GEMÜ Sveriges cover photo
GEMÜ Sverige

GEMÜ Sverige

Tillverkning av automatiserade maskiner

GEMÜ is one of the world's leading manufacturers of valves, measurement and control systems.

Om oss

GEMÜ is one of the world's leading manufacturers of valves, measurement and control systems. Since its foundation in the year 1964, this globally focused, independent family owned enterprise has established itself in important industrial sectors thanks to its innovative products and customised solutions for process media control. GEMÜ is the world market leader for sterile valve applications in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries. Today, the GEMÜ Group employs more than 2,500 worldwide. Production takes place at eight locations: In addition to the two production sites in Germany, GEMÜ manufactures its products in Brazil, China, France, India, Switzerland and the USA. Their worldwide marketing is carried out across 25 subsidiaries, coordinated from Germany. Thanks to a large network of commercial partners, GEMÜ is now active in over 50 countries on all continents. The Swedish HQ is located in Lindome, south of Gothenburg.

Tillverkning av automatiserade maskiner
11–50 anställda
Publikt aktiebolag
ventiler, industriella applikationer, sterila processer, kundspecifika lösningar, styrning av processmedier, automatiseringskomponenter, aseptiska ventiler, ventilblock, flervägsventiler, sterila ventiler, reglersystem, ventiler för vatten, fyllningsventiler, ventilteknik, livsmedel, läkemedelstillverkning, vattenrening, medicinteknik, Ytbehandlingsteknik och renrumsproduktion


Anställda på GEMÜ Sverige


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