A note on Halton's conjecture

O Sýkora, LA Székely, I Vrt'o - Information Sciences, 2004 - Elsevier
… The thickness of a graph G, is the minimum number of planar graphs, whose union is G.
Halton conjectured that any graph of maximum degree d has thickness at most ⌈(d+2)/4⌉ …

The distribution of the sequence {nξ}(n= 0, 1, 2,…)

JH Halton - … Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 1965 - cambridge.org
Notes and acknowledgements. The 'three lengths theorem', equivalent to the first … as a
conjecture of H. Steinhaus, and was proved by Swierczkowski in (5). He also proved a conjecture

The irrotational solution of an elliptic differential equation with an unknown coefficient

JH Halton - … Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 1963 - cambridge.org
… of a finite-difference approximation to the problem shows that aa family of solutions with
M — 1 continuous parameters exists for the finite-difference problem. With the above conjecture

The three gap theorem (Steinhaus conjecture)

T Van Ravenstein - Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, 1988 - cambridge.org
… We offer a new proof of the Steinhaus Conjecture which states that, for all irrational a and all
N, … The proof offered by Halton [2] involves a description of the dynamics of the gap division …

Remarks on the thickness and outerthickness of a graph

T Poranen, E Mäkinen - Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 2005 - Elsevier
… from Halton's article that imply the claimed upper bound. Lemma 3 2 describes the possibility
to augment a given graph to a regular … We close this note by giving the following conjecture. …

The shortest path through many points

J Beardwood, JH Halton… - … proceedings of the …, 1959 - cambridge.org
… extended version of (3) is that all the absolute kj(k— l)th moments of the probability distribution
should exist; and we conjecture that this is also a sufficient condition. Unfortunately, we …

On the thickness of graphs of given degree

JH Halton - Information Sciences, 1991 - Elsevier
… David A. Plairted for several stimulating dixussions in the first half-year of this period, as a
result of which he dericled Corollary 4 and conjectured Corollary 5. More recently, he has …

Two counterexamples in graph drawing

O Sýkora, LA Székely, I Vrt'o - … Workshop, WG 2002 Český Krumlov, Czech …, 2002 - Springer
… counterexamples to two conjectures known in … Halton conjectured that any graph of maximum
degree 6 has thickness at most 2, ie it is biplanar. A supporting argument for the conjecture

Donald Dines Wall's conjecture

J Klaška - The Fibonacci Quarterly, 2018 - Taylor & Francis
… We have run a test on a digital computer that shows k(p2) = k(… The question is closely
related to another one, “can a … proof, consult the papers by JH Halton [23] and JE Desmond […

[HTML][HTML] On a Sequence of Points of Interest for Numerical

S Haber - Journal of Research of the National Bureau of …, 1966 - books.google.com
… disprove a conjecture of JH Halton and suggest a conjecture on the improvement of a … To
estimate this last sum, we first note that if the string N (read from right to left) starts with a block …