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Baldr's death

Baldr is Odin's seicont son. He is the god o simmer sin, licht, an radiance. His twin brither is the blind god o darkness, Hodhr. His guidwife is cried Nanna. They hae a son, cried Forseti, god o juistice. Baldur haes a ship, whilk is the lairgest ship iver built. It is cried Hringhorni. His haw is cried Breidlabik. Based on the Merseburg charms, his germanic name mey hae been Phol.

Baldr ance haed a nichtmare that he wad be killt. His mither, Frigg, made aw the things on Yird vou nae tae hurt him. The mistletoe didnae vow, housomeivver, an Frigg conseidert it tae be sae wanimportant that she didnae mynd. Loki foond oot that the mistletoe haednae voued, made a spear oot o mistletoes, an trickit Hodhr tae kill Baldur wi it. The daith o Baldur is the stairt o Ragnarok. Mony gods an goddesses cam tae his funeral. His guidwife Nanna dee'd o sadness. His faither, Odin, placit the gowden ring Draupnir on Baldr, but efter he sent the ring back frae Hell. This ring somehou cam tae Freyr's haund.

Efter Ragnarok an the daith o Odin, Baldur an Hodhr cam back tae heiven, an they rule in place o their faither.
