From 360° camera toward to virtual map app: Designing low‐cost pilot study

R Netek, T Burian, M Macecek - Computer Animation and …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
R Netek, T Burian, M Macecek
Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, 2020Wiley Online Library
Currently, virtual reality (VR) is a trend both in general and in specific fields such as
interactive maps. The article aims to test the possibilities of deployment of low‐cost virtual
reality environment for the 3D spatial panoramic application. It discusses and compares
modern trends in hardware (panoramic cameras and glasses) and software in the field of
virtual reality. Many panoramic map applications (eg, the well‐known “Google Street View”)
allow us to navigate through applications using VR headsets or on an ordinary 2D monitor …
Currently, virtual reality (VR) is a trend both in general and in specific fields such as interactive maps. The article aims to test the possibilities of deployment of low‐cost virtual reality environment for the 3D spatial panoramic application. It discusses and compares modern trends in hardware (panoramic cameras and glasses) and software in the field of virtual reality. Many panoramic map applications (e.g., the well‐known “Google Street View”) allow us to navigate through applications using VR headsets or on an ordinary 2D monitor. The main aim of the article is to design, develop, and deploy VR map application with different levels of user interaction. It presents two pilot studies with different user's interactivity and technical solutions: “simple” 2D‐based map with 360° panoramic photos and “true” 3D application for VR glasses. The article focuses on the possibilities of creating low‐cost map applications. Therefore, the working process “from camera toward to virtual map application” is described as followed‐up case studies.
Wiley Online Library
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