[HTML][HTML] Levelling the translational gap for animal to human efficacy data

GS Ferreira, DH Veening-Griffioen, WPC Boon… - Animals, 2020 - mdpi.com
Simple Summary The value of animal research has been increasingly debated, owing to
high failure rates in drug development. A potential contributor to this situation is the lack of …

A standardised framework to identify optimal animal models for efficacy assessment in drug development

G S. Ferreira, DH Veening-Griffioen, WPC Boon… - PLoS …, 2019 - journals.plos.org
Introduction Poor translation of efficacy data derived from animal models can lead to clinical
trials unlikely to benefit patients–or even put them at risk–and is a potential contributor to …

[HTML][HTML] Are some animal models more equal than others? A case study on the translational value of animal models of efficacy for Alzheimer's disease

DH Veening-Griffioen, GS Ferreira… - European Journal of …, 2019 - Elsevier
Clinical trial failures (>99%) in Alzheimer's disease are in stark contrast to positive efficacy
data in animals. We evaluated the correlation between animal and clinical efficacy outcomes (…

Tradition, not science, is the basis of animal model selection in translational and applied research

DH Veening-Griffioen, GS Ferreira, WPC Boon… - ALTEX-Alternatives to …, 2021 - altex.org
National and international laws and regulations exist to protect animals used for scientific
purposes in translational and applied research, which includes drug development. However, …

Decreased histone acetylation levels at Th1 and regulatory loci after induction of food allergy

…, LAPM Meulenbroek, DH Veening-Griffioen… - Nutrients, 2020 - mdpi.com
Immunoglobulin E (IgE)-mediated allergy against cow’s milk protein fractions such as whey
is one of the most common food-related allergic disorders of early childhood. Histone …

Correction: a standardised framework to identify optimal animal models for efficacy assessment in drug development

GS Ferreira, DH Veening-Griffioen, WPC Boon… - PloS One, 2019 - journals.plos.org
The first author’s initials appear incorrectly in the citation. The correct citation is: Ferreira GS,
Veening-Griffioen DH, Boon WPC, Moors EHM, Gispen-de Wied CC, Schellekens H, et al.(…

[HTML][HTML] Comparison of drug efficacy in two animal models of type 2 diabetes: A systematic review and meta-analysis

GS Ferreira, DH Veening-Griffioen, WPC Boon… - European journal of …, 2020 - Elsevier
Previous qualitative research has suggested there are only minor differences between the
db/db mouse and the Zucker Diabetic Fatty (ZDF) rat, both animal models of type 2 diabetes. …

Translatability of preclinical to early clinical tolerable and pharmacologically active dose ranges for central nervous system active drugs

GS Ferreira, FM Dijkstra, DH Veening-Griffioen… - Translational …, 2023 - nature.com
The primary purpose of this study was to assess the translatability of preclinical to early
clinical tolerable and pharmacologically active dose ranges for central nervous system (CNS) …

[PDF][PDF] Pathways in the Drug Development for Alzheimer's Disease (1906-2016): A Bibliometric Study

I Schilder, DH Veening-Griffioen, GS Ferreira… - Journal of …, 2020 - jscires.org
Investments in drug development for Alzheimer’s disease (AD) have not led to the availability
of a treatment to cure or halt the progression of the disease. This study aimed to provide …


DH Veening-Griffioen, GS Ferreira, WPC Boon… - CTION OF