Isomorphisms of cyclic combinatorial objects

N Brand - Discrete mathematics, 1989 - Elsevier
Let υ = qp r where p is a prime number and p does not divide q. Let B and B ′ be isomorphic
combinatorial objects whose vertex sets is Z υ , the integers modulo υ, and further assume …

Classifying spaces for branched coverings

N Brand - Indiana University Mathematics Journal, 1980 - JSTOR
0. Introduction. In this paper classifying spaces are defined which cl the set of branched
coverings over fixed manifolds. Calculations o homotopy groups of the classifying spaces …

On the Bays-Lambossy theorem

N Brand - Discrete mathematics, 1989 - Elsevier
The Bays-Lambossy Theorem states that if p is a prime then any pair of cyclic isomorphic t −(p,
k, λ) designs are isomorphic by a multiplier map. For each prime, p ≡ 1(6), and n ⩾ 2 this …

Myles Neal Brand, 1942-2009

JM Dunn, K Hanson, K Lehrer, C Ryan, M Swain… - … and Addresses of the …, 2010 - JSTOR
… and artist Peg Zeglin Brand; by his son Joshua Brand (Cheryl Keenan); by his two
granddaughters, Megan and Cassidy Keenan Brand; and by his sister Cheryl Rappaport (Ken). …

Almost all Steinhaus graphs have diameter 2

N Brand - Journal of graph theory, 1992 - Wiley Online Library
A Steinhaus graph is a graph with n vertices whose adjacency matrix (a i, j ) satisfies the
condition that a i, j  a a‐‐1, j‐‐1 + a i‐‐1, j (mod 2) for each 1 < i < j ≤ n. It is clear that a …

[引言][C] Necessary conditions for the existence of branched coverings

N Brand - Inventiones mathematicae, 1979 - Springer
In this paper, a branched covering is assumed to be a smooth map f: AT/"--+ M" together
with smoothly imbedded submanifolds/("-2~--~ A7/" and K"-2~-~ M which satisfy certain …

Isomorphic designs that are not multiplier equivalent

N Brand - Discrete mathematics, 1985 - Elsevier
In this paper interesting families of designs are constructed and studied. First, a family of
cyclic 2-(4 n , 3, 2) designs is constructed with the property that each design has two different …

[PDF][PDF] Periodicity phenomena for concordance classes of branched coverings

N Brand, G Brumfiel - Topology, 1980 -
THE GOAL of this paper is a theorem expressing some stable periodicity in k of the concordance
classes of k-fold branched coverings of a sphere. Actually, we prove a weak kind of p-…

Topological invariants of 2-designs arising from difference families

N Brand, WC Huffman - Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, 1984 - Elsevier
Hefftner, White, Alpert, and others observed a connection between topology and certain
block designs with parameters k = 3 and λ = 2. In this paper the connection is extended to …

Polynomial isomorphisms of combinatorial objects

N Brand - Graphs and Combinatorics, 1991 - Springer
LetB andB′ be any isomorphic cyclic combinatorial objects such as graphs, digraphs, designs,
or simplicial complexes. It is shown that if there are certain polynomials of degreen in the …