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Sécheresse, désertification et ressources en eau de surface — Application aux petits bassins du Burkina Faso
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The Influence of Climate Change and Climatic Variability on the Hydrologie
Regime and Water Resources (Proceedings of the Vancouver Symposium,
August 1987). IAHSPubl. no. 168, 1987.
Sécheresse, désertification et ressources en
eau de surface — Application aux petits
bassins du Burkina Faso
Jean Albergel
Hydrologue UR B12
ORSTOM, Laboratoire d'Hydrologie
Miniparc Bât.2, Rue de la Croix Verte
34100 Montpellier, France
RESUME L'étude des conséquences de la sécheresse sur les
écoulements des petits bassins versants d'Afrique soudano-
sahélienne nécessite la constitution de chroniques de
A cet effet, un modèle pluie-lame
ruisselée a été mis au point et appliqué sur deux bassins
de quelques dizaines de km . Ce modèle est basé sur la
cartographie des états de surface qui ont évolué sous
l'effet conjugué de la modification climatique et de
l'extension des surfaces cultivées. Les séries ainsi
obtenues pour la période humide 1950-1968 et la période
sèche 1969-1984 ont pu être comparées. Il en ressort que
les conditions de ruissellement favorisées par une
dégradation des bassins dans la seconde période compensent
globalement le déficit pluviométrique. Ponctuellement un
événement pluviométrique fort qui a la même probabilité
d'occurrence avant et après 1969 engendre une crue plus
forte dans la période actuelle.
Mots clefs:
Sahel, Bassin Versant Experimental, sécheresse, états de
surface, ruissellement.
ABSTRACT A chronological succession of runoff events was
built in order to study the effect of the drought on the
runoff of small watersheds in sahelian Africa. To fulfill
that aim, a specific rainfall-runoff model was derived.
This model is based on the mapping of superficial soil
features and on the related rainfall-runoff relationships
derived from rainfall simulation experiments. It was
applied to two small catchments (22 and 54 sq.km) in
Burkina Faso. Superficial soil features have evolved
along with natural climatic changes and also with changes
in land use. The runoff time series obtained for the
humid period 1950-1968 and for the dry period 1969-1984
were compared.
In the dry period, more favorable
conditions for runoff make up for the rainfall deficit, so
that globally the runoff distribution remains unchanged.
A strong rainfall which has the same probability to occur
in the two periods, produces a larger flood at the present

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356 J. Albergel
Key Words
Sahel, experimental catchment, drought, superficial soil
features, runoff.
Les très forts déficits pluviométriques des années 1983 et 1984 sur
l'ensemble de la zone sud sahélienne de l'Afrique ont révélé qu'après
les sécheresses de 1972-1973 la région soudano-sahélienne n'a pas
retrouvé la pluviosité qu'elle connaissait dans les années anté-
rieures. De nombreuses études concordent pour dire que la période
1969-1984 se caractérise par un affaiblissement des totaux pluviomét-
riques jamais encore observés, tant par son intensité, sa persistence
et son extension géographique (Nicholson 1984, Albergel et al.1984,
Snidjers,1986). Les saisons des pluies 1985, 1986 "normales" pour
une majorité des stations ont été déficitaires dans de vastes regions
et ne permettent pas d'affirmer le retour à une période plus
Les conséquences sur les grands systèmes hydrologiques ont été
impressionnantes et relatées tant par des scientifiques que par les
médias :
- Effondrement des débits des grands fleuves comme le Senegal
(Olivry,1983), le Niger (Billon,1985) ou l'ensemble des grands
cours d'eau tropicaux (Sircoulon,1986).
- Le bouleversement des systèmes lacustres; lac Tchad, delta
intérieur du Niger (Sircoulon,1985).
- La baisse généralisée de tous les aquifères importants (Leusink
et Tyano,1985).
L'analyse des régimes hydrologiques de cours d'eau moins impor-
tants (bassins versants de 1000 à 5000 km ) a démontré que la
sécheresse climatique a eu des répercussions bien moins importantes
sur le fonctionnement de ces systèmes: pas de modifications
significatives dans les chroniques de modules annuels ou de modules
journaliers maximum, (Pouyaud,1985).
Pour l'ensemble des petits bassins, taille inférieure à 1000 km ,
le manque de données sur les débits ne permet pas de faire le même
genre d'étude.
Rappelons cependant que des crues ponctuelles
causaient des dégâts dans une ville, comme Gorom-Gorom le 29 et 30
septembre 1984 ou emportaient des ouvrages sur des bassins versants
de surface inférieure à 100 km , barrage de Zamse au sud de
Ouagadougou à un moment où l'attention était plutôt polarisée sur des
problèmes de manque d'eau. Après avoir rappelé les principales
caractéristiques pluviométriques de la période 1969-1984, cet article
tente d'analyser les répercussions de cette sécheresse sur le fon-
ctionnement des bassins versants de petites dimensions: de quelques
km2 à 200 km2.
Principales caractéristiques des pluies durant la période 1969-1984
Snidjers (1986 op.cit) démontre la non stationarité de la série des
totaux pluviométriques sur l'ensemble des stations du Burkina-Faso.

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Sécheresse, désertification et ressources en eau de surface 357
Carbonnel et Hubert (1985) confirment que la probabilité la plus
forte de "rupture" dans ces séries se situe en 1969 ou 1970. Les
moyennes interannuelles de la seconde période sont globalement
inférieures de 20% à celles de la période précédente (1920-1968).
L'analyse des hauteurs pluviométriques journalières (Albergel,
1986) a conduit aux conclusions suivantes:
- La somme des pluies journalières supérieures à 40 mm sur l'année
est significativement plus faible dans la période sèche. Les
distributions statistiques de ces pluies ont des coefficients
d'asymétrie et d'aplatissement plus forts sur les années 1969-1984
que sur les observations antérieures.
- Les pluies les plus fortes ont une égale probabilité
d'apparition dans les deux périodes; en particulier, le calcul de la
précipitation journalière de reccurrence décennale donne un résultat
équivalent sur les deux séries (résultat vérifié sur 25 stations
retenues pour la qualité et la longueur des observations).
Sur les petits bassins versants où l'essentiel de l'écoulement est
dû au ruissellement quasi immédiat des plus fortes pluies, nous
étudierons comment se sont traduites les modifications du régime des
pluies. Dans ce but, nous reconstituerons des chroniques de ruissel-
lement sur deux bassins versants expérimentaux sur lesquels nous
disposons de quelques mesures dans les deux périodes:
- Le bassin versant de Kazanga (54 km ) en zone soudanienne (11
40°N isohyète 900 mm) a été suivi en 1961-1963 et en 1983.
- Le bassin versant de Kognere dans la région de transition soudan-
sahel (12°22N isohyète 700 mm) a été suivi en 1960-1962 et 1984.
Constitution d'une chronique de ruissellement
sur un petit bassin versant
L'état actuel des connaissances sur l'influence des différentes
composantes de l'environnement sur le ruissellement met en évidence
qu'en zone soudano-sahélienne l'hydrodynamique superficielle est
contrôlée essentiellement par le couvert vegetal et les organisations
pédologiques de surfaces (Albergel _et_ al.,1985). Ce résultat a
permis la construction d'un modèle simple de constitution d'une
chronique de lames ruisselées à partir de la cartographie des états
de surfaces (Albergel et_ aL_. ,1985). La méthode cartographique
développée a cette occasion distingue deux niveaux d'organisation
- La surface élémentaire, caractéristique d'un état de surface et
considérée comme homogène quant a son comportement hydrodynamique
sous pluie.
L'unité cartographique qui correspond soit a une seule surface
élémentaire soit a l'association de plusieurs (généralement interdé-
pendantes au sein de "systèmes de surface") et dont les limites
peuvent être tracées à partir des relevés de terrain et de photograp-
hies aériennes (figure 1). Sur chaque surface élémentaire, des
mesures sous pluies simulées, sur parcelles de 1 m2, permettent de
tester un comportement hydrodynamique et de déterminer une fonction
de production dépendante de la pluie et de l'état d'humectation du
sol. La fonction de production à l'échelle du bassin est obtenue par
la composition des différentes fonctions de production au prorata de

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358 J. Albergel
esquisse des organisations superficielles
à t/50 000e
E2E3 -
EZ3 '
Figure 1 1. Surface éléments grossiers 2. Surface sans éléments
grossiers 3. Association surface hydromorphe-surface à
recouvrement sableux 4. Association surface vertique-
surface a recouvrement sableux 5. Surface hydromorphe
alluviale claire 6. Surface hydromorphes de bas-fond.
la surface qu'elles représentent et pondérée par un facteur de calage.
La comparaison de lames ruisselees calculées et observées pour des
mêmes événements pluvieux montre une dispersion plus importante pour
les valeurs observées (figure 2). Sur le bassin de Kazanga, pris en
exemple, le modèle expliquerait 60% de la variance de l'échantillon
"lames ruisselees fonction de la pluie journalière". Ce résultat
peut être considéré comme satisfaisant vue l'hypothèse de base
implicite: les pluies journalières ont une forme et une répartition
en intensité égales à celles du protocole de pluies simulées qui ne
sont que l'image de pluies statistiquement moyennes pour la région.
Le tableau n° 1 qui compare les paramètres statistiques de la série
de lames ruisselees calcules sur la période d'observation d'un poste
pluviometrique voisin, Manga (34 ans) et celles observées pendant la
période de fonctionnement du bassin (4 années) permet de valider ce
Les observations de pluies journalières sont multipliées par un
coefficient d'abattement calculé par régression entre les pluies
moyennes du bassin et les pluies du poste pendant la période commune
de fonctionnement (c = 0.85).

Page 5
R 350-
a 300-,
5 2b0-
E 200-
1 150-
+ &t >
i / 6
, ,
*^ ,
1 0 0
2 0 0
3 0 0
5 0 0
6 0 0
7 0 0
Figure 2 Lames ruisselees observées + (4 ans) et reconstituées
* (37 ans) sur le bassin versant de Kazanga.
Comparaison des lames ruisselles reconstituées
pendant les périodes sèches et humides
Une cartographie des états de surfaces a été réalisée pour les deux
périodes à l'aide d'un relevé de terrain et des photos aériennes des
missions IGN (Institut Géographique National (Paris)) 1956 et IGHV
(Institut Géographique de Haute Volta (Ouagadougou)) 1980 sur les
bassins pris en exemple. Le tableau n°2 résume les différences
d'occupation des sols entre ces deux périodes.
Tableau 1 Comparaison des séries: lames ruisselées calculées et
observées sur le bassin de Kazanga
* Seules les lames ruisselées a 0,7 mm ont été prises en compte
sur 34 ans
observées sur
4 saisons
x 0.1 mm
Ecart type
Valeur max
Tableau 2 Occupation des sols, comparaison des états en 1956 et 1980
Champs %
Jachère %
Arborée %

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360 J. Albergel
Si sur les deux bassins on assiste à un recul important des
jachères au profit des champs cultivés, sur le bassin de Kognere
l'extension des cultures s'est également faite au détriment de la
savane arborée. L'examen comparatif des photos aériennes permet
également de mettre en évidence, a Kognere, une modification
importante des unités cartographiques par une extension des zones
très érodées (figure 3) qui sont multipliées par 20 entre les deux
missions aériennes.
Figure 3 Evolution de la superficie des zones très érodées.
Sur le bassin de Kazanga les contours des unités cartographiques
restent sensiblement les mêmes, seule leurs sous divisions en zone
cultivée et en jachère est modifiée.
Dans un premier temps, pour appréhender l'effet respectif des
modifications des états de surfaces et du changement climatique nous
reconstituerons sur le bassin de Kognere une chronique de lames
ruisselees a partir des deux cartes et de l'ensemble de la série des
pluies journalières du poste voisin Boulsa.
Effets compares de la modification du régime des pluies
et des caractères physiographiques des bassins
Sur la figure n 4 sont reportées les lames ruisselees reconsti-
tuées sur l'ensemble des observations pluviometriques pour les deux
cartes d'états de surface de Kognere. On observe une homogénéité de
la relation pluie-lame ruisselee journalière sur chaque reconstitu-
tion et une difference notable entre les deux reconstitutions, la
carte de 1980 donnant des ruissellements plus forts. L'analyse des
ruissellements sur chaque reconstitution (Tableau 3) met en évidence
une diminution sensible du nombre de ruissellements moyens par an et
de la hauteur de la lame ruisselee moyenne annuelle pour la période
postérieure a 1969 dans les deux reconstitutions.
Afin de reconstituer une chronique complète des lames ruisselees
la plus probable, on se propose d'utiliser pour chacun des deux
bassins la carte des états de surface dérivant de la première mission
aérienne pour les observations pluviometriques précédent 1969 et
celle dérivant de la seconde pour la période postérieure.
Les hauteurs de lames ruisselees reconstituées ont été comparées à

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Sécheresse, désertification et ressources en eau de surface 361
Figure 4
Tableau 3 Lames ruisselles reconstitutées sur le bassin de Kognere
d'après la carte
d'après la carte
Avant 1969
Après 1969
Avant 1969
Après 1969
Nbre moyen de
annuelle (mm)
Valeur max de
"Seules les lames ruisselées ï 0,7 mm ont été prises en compte
celles observées pendant les deux périodes de fonctionnement des
bassins: les coefficients de correlation varient entre 0.75 et 0.90
Sur les figures 5 et 6 sont reportées les lames ruisselées
reconstituées pour les deux périodes; on remarque:
- pour le bassin versant de Kazanga les deux nuages de points se
confondent assez bien avec une légère tendance à un plus fort
ruissellement pour les événements de période sèche.
- pour le bassin versant de Kognere, l'ensemble des pluies
supérieures à 25 mm engendrent des lames ruisselées plus fortes en
Sur les figures 7 et 8 les hauteurs de lames ruisselées rangées en
classe de 0.5 mm sont reportées en fonction des fréquences expérimen-
tales. On remarquera le peu de différence entre les distributions
statistiques des échantillons de période sèche et de période humide.

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362 J. Albergel
B 350-
E* i
n 300-
s jso-
Figure 5 Lames ruisselées reconstituées sur les bassins
versants de Kazanga + période antérieure a 1969
* période postérieure à 1969.
S 400^
Figure 6 Lames ruisselées reconstituées sur les bassins
versant de Kognere + période antérieure à 1969
* période postérieure à 1969.

Page 9
Sécheresse, désertification et ressources en eau de surface 363
Lames ruisselées reconstituées sut le bassin deKAZANG*
Seuil des
+. Period* 1949-1968
• Période 1966-1963
1 ! 1 r~^—1 !
- — • ^ ^ -
20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Frequences expérimentales
Echelle gaussienne
Figure 7
Lames ruisselôes reconstitues sur le bassin de KOGNEAE
+ Période !949- 1968
• Period» 1969-1983
20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Frequences expérimentales
Echelle gaussienne
Figure 8

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364 J. Albergel
L'affaiblissement du régime pluviométrique pendant la période 1969-
1983 semble être largement compensé par la modification des états de
surfaces dans le fonctionnement des petits bassins versants. Ces
modifications qui ont amené surtout sur les bassins au nord de
l'isohyête 800 mm, des conditions de ruissellement plus favorables,
sont dues à l'action conjuguée de l'homme et des nouvelles conditions
climatiques La diminution du couvert herbacé et l'extension des zones
cultivées favorisent les tassements de la surface du sol et le
développement de pellicules imperméables ainsi que l'extension de
régions très érodées. Le bassin de Kognere présente actuellement les
caractères des paysages habituels de régions plus septentrionales,
vaste étendue de sol nus formant des glacis lisses ou caillouteux.
Les espèces de graminées pérennes disparaissent enfaveur des
annuelles, dans la végétation arborée on remarque que les rares
sont toutes des épineux qui prennent la place des
La comparaison des distributions statistiques des lames ruisselées
sur les deux périodes, tout comme les crues exceptionnelles apparues
ici et là doivent mettre en garde contre une révision à la baisse des
normes de sécurité pour les ouvrages en raison de la période sèche
que nous vivons. L'apparente contradiction de fonctionnement entre
ces systèmes hydrologiques et les plus
grands rappelle
l'hétérogénéité spatiale des phénomènes hydrologiques. En effet, si
une forte pluie a une égale probabilité de se produire localement
dans la période actuelle, elle survient temporellement dans une
chronique moins pluvieuse et dans des conditions d'evaporation plus
fortes. L'alimentation des nappes alluvialcô ainsi que celle des
reserves de surface reste donc défavorisée mais ces phénomènes ne
sont pas repercutes dans l'écoulement des plus petits systèmes
Albergel, J., (1986) Evolution de la pluviométrie en Afrique Soudano
-Sahelienne. Exemple du Burkina Faso, In: Colloque international
sur la revision des normes hydrologiques suite aux incidences de
la sécheresse, Cieh Ouagadougo, 17.p.
Albergel, J. (Valentin, C. (1986) "Sahelisation" d'un petit bassin
versant: Boulsa Kognere au centre nord du Burkina Faso; In:
Colloque Nordeste Sahel, Institut des Hautes etudes d'Amérique
Latine, Paris 1986.
Albergel, J. Ribstein, P., Valentin, C. (1985) Quels facteurs
explicatifs de l'infiltration? Analyse sur 48 parcelles au
Burkina Faso. Journées Hydrologiques de Montpellier, Coll. et sem.
Orstom, 26-48.
Albergel, J. Casenave, A., Valentin C. (1985). Modélisation du
ruissellement en zone soudano-sahelienne; simulation de pluies et
cartographies des états de surfaces. Journées Hydrologiques de
Montpellier, coll. et sem. Orstom, 75-84.
Albergel, J. Carbonnel, J.P., Grouzis, M. (1984). Pejoration
climatique au Burkina Faso. Incidences sur les ressources en eau

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Sécheresse, désertification et ressources en eau de surface 365
et sur les ressources en eau et sur les productions végétales.
Cah. Orstom, ser. Hydrol. Vol XXIno. J_,3-19.
Billon, B. (1985) Le Niger a Niamey. Décrue et etiage 1985 Cah.
Orstom, ser. Hydrol. Vol. XXIno. 4_,3-22.
Carbonnel, J.P. Hubert, P; (1985) Sur la sécheresse au Sahel
d'Afrique de l'Ouest. Une rupture climatique dans les series
pluviometriques du Burkina Faso (ex Haute Volta); C.R. Acad. Se.
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(debits et precipitations) Cah. Orstom, ser. Hydrol. Vol XX, no.1,
Sircoulon, J. (1986) Bilan hydropluviometrique de la sécheresse
1968-84 au Sahel et comparaison avec les sécheresses des années
1910 a 1916 et 1940 a 1949 in: Colloque Nordeste Sahel. Institut
des Hautes etudes d'Amérique Latine, Paris - 16 au 18 janvier
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(1985) La sécheresse en Afrique de l'Ouest.
Comparaison des années 1982-1984 avec les années 1972-1973. Cah.
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Snidjers, T.A.B.
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_ _

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Page 13
The Influence of Climate Change and Climatic Variability on the Hydrologie
Regime and Water Resources (Proceedings of the Vancouver Symposium,
August 1987). IAHSPubl. no. 168, 1987.
The glacial and hydrological regime under
climatic influence in the Urumqi River,
northwest China
Yao Tandong
Lanzhou Institute of Glaciology and
Geocryology, Academia Sinica,
Lanzhou, China
The glacial and hydrologie fluctuations and
their distinct features under climate influence in the
Urumqi River are analysed.
The glacial and hydrologie fluctuations in the Urumqi
River have the same pattern in which high discharge and
positive mass balance periods are mainly identical with
cold periods, low discharge and negative mass balance
periods identical with warm periods. A particular
temperature-wetness pattern, which could be explained by
prevailing general atmospheric circulation patterns is
responsible for the pattern. Distinct features between
glacier and discharge under climatic influence are
distinguished. Glacial terminal fluctuates as a slow
process with low frequency while discharge fluctuates as a
rather fast process with high frequency in the basin,
which results from the time lag difference between glacier
and discharge responding to climatic fluctuation.
Variations glaciaires et hydrologiques sous
l'influence climatique dans le bassin de la
rivière d'Urumqi, dans le Nord-ouest de la
RESUME Les variations glaciaires et hydrologiques ainsi
que leurs caractéristiques distinctes on été analysées
sous l'influence du climat dans le bassin de la rivière
Les variations glaciaires et hydrologiques dans ce
bassin ont la même tendance: les périodes de haut débit
et de bilan de masse positif sont principalement
identiques à la période froide, alors que les périodes de
bas débit et de bilan de masse négatif sont identiques à
la période chaude. Ceci qui dépend principalement du
modèle particulier température humidité, qui peut être
expliqué par la circulation atmosphérique régnant dans le
Nord. Sous l'influence du climat, les variations de la
glacière et du débit dans cette région ont des différences
évidentes: la glacière terminale fluctue avec un dévelop-
pement lent et une fréquence basse, tandis que le débit
fluctue avec un développement rapide et une fréquence
haute, ce qui resuite de la difference de retard de temps

Page 14
368 Yao Tandong
entre la glacière et le débit à l'égard de la fluctuation
Fluctuations of glacial terminal and discharge are generally related
to climatic fluctuations. The mass budget process of glacier and
discharge is dependent on heat balance and precipitation features
which are related to climate. Some relationships between glacier,
discharge and climate are discussed in the present paper by taking
the Urumqi River as an example.
The Urumqi River originates from the eastern part of the Tianshan
Mountain in the southern part of Urumqi. The river basin has an area
of 924 km2 above Yingxiong Bridge Hydrologie Station which is the
main station measuring the outlet discharge, and an area of 46 km2 of
glaciers at the head area. The météorologie record started in 1940
at the Urumqi Station in the lower reaches of the basin, and in 1958
at the Da Xigou Station in the upper reaches. The hydrologie record
started in 1950 but it can be extended to 1940 by interpolation. The
observations and records of glaciers in the basin started in 1958.
The Urumqi River basin is a comprehensive one in earth science
studies in northwestern China, which is suitable for a comprehensive
study of the relationship between glacier, discharge and climate.
The fluctuations of glacier, discharge and their relationship to
climate and general atmospheric circulation in the Urumqi river
The study of fluctuations in glacier and discharge in the basin was
limited to the period since the Little Ice Age during which more data
are available. The Little Ice Age started in the late sixteenth
century and ended in the early twentieth century in the basin
according to Chen (personal communication). In Glacier No. 1, the
change in glacial area, glacial thickness, glacial length and volume,
and in glacial equilibrium line fluctuation were estimated based on
detailed glacial maps and radar sounding data (Table 1). Glacier No.
1 has decreased by 21% in length, 33% in area and 38% in volume from
the maximum of the Little Ice Age to present. A similar feature was
found in the fluctutations of all the glaciers in the basin. It has
been estimated that there was a decrease of 41% in glacial volume and
30% in glacial area since the Little Ice Age in the whole basin.
Table 1 Changes in Glacier No.l since the Little Ice Age
Equilibrium line
the Little Ice
2 9 8
2 ^3g
1 4 œ 0
Age maximum

Page 15
Glacial and hydrologie regime under climatic influence 369
There are three possibilities which could cause glacial advance in
the Little Ice Age in the basin: (a) drop in temperature; (b)
increase in precipitation; (c) combination of (a) and (b). There was
certainly a drop in temperature on the whole hemisphere in the Little
Ice Age, which must have influenced the basin. The temperature drop
in the Northern Hemisphere in the Little Ice Age was about 1.0°C in
annual average, 0.5°C in summer according to Flohn (1981), Lamb
(1977) and Schuurman (1981). It was estimated by Chen (personal
communication) that the temperature drop on Glacier No. 1 was about
0.6 C in the Little Ice Age. The annual temperature drop was no more
than 1°C on Glacier No.l if the smaller amplitude in climatic change
in the mountain area in the basin and the results in other regions
are considered.
According to the calculation of the relationship between
precipitation, temperature and equilibrium line in Glacier No. 1 in
the basin, a rise of 80 m in equilibrium line could be caused either
by an increase of 1°C in temperature or a decrease of 100 mm in
precipitation. The equilibrium line in the Little Ice Age (3890 m)
was about 160 m lower than that at present (4050 meter). It
estimated by using the above relationship that the precipitation
Glacier No. 1 during the maximum of the Little Ice Age is about
larger than that at present. Provided that the temperature
1.5WC lower during the maximum of the Little Ice Age than at present,
an increase of 50 mm in precipitation was estimated. Because the
estimate of temperature drop in the Little Ice Age was based on proxy
data from other areas, the above values are not the exact estimation
of the precipitation in the Little Ice Age. But it at least revealed
a trend: not only was there a temperature drop but also a
precipitation increase, characterized by cold and wet conditions,
during the Little Ice Age in the basin. To support the above
proposed relationship, three sets of tree ring data are analysed from
the basin and nearby regions (Table 2).
Table 2 The relationship between temperature and precipitation
revealed by the tree rings in the basin and nearby regions
Total year
in a tree
with high
with low
with high
with low
Percentage of
high V' with
low P" and low
T with high P
Percentage of
high T with
high P and low
T with low P

Page 16
370 Yao Tandong
Two points should be kept in mind when estimating the discharge in
the basin during the Little Ice Age. The first is that the
temperature then was lower than at present; the second point is that
it is wetter then than at present, based on the above analysis .
Because it is warmer and drier at present than in the Little Ice Age,
1976 (a year with the lowest temperature and highest precipitation
since meteorological data were recorded) was selected to estimate the
discharge in the Little Ice Age. In 1976, the temperature was 0.6°C
lower and the precipitation 46.2 mm higher than the secular average
at Da Xigou Station in the upper reaches of the basin; the tempera-
ture was 0.2°C lower and the precipitation 19.4 mm higher at Urumqi
Station in lower reaches of the basin. The discharge at Ying Xiong
Bridge Station that year was 280 670 000 m3 which was 40 000 000 m3
higher than the secular average. The discharge increased by 17% in
the Little Ice Age than at present (or decreased by 14% at present
than in the Little Ice Age) if taking the value of the discharge in
1976 as an estimation of the discharge in the Little Ice Age.
During the period with observations and records in meteorology,
glaciology and hydrology, the glacial mass balance, glacial equilib-
rium line and discharge in the basin basically kept the same trend
and experienced cycles. However, the glacial loss and discharge
decrease trend is obvious during the same period. A comparison of
two high discharge periods between the 1970's and the 1950's
indicates that the total discharge in the 1970's was 148 million m3
smaller than that in the 1950's, demonstrating a decreasing trend in
discharge. In Glacier No. 1, the average mass loss is 155 thousand m3
in water equivalence from 1959 to 1980 and the equilibrium line rise
10-12 m in the same period. The trends of the discharge and glacier
decrease are related to climatic change in the basin. The average
ten year temperature from the I960's to the 1970's has increased by
0.3°C in Urumqi, by 0.2°C in Xiao Quzi and by 0.1 C in Da Xigou. The
average ten year precipitation at Da Xigou Station which is close to
glacier No. 1 has decreased by 7.2 mm from the 1960's to the 1970's.
During the period in which recorded data are available, the relation-
ship between the fluctuations of glaciers and discharge and climatic
change is identical with that in the Little Ice Age. Although there
are different temperature-wetness patterns (warm-dry, warm-wet, cold-
dry, cold-wet), the dominant patterns were warm-dry patterns and
cold-wet patterns. The analyses of the moving curve and anomalies in
spring and summer temperature and spring and summer precipitation
indicate that the period of high temperature-low precipitation (warm-
dry pattern) and low temperature-high precipitation (cold-wet pattern)
is 76% of the whole period analysed in the upper reaches and 63% of
the whole period analysed in the lower reaches. The period of high
temperature-high precipitation (warm-wet pattern) and low temperature-
low precipitation (cold-dry pattern) is 24% and 37% respectively in
the upper reaches and in the lower reaches.
It seems that the fluctuation features of glacier and discharge
are dependent on the temperature-wetness feature in the basin.
Nevertheless, the temperature-wetness pattern in the basin could be
explained by changes of the general atmospheric circulation. The
general atmospheric circulation in the Eurasia continent was
classified into three types by Jiersi (1974). According to studies,
precipitation would decrease and temperature rise in most regions of

Page 17
Glacial and hydrologie regime under climatic influence 371
middle latitude when W type prevails, there would be more opportuni-
ties for high temperature and low precipitation in most regions of
middle latitude when C type prevails, there would be low temperature
and high precipitation in most regions of the Eurasia continent when
E type prevails. In the Uriimqi River, the general trend of fluctua-
tions of climate and discharge is basically identical with the
general atmospheric circulation in the Eurasia continent (Table 3).
Table 3 Relationship between climate, discharge and general
atmospheric circulation during different periods in the
Uriimqi River
Temperature anomaly
Discharge fluctuation
. .
Prec ipitat ion v.
., ,
Xiao ,, „ . Da
v. ..
,, .
,.v. ..
ALgou Xiongqiao or Xinjiang
+0.3 +0.7 +0.1
discharge discharge
-0.4 -0.1 -0.2
,. L ° W
" ^
" ^
discharge discharge
In the basin, E type generally corresponds to positive precipita-
tion anomaly, negative temperature anomaly and a high discharge
period; W and C type generally correspond to negative precipitation
anomally, positive temperature anomaly and a low discharge period.
Distinct response between glacier and discharge
under climatic influence in the Uriimqi River
According to what is discussed above, the glacial volume has
decreased by 40% and the discharge has decreased by 14% from the
Little Ice Age to present in the Uriimqi River basin. It means that
the decrease rate of glacier is larger than that of discharge under
the same background of climatic warming, which results from the
distinctions in energy balance between glacier and discharge.
The input and output process in glacial system is expressed by the
mass balance equation
B = P g -M-Eg+LH : D + ; A
(where Pg
stands for annual precipitation on glacial the surface, M
for glacial surface melting, Eg for glacial surface evaporation, L
for glacial condensation, D for snow drifting and A for avalanche).

Page 18
372 Yao Tandong
The input and output process in the discharge system is expressed
by the water balance equation
P, = R + E, + AW + F
d —
E, + AW
d -
(where R stands for discharge, P-, for annual precipitation, EJ for
evaporation, AW for underground water storage and F for seepage;. To
reveal the essential features of the input and output process of
mass, a simplification to equation (1) and (2) is necessary.
According to heat balance curves by Budyko (1974), the evapora-
tion process in the basin should belong to the continental climate
type in middle latitudes. The feature of the process at this latitude
is that evaporation is maximum in summer, dramatically changeable in
spring and autumn, and negative in winter. Summer evaporation could
therefore approximately substitute for annual evaporation. The rain
season is during the summer in the Urumqi River basin, the intense
evaporation season is also an intense condensation season in the
basin. From observations on some glaciers in Central Asia (Lvovich,
1975), evaporation and condensation are almost equal in summer.
Therefore, E and L in equation (1) could be omitted. Avalanche
influence in the studied area could also be omitted. As a secular
process, the amplitude of annual change of snow drifting is not so
great and could be taken as a constant
Equation (1) then could be simplified as
W_ for example).
B •g M + W„
There are only two variables P~ and M in the equation.
As a secular process, F and in equation (2) are also relatively
stable and could approximately be taken as a constant (F + W = Wc,
for example). Equation (2) could then be simplified as:
R pd " Ed + Wc
There are also two variables, P-, and E, . in equation (4).
Equations (3) and (4) demonstrate that the input of glacier and
discharge are of the same form, but the output of these two systems
are essentially distinct: by melting in the glacial system and by
evaporation in the discharge system.
The mass output of both glacier and discharge is, in physical
essence, the result of the input of heat. The main components of heat
input are radiation balance (R), latent (L) and sensible heat (S).
The heat balance equation in the glacial system could be expressed as:
%m \ + h +
The heat balance equation in the discharge system could be expressed
as :
% = Rd + Ld + Sd
From equation (i) and (4) the heat (Q) absorbed in the glacial
system is mainly consumed in glacial surface melting, therefore

Page 19
Glacial and hydrologie regime under climatic influence 373
Qg * M(Q)
The heat (Q) absorbed in the discharge system is mainly consumed in
evaporation, therefore
- E(Q)
Using latent heat of melting (80 cal.g ) and latent heat of
evaporation (597 cal.g ), equations (7) and (8) could be expressed
as :
M = Qg/80
E = Qd/597
Substituting equations (9) and (10) for the second item on the right
side of equations (3) and (4) respectively, then
B = P - Qg/80 + Wc
R = P - Qd/597 + Wc
Equations (11) and (12) indicate that the response of the input
and output process of mass to climate (actually to heat balance) is
much more sensitive in glaciers than in discharge.
evaporation in the discharge system only consumes part of the heat
absorbed, the denominator in equation (12) is relatively enlarged.
So, the response of water balance to climate is more sluggish than
that expressed in equation (12).
The heat balance in the glacial system is, however, smaller than
that in the discharge system, and the mentioned distinction has been
weakened in some degree. But it is still evident according to the
results from Glacier No. 1 and nearby area. Taking the average
secular melting value (214 cm) at 3870 m a.s.l. on Glacier No. 1 and
evaporation value (53 cm) at Da Xigou Station near Glacier No. 1,
corresponding melting latent heat of 17 000 000 cal.cm- a-
evaporation latent heat of 32 000 000 cal.cm a
were obtained.
This is to say that although the heat consumed in discharge
evaporation is two times that in glacial melting, mass loss in
discharge is only 1/4 of that from the glacier. It can be deduced
from the above discussion that the fluctuation amplitude of the
glacier is larger than that of discharge in the past under the
influence of climatic change in the Uriimqi River basin.
There are obvious distinctions between the glacier and discharge
in the basin under modern climatic influence.
One of the
distinctions is that a glacial terminal responds to climatic change
as a slow process with low frequency while discharge responds to
climatic change as a fast process with high frequency. Taking
Glacier No. 1 as an example, the glacial terminal maintains its
retreating trend since observations in the late 1950's. But the
discharge in the basin experienced high and low discharge cycles
during the same period, which is basically identical with the
climatic fluctuation in short period and therefore rather sensitive
to climatic change. Because temperature in the basin shows a warming

Page 20
374 Yao Tandong
trend in this century, it seems that the retreating trend of the
glacial terminal is identical with the warming trend in climate and
the glacial terminal is a rather stable indicator for the secular
climatic trend. The reason for the distinctions could be explained by
time lag differences between glacier and discharge in their response
to climate.
The time lag of the glacial terminal ranges from several years
(small mountain glaciers) to decades (larger mountain glaciers) (Nye,
1958, 1965) or even thousands of years (Budd and Smith, 1979). The
time lag in the discharge process is much shorter, ranging from
several hours to several days or 10's of days. This demonstrates
that the discharge system could reflect climatic influence
immediately in the lower reaches of a river, but the glacial terminal
could require a rather longer period to reflect it. Many factors
affect glacial time lag. The main factors are mass balance, which
mainly depends on precipitation and temperature, glacial size and
slope, glacial velocity and glacial temperature, if surging glaciers
are neglected.
There is no pattern to follow governing the
importance of these factors. It is, therefore, difficult to find a
model including all these factors and suitable for all types of
glaciers. Glacial length is, however, one of the most important
factors responsible for glacial time lag and is easy to obtain. A
model could be established by using glacial length to estimate
approximately glacial time lag in different sizes. Based on the
statistical analysis of 35 "normal" (ie. non-surging) glaciers in the
Northern Hemisphere, a simple model was established as
T - 13L°-375
(where T stands for the glacial time lag, and L for glacial length).
The relationship factor for the model has a significance of 95%.
Because only glacial length L was introduced in the model, the time
lag estimations are approximate values. It was estimated from the
model that the time lag for Glacier No. 1 may be 18+5 years.
The time lag of the discharge in the basin is different in
different seasons, but depends mainly on the character of high water
season of a year. The high water season in the Urùmqi River could be
classified as spring and summer. Summer high water season is
characterized by precipitation discharge with a short time lag. It
was calculated from the recorded data at an experimental discharge
station in the Urumqi River, that the peak flood is 7-8 hours after
peak precipitation from Hou Xia to Ying Xiongqiao. According to
this, the time lag from the head to the lower reaches of the river is
about one day. Spring high water season is characterized by snow
melting discharge and is rather complicated. Generally, the amount
of spring high water reflects the amount of precipitation during the
last winter or even previous autumn plus the heat absorbed in the
mountain area in spring. The time lag could therefore be several
months. Although this is the result of interruption by other factors,
it is still a feature in the discharge forming process. In addition,
time lag of discharge also changes with climate at different
altitudes. Usually, summer precipitation in the middle and lower
parts of the mountain is in the form of rainfall and could be
reflected immediately in the lower reaches, while the summer

Page 21
Glacial and hydrologie regime under climatic influence 375
precipitation in the high mountain area is mainly snow and needs a
longer time to be reflected in the lower reaches. In conclusion, the
time lag of discharge in the basin ranges from several hours to
several months from the lower reaches in summer to the upper reaches
in spring.
If 10 years represents the order of magnitude of the time lag of
the glacial terminals of most glaciers in the basin and 1-2 days
represents the time lag of discharge from the head to the lower
reaches of the basin, the time lag of the former is several orders of
magnitude longer than that of the latter. Even taking several months
as the time lag of the discharge in the basin, the time lag of the
glacial terminal is still one order of magnitude longer than that of
discharge. This partly explains why the glacial terminal responds to
climate in low frequency while discharge responds to climate in high
The future trend of the glacier and discharge in the Uriimqi River
Based on the discussion above, the glacial and discharge fluctuations
in the basin are controlled by climatic change. The forecasting of
the glacial and discharge fluctuation is only possible if the trend
of the climatic change is forecast. But climatic change is still a
subject which is beyond the forecasting ability of man. Most climatic
forecasts only propose possibilities. This is also the case in the
Uriimqi River. Based on tree ring analysis and forecasting of the
general atmospheric circulation by Jiersi (1974) and the relationship
between the climatic change in the basin and general atmospheric
circulation, a possibility of the future climatic trend in the basin
was estimated. It was forecast by Jiersi (1974) that W+E circulation
would prevail from 1979 to 1986, and W+C prevail from 1986 to 1996.
A possible climatic trend accompanied with the circulation is that
the precipitation from 1979 to 1986 would fluctuate near its secular
average and that the precipitation from 1986 or so would decrease and
last to the late 1990's. The decrease in precipitation may have
started in 1985. Two conclusions could be made based on the tree
ring data: (a) the present is a dryer period than the Little Ice
Age; (b) this trend would continue until the 2020's-2030's. A wet
period of several years may appear between the late 1990's and the
early 2000's. The temperature rise in the next 10-15 years is
probably 0.1-0.6°C if the temperature in the basin keeps the rising
trend at present.
In recent years, the C02 greenhouse effect has been much discussed
by Manabe & Stouffer (1980) and Manabe and Wetherald (1981). It was
estimated by them that the average global temperature would increase
by 2-3°C because of the increase of C02 and other gases in the
atmosphere in the next 50 years. A temperature increase of 1.5-4.5 C
in the next 50 years was announced at the Villach Conference in 1985.
There was not much discussion about the potential temperature
increase in the next 10-15 years. It may be still small before the
twenty-first century and an estimation of 0.5°C might be suitable
because there is a time lag from C0„ content increase in the
atmosphere to actual temperature rise. The time lag would be even
longer if the influence of oceans is considered.

Page 22
376 Yao Tandong
A rise of 0.5-1.0°C in temperature would be possible in the next
15 years if taking 0.5°C as the temperature increase caused by CO2
and provided that the natural climate keeps its present warm trend.
Assuming climatic warming in the next 15 years occurs with a range
from 0.5 to 1.0°C, the forecast for glaciers and discharge around
the year 2000 could be made (Table 4).
Table 4 Estimation of changes in glacier and discharge under the
condition of temperature rise of 0.5-1.0°C in the Urumqi
River around 2000
Precipitation Altitude of
Discharge Discharge State in Glacial
glacial equi ii- mass l)alaiice of the
(a C)
briun 1 inu
No. 1
(106 m3 ) (106 ni3 )
300 22.1-23.7 1.5-2.1 retreating
2 - 8
The following conclusions were made from the above discussion:
(a) The glacial and discharge fluctuations in the Urumqi River
basin are related to climatic change from the Little Ice Age to
present, which were demonstrated to be glacial mass balance and
discharge decrease when the climate becomes warmer; glacial mass
balance and discharge increase when the climate becomes colder.
(b) The glacier and discharge fluctuations in the basin are
related to general atmospheric circulation through climate. It is
advantageous to glaciers and discharge in the basin when an E type of
circulation prevails, but it is not advantageous to them when W+C
types of circulation prevail.
(c) Under the influence of a warming climatic trend since the
Little Ice Age, glacier and discharge in the basin have both
decreased, 41% in glacial volume and 14% in annual discharge. The
rate of glacial decrease is larger than that of discharge decrease,
which is the result of the distinction in energy balances between
glacier and discharge.
(d) Glacial and discharge fluctuations possess different climatic
significance because of their distinctions in time lag and other
processes. Glacial terminal fluctuation (a slow process with low
frequency) could be taken as a relatively stable indicator for
secular climatic change, while discharge fluctuation (a rather fast
process with high frequency) could be taken as a relatively sensitive
indicator for climatic fluctuation in a short period.
Budd, W.F. & I.N. (1979) The growth and retreat of ice sheets in
response to robital radiation changes. Sea Level, Ice and Climatic

Page 23
Glacial and hydrologie regime under climatic influence 377
Change (Proc. Chanberra Symposium, December 1979) 369-409.
Budyko, M.I. (1974) Climate and Life, Academia Press, New York and
London. QC 801 155 #18 C.l.
Flohn, H. (1981) Scenaries of cold and warm period of the past.
Climatic Variations and Variability: Facts and Theories. D. Reidel
Publishing Company.
Jiersi, A.A. (1972) The Secular Oscilation in General Atmospheric
Circulation and the Secular Forecasting in Hydrology and Meteoro-
logy (translated into Chinese from Russian), Academia Press.
Lamb, H.H. (1977) Climate: Present, Past and Future, London.
Lvovich, M.I. (1975) A method of studying the water balance and
estimating the water resources of glacial mountain area. Snow and
Ice Symposium, IAHS-AISH Publ. No. 104.
Manabe, S. & R. S. Stouffer (1980) Sensitivity of a global climate
model to an increase of C02 concentration in the atmosphere. J.
Geophy. R 85 (5529) C 10.
Manabe, S. & Wetherald, (1981) On the distribution of climate change
resulting from an increase in C02 content of the atmosphere. J.
Atmos. Sci. 37(3) pp. 99-118.
Manabe, S. & Wetherald, R.T. & Stouffer (1981) Summer dryness due to
an increase of atmospheric C02 concentration. Climatic Change 3
Nye, J.F. (1958) A theory of wave formation on glaciers, IASA 47.
Nye, J.F. (1965) The frequency response of glacier, J. Glaciol. 5(4)
Schuurman, C.J. (1981) Climate of the last 1000 years. Climate
Variations and Variability:
Facts and theories, D. Reidel
Publishing Company.

Page 24

Page 25
The Influence of Climate Change and Climatic Variability on the Hydrologie
Regime and Water Resources (Proceedings of the Vancouver Symposium,
August 1987). IAHSPubl. no. 168, 1987.
A primary study of the relationship between
glacial mass balance and climate in the Qilian
Mountain taking "July First" Glacier as an
Xie Zichu, Liu Chaohai
Lanzhou Institute of Glaciology and Geocryology
Academia Sinica, Lanzhou, China
The average summer (from June to August) air
temperature is 1° C lower and the equilibrium line 88m
lower in the 18 years after 1968 than the 11 years before
1968 in the Qilian Mountain. It was indicated from
calculation that an increase (decrease) of 1 C in air
temperature would result in a rise (or drop) of 80 m of
the equilibrium line. If taking the^base station (3700
m.a.s.l.) temperatures above zero C and below zero
at the glacial terminus as a temperature index for the
beginning and the end of the glacial melting period
respectively, the melting period is 14 days shorter in
average in the 18 years after 1968 than the 11 years
before 1968 and the maximum ablation altitude has dropped
by 130m in average on "July First" Glacier in the middle
of the Qilian Mountain. It was found from the mass balance
reconstructed according to air temperature and precipita-
tion from 1957 to 1985 on "July First" Glacier (with an
area of 3.0 km2) that it was characterised by a negative
mass balance state in the 11 years before 1968 with a
cumulative negative mass balance value of 232.9xl0tfm3
characterized by a positive mass balance state in the 18
years after 1968 with a cumulative positive mass balance
value of 773.4x10'+ m3. In the recent 30 years, net mass
balance has increased by 540.5xl0Lfm3 and average glacial
thickness increased by 1.8m. Relatively larger positive
mass balance appeared in 1967/68, 1975/76, 1982/83, which
showed periodical cycles of 7-8 years. Fluctuation of 1 m
of equilibrium line corresponds to a mass balance change
of O.ôSxlO^in3. Glaciers in the Qilian Mountain are typical
glaciers accumulating in summer and which possess the
following features: cs>cw, as>aw; bs >0, bw >0 (accumula-
tion area); b <0, b^ <0 (ablation area). On such kind of
glaciers, which are typical continental glaciers, mass
balance processes are mild and level of mass balances are
low. The shortening of the ablation period and drop in
summer temperature since the middle I960's and the
increase in precipitation since the 1970's have resulted
in positive mass balance and a decrease of glacial retreat.

Page 26
380 xie
Zichu & Liu Chaohai
Etude sur le rapport entre le bilan de masse glaciaire
et le climat dans la montagne de Qilan
RESUME Dans la montagne de Qilan, la température moyenne
en été (de juin à août) est de 1°C plus basse pendant les
18 années après 1968 et la ligne d équilibre est de 88 m
plus basse que les 11 années avant 1968. Le calcul montre
que la ligne d équilibre devrait monter ( ou baisser) de
80 m, lorsque la température moyenne en été monte (ou
baisse) de 1°C. Si P'on prend à la station de base les
température moyennes journalières au-dessus et au-dessous
du zéro °C au bout des glaciers pour indices respectifs de
température au début et à la fin de la période d ablation
des glaciers, la période d ablation est en moyenne de 14
jours plus courte pendant les 18 années après 1968 que les
11 années avant 1968, et l'altitude d ablation maximale
baisse en moyenne de 130 m dans la glacière "au 1er
juillet" au milieu de la montagne de Qilan»
Le bilan de masse établi d après la température et les
précipitations de 1957 à 1984 dans la glacière au 1er
juillet (avec une surface de 3,00 km2) montre qu on a
principalement dun état de bilan de masse négatif pendant
les 11 années avant 1968 avec une valeur cumulative du
bilan de masse négatif de 232,9xl0'*m^ et état de bilan de
masse positif pendant les 18 années après 1968 avec une
valeur cumulative du bilan de masse positif de 773,4
x 10 m . Pendant ces 30 dernières années le bilan de masse
net a augmenté de 540,5xl0^m^ et 1 épaisseur moyenne des
glacières a augmenté de 1.8 m. Le bilan de masse positif
relativement large est apparu en 1967/68, 1975/76,
1982/83, avec un cycle périodique des 7-8 années» La
fluctuation de 1 m de a ligne d équilibre correspond à un
changement du bilan de masse de 0,68x10 m . Les glacières
dans la montagne de Qilian sont des glacières typiques,
accumulées en été avec les caractéristiques suivantes:
cs>cw, as>aw; bs >0, b^ >0 (la surface d accumulation);
bg <0, b^ <0 (la surface d'ablation). Dans les glacières
de ce genre, qui sont des glacières continentales typiques,
le processus de la balance de masse est lent, et le niveau
de la balance de masse est bas.
Depuis le milieu des années 60, la période d ablation
est devenue plus courte et la température en été plus
basse. Pour ailleurs, les précipitations ont augmenté
depuis les années 70, ce qui aboutit à bilan de masse
positif et a la diminution de la retraite des glacières.
A systematic study of glacial mass balance was carried out by Lanzhou
Institute of Glaciology and Geocryology of Academia Sinica from 1975
to 1979 on 4 glaciers in the Qilian Mountain (Wang Zhongxiang, 1985).
To monitor recent glacial fluctuation, a glacial mass balance study
was made on "July First" Glacier from 1984 to 1985. Based on these

Page 27
Glacial mass balance and climate 381
data, the relationship between glacial mass balance and climate was
Methods and results
Glacial melting was recorded using poles and snow stratigraphy was
observed using snow pits. Net balance (b) at every point is the
algebraic total of ice (b^), snow (bs) and superimposed ice (bsi):
b = b i + b s + bs i
Snow pits were used to observe glacial accumulation. Snow pits
were dug in late August or early September. When the dirty layer of
snow from the previous year was found, the depth of snow layer (m)
and its density (d) were measured and the annual accumulation was
Glacial mass balance was calculated using the contour method. Net
balance (B), net ablation and net accumulation were obtained by
multiplying the area (Sci, Sai) between two intervals with average
accumulative depth and melting depth (c- , a^):
= S ciSci + E ai + Sai
Based on the above observation and calculation, it was estimated
that the annual mass balance in "July First" Glacier was +67.3x10 m
in 1983/84 and -g.lxlOV3 in 1984/85. To compare, the mass balance
results from 1974/75 to 1976/77 are listed in Table 1.
Table 1 The results of glacial mass balance of "July First'
Glacier in the Qilian Mountain
of zero-
rium line
In t i on
Net ablation
+ 35

Page 28
382 Xie Zichu & Liu Chaohai
The relationship between annual variation
in glacial mass balance and climate
Glacial mass balance is the direct response of climatic fluctuation
and an important indication to link air temperature(ablation
indicator) and precipitation (accumulation indicator)» It therefore
can be reconstructed and forecast by temperature and precipitation.
The temperature on the glacial surface is an important parameter to
calculate ice and snow melting and glacial dischargeo Recorded data
in the glacial area in the Qilian Mountain is discontinuous and the
temperature on the glacial surface was calculated» Taking "July
First" Glacier as an example, the summer temperature at the head of
East Niumaojuanzi Valley, which is 5.6 km away from the glacier, in
1976 and in 1984 was recorded and interpolated to understand the
temperature and its variation in the mountains» It was found from the
météorologie record on "July First" Glacier that there is a relation-
ship between the 10 days average temperature (Y) at the station and
the average temperature (X) at 650 mb in Jiuquan:
Y = 0.046 + 1.016X
The relationship coefficient for equation (4) is 0.978 and
standard variance is 0.3» The equation has a high significance, and
could be taken to interpolate and to extend recorded data for a short
period» During the recent 30 years, the summer (from June to August)
average temperature in the middle of Qilian Mountain is similar to
that in the Hexi Corridor. 1968 is a key point. Average temperature
from 1968 to 1985 is 1.0°C lower than that from 1957 to 1967 (Figure
1). A similar temperature dropping feature was found in the high
mountain area of the eastern and western parts of the Qilian Mountain
(Ding Liangfu, 1985).
S- 6.0
84 86
Figure 1 Curves of annual fluctuation and three year moving average
summer temperature on the "July First" Glacier.
The zero-equilibrium line is a sensitive indicator of glacier
response to climatic change, which is strictly governed by radiation
and precipitation. Glacial accumulation is equal to glacial melting
at glacial zero-equilibrium line, where glacial melting is mainly
dependant on the summer temperature» An approximate altitude of the
zero-equilibrium line could be determined by the average summer
temperature. In years with equal amounts of solid precipitation,

Page 29
Glacial mass balance and climate 383
surplus heat would make the zero-equilibrium line rise as well as
melting the solid precipitation in a year with high temperature, the
zero- equilibrium line would drop in a year with a low temperature,
This process reflects a dynamic equilibrium process. Therefore, the
average temperature at the zero-equilibrium line not only reflects
glacial melting, but also reflects glacial accumulation. It is a
comprehensive indicator for glacial melting and accumulation. The
freezing level over Jiuquan was selected to calculate the zero-
equilibrium line on"July-First" Glacier. The analysis shows a good
H =
2968.93 exp(0.0988h)
Where H stand for the glacial zero-equilibrium line (m), and h for
the altitude of freezing level over Jiuquan (xl03m). The relationship
coefficient is 0.987 and standard variance 13 for equation (5). It
could be used to reconstruct the zero-equilibrium line with upper air
The trend of the zero-equilibrium line on "July First" Glacier is
basically identical with average summer temperature showing a drop of
88 m in zero-equilibrium line during the 18 years after 1968 (Figure
2). Average summer temperature fluctuation corresponds to altitude
fluctuation in the zero-equilibrium line, an increase (or decrease)
of 1 °C in temperature corresponds to a rise (or drop) of 80 m in
zero-equilibrium line which is smaller than the temperature dependen-
ce on some glaciers and is smaller than that on Glacier No.l in the
Uriimqi River (an increase of 1°C corresponds to a rise of 125m
Kuhn,M. 1981). The altitude of the zero-equilibrium line on "July
First" Glacier fluctuates between 4550m and 4770m with a maximum
amplitude of 220m.
» 4700
84 86
Figure 2 Curves of annual fluctuation and three year moving average
of zero - equilibrium line on the "July First" Glacier.
The main source of mass for the glacier is precipitation. The
precipitation in the Qilian Mountain is concentrated mainly in
summer. The summer precipitation is 70-80% of annual precipitation.
Because glaciers are at high altitudes, precipitation is mainly in
the form of snowfall. The amount of precipitation is therefore

Page 30
384 Xie Zichu & Liu Chaohai
responsible for glacial accumulation. The precipitation in the
mountain is composed of dynamic precipitation and convective
precipitation which increase with altitude. The combination of these
two types of precipitation makes the mountains' precipitation stable
and the amplitude of annual change small. The variability factor is
generally smaller than 0.2. The stability of mountain precipitation
makes the amplitude of annual variation of total glacial accumulation
small. But net accumulation, which possesses secular water cyclic
function to glacier is mainly controlled by seasonal snow melting in
accumulative area, i.e., mainly controlled by temperature during
ablation period. Glacial coefficient (or accumulation area ratio of
glacier) which is governed by the altitude of glacial zero-
equilibrium line reflects comprehensively the influence of
precipitation and temperature on net glacial accumulation. A linear
relationship between average glacial accumulation (c) and glacial
coefficient (f) was found:
c = 162.12 + 58.75f
Glacial melting is a function of temperature. Krenke, A.N. (1971)
and Hoinkes, H. (1971) calculated the glacial melting and glacial
mass balance in Central Asia in the Soviet Union and in the Alps in
Switzerland respectively. Glacial melting in the Qilian Mountain
occurs mainly in the summer. It is therefore reasonable using average
summer temperature (Ts)
to calculate average glacial melting
intensity (A). Their relationship can be expressed as :
 = 425.96 +146.28 Ts
The mass balance in "July First" Glacier during the past 29 years
(1957-1985) was calculated according to the above relationship
between mass balance components and the climatic factors.The trend of
mass balance, average summer temperature in the mountains and the
zero-equilibrium line altitude is basically identical, i.e., it is
characterized by negative mass balance conditions with a cumulative
negative value of 232.9x10 m3
in the 11 years before 1968, while it
is characterized by positive mass balance conditions with a
cumulative positive value of 773.4 x lO^m3
(Figure 3) in 18 years
after 1968. The glacier has thickened by 1.8m during the same period.
Relatively larger positive mass balance appeared in 1967/68 (77.2x10
) , 1975/76(116.7xl04m3), and 1982/83 (87.1xl01+m3 ) in "July First
"Glacier, with a cycle of 7-8 years. The drop of glacial zero-
equilibrium line (H) corresponds to an increase in mass balance (B)
with a good linear relationship:
B = 3 186.25 - 0.68 H
A rise (or drop) of lm in zero equilibrium line corresponds to an
increase (or decrease) of O.ôSxlO^m in mass balance.

Page 31
Glacial mass balance and climatic 385
84 86
Figure 3 Curves of annual variation and three moving average of
mass balance from 1957 to 1985 on "July First" Glacier.
The relationship between variation in glacial
mass balance and climate within a year
The seasonal variation in glacial area in Qilian Mountain can be
classified into cold and warm seasons according to whether the
monthly mean temperature is below or above zero. The cold season
(from September to May of the next year) corresponds to the arid
season, in which the ablation and accumulation are very small.The
warm season (from June to August) corresponds to the wet season,
which is not only the period of glacial ablation, but also the period
of main glacial accumulation. Such character of summer nourishment
makes the process of mass balance mild and the mass balance level
comparatively low. Furthermore, it also has influence on ice
temperature, ice formation and glacial motive velocity as well as
other physical properties. These features make the continental
properties of the glaciers more prominent. So the Qilian Mountain is
the most typical area of extra-continental glaciers in the world.
Taking the "July First" Glacier as an example, during the cold season
in 1974/75 and 1976/77, there was stronger ablation on the tongue,
i.e. , the winter mass balance became negative. Observation during the
cold season in 1984/85 also showed a negative winter mass balance.
Even the abnormal phenomenon that the ablation during warm season is
smaller than that during the cold season was observed (Table2). Thus
it c ame to light that for a typical glacier of warm season nourishme-
nt the accumulation, ablation and mass balance have the following
correlations (Xie Zichu, 1980):
b ,>0,
b »<0,
a s
>a w ;
>0 (in accumulation area);
b^ <0 (in ablation area).

Page 32
386 Xie Zichu & Liu Chaohai
Table 2 The mass balance on the ablation ? of "July First" Glacier
(Year, Month)
- 1976,5
- 8
- 1977,5
- 8
- 8
- 1985,5
- 8
Altitude of
Amount of
these characteristics of the mass balance process are just opposite
from that of the cold season nourishment glaciers,
The precipitation during the cold season is no more than 20-30% of
annual precipitation. The exposed glacial ice melting under solar
radiation causes the negative value of mass balance in cold season.
Besides, since glacial mass balance is observed on fixed dates, the
ablation doesn't completely coincide with the standard summer months.
This is also one of the causes for the negative value of the winter
mass balance in the tongue. Thus, the air temperature at various
altitudes from late May to early or middle September are especially
analysed to calculate the date of the beginning and end of ablation.
According to the analysis of the observed data, the following
relationship is revealed between the mean daily temperature at
certain altitudes of "July First" Glacier and the corresponding daily
mean temperature at the base station (3700 m.a.s.l.):
TQ = 0„83tB - 0.66(HG- Hg)/100 - 0.3
Where Tg is the mean daily air temperature at any altitude on the
glacier ( C); tB
is the mean daily air temperature at the base
station ( C); HQ the altitude of a given point on the glacier (m) ;HR
is the altitude of the base station (m). It is very convenient to
calculate the corresponding daily mean air temperature from equation
(9) at the base station while the temperature of a given altitude of
glacier is equal to 0 C. According to calculation, a daily mean air
temperature of 0 C at the glacial terminus corresponds to a daily
mean air temperature of 4.4 C at the base station, a temperature of
0 C at 4500 m corresponds to a temperature of 6 ° C at the base
station; a temperature of 0 C at the glacier summit (5158 m) i.e.,
the whole glacier is under ablation state, corresponds to a tempera-
ture of 11.2°C at the base station. The corresponding daily mean
temperature at the base station can be used as a temperature index
indicating the beginning and end of the ablation period while daily
mean air temperature at the end of the glacial tongue is above or
below 0 ° C.

Page 33
Glacial mass balance and climatic 387
Summary and analysis
The results from calculation show that the ablation period in
different years are distincte The ablation period usually begins in
early June, and ends in early September» The persistence of the
ablation period mainly depends on the temperature conditioning in
spring and autumn. The decrease of air temperature in Spring and
Autumn results in the shortening of the ablation period, and vice
versa. For instance, because of the higher temperature in the spring
and autumn of 1963, the ablation period of the glacier was elongated
to 121 days, the lower temperature in Spring and autumn in 1971 lead
to the shortening of the ablation period to 71 dayso With increasing
altitude, the ablation period becomes shorter and shorter, up to the
snow line(4650 m), the mean ablation period is 42 days* In some
years, the maximum ablation altitude might get to 5150 m, which
causes the lift of infiltration zone and leads to the absence of cold
infiltration-recrystallization zone» Besides, during the ablation
period, the weather process with strong temperature drops would also
lead to great decreases of air temperature on the glacier, even
making the ablation altitude lower than the glacial terminus and the
meltwater would disappear temporarily»
Taking 1968 as a key point, the beginning of the ablation period
on the "July First" Glacier during the 18 years after 1968 was 8 days
later than that in the 11 years before 1968, but the end time was 6
days earlier i.e. the ablation period was shortened by about 14 days.
The mean maximum melting altitude has dropped by 130 m or so. The
shortening of the ablation period and the decrease of its temperature
made the runoff of the rivers, which are mainly nourished by glaciers,
decrease remarkably, meanwhile the retreat of glaciers has slowed
noticeably. Glacier No. 4 in Shuiguan River of the east part of the
Qilian mountain retreated 8.9 m on average from 1967 to 1984, but 16m
from 1956 to 1976 each year. The "July First" Glacier in the middle
part of the Qilian mountain has retreated for 1 m each year from 1975
to 1985, and has nearly got to a stable state. The tongue of Glacier
No. 12 in Laohugou in west part of the Qilian Mountain becomes
thicker, and the glacial area has begun to extend.
Wang Zhongxiang, Xie Ziuchi, Wu Guanche (1985) Mass balance of
glacier in Qilian Mountains, Memoirs of Lanzhou Institute of
Glacialogy and Cryopedology Chinese Academy of Sciences, No. 5.
Ding Liangfu, Kang Xingcheng (1985) The relationship between climatic
variances and glacier changes, Memoirs of Lanzhou Institute of
Glaciology and Cryopedology Chinese Academy Sciences, No.%.
Kuhn, M. (1981) Climate and glaciers, Sea level, ice and Climatic
Changes, IAHS publ. No. 131.
Krenke, A.N. (1971) Climatic conditions of present day glaciation in
Soviet Central Asia, Snow and Ice Symposium, IAHS publ. No. 104.
Hoinkes, H. and Steinacker, R. (1971) Hydrometeorological
implications of the mass balance Hinterisferner, 1952-53 to 1968-
69, Snow and Ice Symposium, IAHS publ. No. 104.
Xie Zichu (1980) Mass balance of glaciers and its relationship with

Page 34
388 Xie Zichu & Liu Chaohai
characteristics of glaciers, Journal of Glaciology and
Cryopedology, Vol.2, No«4.

Page 35
The Influence of Climate Change and Climatic Variability on the Hydrologie
Regime and Water Resources (Proceedings of the Vancouver Symposium,
August 1987). IAHSPubl. no. 168, 1987.
Global climatic changes and regional
hydrology: impacts and responses
Peter H. Gleick
Energy and Resources Group
University of California
Berkeley , California, USA
As the atmospheric concentration of carbon
dioxide and other trace gases increases, changes in global
and regional climatic conditions will lead to a wide range
of hydrologie impacts, including changes in the timing and
magnitude of runoff and soil moisture. These hydrologie
changes, in turn, will result in diverse economic, social,
and political consequences.
The nature of the regional hydrologie effects depends
on changes in the climatic conditions and the water-
resource characteristics of the region. The research
conducted to date has identified a wide range of potential
problems—as well as some possible advantages—that might
result from plausible changes in climate estimated by
state-of-the art general circulation models.
These hydrologie changes fall into a series of distinct
categories, including: changes in the timing of water
availability; changes in the magnitude of water availabi-
lity; changes in the hydrologie variability; and effects
on water quality. Similarly, diverse societal responses to
the hydrologie changes are available, including adaptation,
mitigation, and prevention. Each of these responses
depends on the quality of the information available on
future impacts and on the perceived importance of the
effects. This paper discusses the extent and character of
hydrologie changes that could result from global climatic
changes, together with the options available for hydrolo-
gists and water planners.
Growing attention is being paid to climatic changes that may result
from increasing atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide and other
trace gases. While the direct effects of changes in climatic
conditions can be severe—as can be seen by the effects of existing
climatic variability—we must also pay attention to the wide range
of indirect effects, such as changes in agricultural productivity,
changes in sea-level, and changes in water resources. This latter
category is one of the most important and yet least well-understood
consequence of future changes in climate. Hydrologie impacts may
include major alterations in the timing and magnitude of surface
runoff and soil-moisture availability, and changes in the quality of
freshwater resources. Associated with these effects will be a wide

Page 36
390 P.H. Gleick
range of economic, environmental, and societal impacts» This paper
discusses the likely extent and character of important hydrologie
changes that could result from global climatic changes, together with
the options available to hydrologists and planners for dealing with
the most severe impacts»
The limited research conducted to date has identified a wide range
of potential problems—as well as possible advantages—that might
result from plausible changes in climate» These hydrologie changes
fall into distinct categories, including: changes in the timing and
magnitude of water availability; changes in the frequency and
severity of severe events, and effects on water quality» Similarly,
diverse societal responses to the hydrologie changes are possible,
including adaptation, mitigation, and prevention» Each of these
responses depends on the quality of the information available about
future impacts and on the perceived importance of the effects»
Future climatic changes
Despite the fact that hydrologists need accurate information on
climatic means and variability in order to develop appropriate water-
resource designs and rules of operation, details of future climatic
conditions cannot yet be predicted with any high degree of confidence»
The principal reasons for this inability to clearly identify future
climatic changes are the complexities of the ocean-atmosphere-land
interactions, the difficulties of developing satisfactory computer
models to reproduce these interactions, and uncertainties about our
actions that affect climatic conditions»
The problem is that, at present, while there are many ways in
which climate may be affected by human actions, we are unable to see
clearly either the direction of future climatic changes or nature of
their societal impacts» Because we are unable to "do the experiment"
directly, we must attempt to model climate and climatic changes—an
imprecise alternative because of the complexity of the global climate
system» Much of the effort of trying to understand the atmospheric
system has focused on the development of large-scale computer models
of the many intricate and intertwined phenomena that make up the
climate» The most complex of these models - general circulation
models (GCMs) - are detailed, time-dependent, three-dimensional
numerical simulations that include atmospheric motions, heat
exchanges and important land-ocean-ice interactions (see, Manabe
1969a, 1969b; Schlesinger and Gates 1980; Manabe and Stouffer 1980;
Wetherald and Manabe 1981; Ramanathan 1981; Manabe et al» 1981;
Hansen et al» 1983, 1984; Washington and Meehl 1983, 1984)»
GCMs permit us to begin to evaluate some of the implications for
global climatic patterns of increasing concentrations of radiatively-
active atmospheric gases» While many uncertainties remain, a
consensus is now beginning to form about the direction and magnitude
of certain major impacts, such as increases in global-average
temperatures and changes in the intensity and distribution of the
global hydrologie cycle»
Unfortunately, state-of-the-art general circulation models are
large and expensive to operate» Furthermore, while GCMs are invaluab-
le for identifying some climatic sensitivities and changes in global

Page 37
Effects of climatic change on regional hydrology 391
climatic characteristics, they have two limitations that reduce their
value to researchers interested in more detailed assessments of water
resources: (1) they are unable to provide much detail on regional or
local impacts, and (2) they are unable to provide much detail on
small-scale surface hydrology. Until our ability to model climate
improves, we must use other methods to either enhance the information
available from GCMs or provide insights now unavailable from them.
Plausible future hydrologie changes
The attention focused on large-scale GCMs in recent years results in
large part from their relative sophistication compared to other
models. Yet this attention has also highlighted the need for new
methods of hydrologie assessment. Recently there have been some
serious efforts to evaluate the regional hydrologie implications of
climatic changes (Schwarz 1977; Stockton and Boggess 1979, Nemec and
Schaake 1982; Revelle and Waggoner 1983; Flaschka 1984; U.S. Environ-
mental Protection Agency 1984, Cohen 1986, Gleick 1985, 1986a,b,
1987c). These works have provided the first evidence that relatively
small changes in regional precipitation and évapotranspiration
patterns might result in significant changes in regional water
Methods for evaluating the hydrologie impacts of climatic changes
include using historical data to evaluate the effects of past
fluctuations in precipitation and temperature on runoff and soil
moisture; determining the sensitivity of runoff and soil moisture to
hypothetical changes in the magnitude and timing of precipitation and
temperature; and incorporating regionally disaggregated changes in
temperature and precipitation predicted by GCMs into more accurate
regional hydrologie models. While none of these methods - individual-
ly - can provide much reliable information on future changes, each
can provide insights into specific hydrologie vulnerabilities to
climatic change.
Future hydrologie changes: what can we expect?
Changes in climate may cause changes in a variety of hydrologie
variables, including the timing, location, duration, and extent of
precipitation, runoff, soil moisture, and extreme events. These
impacts can be categorized in a variety of different ways. One useful
method, shown in Table 1, is to separate the impacts by the spatial
and temporal scales involved, with additional separation for the
different statistical moments of interest and the distinction between
political and geophysical boundaries. In the following sections, the
most plausible and worrisome changes in water availability are
described. These changes are not the only hydrologie effects that
will occur, and not all of these will occur at any one place or at
any one time. Nevertheless, we should pay particular attention to
these impacts because they are more likely to occur, they are harder
to mitigate, and they may be more disruptive than other climatic

Page 38
392 P.H. Gleick
Table 1 Hydrologie effects of climatic change
Hydrologie Variable of Interest
Useful Precipitation
Surface Runoff
Available Soil Moisture
Monsoonality (Onset, Ending, Intensity, Location)
Storm Events
Temporal Scale of Interest
Long-Term (greater than annual)
Seasonal (two to six months)
Spatial Scale of Interest (Political)
10® km2
10^ km2
Country/Region 10° km2
10J - 10s km2
Spatial Scale of Interest (Hydrologie)
10® km2
10^ km2
10^ - 10° km2
102 - 105 km2
Statistical Scale of Interest
Higher Moments
Hydrologie Impact of Interest
Peak Events (High and Low)
Source. Gleick (1987a)
a) Precipitation
Despite the fact that all GCMs predict an intensification of the
overall hydrologie cycle, particularly increases in global average
annual precipitation rates, this information is only marginally
useful* As the global average temperature increases, we expect an
increase in the rate of évapotranspiration and precipitations GCMs
now suggest that the annual-average increase in global precipitation
may be on the order of seven to fourteen percento Far more interest-
ing and potentially disruptive are the changes in regional precipita-
tion patterns, which are much harder to models At present, there is
little consensus about specific regional changeso
Two specific vulnerablities need attention: (1) changes in average
precipitation rates in regions with rainfed agriculture; and (2)
changes in the frequency of extreme precipitation events in areas
vulnerable to flooding and storms s In the first case, an increase in
precipitation in agricultural regions dependent on rainfall could

Page 39
Effects of climatic change on regional hydrology 393
have a beneficial effect, while a decrease would have the opposite
effect. Similarly, floods and storms are already responsible for
enormous human sufferings Such events could be exacerbated by an
increase in the variability of regional precipitation»
There are a number of hydrologie effects that may be driven
primarily by temperature changes, not precipitation changes» This
permits the identification of certain impacts that are somewhat
independent of precipitation rates» Among these impacts are changes
in soil-moisture availability and changes in the timing of surface
runoff» Although both of these variables depend heavily on site-
characteristics such as
precipitation rates, vegetation characteristics, topography, and soil
depth and type, some generalizations can be made»
b) Soil-moisture availability
Soil-moisture behavior in general circulation models is very simple,
and efforts to improve the representation of moisture in the soil
column are now underway (Dickinson 1986; Rind 1987)» For the last
several years, there has been a growing interest in soil-moisture
changes because of the possibility that some significant—and
potentially adverse—effects on soil-moisture availability may result
from increasing concentrations of carbon dioxide» In particular, some
general circulation model results suggest that soil moisture in mid-
continental regions in mid-latitudes may decrease during summer
months, which is often the critical period for crop productivity
(Manabe et al» 1981; Mitchell 1983; Manabe and Wetherald 1986; Rind
1987)» Although there are disputes over the magnitude (and sometimes
the direction) of these soil-moisture changes, the present active
research in this area may help to resolve the uncertainties»
Recently, some detailed hydrologie models have supported the
possibility of decreased summer soil-moisture availability in some
regions (Gleick 1986a, 1987c)» In particular, despite increases in
annual and seasonal precipitation, increases in temperatures can lead
both directly and indirectly to decreases in soil-moisture availabi-
lity during summer months» In regions with winter snowfall and
spring snowmelt (in the United States, such regions include large
parts of California, the Rocky Mountains, the Pacific Northwest, and
the Northeastern and Northcentral U»S»), increases in temperatures
may lead to decreases in the ratio of snow to rain in winter months,
increases in the speed of snowmelt in spring months, and an earlier
onset of drying in early summer (Gleick 1987c)» Figure 1 shows the
decreases in summer soil moisture in a major California watershed
that result from eight scenarios generated by three state-of-the-art
GCMs. The GCMs each predict quite different precipitation, yet the
regional model results using these scenarios all show decreased
summer soil-moisture availability» Similar results were identified
for other regions by Mather and Feddema (1986)» This robust result is
one example of the type of hydrologie impact that should be more
carefully studied on a regional basis»

Page 40
394 P . H . G l e i c k
GCM S c e n a r i o s
i -31
Figure 1 Change in summer (June, July and August) soil moisture
predicted by a water-balance model of a major California
watershed using precipitation and temperature data from
three general circulation models: the National Center for
Atmospheric Research (NCAR), the Geophysical Fluid
Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL), and the Goddard Institute for
Space Studies (GISS). Note that all three models show
decreases in soil moisture. The eight scenarios are:
Temperature only, Temperature and relative precipitation,
and Temperature and absolute precipitation. See Gleick
(1987a) for details of the model, the scenarios, and the
c) Runoff
Surface runoff shows a sensitivity to increases in temperature
similar to the one described above for soil moisture. In certain
regions, seasonal runoff appears to be vulnerable to changes in the
timing of surface flows, even when the overall annual runoff does not
change significantly.
Figure 2 plots historical average-monthly runoff in a major
California watershed together with the runoff predicted by a water-
balance model using temperature and precipitation changes predicted
by a state-of-the-art GCMo In this case, while the average-annual
runoff volumes do not change significantly between the two cases, the
monthly pattern has changed» This can be seen by the large increase
in winter runoff and the decrease in summer runoff. The physical
mechanisms at work here are similar to the ones described above

Page 41
Effects of climatic change on regional hydrology 395
3 3000
0 2000
— I
Figure 2 Average-monthly runoff: actual and model-predicted using
temperature and precipitation changes developed by the
Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory GCM» The annual
runoff volumes for both of these runs are the same; the
seasonal pattern has changed» See the text for details»
driving the soil-moisture changes—less total winter snowpack, more
winter runoff, faster snowmelt in the spring, and smaller spring
runoff » Figures 3 to 5 show the details of average-monthly changes in
runoff using the temperature and precipitation changes from three
GCMs to drive a regional water-balance model of the Sacramento Basin
in Northern California - perhaps the most important watershed in
California (Gleick 1987b)« In all of these cases, summer runoff
decreased and winter runoff increased, while average-annual runoff
was only slightly changed (Gleick 1987c). These runoff changes can
increase the frequency of flood events by shifting more runoff to
peak runoff months, even if overall average runoff doesn't change.
Similarly, regions dependent on minimum summer flows may be adversely
The vulnerability of water resources to climatic conditions
The availability of freshwater for agricultural, industrial, residen-
tial, and commercial use is sensitive to existing climatic variabili-

Page 42
396 P . H . G l e i c k
Climate-Induced Change In Runoff
— 100 J
1 —
Figure 3 Percent change in monthly runoff between the NCAR
temperature and absolute precipitaion run and the long-
term average runoff. Note the increase in winter runoff
and the decrease in summer runoff.
ty. The sensitivity varies with supply and demand, water quality, and
the specific needs of the users» As the climate begins to change, the
most severe pressures rn available water resources are likely to come
in regions where the existing water resources are already constrained
during certain times. This section discusses existing vulnerabilities
that might be either exacerbated or mitigated by climatic change.
Regions with natural deficits: Arid and semi-arid lands are, by
definition, regions with natural water deficits: the potential
évapotranspiration exceeds natural water inputs during part or all of
the year* At the same time, these lands are often thought to hold the
greatest potential for future agricultural development assuming that
water can be made available for irrigation, and that the soil quality
is high enough (Rosenberg 1981; Gleick 1987a)» Improvements in the
hydrologie conditions of these regions would require increases in the
average water availability. Since évapotranspiration is likely to
increase following a doubling of atmospheric carbon dioxide, such an
increase in average availability must come through precipitation or
water transfers into the basin. At the same time, if the variability
of water resources availability were to increase, the vulnerability
of these regions to climate could remain high. For a climatic change
to be most advantageous to arid and semi-arid regions, there would
have to be an increase in mean water availability and a decrease in
the variability. It is important to note here, however, that while

Page 43
Effects of climatic change on regional hydrology 397
Climate—Induced Change In Runoff
-100 J
Figure 4 Percent change in monthly runoff between the GFDL
temperature and absolute precipitation run and the long-
term average runoff. Note the increase in winter runoff
and the decrease in summer runoff.
such changes might be beneficial to agricultural productivity or
other human uses, they can lead to dramatic shifts in the natural
character of the existing ecosystems (Gleick. 1987a).
Regions with high societal demands: In many regions of the world,
the demand for water approaches the available supply during certain
periods. In these regions, efforts are often already underway to
modify either the available supply or demand. Changes in climate that
exacerbate these demands or reduce the overall supplies will have
negative consequences for the region, while overall increases in
water availability could ease some problems. As with the first
example, the most advantageous climatic change would be increased
mean availability and decreased variability. An increase in variabi-
lity would increase the frequency of severe events and may not result
in net benefits to the region.
Flood-prone regions: Areas prone to flooding, such as low-lying
floodplains, would benefit from a decrease in the variability of
precipitation and runoff and suffer f rom an increase in both the mean
and the variability of water availability. In these regions, measures
are often taken to reduce the vulnerability of society to floods,
such as the development of flood-control reservoirs. While such
facilities are often valuable, they are also expensive to design and
build. As a result, in order to properly design new flood-control
facilities, information on the nature of future hydrology is necessa-

Page 44
398 P . H . G l e i c k
Climate—Induced Change In Runoff
100 T
-100 J
Figure 5 Percent change in monthly runoff between the GISS
temperature and absolute precipitation run and the long-
term average runoff. Note the increase in winter runoff
and the decrease in summer runoff.
ry if a given facility is to be able to cope with future climatic
conditions» A change such as the one plotted in Figure 2, which
changes the seasonal patterns while not changing the annual average,
would increase the risks of flooding unless changes in the flood-
control system can be made»
Regions dependent on reliable seasonal supply: By far the most-
often heard hydrologie truism is that the supply of water to any
region is not uniformly distributed in space or time» Many regions
are dependent on water supplies that arrive during particular seasons,
such as the monsoons on the Asian sub-continent and winter precipita-
tion in Mediterranean-style climates » In these regions, slight
changes in the timing or magnitude of seasonality will have important
consequenceso Figure 2, which plots a possible change in the timing
of the availability of surface runoff in a major agricultural basin,
shows how the seasonality of runoff may be affected by predicted
climatic changes» Unless extensive reservoir systems permit the
storage and later distribution of seasonal precipitation and runoff,
a change in the seasonality of water availability could stress a
region» Unfortunately, as Nemec and Schaake (1982) pointed out,
climatic changes could cause problems for existing reservoir systems»
Regions sensitive to lake levels:
Major lake systems are
sensitive to inflows and outflows, which in turn depend on both
natural supply (from precipitation and runoff) and natural and

Page 45
Effects of climatic change on regional hydrology 399
artificial demand (from évapotranspiration and withdrawals). Work by
Snyder and Langbein (1962) and Street-Perrott et al. (1986), among
others shows this sensitivity in the context of changing climate.
Although some work has been done to estimate the effects of future
climatic changes on lake levels (see, Cohen 1986), no clear trends
have yet been identified. Shipping, municipal and industrial water
supply, recreation and natural ecosystems will be affected by both
positive and negative changes in lake levels.
Regions with decreasing water quality:
Deteriorating water
quality due to industrial development, agricultural wastewater, and
population growth will be affected by climatic changes that alter the
availability of freshwater resources. Critical areas include rivers
used for waste disposal that may experience decreases in minimum
flows, groundwater supplies that are sensitive to pollutant inflows,
and the design methods for the adequate disposal of toxic materials.
In some of these cases, societal actions should be taken now to
reduce the vulnerability of water quality to climatic changes. The
challenge is to design such actions to be flexible enough to handle a
wider range of climatic conditions than are now normally anticipated.
Perhaps the most well-known example of this is the salinity
problems of the Colorado River near the U.S.-Mexican border. As more
water is used for agriculture, the salinity of the river increases to
the point where it becomes detrimental to further use. This problem
will increase in severity in the absence of a climatic change and
thus already requires mitigating actions. These mitigating actions,
however, should anticipate minimum and maximum flows lower than those
historically recorded because of the possibility that minimum and
maximum flows could be altered by climatic changes. This added
flexibility can be achieved at a lower cost now than after the
actions have been designed, facilities built, and operating schemes
Regions dependent on hydroelectricity: Finally, hydroelectricity
plays a major role in many regions of the world. The reliability of
this energy depends on the reliability of water resources—part-
icularly the timing and magnitude of flow rates. As the climate
changes, one or another of these variables is likely to change, with
the risk that alternative (and more often expensive) methods of
electricity generation will be required to make up shortfalls, or
that potential hydroelectricity will be lost because of incorrectly-
sized and operated facilities (McGuirk 1982). At best, this suggests
the need for a flexible hydroelectric system-operating style; at
worst, existing facilities will have to be redesigned and new
facilities evaluated.
Discussion and conclusions
It is extremely unlikely that all the hydrologie changes induced by
changing climatic conditions will be beneficial. When the water-
resource needs of different regions are studied, we see that
different changes in the mean and variability of water resources are
required in different regions and on different time scales. The
probability is extremely low that the diverse changes appropriate for
all regions will occur in precisely the proper location and at

Page 46
400 P.H. Gleick
precisely the proper time—such as increases in means in arid regions,
decreases in means in regions subject to flooding, and the appropria-
te changes in both annual and seasonal variability. Given this
problem, attention must be focused on the vulnerability of hydrologie
systems to changes in climate, so that policies to mitigate the worst
effects can be implemented should negative impacts materialize.
Despite the uncertainties that surround the nature and timing of
future climatic changes and their subsequent impacts, the research
discussed here raises some concerns about regional water availability.
In particular, certain types of impacts, such as decreases in summer
soil moisture and runoff and increases in winter runoff are robust
and consistent across widely-varying scenarios. This consistency
suggests strongly that hydrologie vulnerabilities will make the
impacts of climatic changes on water resources an issue of major
concern in many regions of the world.
Some of the results described here support recent suggestions that
summer soil-moisture reductions may occur in many regions of the
world. The principal physical mechanisms involved—the decrease in
snow as a proportion of total winter precipitation, an earlier and
faster disappearance of winter snowpack due to higher average
temperatures, and a more severe évapotranspiration demand during the
warmer summer months—are both physically plausible and hydrological-
ly consistent. While other, countervailing hydrometeorologic features
may well exist—such as cloud cover/evapotranspiration feedbacks—the
consistency of the soil moisture and runoff results described here
must be considered a first warning of possible important changes in
regional water availability.
Adverse hydrologie changes may, if they materialize, have serious
implications for many aspects of water resources, including agricul-
tural water supply, flood and drought probabilities, groundwater use
and recharge rates, the price and quality of water, and reservoir
design and operation—to mention only a few. Yet information on these
changes, by itself, is unlikely to lead to major policy responses.
Only by looking at the specific characteristics of water-resource
problems—and their vulnerability to—the types of changes in runoff
and soil moisture identified above-can details of future societal
impacts be evaluated.
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Page 49
The Influence of Climate Change and Climatic Variability on the Hydrologie
Regime and Water Resources (Proceedings of the Vancouver Symposium,
August 1987). lAHSPubl. no. 168, 1987.
The impacts of G02-induced climate change
on hydro-electric generation potential in the
James Bay Territory of Quebec
Bhawan Singh
Professor agrège
Université de Montreal, Canada
CO2 - induced climate change can significantly affect the economy of
water - resource - based industries. Other studies in Canada, for the
Great Lakes-St. Lawrence basin (Cohen, 1987, 1986; Howe et al; 1986,
Sanderson et al, 1985; Bruce, 1984) have shown that changes in lake
and river levels, resulting from changes in Net Basin Supply (NBS)
can have far-reaching economic consequences on hydro-electric power
production, lake shipping and shoreline erosion.
In this paper, we intend to focus on the impact of CC>2 - induced
climatic change on the hydro-electricity generating capacity of the
three basins, within the James Bay Territory, that are presently
exploited for hydro-electric generation, namely the La Grande, the
Caniapiscau and the Opinaca-Eastmain basins (Figure la and Figure lb).
The hydro-generating capacity of the three basins are to be de-
rived from actual (normals : 1951-1980) and projected (2 x CO2) changes
in NBS using the GFDL (scenario A) and GISS (scenario B) scenarios
data provided by Environment Canada (Hengeveld and Street, 1986).
These data sets provide normals (1 x CO2) and projected (2 x CO2 )
temperature and precipitation conditions for several grid points
within the James Bay Territory (Figure la and Figure lb).
These projected changes in NBS will then be used to gauge the
potential economic costs or benefits of CO2 - induced climate change,
based on both climate change scenarios (GFDL and GISS).
Methods, data sources and derivations
For the three drainage basins selected, namely, the La Grande, the
Caniapiscau and the Opinaca-Eastmain, the NBS was calculated for both
the normals(1951-80) and the projected data for the two scenarios
(GFDL) and (GISS) in question.
The general form of the formula for calculating NBS for drainage
basins consisting of both land and open lake and reservoir surfaces
is written as:
NBS = Land
x Land + (Piake-^1ak ^ x
Lake ~ Consumption
NBS is expressed in m^s-!, ^lake represents the total precipitation
falling on the lake or reservoir surface and E^^g represents the
total evaporation from the lakes or reservoirs.

Page 50
404 B. Singh
72° >A6/7
\ ^ H 3 0 5 S ) N s ^
1 .
^ „ ^'< D 3 1 2 1 > /
} /
—-^, _ *
- ^ " ^
A6-1 1/10-1 1y £ •
G F D L grid point
Extrapolated grid point
(R1037) Soil unit
Figure la Drainage basins and grid points used in study
( Scenario A ).
B B l 2
a B 1 3
V Î H s o s s ) ^ .
"B13/13-18- \
.^- '
\_B12/13-18 o
y t f ^ . , .
L_ B12-17
\ /
\_.__&.OP ( NACA-
^ ~ '
Extrapolated grid point
(R1037) Soil unit
ISt. Lawrence Rj-
Figure lb Drainage basins and grid points used in study
( Scenario B ),

Page 51
Impact of climate change on hydro-electric generation 405
In the analyses, land discharge was calculated as the surface
runoff or water surplus (mm) using the Thornthwaite monthly water
budget method as written by Environment Canada (Johnstone and Louie,
1984). The Thornthwaite water budget formula, stated simply is:
= P - AE ± ASt
is the monthly surface runoff (mm), P is the monthly precipitation
(mm), AE is the monthly évapotranspiration depending on air tempera-
ture and soil moisture and, ASt is the monthly change in soil mois-
ture. Based on our knowledge of the average soil depth of the region
(Singh and Taillefer, 1984) and on values cited elsewhere for similar
regions (Cohen, 1986, 1987; Howe et al, 1986), a value of Water
Holding Capacity (WHC) equal to 100 mm was used.
Because of the remoteness of the area and the very sparse popula-
tion, water consumption is negligible and, because very little water
is consumed in hydro-electric power generation, this small total
amount of water consumed is neglected in the analysis.
Since the hydrology of the region has been modified recently by
the creation of dams for hydro-electric power generation, and artifi-
cial reservoirs have expanded natural lake surfaces, it was necessary
to slightly modify equation (1) to reflect these changes. Total basin
area, land area and reservoir area for each of the drainage basins
are supplied in Table 1. In addition, Table 1 provides mean hydrolo-
gie characteristics of each basin based on the period 1949-1980.
These conditions essentially represent the pre-damming period since
the dams were closed in November 1978 for La Grande basin, July 1980
for Eastman-Opinaca basin and, October 1981 for Caniapiscau basin
(M.T. Tran-Van SEBJ, personal communication).
Table 1 Physiographic and hydrologie parameters of drainage basins
( Source: SEBJ 1986 )
Drainage Basin
Basin Area
Lakes Area
(Km2 )
Land Area
(Km2 )
Land Area
Mean Dis- 1
charge and
(Std. Dev)
m3 /S
1762 (255)
788 (122)
851 (104)
Mean dls-2
Prec. Ratio
1 Mean discharge and (Standard Deviation) for period 1949-80:
Measured data: La Grande; 1960-79, Caniapiscau: 1962-79, Eastmain-Opinaca: 1960-80.
Other years data is estimated (SEBJ).
2 Mean discharge Precipitation Ratio for period 1949-80.
The hydrologie data set in Table 1 (1949-1980) therefore corres-
ponds to the normals (1951-1980) data and was thus used for
calibrating the normal discharge data.

Page 52
406 B. Singh
For the normals (1951-1980) data set, NBS was then calculated
using equation (l)o However for the projected scenarios data, NBS was
calculated both with equation (1) which ignores the reservoirs and
the following equation (3) which takes the surface area of the arti-
ficially created reservoirs into account.
Land x Land + ( Plake - Elafc
) x Lake
Discharge AreaR
Land Areag represents the reduced land area resulting from the
creation of reservoirs, PiakeR a n d ElakeR represent the total of
monthly lake plus reservoir precipitation and the monthly evaporation
respectively, and Lake AreaR represents the sum total of lake and
reservoir areas.
In equations (1) and (3), since land discharge and P^a^e- Elakeare
in mm/year and land area and lake area are in sq. km each half of the
equations, neglecting consumption, was multiplied by the conversion
factor of 31.71xl0-6 so that the final units of NBS are in m3 s-l .
Monthly values of discharge, precipitation and evaporation were sum-
med to derive total annual values.
As mentioned previously total annual land discharge is calculated
using the Thornthwaite water budget method. Lake and lake plus reser-
voir precipitation was assumed to be equal to the land precipitation,
unlike other other studies (Cohen, 1986,1986b) since the lake and
reservoir surfaces are relatively small.
Because of the small basin areas and the coarse spatial resolution
of the grid points for both scenarios (GFDL and GISS), it was
necessary to perform a series of extrapolations between grid points
so as to derive at least two reference points for each basin. These
extrapolations were done linearly along the X (latitude) and Y
(longitude) coordinates and diagonally across these X-Y vectors.
For instance, in the case of the La Grande basin, the two derived
grid points for scenarios A are A6/ioand A 6/11 and for scenario B,
B12 and
B12/13-18 (Figure 1 and Figure 2). Grid point A6 /1 Q
derived by linearly extrapolating latitudinally between GFDL grid
points Agand Aio(Figure 1). On the other hand, grid point Ag/n is
derived by extrapolating diagonally between GFDL grid points A g and
A]^. For scenario B, GISS grid point B]^ is already within the basin
(Figure 2). However, grid point B^2/13-18is derived by first extrapo-
lating latitudinally between GISS grid points B ^3 and B^g to derive
B13/18 and then by extrapolating diagonally between grid points
B13/18and B12 .
Interpolated grid points for the other two basins, as shown in
Figure 1 and Figure 2, namely Caniapiscau and Eastmain-Opinaca were
derived using a similar linear extrapolation procedure.
These extrapolated grid points were then averaged so as to derive
the mean basin precipitation and the mean land surface discharge on a
total annual basis. This averaging was weighted so as to reflect the
approximate proportion of the total basin that each extrapolated grid
point represented and so as to reflect the spatial variation of
precipitation and temperature (used to evaluate discharge) as shown
elsewhere (Singh et al, 1987). These results are shown in Tables 2a,
2b, 3a, 3b, and 4a, 4b.

Page 53
Impact of climate change on hydro-electric generation 407
Table 2a Annual input parameters for deriving unadjusted net basin
supply (NBS) and correction factor from extrapolated grid
points for La Grande basin: Scenario A (GFDL); normals
Grid Points
Lake Preci-
Lake Evap
Soil Unit
orat ion
Unadjus ted
Mean NBS
Underest imate
of Mean
Weighted mean = .6 (A6/11) + -4 (A6/10)
Weighted mean = .6 (R1037) + .4 (D3023)
Table 2b Annual input parameters for deriving unadjusted net basin
supply (NBS) and correction supply from extrapolated grid
points for La Grande basin: Scenario B (GISS); normals
Grid Points
Lake Preci-
( mm)
Lake Evap
Soil Unit
orat ion
( mm)
Mean NBS
Underesc imate
of Mean
Fac tor
Weighted mean = .6 (B12/
, - 18) + .4 (B )
** Weighted mean = .6 (R1037) + .4 (D3023)
Lake evaporation on the other hand was calculated according to the
Priestley-Taylor (1982) equation, written as
Elake = {et S/S + Y(Q * " QG)}/ L
E^ake is tne
monthly lake evaporation (mm), Q* is the net
radiation (MJ/m2/month), QG is the soil heat flux (MJ/m2/month),S is
the air temperature-dependent slope of the saturation vapor pressure
curve (Pa/°C), y is the psychrometric constant (Pa/°C), a is a non
- dimensional surface evaporability factor and L is the latent heat
of evaporation (MJ/kg).
The value of a used here is 1.26, as recommended by Priestley
and Taylor (1972) and Stewart and Rouse (1977) for open water

Page 54
408 B. Singh
Table 3a Annual input parameters for deriving unadjusted net basin
supply (NBS) and correction factor from extrapolated grid
points for Caniapiscau basin: Scenario A (GFDL); normals
Grid Points
A 6/U
A 7/ll
Lake Préci-
pitât ion
Lake Evaporation
Soil Unit
Mean NBS
Underescima te
of Mean
Correct ion
Weighted mean = .5 (A,,,,) + -5 (A-/n)
** Weighted mean = .5 (H3055) + .5 (R1016)
Table 3b Annual input parameters for deriving unadjusted net basin
supply (NBS) and correction factor from extrapolated grid
points for Caniapiscau basin: Scenario B (GISS); normals
Grid Points
B 13
B 13/18
Lake Preci-
Lake Evap
Soil Unit
orat ion
Mean NBS
Under est imat e
of Mean
Correct ion
Weighted mean = .5 (B,,) + .5 (B.,.„)
1 J / o
** Weighted mean = .5 (H3055) + .5 (R1016)
surfaces. However, as cautioned by Singh and Taillefer (1986), this
value of a can increase appreciably in the presence of horizontal
warm air advection.
The term (Q*-QG) was derived from the Canadian 1951-1980 normals
data of global solar radiation (K4-) as described by Stewart (1983).
Similarly the term S was calculated from the Canadian normals (1951-
1980) air temperature data. In consequence the normals values of
Elake a r e identical for both scenarios A(GFDL) and B(GISS).
For the projected changes in Eiaire, Stewart (1983) assumed that
(Q* - QG) remained unchanged and that only S changed as a function
of changes in air temperature as predicted by both the GFDL and GISS
However the Stewart (1983) calculations of ^iake a c e ideated in
the middle of the soil class units for Canada (Clayton et al, 1977).

Page 55
Impact of climate change on hydro-electric generation 409
Table 4a Annual input parameters for deriving unadjusted net basin
supply (NBS) and correction factor from extrapolated grid
points for Eastmain-Opinaca basin: Scenario A (GFDL);
normals data
Grid Points
^ake Preci-
( mm)
Lake Evaporation
Soil Unit
Mean NBS
jnderes tima te
of Mean
Correct ion
Weighted mean = .5 (A6_10/10> +
.5 ( A 6 _ n/10 _ u )
** Weighted mean = .5 (D3124) + .5 (R1037)
Table 4b Annual input parameters for deriving unadjusted net basin
supply (NBS) and correction factor from extrapolated grid
points for Eastmain-Opinaca basin: Scenario B (GISS);
normals data
Grid Points
Lake Preci-
Lake Eva
Soil Unit
Mean NBS
of Mean
Correct ion
Weighted mean = .5 (Bi-wjo) +
-5 ^B12/17'>
** Weighted mean = .5 (D3124) + .5 (R1037)
As is evident in equation (4) however, the soil characteristics have
no influence on the values of Elake
. Because our grid points for
E-t k
were tied to the soils classification, we chose the dominant
soilSclasses within each basin (Figure 1 and Figure 2) and calculated
a weighted mean for Elake
based on the relative areas of these soil
class units. Again it must be emphasized that the weightings do not
reflect soil characteristics but moreso changes in (Q*-QG) and in air
The normals value of Eiake
as shown in Tables 2a, 2b, 3a, 3b and
4a, 4b however seem a bit high for this region when compared to
results found for the Great Lakes region (Cohen, 1986a; Howe et al,
As a verification of the Priestley - Taylor E]_ake calculations, we
calculated Eiàke using a mass-transfer type equation, that is based

Page 56
410 B. Singh
on the temperature dependent mean monthly vapor pressure gradient
(Pa) between the lake surface and the air and the mean monthly wind
speed (km/hr) (Richards and Urbe, 1969; Quinn and Den Hartog, 1981)»
These were done for stations where the necessary lake water and air
temperature and wind speed were available, namely La Grande Rivière
(53°N and 77.5°W) in the La Grande basin and Nitchequon (54.5°N and
70.8°W) which is located within the Capiapiscau basin. Unfortunately
the data set is limited by the short time-period of water temperature
data: 1978-1984 for La Grande Riviere and 1980-1984 for Nitchequon,
which for all intents and purposes relates to the normals (1951-1980)
Table 5 shows the total annual and average totals of E^g^g using
the mass - transfer method. The average totals of E^g^e , though
somewhat influenced by lower than average values in 1983, are in
general 1 ower than the Priestley-Taylor E^gj^g calculations shown in
Tables 2a, 2b, 3a, 3b,4a and, 4b.
Table 5 Mass-transfer evaporation calculations (mm/year)
La Grande Rivière
Total Annual
Evaporation (mm)
Total Annual
Evaporation (mm)
Our calculations of NBS for the normals (1951-1980) period for
both scenarios using equations (1) and (3) however, were substantial-
ly lower than the mean measured discharge (SEBJ, 1986) for the 1949-
1980 period. These under-estimations ranged from 32.9% for the Cania-
piscau basin for scenario A to 43.1% for the La Grande basin for
scenario B (Tables 2a, 2b, 3a, 3b and 4a, 4b).
We suspect that these under-estimations are due partly to the fact
that our assumed water holding capacity (WHC = 100mm) is too high in
the calculation of land discharge by the Thornthwaite method since
substantial portions of these basins are covered by bare rock sur-
faces and partly due to the slight over estimation of Ei^g by the
Priestley-Taylor method. Also our linear method of extrapolating grid
points could have biased our results.
In order to correct for these aberrations, we calibrated the
values of annual NBS by introducing a correction factor, which is
simply the ratio of the mean measured discharge (1949-1980) to that of

Page 57
Impact of climate change on hydro-electric generation 411
the non-adjusted NBS values for both scenarios (Tables 2a, 2b, 3a,
3b and 4a,4b). These correction factors ranged from 1.491 for scena-
rio A for the Caniapiscau basin to 1.757 for scenario B for the La
Grande basin (Tables 2a, 2b, 3a, 3b and 4a, 4b).
These same correction factors, derived using the normals (1951-
1980) data for both scenarios (A and B) were also applied to the
projected annual NBS values for both scenarios (A and B) so as to
derive changes in annual NBS resulting from climate changes (Tables
6a, 6b, 7a, 7b and 8a, 8b).
Table 6a Annual input parameters for deriving unadjusted and
adjusted mean net basin supply (NBS) from extrapolated
grid points for La Grande basin: Scenario A (GFDL)
projected data
Grid Points
Lake Preci-
Lake Evap
Soil Unit
Mean NBS
Factor as
per Normals
Bean NBS
Weighted mean = .6 (A6/11) + -4
Weighted mean = .6 (R1037) + .4 (D3023)
Table 6b Annual input parameters for deriving unadjusted and
adjusted man net basin supply (NBS) from extrapolated
grid points for La Grande basin: Scenario B (GISS)
projected data
Grid Points
Lake Preci-
Lake Evap
Soil Unit
Unadjus ted
Mean NBS
Factor as
PER Normals
mean NBS
Weighted mean = .6 ( B I-WIT IQ)+
-^ ^B i?^
** Weighted mean = .6 (R1037) + .4 (D3023)
Since the same correction factors are applied for the normals and
projected values for both scenarios, cateris paribus, the comparative
effects should not be affected.

Page 58
412 B. Singh
Table 7a Annual input parameters for deriving unadjusted and
adjusted mean net basin supply (NBS) from extrapolated
grid points for Caniapiscau basin: Scenario A (GFDL)
projected data
Grid Points
Weighted mean
Lake Preci-
Lake Evaporation
Soil Unit
mean NBS
Factor as
per Normals
mean NBS
Weighted mean = .5 (6/11) + .5 (7/11)
** Weighted mean = .5 (H3055) + .5'(R1016)
Table 7b Annual input parameters for deriving unadjusted and
adjusted mean net basin supply (NBS) from extrapolated
grid points for Caniapiscau basin: Scenario B (GISS)
projected data
Grid Points
Eeighted mean
Lake Preci-
Lake Evaporation
Soil Unit
mean NBS
Factor as
per Normals
mean NBS
Weighted mean = .5 (B ,) + .5 (B,,...)
** Weighted mean = .5 (H3055) + .5 (R1016)
Results and discussion
Ignoring the presence of reservoirs for the moment, Tables 6a, 6b,
7a, 7b, and 8a and 8b show significant increases in NBS for all three
drainage basins, for both scenarios A and B„ These increases, range
from 6*8% for scenario A to 20*3% for scenario B in the Opinaca-
Eastmain basin. For the other two drainage basins, namely La Grande
and Caniapiscau, the percent increases in NBS are quite similar for
both scenarios: 17,7% (GFDL) and 18.3%(GISS) for La Grande and 15.7%
(GFDL) and 14,0% (GISS) for Caniapiscau (Tables 9a and 9b),
By adding the additional free water surface created by the reser-
voirs, these results do not change significantly (Tables 9a and 9b),
For scenario A, the increase in NBS is reduced from 17,7% to 16,5%

Page 59
Impact of climate change on hydro-electric generation 413
Table 8a Annual input parameters for deriving unadjusted and
adjusted mean net basin supply (NBS) from extrapolated
grid points for Eastmain-Opinaca basin: Scenario A (GFDL)
projected data
Grid Points
Weighted mean
Lake Preci-
Lake Evaporation
Soil Unit
mean NBS
Correct ion
Factor as
per Normal:
mean NBS
Weighted mean = .5 (A6 _10/1Q ) +
.5 (Afi_n / 1 Q _ U )
** Weighted mean = .5 (D3124) + (R1037)
Table 8b Annual input parameters for deriving unadjusted and
adjusted mean net basin supply (NBS) from extrapolated
grid points for Eastmain-Opinaca basin: Scenario B (GISS)
projected data
Grid Points
Weighted mean
Lake Préci-
pitât ion
Lake Evaporation
Soil Unit
Tiean NBS
Factor as
per Normals
mean NBS
Weighted mean = .5 (B 2/17 ) + .5 (B^/18)
** Weighted mean = .5 (D3124) + .5 (R1037)
for La Grande basin, decreases from 6.8% to 6.7% for Eastman-Opinaca
basin and remains unchanged at 15.7% for Caniapiscau basin. On the
other hand for scenario B, the increase in NBS is reduced in all
basins: 18.3% down to 15.6% for La Grande basin, 14.8% down to 13.0%
for Caniapiscau basin and 20.3% down to 20.2% for Eastman-Opinaca
These minor reductions in NBS increases, caused by the addition of
reservoirs, is most likely due to the fact that the decreases in land
area discharge are greater than the increase in total lake and reser-
voir evaporation. This is not surprising for these drainage basins
that are covered by bare rock surfaces over significant parts of
their surface area.
The values of the change in NBS project an increase that ranges

Page 60
414 B. Singh
Table 9a Normal and projected NBS and percent change in NBS for all
drainage basins: Scenario A (GFDL)
Bas in
La Grande
NBS without reservoirs
m3 /S)
Increase (V*)
Adjus te
Norma Is
d NBS with reservoirs
Increase (%;
Table 9b Normal and projected NBS and percent change in NBS for all
drainage basins: Scenario B (GISS)
La Grande
Normal s
NBS without reservoirs
Pro jected
Increase (7.)
d NBS with reservoirs
Pro jected
Increase (%)
from 6.7% (Eastman-Opinaca: Scenario A) to 20.2 percent (Eastmain-
Opinaca: Scenario B). On the other hand comparable studies in the
Great Lakes region (Cohen, 1986, 1987; Sanderson et al, 1985; Howe
et al., 1986) project a decrease in NBS of the order of 10 percent.
Th"ë explanation for this difference seems to be related to the very
high projected increases in precipitation that are of the order of 30
to 40 percent in July and January for both scenarios in these basins.
This order of precipitation increase masks and even over-rides the
projected increases in temperature and hence lake evaporation. In the
Great Lakes area both precipitation and temperature increases were
smaller, and in the case of precipitation there was even a decrease
in some areas. Also our methods and results, though lacking in some
areas seem well founded and consistent. The consistency of our re-
sults are shown in Table 10 where it is shown that there is little
change in the ratio of net basin supply to total basin precipitation.
This reflects the concurrent increases in discharge, resulting from a
net increase in precipitation minus evaporation, and in

Page 61
Impact of climate change on hydro-electric generation 415
Table 10 Annual Net Basin Supply/total annual precipitation ratios
(%) from measured, normals and projected data
Drainage Basin
La Grande
Mean Dis-
Prec. (7.)
Adjusted Nee Basin Supply / Precipitation ratio (%)
Scenario A (GFDL)
Scenario B (GISS)
Normals [Projected
Normal s
+ 0.1
+ 1.5
+ 1.0
Socio-economic costs/benefits
According to Mclntyre (1984) and Sanderson et al (1986) there seems
to exist a matching relationship between NBS and the average amount
of energy generated in the Great Lakes - St. Lawrence River Basin. If
these same relationships were to apply to the James Bay area, then
according to Tables 9a and 9b, the hydro-electric generating poten-
tial should increase by 15.6 percent (GISS) to 16.5 percent (GFDL)
for the La Grande basin, by 13.0 percent (GISS) to 15.7 percent
(GFDL) for the Caniapiscau basin and by 6.7 percent (GFDL) to 20.2
percent (GISS) for the Eastman-Opinaca basin.
The present potential generating capacity of the three drainage
basins, namely the La Grande, the Caniapiscau and the Opinaca-
Eastmain, and their sum total are shown in Table 11. If one were to
assume an equivalent percentage change between net basin supply NBS
and generating capacity, then according to Table 11, the hydro-
electric generating potential of the La Grande basin would increase
by 5.0 TW/h (GISS) to 5.3 TW/h (GFDL), that of the Opinica basin by
2.7 TW/h (GISS) to 3.3 TW/h (GFDL) and that of the Caniapiscau basin
by 0.6 TW/L (GFDL) to 1.8 TW/h (GISS). The total hydro-electric
production potential of all three basins together should therefore
increase by 9.2TW/h (GFDL) to 9.5TW/h (GISS).
Since warmer conditions and higher air-conditioning demands are
projected for south-eastern Canada and for the Northeast United
States, and since air conditioners generally function on electricity,
the potential increased supply of hydro-electricity from the James
Bay area will go towards satisfying this increased demand to the
south. Of course, this will be offset by a decrease in winter heating
Also, since electricity is generally one of the cheaper forms of
energy, increased hydro-electricity generating potential as caused
by C02
- induced climatic change in the James Bay area would allow
for substitution of more expensive forms of energy such as coal and
oil by less expensive hydro-electricity. These different supply and
demand changes and consequent substitution effects will have to be

Page 62
416 B. Singh
Table 11 Change in net basin supply (NBS) for the sum total of all
three drainage basins and change in hydro-electric
generating capacity
Drainage Basin
La Grande
ng ca-
NBS (m / S ) S c e n a r i o A (GFDL)
Pre iected
gen. cap.
NBS (m / S ) S c e n a r i o B ( G I S S )
Change in
gen. cap.
gen. cap.
Change in
gen. cap.
Source: M. Tram-Van, SEBJ, personnal communication.
quantified so as to derive economic cost/benefit figures. The
comparative advantage of the James Bay area, with respect to other
supply regions of hydro-electricity such as the Great Lakes region
and to changes in demand patterns in the south will also have to be
taken into account.
Conclusions and recommendations
- induced climate change as projected by both the GFDL (scenario
A) and GISS (scenario B) models will supposedly increase NBS by the
order of 6.7 to 20.2 percent for the three drainage basins considered
in the James Bay territory, namely the La Grande, the Caniapiscau and
Opinaca-Eastmain basins.
This increase in net basin supply should increase the hydro-
generating potentials of these drainage basins by about 9.2TW/h
(GFDL) to 9.5 TW/h (GISS). These increased generating potentials
should provide important economic advantages for the province of
Quebec, since hydro-electricity, being a relatively cheap energy
form, would replace the other more conventional and costly forms of
energy such as coal and oil.
Warmer conditions that are projected for south-east Canada and
north-east United States should allow for increased electricity
demand for cooling in the summer but for less electricity demand for
heating in the winter. However milder winters should favor electrici-
ty as a heating agent.
For subsequent phases of this segment of the research, it would
however be advisable to increase the spatial resolution of the global
circulation models (GCM's) so as to be able to better assess climate
change impacts over smaller spatial distances. Also, if extrapolation

Page 63
Impact of climate change on hydro-electric generation 417
has to be resorted to, a more objective method than mere linear ex-
trapolation should be devised.
A more accurate estimate of the water holding capacity (WHC) of
the soils of this region should also be made for calculating land
dischargee For the calculation of evaporation, more valid assumptions
should be made with respect to the possible changes in net radia-
tion (Q*) resulting from global climate change.
Finally the economic variables involved such as increased
electricity generating potential, higher summer-time and lower winter
time energy demand together with substitution effects and regional
changes in comparative advantage should be quantified and modelled so
as to derive more precise economic costs or benefits.
This paper eminates from contract funds from the
Quebec region of the Atmospheric Environment Service (SEA) of
Environment Canada. I also wish to acknowledge M. Richard Gilbert and
M. Gerald Vigeant of SEA for their prompt and generous support in
matters relating to contract details and data sources. I also
sincerely thank Dr. S. Cohen (Environment Canada) for providing
guidance and copies of the Thornthwaite Monthly Water Budget and of
the mass transfer programs; Dr. R.B. Stewart and his assistant
R. Muna for providing the Priestley-Taylor evaporation calculations,
M. Thack Tran-Van of SEBJ for the hydrologie and hydro-electric
generation data, Mme Lynn Gregorie for data analysis, M. Guy
Frumignac for the cartography and Mme Joëlle Casamajou for typing the
Bruce, J.P. (1984) Great Lakes levels and flows: past and future.
Journal of Great Lakes Research, 10 (1), 126-134.
Clayton, J.S., W.A. Ehrlich, D.B. Cann, J.H. Day, I.B. Marshall
(1977) Soils of Canada. Vols 1 and 2. Research Branch. Canada
Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, 239 p.
Cohen, S.J. (1986) Impacts of C02_induced climatic change on water
resources in the Great Lakes basin. Climatic change, 8 , 135-153.
Cohen, S.J, (1987) Climatic change, population growth, and their
effects on Great Lakes water supplies Professional Geographer, 38
(4), pp. 317-323.
Hengeveld, H.G. and R.B. Street (1986) Development of C02 climate
change scenarios for Canadian regions. Unpublished Paper.
Howe, D.A., D.S. Marchand. C. Alpagh and P.K. Stokoe (1986) Socio-
economic assessment of the implications of climatic change for
commercial navigation and hydro-electric power generation in Great
Lakes-St Lawrence River System. Special Report for Atmospheric En-
vironment Service, Environment Canada,122p.
Johnstone, K.J. and P.Y.T. Louie (1984) An operational water budget
for climate monitoring. Unpublished Manuscript, Canadian Climate
Centre Report No. 84-3, Downsview, Ontario, 52 p.
Mclntyre, J. (1984) Water-existing and possible future economic value
for hydro-electric generation. In proceedings, Ontario Water
Resources Conference, Futures in Water, June 12-14, 1984, Toronto,

Page 64
418 B. Singh
Priestley, C.H.B. and R.J. Taylor (1972) On the assessment of surface
heat flux and evaporation using large-scale parameters. Monthly
Weather Review, 100, 81-92.
Quinn, F.H. and F. den Hartog (1981) "Evaporation Synthesis" in E.J.
Albert and T.L. Richards(eds) IFYGL- The International Field Year
for the Great Lakes, U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Ann Arbor, 221-245.
Richards, T.L. and J.G. Irbe (1969) Estimates of monthly evaporation
losses from the Great Lakes, 1950 to 1968, based on the Mass
Transfer Technique. Proceedings Twelfth Conference on Great Lakes
Research, International Association of Great Lakes research, 469-
Sanderson, M.E., T. Choi, D.A. Howe, D.S. Marchand and P.K. Stokoe,
(1985) Socio-economic assessment of the implications of climatic
change for future water resources in the Great Lakes/St. Lawrence
river system. Hydro-electric power generation and commercial
navigation. DSS Contract NO. 02 SE.KM147-4-1414. 127 p.
SEBJ. La Grande Complex-Hydrological Studies. Unpublished paper.
Singh, B., R. Taillefer and J. Poitevin (1984) Les échanges radiatifs
et énergétiques et le bilan thermique du sol en Jamesie. Canadian
Geotechnical Journal, 21, 223-240.
Singh, B. and R. Taillefer (1986) The effect of synoptic-scale advec-
tion on the performance of the Priestley-Taylor evaporation
formula. Boundary Layer Meteorolgy, 36, 267-282.
Singh, B., L. Gregorie, D. Skiadas, G. Renaud, A. Viau and B. Cairns.
(1987) Prospective d'un changement climatique our les ressources
naturelles du Quebec. DSS Contract No. S-102-1-5510-4210-0000-101-
1100, 291p.
Stewart, R.B. and W.R. Rouse (1977) Substantiation of the Priestley
and Taylor parameter a = 1.26 for potential evaporation in high
latitudes. Journal of Applied Meteorology, 16, 649-650.
Stewart, R.B. (1983) Modelling methodology for assessing crop
production potential in Canada. Research Branch, Agriculture
Canada,, Contribution 1983-12E, 29p.
Tran-Van, T.
(1987) SEBJ, Service
Hydraulique, Personal

Page 65
~p Climatic change and
- H water resources
T J systems

Page 66

Page 67
The Influence of Climate Change and Climatic Variability on the Hydrologie
Regime and Water Resources (Proceedings of the Vancouver Symposium,
August 1987). IAHSPubl. no. 168, 1987.
Climate change and water resources
A.J. Askew
World Meteorological Organization
Geneva, Switzerland
The consideration of the impact of climate on
water resources is placed in a wider context: the chain
reaction associated with such an impact crosses the
interfaces between climate, hydrology, water-resource
systems and society. Each interface demands collaboration
and exchange of information between specialists and
assurance that current tools and approaches are
appropriate for the new environment that may evolve. The
chain reaction must be studied from start to finish if the
final impact on water resources is to be assessed. Various
points are presented for consideration at each stage.
Impact du climat sur les ressources en eau
La considération de l'impact du climat sur les
ressources en eau est placée dans un contexte plus large:
la réaction en chaîne associée à un tel impact comprend
les domaines communs au climat, à l'hydrologie, aux
systèmes de ressources en eau et à la société. Chaque
domaine commun nécessite la collaboration et l'échange
d'informations entre les spécialistes et l'assurance que
les outils et approches actuels soient appropriés au
nouvel environnement susceptible d'évoluer. La réaction en
chaîne doit être étudiée du de'but à la fin si l'impact
final sur les ressources en eau doit être évalué.
Différents points sont présentés pour être considérés a
chaque stade.
The last ten to twenty years have seen a major change in the general-
ly accepted view of climate and of climatology. In the past,
considerations of climate concentrated on long-term steady-state
conditions. Variations in space were studied and explained, but
variations in time were seen more as interesting historical phenomena
than as anything of particular importance for mankind in the present
This all changed in a remarkably short period of time when, in the
1970's, a greatly improved capability for modelling the global
atmosphere combined with increasing evidence and concern for the

Page 68
422 A.J. Askew
consequences for the atmosphere of man's activities. Some preliminary
findings hinted at major changes in climate under certain conditions,
others led to quite different conclusions. At times the former
received considerable publicity and the scientific community
recognized the need for broadly-based programmes of research and
evaluation on the whole subject of climate and the potential impact
of its variability and change on society. Many countries have
established national climate programmes for this purpose. At the
international level, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO)
convened the World Climate Conference in February 1979 (WMO, 1979),
with the support of UNEP, FAO, Unesco and WHO. This led later in the
same year to the establishment of the World Climate Programme whose
overall objectives are:
(a) to apply existing climate information for the benefit of
(b) to improve the understanding of climate processes,
(c) to monitor significant climate variations and changes.
The existence of climate variability has long been recognized,
including even the possibility of quite significant variations over
comparatively short periods of time. However, without any real means
of predicting such variations, they were not seen as being of any
great relevance to regional or national planning. Our ability to
predict variations is still very limited and any predictions that are
made are hotly debated. It is interesting to speculate on the cause
of the current interest in climate variability and change. Certainly,
the fact that man himself may be the cause of such variations, even
changes, has given the whole question far greater importance and
If we had perfect knowledge and foresight of the situation, we may
find that variations and changes in climate over the next 200 years
are neither greater nor more sudden than those experienced during the
last 200 years. It is theoretically possible, therefore, that current
analytical and planning techniques are adequate for generations to
come and there is no real need for concern or for major changes in
the way we manage affairs. However, we have neither perfect knowledge
nor perfect foresight. What is more, there is a very real possibility
that man's actions will have significant negative effects on the
climate. These we should try to predict, plan for and, above all,
prevent wherever possible. Therefore, while the reasons behind the
current concern over climate change and variability may be studied by
those interested in the history and philosophy of science, society
has every right to expect scientists, engineers and planners to take
the subject itself with the utmost seriousness.
The basic needs of mankind are commonly taken to include food and
drink, clothing and shelter, and security against physical harm. The
provision of food and drink requires an adequate supply of water and
security demands protection from flooding as well as from other
threats to safety. Some of the most important, in fact probably the
most important, impacts on society of climate variability and change
are introduced through the water cycle. The hydrologist and the
water-resource engineer therefore have a major role to play in
studying and planning for these impacts and it is very important that
such work be undertaken in a co-ordinated fashion at national and
international levels.

Page 69
Climate change and water resources 423
Climate variability and change
A whole range of definitions can be presented with reference to
climate variability and change. The following have been found useful
in developing plans for water-related projects under the WCP (WMO,
"Weather is associated with the complete state of the atmosphere
at â particular instant in time and with the evolution of this
state through the generation, growth, and decay of individual
"Climate is the synthesis of weather over the whole of a period
essentially long enough to establish its statistical ensemble
properties (mean values, variances, probabilities of extreme
events, etc.) and is largely independent of any instantaneous
"Climate change defines the difference between long-term mean
values of a climate parameter or statistic, where the mean is
taken over a specified interval of time, usually a number of
"Climate variability includes the extremes and differences of
monthly, seasonal and annual values from the climatically expected
value (temporal mean).
The differences are usually termed
Water-resource systems
The simple existence of a body of water does not define it as a
"water resource". For it to be a "resource" it must be available, or
capable of being made available, for use in sufficient quantity and
quality at a location and over a period of time appropriate for an
identifiable demand. There is therefore an important distinction to
be drawn between hydrology and the study of water resources.
A water resource may already be used or it may represent only a
potential for the future. In either case, its current and future
reliability are important factors and a firm prediction of a future
reduction in quantity or reliability may deny the use of the term
"water resource". In this sense, therefore, a future climate change
would not only affect the magnitude or reliability of existing water
resources but it would also make available resources that had not
previously been considered as such or result in the total loss of
many existing resources.
The hydrologie cycle is an integral part of the climate system and
is therefore involved in many of the interactions and feed-back loops
which give rise to that system's complexity. Water-resource systems
represent man's intervention in and use of the hydrologie cycle for
his own benefit. Even the simplest are subject to a number of
external influences each offering avenues for the impact of climate
change. They contain many interactions within them and, on a local
scale, can significantly modify the hydrologie cycle. Therefore,
while water-resource systems may be viewed principally as the
recipients of climate impacts, through the intermediary of the
hydrologie cycle, they may themselves have an impact on climate,
particularly where they are very large in scale or in number or where

Page 70
424 A.J. Askew
the hydrologie cycle is in a delicate state of balance.
Any investigation of the interaction between the climate system,
hydrologie cycle and water-resource systems must recognize the
complexity of the relationships involved. As regards water-resource
systems, one approach would be to first identify the various elements
involved in each system and then to study the climatologie and
hydrologie factors influencing the design and efficiency of operation
of each such element. A systematic presentation of the various types
of water-resource system and the hydrologie factors and techniques
involved in the design and operation of each type was compiled under
the auspices of the International Hydrological Programme of Unesco
(1982). The emphasis of WMO's Operational Hydrology Programme is on
the requirements of each type of project for hydrologie and
climatologie data. These were considered by Andrejanov (1975) over
ten years ago and a recent report (WMO, 1987) contains extensive
tabulations setting out such requirements.
At this point in time, the principal demand is not for precise
estimates of the potential impact of climate change on specific water
projects, but for indications of the general nature and extent of
such impacts on various types of water project. Each hydrologie
factor of relevance and each data requirement represent an avenue by
which climate change might have an impact on the type of project in
question. Therefore, reports such as those referred to above offer a
good basis for identifying not only the types of project to be
considered but also the climatologie elements and their characteris-
tics which are likely to be important in a study of the impact of
climate change.
Needs for information on climate change
The distinction drawn above between "variability" and "change", while
clear in principle, is by no means easy to apply in practice.
Variability is not so difficult to recognize and assess, but in order
to study the effect of climate change we must first be able to
distinguish change from variability. The progress being made in this
regard by both climatologists and hydrologists is to be noted and
they should be encouraged to continue with their important work.
Likewise, encouragement should be offered to those climatologists
and atmospheric physicists who study the climate system and seek to
explain its variability and past changes and to predict its future
behaviour. Their advice is vital to those concerned with the impact
on water resources for, without some indication of likely future
changes in climate, any discussion of impacts will be restricted to
theory and be of limited practical value. However, the water-resource
engineers and planners must be prepared to state clearly what advice
they require. The climatologists and atmospheric physicists have
legitimate interests of their own and, in addition, many other groups
make requests of them for specific information to satisfy their own
particular needs. It is not enough to express dissatisfaction with
the form or content of current climate predictions, the hydrologist
and water-resource engineer must clearly define their own needs and
make them known by appropriate means.
This list of needs is likely to encompass such parameters as:

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Climate change and water resource? 425
(a) Space scale: global; hemispherical; continental; regional;
national; sub-national.
(b) Time scale: hundreds of years; tens of years; annual; seasonal;
(c) Elements: radiation (at ground surface); temperature; wind
speed; precipitation; humidity.
(d) Characteristics: mean; variance; skew; probability of extreme
values; spatial and temporal correlation; cycles; trends; abrupt
At present climate predictions concentrate on changes in the mean
values of a few selected elements over periods of ten to twenty years
on a global or hemispherical basis. It is not at all clear at first
sight what characteristics of what elements are likely to be of
greatest significance with regard to the impact on water resources.
Precipitation is a prime candidate but, unfortunately, it is the
element about which climate predictions say the least and say it with
the least confidence. Similarly, while abrupt changes or trends in
mean values are important, increased or decreased dispersion and/or
probabilities of extreme values are likely to be far more critical.
The mean precipitation and temperature may remain unchanged even
within each season, but a modest increase in their variability could
throw doubt on the viability of certain rain-fed crops or run-of-the
river hydropower schemes and could leave major reservoirs either
empty or threatened by floods which are greater than those for which
their spillways were designed.
If the types of water-resource projects are identified together
with the climate characteristics that are significant for each then a
list of climate prediction requirements might be drawn up. It may
not be such a difficult task for an individual with a particular
interest, but it will not be easy to obtain consensus on the matter
among a group of experts viewing the problem from various national or
regional perspectives. It is important that any such list be as
short as possible and those concerned must realize that it will be
many years before even a preliminary response can be made on some
items. Despite these difficulties, it is important that this task be
undertaken in an appropriate context at an early date. If it is not,
then the climatologists and atmospheric physicists will not be able
to take due account of hydrology and water resources in their
investigations and the most important channel for climate impact may
be poorly treated.
One last, but important, comment on this question: the identifica-
tion of needs is likely to be a dynamic and iterative process. As
each climate prediction is studied and as the likely impact on a
particular type of water-resource system is assessed, new informa-
tion about the sensitivity of the system to such changes will be
acquired which will often lead to a request for more detailed
predictions or predictions concerning additional parameters. The
list of needs will therefore evolve and change with time, but until a
first draft list is established, little progress can be made.
The impact of climate change on hydrology
The impact of climate change follows a chain reaction. As already

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426 A.J. Askew
noted, the hydrologie cycle is part of the climate system and so the
first link in the chain is the impact on hydrologie processes. Here
the obvious approach is to use the hydrologie model as the basic
tool, adjust various parameters and inputs to simulate climate change
and study the model's response both as regards its state variables
and output. Even given a specific prediction scenario, it is not
easy to decide what adjustments to make to what; it is even more
difficult to interpret the results when the scenarios used are as
speculative as they are at present. Nevertheless the work that has
already been done in this regard (e.g. Nemec and Schaake, 1982) is of
great importance in that it has awakened interest in the hydrologie
community to the whole subject and has laid the groundwork for future
The more precise one wishes to be in any investigation, the more
one should question the qualities and appropriateness of the tools
used. Where the tool is inadequate for the task, the results can be
of little value. Klemes (1985) has set very exacting standards for
hydrologie models if they are to be used in this context. It is to be
hoped that model developers will apply such tests so that any results
obtained by using a model may be judged against the results of his or
similar tests.
Alternative approaches which do not make use of hydrologie models
have also been proposed. For example, studies in comparative
hydrology are seen as offering a potential source of information. As
with all analyses which trade variations in space for variations in
time, these should be approached with caution. They can illustrate
the types of equilibrium states that have been established in the
past under various external influences. The question to be asked is
how much they can tell us about the dynamic response of hydrologie
systems when they are subjected to changes in time in climatic
This first link in the chain also involves the interface between
the atmosphere and the land surface. Inadequate modelling of the
water and energy balances at this interface are held to be one of the
factors which currently limit the performance of general atmospheric
circulation models. It is on these models that many of our hopes
depend for improved climate predictions. As hydrologists seek better
predictions of climate variability and change, they should therefore
be prepared to make a substantial input to the work of those who
model the atmosphere. The basis for such collaboration has already
been established and the work commenced (Eagleson, 1982; WMO, 1985b):
a most welcome sign.
Hydrologie processes and water-resource systems
The second link in the chain is that between hydrologie processes and
water-resource systems. As the systems are man-made it is easy to
see this as a simple matter. The anticipated variations and changes
in the climatologie and hydrologie processes can be introduced in the
relevant parameters and time series inputs to mathematical models of
the systems. The impact on their performance may then be investigated
on the basis of the outputs and general system response. However, as
mentioned earlier, the interaction between water-resource systems,

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Climate change and water resources 427
climate and hydrology may be more complex than at first expected. It
may involve feed-back mechanisms and, in particular, significant
changes in certain processes may cause the system to operate in a
manner totally different from that experienced to date and may even
result in the system being unable to serve any useful purpose. For
example, a moderate increase in the probability of below-freezing
temperatures would have a negligable influence in the hydrologie
regime but could make it impossible to sustain the production of
citrus fruits. Unless an alternative crop could be cultivated, the
irrigation scheme serving the orchards would then be of little future
value. In another situation, a shift in timing of the wet season may
permit rain-fed agriculture where irrigation was previously essential.
The more obvious examples are long term trends in mean values or
changes in probabilities of extremes which could result in empty
reservoirs or increases in water logging or the threat of flooding.
The interface between water-resource systems and the natural
processes within which they are embedded is also complicated by the
fact that, while the systems are man-made and hence reasonably
clearly defined in physical terms, the manner in which they are
operated is rarely so well understood and can change or be changed
with considerable ease. The operating policy is one of the principal
characteristics of a water-resource system. For some systems it may
be possible to amend the policy so as to counteract or even take
advantage of climate variability and change. For others, however,
the freedom to change the policy may be very limited. The actual
manner in which water-resource systems are currently operated is the
result of a complex, even stochastic, balance of factors: physical,
socio-economic, political and human. There is no reason to believe
that this will not continue to be the case in the future and this
complexity and uncertainty should always be borne in mind when
evaluating theoretical optimum policies. Despite this, it is vital
that a consideration of operating policies be included as a part of
any water-resource system study.
Water-resource systems and society
The response to predictions and indications of climate change could
be structural, such as an increase in the height of levee banks, the
construction of new storage reservoirs or the installation of
additional turbines. It could also be non-structural: the implementa-
tion of hydrologie forecasting systems to allow more optimal use of
water supplies, revised operating policies for existing systems or
changes in social habits and economic activity.
The third link in the chain, that between water-resource systems
and society, is therefore of great importance and one that is
dominated by feed-back mechanisms. Both the physical characteristics
and the operating policy of a system are designed to meet the
perceived needs of society in one way or another. A change in climate
or a change in its variability could greatly affect these needs.
Domestic and agricultural demands for water would be expected to
increase if temperatures increase, but if this is accompanied by an
increase in precipitation then agricultural demand may fall,
depending on seasonal factors. If a significant change in climate is

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428 A.J. Askew
predicted, farmers, industrial managers and the general public may
respond in a manner analogous to the response seen during recent oil
crises, and the net impact on society may be far less than anticipa-
ted. Conversely, a negative or ill-judged reaction could aggravate
the situation and amplify the impact.
In one sense, the water-resource system, with all its imprecision,
sits as a relatively well-defined entity linked on the one hand with
the natural environmental systems of climate and hydrology and on the
other with the socio-economic and political systems of man. This
latter interface, the third in the series, is complex, dynamic,
multi-faceted and, above all, difficult if not impossible to predict
as regards its future characteristics and performance. Much valuable
work has been done on the multi-objective planning of water-resource
systems and various techniques have been developed for rationally
accounting for competing demands expressed in financial terms or in
various measures of public safety and welfare. In theory, these
techniques should hold for the consideration of the impact of climate
change, but in practice it is likely to prove vastly more difficult
to express in concrete terms the desires and limitations of each
sector under the predicted future conditions than under present
circumstances. What will be the priorities of a society which is
faced with a change in climate where this might lead to marked
increases or decreases in temperature and precipitation, in food and
water supplies, in health and safety risks and in the general quality
of life? Where our hydrologie models need to be tested to ensure that
they will yield valid results under conditions beyond those for which
they were originally derived, so too will our socio-economic models.
Strictly speaking, this is outside the subject of this paper, but it
is certainly of relevance to the subject.
Hydrologists have long been concerned that hydrologie forecasts
are adequately disseminated and correctly interpreted so as to ensure
that they are of greatest value. Those who predict the response of
water-resource systems to climate change should be equally concerned
that their predictions could affect the validity of the predictions
themselves. It is essential, therefore, that current efforts to
involve the appropriate water users and decision makers in the
planning and design of water-resource systems be taken much further
in the study, planning and design of systems to respond to the impact
of climate change. Without true dialogue, the predictions could
include grave errors and the plans could prove very ineffective.
Concluding remarks
The purpose of this paper is not to review the current state-of-the-
art in the study of the potential impact of climate change on water
resources. Up until mid-1986 there were not so many published papers
on the subject (Beran, 1986), but the field is gaining in interest
and the papers presented at the current symposium should provide a
good indication as to what has been achieved and what studies are
planned for the future. The aim of the author has been to put the
whole field of study into its wider context, to raise certain
questions that need to be answered and to propose, in some instances,
what approaches might be taken.

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Climate change and water resources 429
The past concentration on thirty-year normals has been replaced in