Engineers 4 Humanity reposted this
On this World Refugee Day, my heart swells with pride and gratitude from afar. Today, let's honor refugees' resilience, courage, and unwavering spirit worldwide. Let's celebrate their contributions, triumphs, and stories worth telling. Together, we can build a world where refugees are seen as survivors and vital contributors to our shared future. Thanks to UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, United Nations, Welcoming America, and other humanitarian organizations supporting refugee. I am very honored to be invited by City of Dallas and Partnes organizations International Rescue Committee, Catholic Relief Services ,World Relief, Catholic Charities USA ,Church World Service, ICNA Relief USA and others to celebrate World Refugee Day on June 22, 2024 Thanks to UES /Alpha for supporting my book. Join us, to celebrate not just struggles but triumphs and success of refugees. Remember every refugee has a story worth telling. Come and get your copy with Author signature. I want to dedicate my book to refugee, offering support, education, and planting a seed of hope. We will leverage partial profits from my book to empower youth, improve public health engineering service especially WASH service in refugee camps. BREAKING BOUNDARIES: A Resilient Refugee's Journey from Refugee Camps to Engineer of Change Have a look on my book trailer and international bestseller journey! #WorldRefugeeDay #RefugeesWelcome , #unhcr, #Bestseller, #Author, #engineers4humanity, #Engineers, #TED, #linkedinnetwork