😲 Ever wondered if your Cookie-Banner has a good Acceptance-Rate? Our clients usually achieve +15% higher rates by doing A/B-Tests with our integrated testing tool. Download the best practices PDF here: https://lnkd.in/dW-rtNV7 #cookies #gdpr
Om oss
CMP: n för consentmanager.se levereras med stöd för över 30 språk, individuell design, rapportering, integrerade A/B-test & designoptimiserare och en integrerad cookie-crawler. Som ett av få CMP-företag som faktiskt kommer från Europa har vi bara en sak i fokus: att göra din webbplats GDPR-kompatibel. Vi använder inga ”molnservrar” utan bara våra egna servrar i datacenter i Europa. Våra kunder inkluderar nyhetssajter, reklambyråer, nätverk och många andra.
- Webbplats
Extern länk för consentmanager.se
- Bransch
- Teknik, information och internet
- Företagsstorlek
- 11–50 anställda
- Huvudkontor
- Västeras, Västmanlands Län
- Typ
- Publikt aktiebolag
- Specialistområden
- consent management provider, cookie consent, GDPR, Consent management platform, cmp, cookie crawler, dsgvo, gdpr consent, cookie bar, cookie scanner, rodo, rgpd, lgpd, ccpa, pipeda, cppa och cpra
consentmanager - GDPR Cookie Compliance Solution
Programvara för efterlevnad av GDPR
The consentmanager.net CMP comes with support for 30 languages, individual Designs, Reporting, integrated A/B-testing & Design Optimizer as well as an integrated Cookie-Crawler. As one of the few CMP-Companies that are based in Europe we are dedicated in making your website GDPR-compliant. We do not use any “Cloud-Servers” but only own servers in Datacenters in Europe. Our clients include Newspapers, Advertising agencies and Networks.
Västeras, Västmanlands Län 723 48, SE
Eppendorfer Weg 183
Hamburg, 20253, DE
35 Boulevard Saint Michel
Paris, 75005, FR
Anställda på consentmanager.se
🤑 Become a Reseller Partner for our Cookie Consent Solution and earn commission for each referred client and benefit from many other advantages. Learn more: https://lnkd.in/dGs6hDFz #cookies #gdpr #consent #partnerprogram #reseller
🔔Do you need an indiviual 🍪cookie consent layer for your audience in 🇹🇷Turkey? No problem! Our consent manager provides you with different features to become #PDPL compliant. Test our various functions for free: https://lnkd.in/dkV8SbGf #cookies #dataprotection #CMP
🍪Cookies banner: Become #PDPB compliant for your 🇮🇳 Indian audience! Our consent manager solution gives you all the functionality you need. Simply create a cookie layer that complies with the law.☑️ ➡️ Get a free trial account: https://lnkd.in/e9-JC3c #PDPB #dataprotection #consentmanager
Merry Christmas from the consentmanager team! 🎄 We wish you a happy holiday season and a bright, happy new year. Thank you for a great year! ✨ #HappyChristmas #consentmanager #CookieBanner #DataProtection
Digital Accessibility in Germany: New requirements for businesses 🌐 In line with the European Accessibility Act (EAA), Germany has introduced the Accessibility Reinforcement Act (BFSG), effective June 2025 📅. This law requires private companies to ensure their websites and apps are fully accessible. Compliance isn't optional - the risks include fines, reputational damage and lost opportunities. 👉 Find out more about Germany's accessibility laws in our latest blog: https://lnkd.in/dgxqVQtQ #digitalaccessibility #BFSG #EAA #compliance #consentmanager
💌 Our newsletter highlights in December: ➡️ New Plugins for CMS / Shop-Systems ➡️ New Polish Electronic Communications Law in effect since November 2024 ➡️ Digital accessibility in Germany: Requirements for websites and apps ➡️ and more 👉 Read the full newsletter: https://lnkd.in/ddJkGAq2 Get the latest updates on data protection delivered straight to your inbox. Stay ahead with brief, essential summaries on #CookieConsent, #GDPR, #DataProtection, and more. ✨ Sign up for our newsletter now and never miss an update: https://lnkd.in/e-G39zMq #DataProtection #Compliance #PrivacyUpdates #Newsletter
🍪 Cookie Compliance is easier than ever before. Try #consentmanager for 🆓 free now! https://lnkd.in/edf9_Fz3 #GDPR #CMP #dataprotection
Polish Electronic Communications Law in force: Obligations for Businesses 🚨 The new Polish Electronic Communications Law (ECL), which came into force on 10 November 2024, has now replaced the existing Telecommunications Act in Poland. The most notable difference from the previous Telecommunications Act is its scope, which now includes companies providing online communications services. As a result, it is a good idea to review existing contracts and business practices in light of the latest requirements. 👉 Find out more in our latest article: https://lnkd.in/dFusVd5m #Privacy #ECL #Compliance #DigitalRegulations #consetmanager
😜 What are you waiting for? GDPR-compliance has never been easier. consentmanager now supports more than 25 plugins for all major CMS and Shop-Systems. Become compliant today: www.consentmanager.net