетителю возможность наблюдать. Внезапно водяная птица исчезла, и вода только выходит на поверхность, и через несколько секунд она отвлекает взгляд, как волшебство, и снова ходит по озеру.
Парк Храма Неба
13721 отзыв
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Билеты на парк Небесный парк продаются в конце дня до трех с половиной вечера, поэтому я держусь за углом, чтобы догнать парк, и не могу пойти наружу, чтобы посмотреть идею, которая была выбрана из отеля Dong Sing в метро, чтобы отправиться в парк Небесный парк почти в четыре часа. Там, где Tang Dong Gate вышла из машины, есть дорожные знаки, очень удобно. Покупайте билеты (10 футов), вычистите удостоверение личности в сад, а затем быстро двигайтесь к воротам Восточной Востоки, которые, как утверждается, могут купить билеты в сад до 4:30. К тому времени, когда я прибыл в дверь, чтобы проверить двери прямо, я купил билет на двухмерный код или билет на месте, три достопримечательности (где-то в / сад / Эхо стена) минус 20, я наконец-то проверил код в четыре часа двадцать минут. Прошел круг вокруг молитвы и сфотографировался (с другой одной сестрой, которая совершала поездку, чтобы сделать фото друг другу, как память), а затем стоял на ступеньках, стоящих напротив молитвы. Люди, которые слушают, говорят, что они светят вместе с городским временем (в пятницу и субботу), но не очень ясно, потому что в начале дня еще не было полного темноты. Но темнота очень быстро, после десятка минут, я могу полностью наслаждаться блестящими молитвами под ночью ~ сфотографируйте и пойдите в Восточные ворота (они все закрыты в это время). Там, где люди окружают дорогу, есть красивое место для съёмок, и вы можете оставить одну минуту, чтобы напечатать карту.
Великая стена Тяньтань
16062 отзыв
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Anonymous User
Мутианью определенно стоит посетить! Он не так переполнен и имеет удивительные виды. Наши туристические гиды, Ван Хао, очень хорошие и знающие. Он даже ждал нас, когда мы были несколько минут поздно. Он также рекомендует вам подходящий маршрут, если вы не думаете об этом. Рекомендуется, чтобы тобогган поехал вниз!
Attractions Near Beijing
Unique Dream of Red Mansion
916 отзыв
21,82 THB
Grand Epoch City
338 отзыв
4,95 THB
Jingdong No.1 Hotspring Resort
155 отзыв
12,29 THB
Dachang Palace of Nationalities
22 отзыв
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Ruige Wenquan Jiudian Hot Spring Center (yuangu'anjianguowenquanjiudianwenquanzhongxin)
262 отзыв
17,54 THB
Yongding River Bike Park
128 отзыв
0,00 THB
Grand Epoch City
338 отзыв
4,95 THB
Hexiang Lakeside Scenic Spot
6 отзыв
What People Are Saying About Beijing
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The Palace Museum
"Xiucai said that Li Dao took me to visit the Forbidden City and the experience was great! The Forbidden City has a magnificent building, a deep historical heritage, and interesting cultural and creative ideas. I listen to the explanation carefully, actively interact, and get full harvest, it's worth it!"
Universal Beijing Resort
"Universal Studios: A magical journey of light and shadow Stepping into Universal Studios, it feels like crossing the dimensional wall and being in the light and shadow world of the movie. The Harry Potter Castle stands tall, and the mottled stone walls tell the ancient legends of the magic world. Holding a magic wand, I stopped in front of Ollivander's window, as if I could choose my own wand in the next second. Walking through Diagon Alley, the sweet smell of butter beer hits my face. After drinking a cup, it feels like I have become a member of Hogwarts. In the Transformers base, Optimus Prime and Megatron are fighting fiercely, and the sparks of metal collision are flying, which makes people's adrenaline soar. I took the "Battle for the Allspark" roller coaster, shuttled across the planet Cybertron, and felt the speed and passion. There was constant laughter in the Minions Park. I joined the Minions' mischief plan and chased Gru's dream with them on the "Despicable Me Minions Trouble" ride. As night fell, brilliant fireworks bloomed over Hogwarts Castle, illuminating the entire magical world. I stood in the crowd, feeling the shock and emotion brought by this feast of light and shadow. Universal Studios is not only a theme park, but also a dream-making journey. Here, movies are no longer a distant fantasy, but a reality within reach. I left with full memories and reluctance, looking forward to the next reunion with the world of light and shadow."
Badaling Great Wall
"Title: Exploring the history of the long river Badaling Great Wall 🌟 the spectacular journey that cannot be missed: hey, friends 👋 Today I want to give everyone Amway a super historical place Badaling Great Wall! 🎉 Great Wall, the great symbol of the Chinese nation, has always been the top1 punch card in my mind 📍 This time I finally summoned the courage to embark on this legendary journey, let me take you to feel this ancient and mysterious charm together! 🚀-🌟 History and modernity stand on the Great Wall, you can feel the crystallization of the wisdom and hard work of the ancient working people. Every masonry has its story, and every inch of land carries the weight of history. And now the Badaling Great Wall has been repaired very well, not only safe, but also well equipped, suitable for friends of all ages to play! 👨👩👧👦-🌈 The picturesque scenery of the four seasons is in full bloom in spring, the trees are shaded in summer, the mountains are red in autumn, and the snow is white in winter. Every season has its unique scenery, which makes people linger. I especially like the Badaling in autumn. The red leaves all over the mountains are like burning flames, making people boil! 🔥-📸 took pictures and punched in the holy place to come to the Great Wall. How can I not leave beautiful photos? Not only the classic Great Wall picture, but also many interesting shooting points, so that you can easily make a blockbuster feel! 📷-🌟 Tips 1️⃣ It is recommended to leave early, avoid the peak of the flow of people 2️⃣ wear comfortable sneakers and clothes, walk on the Great Wall, you will find different scenery 3️⃣ bring enough drinking water and snacks, supplement physical strength 4️⃣ pay attention to safety, abide by the scenic spot regulations - in short, The Badaling Great Wall is definitely a trip you can't miss! 🔥 walked through thousands of mountains and rivers, just to see your style. Standing at the top of the Great Wall, I seem to travel through time and space and return to the era of the heroic generation. 🏯 Friends, if you also love history and nature, hurry up and experience the Badaling Great Wall! I am waiting for you here! 💕 #Badaling Great Wall #historical tour #tourism guide #not to miss the beauty"
National Museum of China
go real
"Entering the National Museum: A glimpse of China's five thousand years In the heart of China, there is a cultural palace that shines brightly, and it is the National Museum of China. This holy place carrying a heavy history and brilliant civilization, with its incomparable collections, diversified exhibitions and profound educational significance, has become a spiritual appointment that every Chinese must attend in this life. The moment you step into the National Museum, it is like starting a journey through time and space. From the crude stone tools of the ancient Paleolithic Age, which tell of the tenacity of human beings in their early struggle against nature and survival, to the mysterious and majestic Taotie patterns on the bronzes of the Xia, Shang and Western Zhou dynasties, which shine with the prosperity and exquisite craftsmanship of the slave dynasty; from the edicts of Qin Shihuang unifying the six kingdoms, which fully show the domineering power of the empire in expanding its territory, to the ink and color in the calligraphy and painting of the Tang and Song dynasties, which dye the poetic elegance and literati style of the prosperous times; to the manuscripts written by modern people with lofty ideals to save the nation, every word and sentence is full of passion... Every cultural relic is the "spokesperson" of the times. It is quietly displayed, but it can shock people and make people truly touch the continuous veins of Chinese history. The exhibitions of the National Museum are always new. There are basic displays that follow the historical context to build a systematic general history framework for the audience; there are also special exhibitions that focus on topics, such as the exhibition of exotic cultural relics on the Silk Road, which presents the sparks of cultural exchanges between the East and the West, and the pictures of camel bells and caravans come to life; there are also exchange exhibitions in cooperation with top international museums, which introduce a global perspective, allowing local treasures to be in the same room with world masterpieces, transcending geographical boundaries and opening up multicultural dialogues. Walking through the exhibition hall, audiences of different skin colors and ages either stop to stare or discuss quietly, and their thoughts fly freely in this space where art and history blend. As a large classroom for universal education, the significance of the National Museum is not only the display of cultural relics. There are rich and colorful educational activities, such as the archaeological experience camp for teenagers, where children simulate the excavation of "cultural relics" by themselves, igniting their passion for exploring history in practice; lectures by experts and scholars are easy to understand, analyzing the historical codes behind the cultural relics; volunteers' meticulous explanations make obscure knowledge easy to understand. Here, whether you are an ignorant child, a student or an adult thirsty for knowledge, you can find the source of knowledge. The National Museum is like a beacon, illuminating people's journey to explore the roots of the nation and move towards a future of cultural confidence. The National Museum of China is a historical scripture library, a kaleidoscope of culture, and a morning star of education. It collects the years, reflects the present, and inspires the future. Only by coming here can you know why China has been so glorious until now, appreciate the magnificent power of civilization, and let your soul swim, settle, and sublimate in the long river of history. It is waiting for everyone with respect and curiosity to come and start this cultural feast that shakes the soul."
Prince Kung's Mansion
go real
"Prince Gong's Mansion: A legendary mansion that witness the vicissitudes of history In the bustling depths of Beijing, there is a legendary mansion Gong's Mansion, which is like a speechless history book, carrying hundreds of years of change and change, quietly waiting for people to come and read. Step into the palace of Prince Gong, the first thing that came into view was the magnificent gate of the palace, Zhu Paint Bronze Ring, towering, showing the noble identity of the former master. The layout of the building in the palace is exquisite, the front hall, the middle hall, the back hall are progressive, the moth bucket arch, the carved beam painting building, all showing the luxury style under the royal regulations. Between the halls, the courtyard is deep, the stone road is winding, the flowers and plants on both sides are lush, both the atmosphere of the northern gardens, and there is no shortage of the gentle and delicate southern gardens. Walking through it, like you can see the scenes of the royal nobles and nobles, or the discussion, or the elegant collection, the footnote of history echoed in the empty courtyard. The essence of Prince Gong's Mansion is not its garden. The garden is called Cuijin Garden, which covers a wide area and has a variety of styles. The winding path leads to the secluded place, rockery stone, different forms, or like a tiger volley, or like a dragon out to sea, giving people endless dreams. There are holes in the mountains, walking through them, interesting, like stepping into a mysterious wonderland. The water system in the garden is developed, a clear spring flowing, gathered into a pool, the lotus leaves on the water, the lotus flowers are beautiful, and the goldfish play during it, adding a little bit of vitality and liveliness to the garden. The pavilions along the coast are scattered, and the "Anshantang" is dignified and atmospheric. It was once the place where the owner banqueted guests; The "bat pool" is unique in shape, surrounded by bat-shaped railings, and the bat harmonic "fu" means auspicious, attracting tourists to stop and take pictures, praying for blessings. The most popular of Prince Gong's Mansion is its "Wanfu" legend. It is said that there are 10,000 "fu" words in the house, which are in different shapes and are scattered in all corners, from doors and windows carved to masonry textures, all contain blessings. Among them, the "fu" word monument of Kangxi emperor's royal pen is the treasure of the town. This word monument is embedded in the stone wall of the garden cave. The font is just strong and powerful, containing the beautiful meaning of "multi-child, multi-talent, multi-life, multi-field, multi-fu", attracting countless people to explore and look forward to it, eager to be blessed. Take good luck. Prince Gong's Mansion has undergone the whole process of the Qing Dynasty's transition from prosperity to decline, and has been a mansion of many people such as Heyi, Yongxu, Prince Gong 䜣, and each master's story is closely connected with the pulse of the times. It witnessed the struggles of officialdom, the feuds and grievances of the royal family, and also carried the rise and fall of history. Here, history is no longer a boring text, but a vivid display in the bricks and tiles, a grass and a wood in front of you. Whether it is a history lover, architectural art seeker, or ordinary tourist, the Prince Gong House can give an unforgettable cultural trip. With its unique charm, it allows people to taste the beauty of ancient architecture and explore historical stories, and can also feel the vicissitudes of the years, and harvest a full cultural shock and spiritual enlightenment. When you come to Beijing, you must not miss this legendary mansion."
The Summer Palace
"One mountain and one water are always suitable. The blue waves of Kunming Lake rippled, a ray of morning light scattered on the clear lake, a few water birds floated gracefully on the lake, and the posture of Yanna made visitors stop to watch. Suddenly, the water bird disappeared, only to see the water surface ripples, a few seconds later, diverted sight, not far away like magic and drifted on the lake."
The Temple of Heaven Park
"Temple of Heaven Park is an important place for the royal sacrifice of the Ming and Qing Dynasty. The sacrifice of the heavens is actually a prayer to the universe through space. The emperors of the Qing Dynasty have been to the Temple of Heaven to sacrifice the heavens. The Temple of Heaven also once became a camp for the Japanese army, an airport for Fu Zuoyi's army, and a pile-up for subway excavations in the 1970s. Tiantan Park was later successfully declared as a World Heritage List, after years of rectification and construction, it formed a new Temple of Heaven that is green and blooming today."
MuTianYu Great Wall
"Сгонять однозначно стоит - история, виды и всё такое. По приезду даётся 5 часов, что на мой взгляд при наличии канатных дорог с избытком. Я успел сбегать сначала к первой башне, затем к двадцатой, и осталось ещё больше половины времени. Подъем до двадцатой башне несложный, не сравнить с 5000 ступенек к Пику Адама на Шри Ланке. Отдельное спасибо милой женщине экскурсоводу."
Yuanmingyuan Park
"The unique architectural style of the Summer Palace, which combines Chinese and Western elements, shows the architectural art and aesthetic level of ancient China. Although it is now dilapidated, it can still feel the unparalleled royal style and luxury atmosphere. 🌲 Walk in the Summer Palace and you can enjoy a variety of beautiful flowers and trees. The Summer Palace in spring is particularly beautiful, with various flowers competing to open and compete, adding new vitality and vitality to this ancient royal garden. 📸 In the site of the Yuanmingyuan, you can also see some ancient cultural relics and relics. These precious cultural relics and relics witness the glorious history and cultural heritage of the Yuanmingyuan, and also give us a deeper understanding of the culture and history of ancient China. Overall, the Summer Palace is a place worth visiting. It not only allows us to enjoy the beautiful scenery and architecture, but also allows us to feel the vicissitudes and pains of history, and also gives us a deeper understanding of ancient Chinese culture and history. Hope more people can come here and feel the charm and charm of this ancient royal garden!"
Beijing Zoo
Anonymous User
"Very fun, there are many animals that feel open their eyes and see the world. The environment inside is also very good, the layout of the zoo is scattered, and the venues are distinguished by the types of animals. Hahahahahahaha"
Beijing Wildlife Park
"Close contact with nature: Beijing Wildlife Park travels into the Beijing Wildlife Park, as if crossing the vast African grassland. Hundreds of antelopes and zebras strolled leisurely, giraffes gracefully stretched their necks, pecking at the leaves of high places, lions lazily lay on the rocks to bask in the sun, a harmonious natural scene. We took the small train in the park and shuttled through the beasts. The majestic northeastern tiger, the huge brown bear, the agile cheetah... These animals that can only be seen on TV on weekdays are amazing at the moment. In addition to watching animals, the park also has an interactive experience area. We can feed the tame alpacas and the cute little raccoons and feel the fun of intimate contact with animals. This safari trip not only made me see all kinds of rare animals, but also made me feel the importance of harmonious coexistence between man and nature. Protecting animals and protecting the environment is our responsibility."
Lama Temple
Anonymous User
"Teacher Zhuang said it was great! Beijing trip, the happiest thing, every time the explanation is the teacher said, the lecture is very, very good. While seeing the treasure, I also listened to the teacher's professional explanation. great."
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