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Are “the semantic aspects” actually “irrelevant to the engineering problem”?
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tripleC 7(2): 300-308, 2009
ISSN 1726-670X
CC: Creative Commons License, 2009.
Are “the semantic aspects” actually “irrelevant to the
engineering problem”?
José María Díaz Nafría1, Basil M. Al Hadithi2
Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio, Information and Communication Technologies, 28691 Villanueva de la
Cañada (Madrid), SPAIN; E-mail: 1 jnafria@uax.es, 2 bmal@uax.es
Abstract: At the beginning of his famous “Mathematical Theory of Communication” (MTC), Shannon removes the semantic
questions from the technical task, and such exoneration seems to be commonly accepted, even for those who certainly care
for ‘semantic questions’. However, the MTC communication model itself is built upon this fundamental assumption, which at
the same time is used in other information theories and –even with wider practical consequences– as a design pattern for
the Information Technologies.
At the present time, when human communication is more and more dependant with respect to information technologies, the
suitability of the communication model used to design the technological systems has to be put into scope. None essential
element needed to establish a proper human communication should be omitted; otherwise this technology could isolate
people, betraying its hypothetical purpose. Comparing the technological model to others based on several pragmatic
theories of communication (emerged in linguistics, semiotic, psychology and anthropology), the insufficiency of the
technological model is shown, pointing out some elements that a new model should not forget.
Keywords: Mathematical Theory of Communication, Communications and Information Technologies
Acknowledgement: The authors wish to express their gratitude to Professor Mercedes Osorio for her generous effort in
revising the article.
he fundamental
problem of
communication is that of
reproducing at one point either
exactly or approximately a message
selected at another point. Frequently the
messages have meaning; that is they
refer to or are correlated according to
some system with certain physical or
conceptual entities. These semantic
aspects of communication are irrelevant
to the engineering problem.” (Shannon,
We assume
that Information and
Communication Technologies (ICT) enrich the
communication abilities of people and
societies having access to them. This
assumption, going along with the intrinsic
benefit of having the ability to communicate
better, lead us to a simple equation according
to which these technologies may only be
good, and therefore the only quest to solve is
usually how to maximize them –optimizing, of
course, the resources that are needed-.1 How
ever, according to the communication model
used for technical design, these technologies
just mediate in a communication system
(between source and destination) which exists
previously. The virtue of this mediating system
is –as a good glass- to be transparent, or
even to achieve that communicants can be
further away, or in circumstances without
direct visibility. Hence, as a system of glasses
and mirrors properly polished and structured
as to become non-visible.
1 We will generally focus here more on technologies
for information transmission than on those devoted to
processing or storing. Nevertheless, it should be aware
that transmission is always a fundamental problem for
any ICT, even those of processing and storing.

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CC: Creative Commons License, 2009.
If the virtue of the information transmission
system is measured with regard to the
transparency property, it has much sense for
the technique to forget the goodness of the
communication, which it mediates. That
should be just a problem for system users,
while the system itself has to carry out the
neat function of delivering in one side what
was given on the other. Therefore, it does not
have to report in case the users do not
understand each other. This is, in our opinion,
the background of the feigning ignorance with
regard to the semantic aspects that Shannon
and Weaver preach for technical duties. In
this sense their recommendation is honest
(Shannon, 1949, 1964; Weaver, 1972).
However, in order to validate the transparency
model, this should be sustained by a previous
communication model according to which
something is –in essence- emitted in an
extreme and it is immediately afterwards
received in the other. From this point of view,
transparency would be perfectly possible. But,
what about if communication might respond to
a much more complex reality, in which it is not
possible to consider information as something
just traveling in the sequences of signals (no
matter how intricate its structure is). What
about if ICT, assuming this fundamental
mechanism of communication, might cut down
some of its essential elements? If that were
the case, what might happen is that the trust
put on these technologies would actually
isolate people and social groups?
Undoubtedly, the number of signals or data
interchange is incomparably larger than
without ICT. Nevertheless, what about if the
absence of means that allow to stage
essential components of communication
would have the consequence that the
magnificent flow of transmitted signals would
not easily participate –or even were just
impossible to do it– in a genuine
communication process?
As it can be seen, what we are calling into
question, is not the usage given to
technologies (which can always be regarded
as something external to them), but the
possible fact that they would just commit a
planning error. We try to show how the
contrast of the simple model of
communication –massively used in the design
of communication technologies- with more
complex models as those arisen from
linguistic pragmatic theory, cultural semiotics,
schizophrenia, etc., may help to discuss these
questions (Bustos, 1999; Eco, 1979; Bateson,
1956). Using these models, it could be said
that an appropriate channel to transmit
communicative intention or what may be
called –in extension of Austin notion-
communicative force… is frequently missing.
These absences might have the consequence
that the magnificent torrent of sign-vehicles,
which arrives to afflicted audiences, would
finally lose its authentic communicative
potential, and these would not know what to
do with it. Moreover –being under the urgency
of communicating– so many gadgets would
not help –as it is believed– in order to achieve
the desired effect of representations,
requests, advices, declarations, claims...
With respect to these reasons, a
communication system model closer to the
communicative reality may be essayed. We
believe (in spite of the laudable Shannon’s
intention of simplicity) that this model should
not give up semantic questions so lightly.
1. Simple (technical) communication
We will call “simple model” to that
essentially used in the realm of
communication technologies, as the one
described by Shannon (1949). This model –as
it will be shown later- enjoys a long-lived
history which rests sinks probably in some
rationalism excesses. According to this model,
communication is basically a process in which
codified messages are sent by means of a
certain code, known or agreed by the source
and destination of such messages. They
reach the receiver relatively polluted and,
depending on code quality as well as noise
amount, messages will be decoded with better
or worse luck in the receiver2. If the system is
properly designed, messages are decoded
just as they were in the source (or with an
This model is also commonly accepted in
contemporary semiotics, stressing code concept.
Nevertheless, in this field, several alternatives have been
proposed trying to avoid some lacks of the simple model.
That is, for example, the case of Sperber and Wilson
proposal (1986), to which we will later come back.

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CC: Creative Commons License, 2009.
communication succeeds joyfully.
According to the model, it does not seem to
be needed much more than the clean arrival
of the messages to destination in order to
diagnose the success of communication.3 The
technician says that going further is getting
mixed up in matters to which he has not been
called, and therefore he washes his hands.
He supposes that everything else are sense
problems probably appealing philosophy or
even users, and he ensures his roll can only
be honestly played if the technological tools
deal with carrying the messages to destination
not getting mixed up in content questions. In
other words, he must behave as a good
postman who does not rake into the content of
the post he is carrying. However, it is possible
that the assumptions sustaining this model
have consequences in the actual success of
communication that the technician does not
suspect, lying in a simple perspective error.
Figure 1: Simple Communication Model
From some semiotic points of view this
model describes technical communication
properly, but it has a limited metaphorical
value for general human communication. This
objection, which critical value sides with
semiotics may lead us to believe that the
simple model is approved for technical
developments.4 However, the fact that Morse
code or, in general, digital communication
matches perfectly with this model, it is not so
3 According to the early medieval revelation concept, it
is enough for the saint to avoid those noises hindering the
neat reception of divine illumination in order to be flooded
with wisdom (O´Donell, XL, §66; Ortega, 1996, pp. 229-
4 Indeed, it can usually be found that from a semiotics
perspective the simple model is considered as
technologically suited (Bidon-Chanal, 1971). Floridi refers
to this common acceptance of the Shannonesque model
in his article “Semantic Conceptions of Information”
(Floridi, 2005) as one of the two stable connections
between MTC and other information approaches. The
other is the inverse relation principle between probability
and information.
much a success of the model itself, but
probably of those engineers who achieve it –
starting from the objective of developing the
model as design pattern–.
One of the radical simplifications carried by
this model is the assumption that information
or the semantic content travels wrapped by
the clothing of the message, and once it is
received by the consignee, this is self-
sufficient for retrieving the semantic content. It
synchronization between codes in both
extremes for a fruitful retrieving. However, the
reality of human communication shows that
what we materially transmit is absolutely non-
sufficient to interpret the actual references
that the emitter wanted to mean or what this
tried to do by communicating. In this sense,
there are other elements with a relevant ability
to signify or to act:
• The circumstance;
• The communications that were held till now;
• The nuances given to emissions by
intonation or gestures (which could also be
considered as other types of emissions or
parallel messages but with a different
logical type, since they may indicate ‘what
to do with respect to enunciations’);
• Shared knowledge;
• Usage of empathy by emitter or receptor.
All of them are master keys for the
revealing of the semantic and pragmatic
meaning. Considering this point, it will be hard
to say that information is just contained in
transmitted messages, instead of this, we may
consider messages as a key to access
information (which may be considered as
more complex process), which is probably the
core of communication (Bustos, 1999, p.
An examination to the genetic of the simple
model (through the semiotics path or the one
of the MTC) remits us to the Locke’s theory of
5 If these considerations would be taken into account,
when, for example, developing the telephone, the
terminals would be probably located in special places
imitating a shared circumstance. In any case, it would be
settled down that only certain types of communication
were suited to be mediated by this technique.

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language. According to Locke, it can only be
spoken about general words if they are
“the signs of general ideas: and ideas
become general, by separating from
them the circumstances of time and
place, and any other ideas that may
determine them to this or that particular
existence.” (Locke, 1690, B.III, §3.6).
Communication is made possible in Locke
by means of the simple interchange of those
words associated to clear and distinct ideas
(achieving then a mental content traffic) with
no other requirement than similarity between
ideas, in which the reference to world is
attained in virtue of the relation between
words and things (better said, “sort of things”)
(Ibidem, §3.12). This approach can easily be
led up to the formulation of the simple model
but containing a clearer set of assumptions.
The avoidance of the circumstance –as
supposed by Locke- is perhaps one of the first
and deepest consequences of the empire of
simple model, which has been perceived as
essential not only by the linguistic pragmatics
but also by some logic theories (cf. Goddard
and Routley, 1973; van Benthem et al, 2008).
Notice that in telegraph, telephone, radio or
television, the reference to the immediate
circumstance of receptor has disappeared,
carrying a sort of mutilation of communication
whose consequences may go from individuals
(who have become relatively impermeable
from the incessant arrival of messages) to
heritage culture (which having lost its original
development space, it has been invaded by
several symbolic empires while its constitutive
elements are transformed into lifeless
museum pieces), and going through society
and family (whose structures have been
drastically influenced by the appearance –
among others– of television) (Dufour, 2001).
2. Inferential communication model
According to the technical model of digital
communication, probably the closest one to
linguistic communication:
1) the
(according to some
convention) to communicate X sends Z;
2) the
receptor, after receiving
accompanied by a certain amount of
noise, holds the hypothesis that the
emitter tried to communicate X.
This hypothesis will be also characterized
by a certain error probability, which –
technically– may be reduced as much as it is
desired but it can not be removed.
Nevertheless, if we contrast this model with
the Sperber and Wilson’s inferential model
(1986) we would immediately notice two
decisive aspects: 1st, the reference to context
is essential to grasp the actual relation with
the word expected by emitter; 2nd, the grasp of
the pre-codified message should not be the
only top priority in communication, or even the
ideas of the emitter, but also ‘what was tried
to be done’ with emissions.
Therefore, the inferential model, using a
terminology as close as possible to the
previous digital model, may be formulated as:
1') the
(according to some
convention) ‘to do X’, being C the context
perceived by emitter, sends Z;
2') the
receptor, after receiving
accompanied by a certain amount of
noise, being C’ the context perceived by
receptor, holds the hypothesis that the
emitter tried ‘to do X’.
Where the inferential model of Sperber and
Wilson has been blended to stress that more
than an objective circumstance for emitter and
receptor, what is actually in action –in order to
select and to interpret emissions–, is the
context perception at both sides. Obviously, if
a person bumps into another dressed with a
police uniform and the first one took him for
the one who might wear the uniform, the type
of things that can be said are very different to
those that would be said in case he was
recognized as an actor: The same thing would
happen with the interpretation of the
emissions of the hypothetical police.
According to this model, the efficiency of
communication would lie in:

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1st the amount of noise is low enough so that
receptor is not mistaken, which will
depend on the difference among the
signals used in the code.
2nd the perceived contexts at both sides are
close enough, and
3rd the code is complex enough in order to
make possible not only the perception of
the semantic content but also what may
be considered of a higher logic level: ‘what
is tried to be done when a signal Z is
Among these restrictions only the first one
(that is to say, the one claiming for a non-
noisy channel) was already present in the
simple model. With regard to the second one
and according to the cultural semiotics
analysis, the success of communication
depends on a certain cultural homogeneity.
For cultural semiologists, cultures have
available what Lotman and Uspenskij called a
stereotyping device, which assigns the open
world of realia to the close world of names
(Lotman, 1979; Eco, 1979). This perspective
is also considered by many anthropologists –
such as the structuralists (Keesing, 1974;
Leach, 1993)– and it does not necessary lead
to the famous incommunicability among
cultures (Whorf, 1956), but to the
consideration of cultures as belonging to a
interconnections among different cultures are
produced and individuals may participate in
several cultures (which necessarily happens
in different grade and somehow separately, so
that reality is actually interpreted alternatively
by using the different “optics” offered by each
culture). Nevertheless, it results unavoidable –
as Ortega showed– that certain fundamental
elements of the culture to which an individual
belongs take place at any moment, because it
is about the non-questioned assumptions that
we are not conscious of –Ortega’s beliefs–,
and from which we interpret reality.6
According to Ortega’s comparison, with beliefs
happens something like with the floor sustaining us: to be
actually sustained we may not question it; if we raise our
feet –bringing it into question- we are not sustained
anymore by that specific portion of floor but by other one,
which in that moment is not questioned anymore (Ortega,
makes that whenever an essential
discrepancy takes place between two
assumed beliefs of speakers, who are trying
to communicate about an issue concerning
such beliefs, their communication is almost
impossible (something similar occurs when
even a mathematical problem is tried to be
solved using two theories with non-compatible
sets of axioms: no kind of agreement can be
reached neither in posing, nor in solution).
To sum up, according to this semiotic
perspective, it cannot be said that two
individuals of different cultures are unable to
communicate with each other, but the amount
of things that they can do while
communicating will be in function of the
degree of cultural interpenetration they
achieve.7 On the other hand, people who
exactly share the same culture were the
optimal participants of a communication
process (whenever the dynamics due to the
confrontation of cultural world-views –
Weltanschauung– is not considered of major
importance in communication process
considered from a wider historical
With regard to the third efficiency factor, the
communication has to be transcended –
according to the inferential model–. That
conception, which continues the Lockean
correspondence words-world, may be
superseded to embrace the pragmatic reality
of communication, in which we always
communicate to do something (including, of
course, the case in which this action aims to
modify the beliefs of receiver). For that
purpose, communication should have a code,
articulated according to referential and
conative aspects (Watzlawick, 1981), and at
the same time, containing signals different
enough in order to succeed against noise.
7 Perhaps –analogous to what is done in linguistics–,
we may talk about “symbolic registers”, which may
change within individuals in function of usage.
Nevertheless, without needing the homogeneity
condition, the ideal communication requirements may be
modelled for a specific praxeological universe by means
of Habermas’ Discourse Ethics (Habermas, 1991), which
let us also speak about optimal participants in
communication process… Probably, in our present
geopolitical conditions of cultural pluralism, a model as
the one defended by Habermas could be the cornerstone
for a harmonic coexistence among cultures.

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2.1. Critic of ICT with regard inferential
Let us go back to the issue about reference
to context: since it is not an optional, but a
structural element of communication, the
usage of media, as telephone or television,
implies some mechanism of circumstance
creation. That is the case of: television
constantly fighting to build a symbolic
universe; the epistolary correspondence
persisting between two persons when they
succeed establishing a symbolic universe of
common references; the fluent telephonic
conversations between speakers who know
each other well enough as to ideally
reconstruct their mutual circumstances (it is
here remarkable how mobile telephone users
employ –as they start conversation– explicit
place references about speaker’s location); or
the Internet utopias in which the building of a
symbolic universe appropriate to this medium
aspires to the category of planet culture
(Etxeverria, 1999).
Nevertheless, the building of these
circumstances, afterwards the medium has
been designed, has several drawbacks: in the
case of telephone it is only possible the
maintenance of fluent communications with a
certain density if the symbolic reference
previously exists. This entails that people can
not establish those spontaneous relations
which are occasionally and frequently built, for
example, on the public square and which
development of interpersonal ties feeds the
social structure. The harm is then of personal
nature (causing, for example, a higher trouble
in establishing personal relations) and also
social (a thinner social structure, in the sense
of having a fewer number and density of ties
between individuals). But the harm may also
be in the cultural realm, since the symbolic
universe is intrinsically interpersonal. Knowing
cultural life is nowadays less developed in
social and face-to-face contexts, this culture
has fewer possibilities to be maintained alive,
or at the level of the current community
problems (Castillo del Pino, 1970; Wolton,
In case of television, or even the press, the
ability to take part in the creative process of
the symbolic universe is in few hands and with
a very well defined set of economical
interests. They are put upon any other criteria,
causing that the symbolism itself stays at the
mercy of such interest, and not of the
common ones of audience communities, not
even of those of creators’ community. These
groups –involved in an atmosphere of
predatory competency– are more and more
joined to economical interests of
communication oligarchies and indirectly to
the interest of publicity industry (Bourdieu,
1996; Ramonet, 2001; Dufour, 2001; Steven,
In the case of Internet, it has been
observed for several years an unbalanced
battle among big communication empires
flooding the ‘virtual space’ with commercial
objects and the emblematic, but minority,
association of hackers trying to build a
democratic culture not only being in the hands
of commerce. However, in this building, only a
minority of quasi-specialists is able to
participate. Their contents have not yet the
critical size that would be needed to become
an echo of community (Váden, 2002;
Mattelart, 2001, 2003, 2007). Consequently,
the forging Internet culture does not have the
sufficient connection to social reality and their
problems, making that it disregards the living
torrent which might contribute to it.9
9 In spite of the relative minority of this civic culture
against commercial one, in the last years, some
administrative decisions has been made with regard to
the use of open source programs in large areas of
planetary geography –Brazil, China, Germany, and could
also pointed out, not because of its size, but its
anticipation, the Spanish region Extremadura-. These
measures, although being promissory, are still far away to
raise the involvement of these new technologies up to the
level of the communications that could be called natural –
although in communication issues there is not much being
properly “natural”– in the sense of playing fundamental
rolls in society. (cf. Wolton, 2005). From other points of
view, more enthusiastic about the expectancy of Internet,
this becomes a new form of society, which is “increasingly
structured around the bipolar opposition of the Net and
the self” (Castells, 1996; 2001), and therefore the
question about the reflection of community is just out of
date. To these enthusiastic approaches, we would like to
pose if this new sense of community will be able to give
rise to a culture competent enough to fight against the
actual problems of their people. Otherwise the normal
balance between problems and solutions will be broken
and the new culture will not be able to last (cf. Homer-
Dixon, 2000).

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3. Other models
A critical exploration to the alternative
communication models with respect to the
simple one could not leave apart the Austin’s
pragmatic theory (systemized by Strawson
and Searle) about speech acts (Bystos, 1999;
Searle, 1969; Strawson, 1983), but because
of the extension we would need, we will not
tackle it. Such theory could easily be
translated into a theory of ‘communicative
acts’ –using, of course, only those elements
which are susceptible to be generalized–.
Here, the emissive and receiving phenomena
may be considered into a complete executive
dynamic mediated by what could be called
‘communicative force’ –generalizing the
Austinian concept of illocutionary force–. In
virtue of this model and the refined analysis
that Austin devotes to infelicities (failures of
‘what is done’ in a communicative act), a
fruitful critical instrument could be developed
to assess communication system quality.
Other pragmatic theory that could provide a
valuable point of view on communication is
the Grice’s intentional theory of meaning,
which is sustained upon the interesting
principle of communicative cooperation and
implicatures (Grice, 1989). These –carefully
generalized– may illuminate fundamental
parts of the communication process being
non-visible for the simple model. Indeed, the
issue of intentionality in a general sense
(wider than the one used by Grice, for
example, the one proposed by Searle, 1983)
may lead to a radical consideration of the
information notion. This one has been masked
since Shannon –in hands of the MTC– behind
a notion better suited for data than for
information (Floridi, 2005a, 2005b).
In order to emphasize the recursiveness of
communication, the former inferential model
may be modified to propose a recursive one
using a unique rule:
1'') Perceiving Zn-1 in a context C’, to do Xn is
decided. In order to reach it and according
with a convention CV’, Zn (communicative
act) is done.
Where convention CV’ (as the participant
understands it) should be considered as an
open and dynamic set of rules.
If trying to humanize the model even more,
we brought it into the executive dynamic of a
person’s life, instead of context we might
speak about vital situations or just life
(including its particular environment and, of
course, all their interpersonal relations). In this
case, the sequence of decisions {..., Xn-2, Xn-1,
Xn, ...} which are taken towards a sequence of
objectives {..., On-2, On-1, On, ...}, together with
the actions that are done {..., Zn-2, Zn-1, Zn, ...}
may be considered as an schema of life.
No doubt, all the considerations here
remarked would require a more detailed
discussion, but let us leave here what has
been said as brushstrokes of what could be
said and as a simple probe that the painting of
the communicative reality may be filled with
many more colors and lights than those shed
by the simple model. If somehow these
models honor the truth, then the honest
technician should worry for those questions
posed at the beginning, since the assumed
transparent system would not be possible.
Although only the inferential model has
been essayed in some extend, this has shown
up some important curses derived from the
usage of the simple (or technical) model,
which forgets some essential elements of
communication. As illustrated, when these
elements are not provided, those human
communications depending on information
technologies may impoverish. Trying to
integrate these aspects and those that could
be given by the mentioned models into the
technological model should be –in our
opinion– a major issue.

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About the Authors
José María Díaz Nafría
Obtained M.Sc. in telecommunication engineering from the Universidad del País Vasco, Bilbao, Spain, in 1996. He received
his PhD in telecommunication engineering from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid with a dissertation on "Contributions
to the electromagnetic inverse problem". He was also awarded with a M.A. in Philosophy by the Universidad Nacional de
Educación a Distancia (UNED). He was research fellow at the Vienna University of Technology and at the Technical
University of Madrid. He also served as assistant professor at the University Alfonso X el Sabio in Madrid, where he is now
a university lecturer. He has been visiting lecturer at the University of Furtwangen, University of Applied Sciences of
St.Pölten and University of Saltzburg. Co-director of the “First International Meeting of Experts in Information Theories”
currently coordinates an interdisciplinary research group meted around the BITrum project (Elucidation of the information
Basil Al Hadithi
He got the title of B. Sc. in control and system engineering in 1983 and the M. Sc. in control and instrumentation
engineering in 1988, both at the University of Technology of Bagdad (Iraq). He received the PhD in process control and
artificial intelligence in 2002 from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Spain). He works as an assistant professor since
1999 at the University Alfonso X el Sabio in Madrid (Spain). His interest is mainly focused in adaptive control, fuzzy control
and slide mode control. In the field of control system theory and fuzzy logic, he takes a seat in the scientific committee of the
BITrum project, where he also commits himself as part of the editorial board.