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Polisario Front

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Polisario Front
جبهة البوليساريو
Jabhat al-Bōlīsāryū
Spanish nameFrente Polisario
  1. D70A0A
Secretar-GeneralMohamed Abdelaziz
FoonderEl-Ouli Mustafa Sayed
Foondit10 May 1973 (10 May 1973)
HeidquartersSahrawi refugee camps, Tindouf Province, Algerie
Youth weengUJSARIO
Weemen's wingNaitional Organization o Sahrawi Weemen
Trade union affiliationUGTSARIO
IdeologySahrawi naitionalism
Democratic socialism
Internaitional affiliationSocialist Internaitional (observer)
ColoursReid, black, white an green (Pan-Arab colors)
Sahrawi Naitional Cooncil
53 / 53
Pan-African Parliament
5 / 5
Party flag

The POLISARIO, Polisario Front, or Frente Polisario, frae the Spainyie abbreviation o Frente Popular de Liberación de Saguía el Hamra y o de Oro ("Popular Front for the Leeberation o Saguia el-Hamra an Río de Oro") is a Sahrawi rebel naitional leeberation movement wirkin for the unthirldom o Wastren Sahara frae Morocco. The Polisario Front is an observer member o the Socialist International.

The Polisario Front is ootlawed in Morocco an the occupied pairt o Wastren Sahara, an raisin the Polisario banner is an aa illegal.

The Polisario is a successor o 1950s an 1960s organization Movimiento para la Liberación del Sahara, o the ceety o Villa Cisneros.

Syne 1979, the POLISARIO is recognized bi the Unitit Naitions as the representative o the fowk o Wastren Sahara.
