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Characteristics of brown carbon in the urban Po Valley atmosphere
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Atmos. Chem. Phys., 17, 313–326, 2017
© Author(s) 2017. CC Attribution 3.0 License.
Characteristics of brown carbon in the urban Po Valley atmosphere
Francesca Costabile1, Stefania Gilardoni2, Francesca Barnaba1, Antonio Di Ianni1, Luca Di Liberto1,
Davide Dionisi1, Maurizio Manigrasso3, Marco Paglione2, Vanes Poluzzi4, Matteo Rinaldi2, Maria Cristina Facchini2,
and Gian Paolo Gobbi1
1Institute for Atmospheric Sciences and Climate (ISAC), National Research Council (CNR), Rome, Italy
2Institute for Atmospheric Sciences and Climate (ISAC), National Research Council (CNR), Bologna, Italy
3INAIL, Rome, Italy
4ARPA ER, Bologna, Italy
Correspondence to: Francesca Costabile (f.costabile@isac.cnr.it)
Received: 30 December 2015 – Published in Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss.: 1 February 2016
Revised: 13 December 2016 – Accepted: 17 December 2016 – Published: 5 January 2017
Abstract. We investigate optical–microphysical–chemical
properties of brown carbon (BrC) in the urban ambient at-
mosphere of the Po Valley. In situ ground measurements of
aerosol spectral optical properties, PM1 chemical compo-
sition (HR-ToF-AMS), and particle size distributions were
carried out in Bologna. BrC was identified through its
wavelength dependence of light absorption at visible wave-
lengths, as indicated by the absorption Ångström exponent
(AAE). We found that BrC occurs in particles with a narrow
monomodal size distribution peaking in the droplet mode,
enriched in ammonium nitrate and poor in black carbon
(BC), with a strong dependance on OA-to-BC ratios, and
SSA530 of 0.98 ± 0.01. We demonstrate that specific com-
plex refractive index values (k530 = 0.017 ± 0.001) are nec-
essary in addition to a proper particle size range to match the
large AAEs measured for this BrC (AAE467−660 = 3.2 ± 0.9
with values up to 5.3). In terms of consistency of these find-
ings with literature, this study
i. provides experimental evidence of the size distribu-
tion of BrC associated with the formation of secondary
ii. shows that in the lower troposphere AAE increases with
increasing OA-to-BC ratios rather than with increasing
OA – contributing to sky radiometer retrieval techniques
(e.g., AERONET);
iii. extends the dependence of AAE on BC-to-OA ratios
previously observed in chamber experiments to ambi-
ent aerosol dominated by wood-burning emissions.
These findings are expected to bear important implications
for atmospheric modeling studies and remote sensing obser-
vations as regards the parametrization and identification of
BrC in the atmosphere.
1 Introduction
Aerosol has an important role in the Earth’s climate with both
direct and indirect effects; in addition, it affects air quality
and atmospheric chemistry. At present, our understanding of
the light-absorbing aerosol types is incomplete (see reviews
by Laskin et al., 2015; Moise et al., 2015). An important
absorber of solar radiation in the UV–vis region is atmo-
spheric carbonaceous aerosol (IPCC, 2013). In the classifi-
cation of its components proposed by Pöschl (2003), visible-
light-absorbing properties ranged between two extremes. On
one side, there is black carbon (BC), refractory material
that strongly absorbs light over a broad spectral range. On
the other side, there is colorless organic carbon (OC), non-
refractory material, with no absorption or little absorption in
the UV–vis spectral range. There is a gradual decrease of
thermochemical refractiveness and specific optical absorp-
tion going from BC graphite-like structures to non-refractive
and colorless OC (Laskin et al., 2015). A broad range of col-
ored organic compounds has recently emerged in the scien-
tific literature for their possible role in the Earth’s radiative
transfer and therefore its climate (Laskin et al., 2015; Moise
et al., 2015).
Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union.

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F. Costabile et al.: Brown carbon in the Po Valley atmosphere
The term brown carbon (BrC) has emerged to describe
this aerosol with an absorption spectrum smoothly increas-
ing from the visible (vis) to the near-UV wavelengths, with
a strong wavelength dependance of the light absorption co-
efficient (λ−2 − λ−6) (Andreae and Gelencsér, 2006; Moos-
müller et al., 2011; Bond et al., 2013; Laskin et al., 2015;
Moise et al., 2015). BrC lacks a formal analytical defini-
tion (Bond et al., 2013). In this study, we will identify BrC
through its high values (2–6) of the absorption Ångström ex-
ponent (AAE), a parameter describing the wavelength (λ) de-
pendent absorption coefficient (σa) of light by aerosol, writ-
ten as
AAE(λ) = −
What is known about BrC aerosol is that it is organic
matter with both primary and secondary sources (Laskin
et al., 2015). Primary BrC can be emitted together with BC
from low-temperature combustion processes, like wood com-
bustion (Andreae and Gelencsér, 2006). Secondary organic
aerosol (SOA) formed in the atmosphere also contributes to
light-absorbing-carbon (Moise et al., 2015, and references
therein), but only a few field measurement studies have ana-
lyzed the BrC associated with SOA (Zhang et al., 2011; Saleh
et al., 2013; Zhang et al., 2013; Gilardoni et al., 2016).
Numerous evidences indicate increased absorption to-
wards UV for aerosol particles high in nitrate (e.g., Jacobson,
1999; Zhang et al., 2013), sulfate (Lee et al., 2013; Song et
al., 2013; Powelson et al., 2014; Lin et al., 2014), and ammo-
nium (Shapiro et al., 2009; Noziere et al., 2009; Bones et al.,
2010; Noziere et al., 2010; Sareen et al., 2010; Updyke et al.,
2012; Flores et al., 2014; Lin et al., 2015). Lin et al. (2014)
reported the formation of light-absorbing SOA constituents
from reactive uptake of isoprene epoxydiols onto preexisting
acidified sulfate seed aerosol as a potential source of sec-
ondary BrC under tropospheric conditions. Powelson et al.
(2014) discussed BrC formation by aqueous-phase carbonyl
compound reactions with amines and ammonium sulfate. Lee
et al. (2013) studied the likely but uncertain effect of sulfate
on the formation of light-absorbing materials and organo-
nitrogen via aqueous glyoxal chemistry in aerosol particles.
Song et al. (2013) observed significant light absorption at
355 and 405nm for SOA formed from an α-pinene + O3
+ NO3 system only in the presence of highly acidic sulfate
seed aerosols under dry conditions. Several studies demon-
strated the importance of ammonium, both as a catalyst and
as a reactant, in the formation of light-absorbing products
(Powelson et al., 2014; Laskin et al., 2015). SOA formation
can occur in both the gas and condensed phases. Recently, ef-
ficient SOA production has been recognized in cloud and fog
drops and water-containing aerosol: water-soluble products
of gas-phase photochemical reactions may dissolve into an
aerosol aqueous phase and form SOA through further oxida-
tion, this SOA being referred to as “aqSOA” (Ervens et al.,
2011; Laskin et al., 2015). AqSOA formation impacts total
SOA mass and aerosol size distributions by adding mass to
the so-called “droplet mode” (Ervens et al., 2011). Meng and
Seinfield (1994) showed that the aerosol “droplet mode” in
urban areas is the result of activation of smaller particles
to form fog, followed by aqueous-phase chemistry and fog
evaporation. It was demonstrated that aqSOA formation can
affect aerosol optical properties by adding light-absorbing
organic material at UV wavelengths (Shapiro et al., 2009;
Ervens et al., 2011; Gilardoni et al., 2016). Gilardoni et al.
(2016) demonstrated that in the ambient atmosphere the aq-
SOA from biomass burning contributes to the BrC budget
and exhibits light absorption wavelength dependence close to
the upper bound of the values observed in laboratory experi-
ments for fresh and processed biomass-burning emissions.
Despite the efforts made, relations between optical prop-
erties and chemical composition of organic compounds with
spectrally variable light absorption (high AAE) are poorly
understood (Laskin et al., 2015). A number of previous
works (Shinozuka et al., 2009; Russell et al., 2010; Arola
et al., 2011) studied how the organic aerosol (OA) mass frac-
tion (fOA) relates to AAE and to single scattering albedo
(SSA), the ratio of scattering to extinction, a key parame-
ter in understanding aerosol warming or cooling effect. Re-
sults from in situ measurements on the C-130 aircraft (Cen-
tral Mexico) during MILAGRO (Russell et al., 2010) showed
that both organics and dust increase AAE values. Russell
et al. (2010) showed a direct correlation between AAE and
fOA. On the basis of the same data, Shinozuka et al. (2009)
showed that AAE generally increases as fOA or SSA in-
creases. Saleh et al. (2014) burnt a selection of biomasses in
a combustion chamber, varying the combustion parameters
to obtain a range of BC-to-OA ratios. This ratio, the relative
proportions of BC and OA mass, depends on fire character-
istics and plume age, and it determines aerosol color from
black to brown to white as the ratio decreases. Saleh et al.
(2014) findings link the extent of absorbance to the BC-to-
OA ratio for aged and fresh biomass-burning aerosols. If
confirmed, this link has the potential to be a strong predic-
tive tool for light-absorbing properties of biomass-burning
aerosols (Bellouin, 2014; Moise et al., 2015). Following the
approach of Saleh et al. (2014), Lu et al. (2015) reviewed
available emission measurements of biomass-burning and
biofuel combustion and found similar results indicating that
AAE of the bulk OA decreases with the increasing BC-to-
OA ratio. They conclude that the absorptive properties of OA
from biomass/biofuel burning depend strongly on burning
conditions and weakly on fuel types and atmospheric pro-
In this study, we investigate optical–microphysical–
chemical properties of BrC in the ambient urban atmosphere.
In situ ground ambient data of chemical (high-resolution
time-of-flight aerosol mass spectrometer, HR-ToF-AMS),
optical (3λ nephelometer and 3λ particle soot absorption
photometer, PSAP), and microphysical (SMPS and APS)
aerosol properties were taken during two field measurements
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F. Costabile et al.: Brown carbon in the Po Valley atmosphere
in Bologna, Po Valley. BrC is identified through the AAE
of the non-dust bulk aerosol. First (Sect. 4.1), we investigate
BrC properties by relating the AAE to the aerosol size, and in
particular to the aerosol types with known size distribution –
e.g., the droplet mode. We match AAE patterns measured for
BrC to those theoretically expected for BrC in the ambient
aerosol (based on the Mie theory). The AAE and aerosol size
are then related to PM1 major chemical components (nitrate,
OA, BC, sulfate, and ammonium) and to the BC-to-OA ratio.
Then, we show a case study to illustrate the major features of
BrC (Sect. 4.3). Finally, findings are discussed in comparison
with the literature to explore their general validity (Sect. 4.4).
2 Experimental
Optical, chemical, and microphysical aerosol properties were
measured, in the framework of the Supersite project funded
by the Emilia-Romagna region, at the urban background site
of Bologna (4431 29 lat, 1120 27 long), in the Po Valley
(Italy). Two measurement campaigns lasting 1 month were
carried out: 22 October–13 November 2012 (fall campaign)
and 1–27 February 2013 (winter campaign). Measurement
setup is described below.
2.1 Measurement cabins and sampling lines
Equipment was set up in two different cabins, located side
by side. Optical properties and coarse fraction size distribu-
tions were measured in the same cabin, all the instruments
set up on the same inlet system equipped with a PM10 head.
In the cabin, external air was pumped into a stainless steel
tube (length of 4.0 m) by an external pump ensuring a lam-
inar flow (Reynolds number < 2000). The cabin was kept at
a temperature of 20–25 C. The difference between air tem-
perature and dew point was enough to dry the sampled air.
Chemical properties and fine and ultrafine particle number
size distribution (PNSD) were measured through a separate
stainless steel inlet tube equipped with a PM1 head.
2.2 Optical measurements
Spectral optical properties in the visible range were mea-
sured online with 5 min time resolution. Dry aerosol absorp-
tion coefficients, σa(λ), at three wavelengths (λ = 467, 530,
660 nm) were measured by a three-wavelength PSAP (Radi-
ance Research), together with dry aerosol scattering coeffi-
cients (σs(λ)) at 450, 525, and 635 nm, measured by an inte-
grating nephelometer (Ecotech, mod. Aurora 3000). Like all
filter-based methods, PSAP suffers from a number of mea-
surement artifacts, including an overestimate of absorption
due to light scattering effects, and a dependence of mea-
surements on filter transmittance (Tr) (Lack et al., 2008;
Virkkula, 2010; Bond et al., 2013; Backman et al., 2014).
We corrected raw PSAP data after the iterative procedure de-
scribed by Virkkula (2010), where only data with Tr > 0.7
were retained. The wavelength-resolved σs(λ) necessary to
correct PSAP raw data were taken from nephelometer data
corrected for truncation (Anderson and Ogren, 1998; Bond,
2001; Müller et al., 2011). The scattering error after the trun-
cation error correction is
= 0.02 (Bond et al., 2013).
The uncertainty of σa(λ) derived from PSAP data after these
corrections has been estimated to be
= 0.2 (Virkkula,
2010; Lack et al., 2008; Bond et al., 1999; Virkkula, 2010;
Cappa et al., 2008). The PSAP-derived σa(λ) can be consid-
ered an upper limit of the “true” value (Subramanian et al.,
2007; Lack et al., 2008).
After all corrections, data were checked (by visual inspec-
tion) to find any outlier/low values that could significantly
influence data statistics. These values could be due to vari-
ability in the measurements or to experimental errors. Ac-
cording to manufacturers, (i) PSAP sensitivity is < 1 Mm−1
and measurement range is 0–50 Mm−1, and (ii) the lower de-
tectable limit of the nephelometer is 0.3Mm−1, with cali-
bration tolerance of ±4 Mm−1 and measurement range 0–
2000 Mm−1. A few data (124 records with σa < 1 Mm−1,
less than 20 records with σs < 10 Mm−1, and some points
with σs > 700 Mm−1) were discarded, as they were consid-
ered dubious values (comparing to data variability during the
field campaigns, illustrated in Fig. S1 of the Supplement).
2.3 Chemical measurements
Chemical composition of atmospheric aerosol particles were
characterized online with an HR-ToF-AMS (Aerodyne Re-
search Inc., Billerica) (DeCarlo et al., 2006). The HR-ToF-
AMS measured the chemical composition of non-refractory
PM1 (nr-PM1), i.e., sulfate, nitrate, ammonium, chloride, and
organic aerosol. The instrument alternated acquisition in V
mode (higher sensitivity and lower mass spectral resolution)
and W mode (lower sensitivity and higher mass spectral res-
olution) every 2.5min. Quantitative information discussed
here corresponds to the data collected in V mode. While op-
erating in V mode, the instrument measures particle size dis-
tribution based on time of flight (Jimenez et al., 2003). HR-
ToF-AMS data were analyzed using SQUIRRELL v1.51 and
PIKA v1.10 software (D. Sueper, University of Colorado,
Boulder, CO, USA) within Igor Pro 6.2.1 (WaveMetrics,
Lake Oswego, OR). Collection efficiency was calculated ac-
cording to Middlebrook et al. (2012) based on aerosol chem-
ical composition and relative humidity. Data validation was
performed by comparison with offline measurements of sul-
fate, ammonium, and nitrate concentrations in PM1 aerosol
samples. The HR-ToF-AMS aerosol sample line was dried
below 40 % RH with a Nafion drier. The uncertainty of the
AMS-derived OA was assumed to be
= 0.2 according
to Quinn (2008).
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F. Costabile et al.: Brown carbon in the Po Valley atmosphere
2.4 Particle number size distributions
PNSDs were measured by combining a commercial scan-
ning mobility particle sizer (SMPS, TSI model 3080, with
long-DMA, TSI model 3081, equipped with a water-based
condensation particle counter, CPC, TSI model 3787) and
a commercial aerodynamic particle sizer (APS, TSI). Parti-
cles from 14 to 750 nm of mobility diameter were sized and
counted by the SMPS; particles from 0.5 to 20 µm of aero-
dynamic diameter were sized and counted by the APS (the
procedure to fit the two PNSDs is described in Sect. 3.2).
SMPS data were corrected for penetration errors through the
sampling line, penetration efficiency due to diffusion losses
(calculated according to Hinds, 1999) being higher than 98 %
for particles bigger than 14 nm. An impactor (50 % cutoff di-
ameter = 0.677 µm) was used to remove larger particles from
the SMPS sampling line.
3 Data analysis
Data measured by all the instruments were merged in a single
5 min time resolution dataset. This dataset includes the time
series of the following variables: σa(λ) and σs(λ), OA, NO
, NH+
, and PNSD. Raw data were subjected to vari-
ous “cleaning” processes as described in Sect. 2 and then an-
alyzed as described in this section. The time series subjected
to data analysis includes 11 910 time points covering 40 days
of measurements (5317 time points in the fall and 5650 time
points in the winter). This time series includes missing val-
ues of some variables, related to instrument failures or data
filtering as described above. The length of the complete time
series (i.e., with no missing value) varies from variable to
variable (10 897 time points for OA, 10 361 time points for
, 8999 time points for SO2
, 9677 time points for NH+
2656 time points for the PNSD, 2367 time points for AAE,
SSA, and BC, 1820 time points for fBC, fOA, fNO3 , fSO4 ,
fNH4 , and OA-to-BC). Overall, about 1500 data points have
the complete set of coincident measurements of all the vari-
ables addressed.
3.1 Inference of the optical BC mass concentration
The wavelength (λ) dependent BC absorption coefficient
aBC(λ)) and equivalent BC mass concentration were cal-
culated using the AAEBC attribution method. The measured
absorption coefficient at 660nm (σa(660)) was used to de-
rive σaBC(530) and then the BC mass concentration, assum-
ing (i) BC is the only light-absorbing species at 600nm,
(ii) a known value of AAEBC at 530–660nm (see below),
and (iii) a BC mass absorption efficiency at 530nm of
10 m2 g−1 (as indicated by PSAP manufacturer). In litera-
ture, AAEBC = 1 is a commonly used value for both exter-
nally mixed BC and internally mixed BC. In fact, AAEBC for
externally mixed BC was predicted to be 1 for particles with
diameter < 50 nm (e.g., Bergstrom et al., 2002; Moosmüller
et al., 2011) but can range from 0.8 to 1.1 for particle diame-
ters of 50–200 nm (Gyawali et al., 2009). For ambient parti-
cles, which can be internally or externally mixed, AAEBC at
visible wavelengths has often been observed to be larger than
1 (Lack and Langridge, 2013; Shinozuka et al., 2009, and ref-
erences therein). Theoretical calculations have shown that the
AAEBC for internally mixed BC can vary from 0.55 (e.g., Ba-
hadur et al., 2012) to an upper limit of ∼ 1.7 (e.g., Lack et al.,
2008) depending on particle size, coating, core, and wave-
length. In Fig. S2 of the Supplement we show numerically
simulated (Mie theory) values of AAE(dp,λ,m) resolved by
particle diameter (dp) and complex refractive index (m(λ))
at visible wavelengths (λ) for BC (Sect. 3.4). It is shown that
the AAE of BC tends to 1 for the smaller BC particles only
and can differ significantly from 1 for the larger BC parti-
cles. Based on these results and on previous works, we de-
cided to use AAEBC = 1.1. The uncertainty δ(AAEBC) was
set to 22% (
= 0.22) according to Lack and Lan-
gridge (2013). BC uncertainty (δ(BC)) was derived propa-
gating this δ(AAEBC) together with the uncertainty of PSAP-
derived σa (see Sect. 2.2).
We discarded data possibly affected by desert dust
(43 records over 5 days of measurements) to ensure that the
equivalent BC mass concentration is not affected by desert
dust contamination (assumption (i) above). Dust-free aerosol
conditions were identified based on the analysis of aerosol
spectral optical properties, increasingly applied to gather in-
formation on aerosol type (e.g., Bergstrom et al., 2002; Shi-
nozuka et al., 2009; Russell et al., 2010; Arola et al., 2011;
Costabile et al., 2013). In particular, we followed the method-
ology proposed by Costabile et al. (2013) which identifies the
aerosol dominated by dust by a distinctive combination of
scattering and absorption Ångström exponents (SAE, AAE)
and SSA spectral variation. Data points of the time series
fulfilling this distinctive combination (indicated in Table 3 in
Costabile et al., 2013) were excluded from the analysis.
3.2 Fitting procedure for the PNSD
PNSDs were measured by two different instruments (SMPS
and APS, Sect. 2). These data were merged to obtain one
PNSD based on particle electrical mobility diameters (dm)
ranging from 14 nm to 14 µm. PNSDs measured by APS are
based on aerodynamic diameters (da); these data were con-
verted to PNSDs based on dm according to Eq. (2) (Khlystov
et al., 2004; Seinfeld and Pandis, 2006):
dm = χ
where χ is the shape factor, Cc(dm) and Cc(da) are the slip
correction factors based on dm and da, respectively, ρp is the
particle density, and ρ0 is the unit density (1 g cm−3). In ap-
plying Eq. (2) to convert APS data, we assumed that dm rep-
resents the true particle diameter, Cc(dm) = 1 and Cc(da) = 1
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F. Costabile et al.: Brown carbon in the Po Valley atmosphere
(continuum regime), χ = 1 (spherical particles), and ρp con-
tinuously varies from 1.6 to 2 g cm−3.
PNSDs (i.e., nN (log10dm) =
) measured by
SMPS and APS (PNSDSMPS, PNSDAPS) overlap for dm
ranging from 460 to 593 nm. In this size range, PNSDSMPS
and PNSDAPS were replaced by PNSDfitted. PNSDfitted was
assumed to vary according to a power-law function (Junge
size distribution) (Khlystov et al., 2004; Seinfeld and Pandis,
2006) (Eq. 3):
nN (log10dm) =
The coefficients c and α were calculated by an iterative
procedure: (i) c was randomly initialized from 0 to 1000 and
(ii) α was calculated by Eq. (3) constraining values from 2 to
5, as typically found for atmospheric aerosols (Seinfeld and
Pandis, 2006). PNSDfitted replaced PNSDAPS and PNSDSMPS
when their relative difference (δ(PNSD), Eq. 4),
δ(PNSD) =
was larger than 0.1cm−3. This procedure was considered
acceptable if (i) the minimum mean squared error between
PNSDfitted and PNSDAPS was less than 1% or (ii) correla-
tion coefficients between PNSDfitted and PNSDSMPS and be-
tween PNSDfitted and PNSDAPS were larger than 0.8 (98 of
the records did not verify these conditions and were checked
by visual inspection: 94 of them were discarded and 4 ac-
cepted). The final dataset contained PNSD data based on dm
from 14.1 to 429.4 nm measured by the SMPS, from 446.1
to 699nm generated by the fitting procedure, and from 0.7
to 14µm measured by the APS. The particle surface size
distribution (PSSD, i.e., nS(log10dm) =
) and par-
ticle volume size distribution (PVSD, i.e., nV (log10dm) =
) were calculated from this PNSD under the hy-
potheses of spherical particles (Hinds, 1999; Seinfeld and
Pandis, 2006).
3.3 Principal component analysis (PCA) of PNSD
PNSDs were statistically analyzed through PCA to iden-
tify key aerosol types with known modality. The relevant
methodology was described in a previous study by Costabile
et al. (2009). In short, principal components (PCs) retained
in the analysis were arranged in decreasing order of vari-
ance explained ( k, called eigenvalue of PCk), PC1 being the
component explaining the largest k. The kth eigenvector is
composed of scalar coefficients describing the new PCk as a
linear combination of the original variables (the original vari-
ables are the time series of dN/ dlog(dp)). Factor loadings of
PCk represent the relative weight of the original variables in
the PCk re-scaled. Loadings thus show the “mode” of the
PNSD associated with the PCs. Factor scores of PCk repre-
sent the time series of PCk values in the new coordinates of
the space defined by the PCs. Scores thus represent the PCk
values in the time series of the original variables.
PCA retained three principal components (PC1–PC3) ex-
plaining approximately 80 % of the variance. Factor loadings
and diurnal cycles of scores for PC1–PC3 are illustrated in
Fig. S3 of the Supplement, while Pearson’s correlation co-
efficients r between these PCs and the other variables mea-
sured are shown in Table 1. Tables 1 and S2 of the Supple-
ment show relevant r values in the winter and in the fall and
relevant Bonferroni adjusted probabilities (p values), respec-
tively. These PCs were interpreted as follows:
– PC1 is the largest component in terms of variance ex-
plained (51%). Loadings peak in the 80–300nm size
range. Factor scores correlate to OA and BC. Weekly
diurnal cycles of these scores are higher on working
days and in the road-traffic rush hour. This PC repre-
sents the aerosol enriched in OA originating in the traf-
fic rush hour in the urban area due to local emissions
(e.g., Costabile et al., 2009; Brines et al., 2015, and ref-
erences therein).
– PC2 explains 14% of the variance. Loadings peak in
the ultrafine size range (approx. 100 nm). Factor scores
show diurnal cycles higher at night and in the winter,
with a slightly larger contribution during the weekends.
It correlates (inversely) to aerosol size and (directly) to
fOA; in the winter it correlates to both fOA and fBC
(0.40, p < 0.001; Table S1 of the Supplement). This PC
should represent the nocturnal urban aerosol related to
residential heating emissions.
– PC3 explains 13% of the variance. Loadings peak in
the larger accumulation-mode size range (from 0.3 to
1µm). Diurnal cycles of scores are higher in daytime.
It is inversely correlated to fBC and directly to nitrate,
sulfate, and ammonium. This PC represents the droplet-
mode aerosol poor in BC, previously found to origi-
nate in fog droplets, cloud droplets, and wet aerosol
particles, due to aqueous-phase processing (John, 1990;
Meng and Seinfield, 1994; Seinfeld and Pandis, 2006;
Ervens et al., 2011).
3.4 Numerical simulations of AAE
Values of AAE(dp,λ,m) resolved by diameter dp, radia-
tion wavelength (λ), and complex refractive index (m(λ) =
n(λ) − ik(λ)) were numerically simulated according to Mie
theory (e.g., Bohren and Huffman, 1983; Moosmüller et al.,
2011). The aim was to reproduce patterns expected for BrC,
BC, and the urban background aerosol impacted by biomass-
burning emissions, as these were abundant in the study area.
Simulations are illustrated in Fig. S2 of the Supplement, the
relevant methodology being described in a previous study by
Costabile et al. (2013).
To simulate patterns expected for BrC in the urban ambi-
ent aerosol, we used λ dependent complex values of m(λ) in-
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Table 1. Statistically significant (p < 0.001) Pearson’s correlation coefficients (r) between absorption Ångström exponent (AAE) at 467–
660nm; scores of major aerosol types identified by PCA (PC1 is the road-traffic-related aerosol, PC2 is the residential heating related
aerosol, and PC3 is the droplet-mode aerosol); mass concentration and mass fractions (fx) of black carbon (BC), organics (OA), nitrate
), sulfate (SO
), and ammonium (NH
); optically relevant aerosol size representative of the entire aerosol population (calculated as
median mobility diameter of the particle surface size distribution, dmed(S)); OA-to-BC ratios (see Tables S1 and S2 of the Supplement for
additional relevant values).
ferred during CAPMEX for an air mass with AAE405−532 =
3.8 (standard deviation = 3.4), characterized by high OC
to sulfate (SO
) ratio and high nitrate (NO
) to SO
ratio (Flowers et al., 2010; Moise et al., 2015). These
are m467 = 1.492–0.026i, m530 = 1.492–0.017i, and m660 =
1.492–0.014i, the uncertainty for n(λ) and k(λ) being set to
±0.01 and ±0.001, respectively.
To simulate patterns expected for BC we used λ inde-
pendent complex values of m estimated by Alexander et al.
(2008) for soot carbon particles at 550 nm: n = 1.95–0.79i at
λ = 467, 530, 660 nm. Note in Fig. S2 of the Supplement the
resulting variability with dp of AAE467−660 for BC: values of
AAE = 1 are only obtained for dp ≪ 100 nm.
To simulate patterns expected for the urban background
aerosol impacted by biomass-burning emissions we used val-
ues of m(λ) inferred in a previous study for the smaller
accumulation-mode particles enriched in BC from biomass-
burning smoke (Costabile et al., 2013): m467 = 1.512–
0.027i, m530 = 1.510–0.021i, and m660 = 1.511–0.022i, the
uncertainty for n(λ) and k(λ) being set to ±0.01 and ±0.001,
4 Results and discussion
In this section we first identify BrC and characterize its
optical–microphysical–chemical properties (Sect. 4.1), then
illustrate a case study (Sect. 4.2), and finally discuss the find-
ings in comparison with the literature (Sect. 4.3).
4.1 Brown carbon: identification and features
Several literature studies identify BrC based on the high
AAE values in the bulk aerosol, i.e., from 2 to 6 (e.g., An-
dreae and Gelencsér, 2006; Bond et al., 2013). At a certain
range of wavelengths (λ), these high AAE values depend
on several factors, including aerosol size, chemical compo-
sition, and aerosol mixing state. First, we analyzed the de-
pendence of AAE on aerosol size. We used two different
approaches. We calculated the median mobility diameter of
the PSSD (Sect. 3.2) – dmed(S) – to obtain the optically rele-
vant aerosol size representative of the entire particle popula-
tion. We then analyzed the PNSD to find major aerosol types
(i.e., PCs; Sect. 3.3). We found two components (PC1 and
PC2) related to smaller particles and originating from local
emissions (road traffic and residential heating, respectively),
and one component (PC3) related to larger particles (droplet
mode) originating from the aerosol processing. Second, we
analyzed the relation between AAE, these PCs, and dmed(S)
and related these to PM1 major constituents. Relevant sta-
tistically significant Pearson’s correlation coefficients (r) are
shown in Table 1, while r values observed in the winter and
in the fall and the matrix of Bonferroni probabilities (p) as-
sociated with these r values are shown in Tables S1 and S2
of the Supplement.
The AAE correlates well with the dmed(S) of the aerosol
population (r = 0.60, p < 0.001). In Fig. 1 we analyze this
relation by comparing field measurements to numerical sim-
ulations results (these simulations are based on the Mie the-
ory and are described in detail in Sect. 3.4). Measurements
show that the AAE increases with the increase of the dmed(S)
(grey markers). We show the AAE and dmed(S) representative
of the three different aerosol types identified (PC1, PC2, and
PC3). To interpret these measurements we add patterns theo-
retically expected (through numerical simulations) for three
aerosol types: BrC in the ambient aerosol (brown line), a pure
BC particle (black line), and an urban background aerosol
impacted by wood-burning emissions (grey line). The lowest
AAEs measured in the present study tend to values expected
for pure BC (black line), but they are similar to values calcu-
lated for the urban background aerosol impacted by wood-
burning emissions (grey line) – both aerosol types which
were related to local emissions (PC1 and PC2) match these
patterns. Larger AAEs (3.2 ± 0.9) correspond to the droplet-
mode aerosol (PC3) and are similar to the AAE expected for
BrC (brown line). Note that Fig. 1 suggests that the threshold
value of AAE467−660 distinguishing BrC is AAE > 2.3.
The dotted black line in Fig. 1 represents the best fit to
all the data points of the measurements. This line shows
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Figure 1. Experimentally measured and numerically simulated
(Mie theory) relation between absorption Ångström exponent
(AAE) at 467–660 nm and aerosol size (d). For measurements, (i) d
is represented by the mobility median diameter of the PM10 particle
surface size distribution (dmed(S)); (ii) all the data measured are in-
dicated by light grey markers, the dotted black line representing the
best fit to these data; (iii) major aerosol types identified (Sect. 3.3)
are indicated by darker markers (median ± standard deviation). For
numerical simulations (Sect. 3.4), patterns theoretically expected
for BrC, BC, and urban biomass burning are indicated by brown,
black, and grey thick lines, respectively, the dotted thinner lines in-
dicating the uncertainty of the refractive index (m(λ) = n(λ)−ik(λ))
set to ±0.01 for n(λ) and ±0.001 for k(λ)).
the increase of the AAE with the increase of the dmed(S)
in the measurements. To interpret this pattern, we note that
the brown and grey lines (referring to the simulations of
BrC and of the wood-burning-related aerosol, respectively)
show the theoretical increase of the AAE with increasing
only the aerosol size – i.e., when m(λ) is constant. Com-
paring these three lines, it is evident that specific values
of m(λ) are necessary in addition to a proper particle size
range to match the large AAE measured for the droplet-
mode BrC aerosol. These values are k(467) = 0.026 ± 0.001,
k(530) = 0.017 ± 0.001, k(660) = 0.014 ± 0.001, and n467 =
1.47 ± 0.01 (Sect. 3.4). These are λ dependent values con-
sistent with BrC in the ambient atmosphere (Moise et al.,
2015) in an air mass with high OC to SO
ratio and NO
Figure 2. Physicochemical features of brown carbon. Absorption
Ångström exponent at 467–660nm (AAE) plotted against mass
fractions (fx) of (a) organic aerosol (OA), (b) black carbon (BC),
(c) sulfate (SO
), (d) nitrate (NO
), and (e) ammonium (NH
Grey markers show the longest available time series for AAE and
fx, while marker color and size indicate data points for which the
droplet-mode aerosol scores and dmed(S) were available (Sect. 3).
Data indicated by dark grey “o” show case study values illustrated
in Fig. 4.
to SO
ratio (Flowers et al., 2010). This finding emphasizes
that BrC properties depend on both aerosol size distribution
and chemical composition (i.e., m(λ)).
Figure 2 investigates the link between chemical, micro-
physical, and optical properties. AAE is plotted against
PM1 major chemical components (OA, BC, nitrate, sul-
fates, and ammonium PM1 mass fractions, fx). Grey mark-
ers show the longest available time series for AAE and
fx, while colored markers show the data points for which
the droplet-mode aerosol scores (marker color) and the
dmed(S) (markers size) were available (see Sect. 3). The BrC
aerosol population (identified by AAE > 2.3) shows higher
and fNH4
and lower fBC values coupled to larger
dmed(S) and high droplet-mode aerosol scores. Relevant av-
erage values are as follows (mean ± standard deviation):
AAE = 3.2 ± 0.9, fNO3= 0.38 ± 0.05, fBC = 0.01 ± 0.01,
fOA = 0.35 ± 0.04, fSO4= 0.1 ± 0.02, fNH4= 0.14 ± 0.01,
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F. Costabile et al.: Brown carbon in the Po Valley atmosphere
and SSA530 = 0.98 ± 0.01 (and σa467 = 7.6 ± 3.33 Mm−1,
σs467 = 312 ± 64 Mm−1, and SAE = 0.5 ± 0.4). The relation
between AAE and SSA will be further analyzed in Fig. 5 (in
Fig. S4 of the Supplement we show the relation between the
droplet-mode aerosol and SSA).
Both Fig. 2 and Table 1 show no direct correlation be-
tween AAE and fOA. This may be explained by the fact
that AAE correlates with larger particles (larger dmed(S)) of
the droplet mode (larger PC3 scores), while the fOA cor-
relates with smaller particles (lower dmed(S)) from residen-
tial heating emissions (larger PC2 scores). There is instead a
significant correlation between AAE and the ratio of OA to
BC (r = 0.78, p < 0.001), a variable indicating either com-
bustion characteristics (higher for biofuels than for fossil
fuel combustion) or aerosol ageing (lower for fresh aerosols)
(Saleh et al., 2014; Bond et al., 2013). The increase of the
AAE with the decrease of the BC-to-OA ratios is illustrated
in Fig. 3. Light-grey markers show the longest available time
series for AAE and BC-to-OA ratios, while colored markers
correspond to data points for which the droplet-mode aerosol
scores and fNO3 were available. The relation observed be-
tween AAE and BC-to-OA is an average aerosol property
(i.e., for both BC and OA) as suggested by the parametriza-
tion of AAE as a function of the BC-to-OA ratio (inner panel
of Fig. 3) consistent with Lu et al. (2015) (see Sect. 4.3).
The grey line (referring to all the data points) shows the
parametrization for the bulk aerosol. The black line (refer-
ring to the subset of all the data with PC3 scores > 0) shows
the parametrization for BrC. We note a larger dependence of
AAE on the BC-to-OA ratio for BrC (r = −0.86, p < 0.001)
– as opposed to the bulk aerosol (r = −0.7, p < 0.001).
However, this can be due to the fact that at low BC-to-OA
ratios OA has more weight in dictating AAE.
In Fig. 3 AAE plateaus at values higher than 1 for large
BC-to-OA ratios. We acknowledge that BC and AAE derived
from PSAP measurements are affected by uncertainty related
to the assumption employed to convert raw PSAP measure-
ments to absorption coefficients, which is about ±40 % based
on literature studies (Lack et al., 2008; Nakayama et al.,
2010; Lack and Langridge, 2013; Bond et al., 2013; Back-
man et al., 2014). This uncertainty could in principle recon-
cile our plateau AAE values higher than 1 with the common
assumption that AAE tends to 1 when the aerosol is domi-
nated by BC. Nevertheless, we modeled AAE as a function
of aerosol chemical and microphysical properties (Fig. 1).
Such simulation clearly shows that AAE close to 1 can be ob-
tained for aerosol population dominated by fresh fossil fuel
combustion emissions, with diameter centered below 20 nm.
Conversely the size distribution of aerosol population inves-
tigated in this study is centered around 80–300 nm (Fig. 1).
In addition, source apportionment studies performed in the
Po valley show that carbonaceous aerosol, both in urban and
rural sites, is strongly affected by wood-burning emissions
(Gilardoni et al., 2011; Larsen et al., 2012; Gilardoni et al.,
2016). It follows that, even considering the possible bias due
Figure 3. Dependence of AAE on BC-to-OA ratios. Grey markers
show the longest available time series for AAE at 467–660 nm and
BC-to-OA ratios, while marker color and size indicate data points
for which the droplet-mode aerosol scores and fNO3 were avail-
able (Sect. 3). Median values (grey squares) and relevant data un-
certainty are indicated at the upper, mean, and lower AAE bins.
Data indicated by dark grey “o” show case study values illustrated
in Fig. 4. Inner panel: best fit lines with relevant equation and
Pearson’s correlation coefficients (r,p) to all the data measured
(grey line) and droplet-mode BrC data (black line) (as indicated by
droplet-mode aerosol score > 0).
to the experimental uncertainty, the AAE plateauing at values
higher than 1 for large BC-to-OA ratios is still is in agree-
ment with model results and source apportionment data.
Taken together, these findings prove that BrC in the ob-
served ambient aerosol shows AAE467−660 = 3.2 ± 0.9 with
k(530) = 0.017 ± 0.001 and occurs in particles in the droplet-
mode size range, enriched in ammonium nitrate and poor in
BC, with a strong dependance on OA-to-BC ratios, SSA530
being 0.98 ± 0.01. In particular, when the bulk aerosol is
dominated by the BrC droplet-mode particles, the AAE is
greater than 2.3 ± 1 (median ± uncertainty), and BC-to-OA
ratios are lower than 0.05 ± 0.03.
4.2 A case study
We present here a case study (Fig. 4) to show the main micro-
physical and chemical features of the BrC aerosol observed.
On the case study day (i.e., 1 February 2013) the rela-
tive humidity was high (97.5 ± 0.4 %, against a mean value
for the winter campaign of 82 ± 14%, and a maximum of
98%), temperature averaged 2.8 ± 0.0 C (campaign mean
value = 3.5 ± 2.8 C), and aerosol liquid water content was
above 200 µg m−3 (Gilardoni et al., 2016). Absorption and
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Figure 4. A case study illustrating BrC major features. Case study time period (1.5 h) is from 17:30 to 19:00 UTC on 1 February 2013 (local
time at the Po Valley sampling site in this period is UTC + 1 h). Case study values are compared with mean values over the whole field
experiment. Panels illustrate (a) particle volume size distribution (dV/ dlog10dm, based on electrical mobility particle diameter dm) during
the case study and relevant mean values; (b) particle mass size distribution (dM/ dlog10dva, based on vacuum aerodynamic diameter, dva)
during the case study; (c) relevant mean values; (d) aerosol vertical profiles in the atmosphere during the entire case study day (time–height
cross section of the range corrected signal, RCS = ln(S × R2), from an LD40 ceilometer); (e) particle number size distributions during the
entire case study day.
scattering coefficients at 530 nm (Fig. S1 of the Supplement)
ranged from 5 to 10 Mm−1 (with larger AAE) and from 300
to 400 Mm−1 (with lower SAE), respectively, with SSA530 =
0.98 ± 0.01. The number concentration of 2–10 µm particles
(Fig. 4e) had a peak at approx. 04:00 UTC (we interpret this
as particle growth by water vapor) and then decreased until
09:00 UTC. After this, the number concentration of 0.3–1 µm
particles increased. This increase occurred just after the part
of the day (from 11:00 to 14:00) when the strong signal in the
aerosol vertical profile at the ground (the darker red layer in
Fig. 4d) is observed to dissipate (we interpret this as droplet
evaporation). These processes are consistent with the forma-
tion of the droplet-mode aerosol (John, 1990; Meng and Se-
infield, 1994; Seinfeld and Pandis, 2006) explaining the in-
crease of the droplet-mode aerosol scores (PC3) observed in
the afternoon. The case study was selected during this period
(1.5 h from 17:30 to 19:00), and relevant data are shown in
Figs. 2, 3, 5, and S1 of the Supplement (in this figure, the
case study is the first day of the winter field campaign).
During the case study (i.e., from 17:30 to 19:00 on
1 February 2013) we observed peculiar data. The AAE
was significantly higher (3.4–5.3) than the median value
(2.0 ± 0.5 during both field campaigns and 2.1 ± 0.6 in the
winter). The volume size distribution (Fig. 4a) was narrow
and monomodal, centered on the droplet mode (dm from
450 to 700 nm). Relevant mass size distributions of the main
constituents of nr-PM1 (NO
, OA, and NH+
) were cen-
tered around 700nm of the vacuum aerodynamic diame-
ter (dva), corresponding to about 500nm in mobility diam-
eter (for spherical particles in the continuum regime with
ρp = 1.4 g cm−3; Seinfeld and Pandis, 2006). In addition, the
OA mass below dva = 300nm was significantly lower than
that of the droplet mode, especially when compared to the
average field results (Fig. 4c). It is important to note that the
collection efficiency of the HR-ToF-AMS is 50 % for 600 nm
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Figure 5. Absorption Ångström exponent at 467–660nm (AAE)
against: (a) OA mass fraction, (b) OA-to-BC ratios, and (c) BC-to-
OA ratios. Grey markers show the longest available time series for
AAE and fOA, while colored markers show data points for which
the SSA at 530 nm and dmedS were available (Sect. 3). Best fit lines
to data taken from (i) Shinozuka et al. (2009) (at different SSA bins,
i.e., 0.98–1.00, 0.96–0.98, 0.90–0.92, from top to bottom) and Rus-
sell et al. (2010) are indicated in panel (a) (thin and thick black lines,
respectively); (ii) Saleh et al. (2014) and Lu et al. (2015) are indi-
cated in panel (c) (black thick and thin lines, respectively); (iii) this
work is indicated in panel (c) (grey line, as in Fig. 3). Data indicated
by dark grey “o” show case study values illustrated in Fig. 4.
particles and decreases for larger sizes (Liu et al., 2007).
This explains the difference between the size distributions
in Fig. 4a and b at larger sizes.
At the light of source apportionment study performed on
organic aerosol (Gilardoni et al., 2016) we explain the in-
crease of AAE during the case study period with the forma-
tion of secondary organic aerosol in the aqueous phase asso-
ciated with aerosol particles. The analysis of microphysical
properties reported in this study confirms that the aqueous
secondary organic aerosol formation adds mass to the atmo-
spheric aerosol in the droplet-mode range. This case study
both illustrates and confirms general features observed for
BrC during the whole field campaign.
4.3 Discussion in comparison with previous works
In this section we discuss our findings and explore their con-
sistency with the literature.
The analysis of chemical and microphysical properties
shows that BrC associated with the formation of secondary
aerosol has a narrow monomodal size distribution centered
around the droplet mode (400–700nm) in the entire PM10
size range. This result agrees with the observations reported
by Lin et al. (2010), showing that 80% of the mass of at-
mospheric humic-like substances, a light-absorbing organic
aerosol component, was found in the droplet mode. The
correspondence between BrC and the droplet-mode aerosol
points to the important role that aqueous reactions within
aerosol particles can play in the formation of light-absorbing
organic aerosol (Ervens et al., 2011; Laskin et al., 2015).
The study of optical and chemical properties indicates that
in our case the larger AAE values associated with BrC de-
pend on the organic fraction in a different way from that in
literature (Shinozuka et al., 2009; Russell et al., 2010; Arola
et al., 2011). In Fig. 5a we compare our measurements col-
lected at the urban background site of Bologna with the trend
previously found based on airborne and sun photometers ob-
servations (Shinozuka et al., 2009; Russell et al., 2010). AAE
is plotted versus the mass fraction of organic aerosol (fOA),
the marker color being SSA530 as in Fig. 7 in Shinozuka et
al. (2009). We show the best fit lines (thin black lines) identi-
fied by Shinozuka et al. (2009) and corresponding to different
SSA bins, and the best fit reported by Russell et al. (2010)
(thick black line). Note that the larger AAE values in our
study (associated with BrC in the droplet mode) correspond
to the fit line in Shinozuka et al. (2009) at SSA = 0.98–1 but
were associated with lower scattering coefficients in those
previous studies. There is consistency between our study and
those reported previously. However, our data show that in-
creasing AAE is accompanied by increasing the OA normal-
ized to BC (Fig. 5b, r = 0.78, p < 0.001) rather than by in-
creasing OA (Fig. 5a). This comparison adds to the literature
that for the ambient aerosol in the lower troposphere AAE
correlates with OA-to-BC ratios far more than with the or-
ganic fraction.
We found that BrC corresponds to BC-to-OA ratios be-
low 0.05 ± 0.03. Figure 5c shows the dependence of AAE on
the BC-to-OA ratio as parametrized by Saleh et al. (2014)
and Lu et al. (2015) for biomass-burning emissions and pri-
mary organic aerosol emissions. The best fit line to measure-
ments performed in this study (grey line) is similar to the
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fitting lines reported previously (thicker and thinner black
lines, showing respectively data from Saleh et al., 2014 and
Lu et al., 2015). While we cannot compare absolute values
because we compare the AAE of the bulk aerosol (this study)
to the AAE of OA only (Saleh et al., 2014; Lu et al., 2015), it
is evident that patterns are similar. This comparison extends
the dependence of AAE on BC-to-OA observed in chamber
experiments (solely for fresh biomass-burning primary OA
and not for fossil fuel OA) by Saleh et al. (2014) and Lu
et al. (2015) to ambient aerosol dominated by wood-burning
emissions (Gilardoni et al., 2016).
5 Summary and conclusions
We investigated optical–chemical–microphysical properties
of BrC in the urban ambient atmosphere. In situ ground
measurements of chemical (HR-ToF-AMS), optical (3λ
nephelometer and PSAP), and microphysical (SMPS and
APS) aerosol properties were carried out in the Po Valley
(Bologna), together with ancillary observations. BrC was
identified and characterized by linking the wavelength de-
pendence of light absorption (as indicated by the AAE) in
the visible region to key aerosol types with known size dis-
tributions, and to major PM1 chemical components (BC, OA,
nitrate, ammonium, and sulfate). BrC measurements were
interpreted through numerical simulations (Mie theory) of
AAE(dp,λ,m) resolved by particle size (dp) and wavelength
(λ) dependent complex refractive index (m(λ) = n(λ) −ik(λ))
in the visible region.
We found the following:
1. AAE increases with increasing the (optically relevant)
aerosol size. Larger AAEs (3.2 ± 0.9, with values up
to 5.5) occur when the bulk aerosol size distribution is
dominated by the droplet mode, i.e., the large accumu-
lation mode originating from the aerosol processing in
the aqueous phase. These values identify BrC.
2. Specific m(λ) values are necessary in addition to a
proper particle size range to match the high AAE
measured for BrC. These m(λ) values are theo-
retically expected to be k(467) = 0.026 ± 0.001,
k(530) = 0.017 ± 0.001, k(660) = 0.014 ± 0.001, and
n467 = 1.47 ± 0.01 (SSA530 = 0.98 ± 0.01), consistent
with literature m(λ) values for BrC in the ambient
3. AAE increases with increasing the OA-to-BC ratio,
rather than with increasing fOA, the larger AAEs (and
thus BrC) corresponding to larger ammonium nitrate
(fNO3= 0.38 ± 0.05, fNH4= 0.14 ± 0.01) and lower
BC (fBC = 0.01 ± 0.01).
In the paper by Gilardoni et al. (2016) we investigated or-
ganic aerosol source and identified SOA formation from pro-
cessing of biomass-burning emissions in the aqueous phase.
We than discussed the climate implication of this aqSOA for-
mation at the light of its optical properties, including AAE. In
the present paper we investigated the particle size distribution
and spectral optical properties of brown carbon in the ambi-
ent aerosol and related these to major aerosol chemical com-
ponents. By combining the analysis of microphysical and op-
tical properties reported here with the source apportionment
study by Gilardoni et al. (2016), we demonstrated that the aq-
SOA formation adds mass to the atmospheric aerosol in the
droplet-mode range.
When exploring consistency of these findings with the lit-
erature, our study
i. provides experimental evidence that the size distribu-
tion of BrC associated with the formation of secondary
aerosol is dominated by the droplet mode, consistent
with recent findings pointing to the role of aqueous re-
actions within aerosol particles in the formation of BrC;
ii. shows that in the lower troposphere AAE increases with
increasing OA-to-BC ratios rather than with increasing
OA, contributing to sky radiometer retrieval techniques
(e.g., AERONET);
iii. extends to the ambient aerosol dominated by wood-
burning emissions the dependence of AAE on the BC-
to-OA ratio previously observed in combustion chamber
These findings are expected to bear important implica-
tions for atmospheric modeling studies and remote sensing
observations. Both BrC number size distribution and the de-
pendence of AAE on the BC-to-OA ratio can be relevant to
parametrize and investigate BrC in the ambient atmosphere.
Findings can be used to infer preliminary chemical informa-
tion from optical information, as optical techniques are in-
creasingly used to characterize aerosol properties.
6 Data availability
All the data presented in this paper are available upon re-
quest. Please contact the corresponding author (Francesca
Costabile, f.costabile@isac.cnr.it) for further information.
The Supplement related to this article is available online
at doi:10.5194/acp-17-313-2017-supplement.
Acknowledgements. This work was realized in the framework of
the SUPERSITO Project, financed by the Emilia-Romagna Region
(under the DR 1971/13). The work was partly accomplished in the
framework of the DIAPASON (“Desert-dust Impact on Air quality
through model-Predictions and Advanced Sensors ObservatioNs”)
project, funded by the European Commission (LIFE+ 2010
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F. Costabile et al.: Brown carbon in the Po Valley atmosphere
Edited by: R. Sullivan
Reviewed by: three anonymous referees
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