FEM udviklinger i cybersikkerhed der bør optage erhvervslivet i 2025: Søren Gjevert Petersen, der er ansvarlig for vores cybersikkerhedsløsninger, giver i Computerworld sit bud på, hvad der vil og bør dominere danske virksomheders arbejde med cybersikkerhed i 2025. ➡️Voksende trusler kræver særlig treenighed Det aktuelle alvorlige trusselsbillede kalder i endnu højere grad på, at man vurderer sine risici i forhold til treenigheden bestående af fortrolighed, integritet og tilgængelighed, også kaldet CIA. Særligt tilgængeligheden fylder i stigende grad set i lyset af blandt andet de nylige brud på søkabler, og man er nødt til grundigt at overveje redundansen i for eksempel sit netværk og sin strømforsyning for at mindske risikoen for at blive lammet af et nedbrud. ➡️Kryptér for fremtiden Med abstrakt hurtig kvanteteknologi i horisonten er hackere begyndt at operere med en ’steal now, decrypt later’-strategi. De lægger så at sige stjålet data i skuffen til den dag, de har værktøjerne til at åbne den. ➡️Ny regulering kræver styr på butikken I løbet af 2025 bliver de to nye EU-direktiver, NIS 2 og DORA, implementeret i medlemslandene. Er du underleverandør til en omfattet organisation, skal du også kunne dokumentere, at I lever op til de nye regler. ➡️Ny teknologi til værn mod den lumske trussel: Medarbejderne 2025 bliver året, hvor SASE (Secure Access Service Edge) tager fart, så adgangskontrolteknologi i endnu højere grad integreres i selve løsningerne og i hardwaren, frem for at den enkelte organisation selv skal opbygge et setup. Det er med til at sikre, at medarbejdere ikke utilsigtet giver hackere adgang, fx via phishing. ➡️Lad være med at putte med viden Selv et mindre nedbrud af kortere varighed kan få meget store konsekvenser – også langt ud i forsyningskæden. Hvis man ikke vil dele med sine konkurrenter, at man er midt i en storm af DDoS-angreb fra russiske IP-adresser, som lige om lidt også rammer dem, har man misforstået noget. Vi skal blive langt bedre til at dele viden med hinanden inden for sektorer og på tværs af sektorer. Du kan læse hele Sørens klumme på Computerworld Danmark her👇 https://lnkd.in/dmtezGbj
Om oss
GlobalConnect är en av norra Europas ledande leverantörerna av digital infrastruktur och datakommunikation. Koncernen levererar fiber till privata hushåll och helhetslösningar till företag över sin egen infrastruktur bestående av 155 000 km fibernätverk och 35 000 kvm datacenterutrymme i Danmark, Norge, Sverige, Tyskland och Finland. GlobalConnect har ca 1800 anställda och 30 000 företagskunder, och kopplar upp mer än 700 000 privata hushåll med fiberbaserat bredband. GlobalConnect är resultatet av 2019 och 2020 sammanslagningen mellan Broadnet, GlobalConnect och IP-Only.
- Webbplats
Extern länk för GlobalConnect
- Bransch
- Telekommunikation
- Företagsstorlek
- 1 001–5 000 anställda
- Huvudkontor
- Stockholm
- Typ
- Privatägt företag
- Specialistområden
- IT outsourcing, Data Centers, Fibre Networks, Internet (B2B), IT security (B2B), SIP Trunk, Managed Services, SD-WAN, Unified Communications, Networking och Public Cloud Access
Anställda på GlobalConnect
🔗 GlobalConnect featured in The Guardian! Sea cables in the Baltic Sea have become a hot topic—even beyond the Baltic region. This has led to GlobalConnect being featured in The Guardian, in an article exploring the critical role of digital infrastructure and the challenges of safeguarding undersea cables in the area. GlobalConnect’s Pär Jansson, Patrik Gylesjö and Daniel Aldstam shared insights on strategies such as “security through obscurity” and the importance of redundancy through additional cables to protect vital connections, ensuring that 50% of the Nordics' data capacity continues to flow securely. 📰 Read the full article: https://lnkd.in/d6qgrhnT Proud to be part of this important conversation on the resilience of Europe’s digital backbone! #DigitalInfrastructure #Cybersecurity #GlobalConnect
Future-proofing Northern Europe: GlobalConnect's important milestones in 2024 🚀 This year, we have connected thousands of new households to our network, enabling our modern way of living. Our network now reaches more than 800.000 households. We have expanded our network and security services to support more than 30.000 businesses on their growth journeys. We have completed the largest digital infrastructure in the region in the last decade, Project Aurora, a super fiber cable capable of transporting all data in the Nordics. Finally, we have continued our commitment to invest and expand our digital infrastructure, to offer a resilient, redundant, state-of-the-art fiber network. Our extensive network has grown with an astonishing 12% (+27.000 km) during the year, and now amounts to 243.000 kilometers of fiber.
Vi vet at hackere allerede samler inn sensitive data som de senere kan dekryptere ved hjelp av kvanteteknologi når den blir tilgjengelig for dem. Derfor handler det om å ligge ett skritt foran trusselen. Hver enkelt organisasjon bør starte forberedelsene med en risikovurdering hvor man identifiserer sine sensitive data. Norge er ikke klar for kvantespranget, mener vår CEO Martin Lippert og utdyper det i sin kronikk i Dagens Næringsliv. https://lnkd.in/dNa32aRj
GlobalConnect proudly present the winners of E A S Y Awards 2024 Q4! 🏆 Send your congratulations to Bente Pulz Nielsen Kine Johnsen Sini Pekki Michell Vester 😍 At GlobalConnect, our customer promise is to deliver an E A S Y customer experience. The E for “Expertise”, the A for “Available”, the S for “Speed” and the Y, for focusing on “You” - our customer. In order to deliver on that promise, we have mirrored E A S Y and also made it our internal value-led behaviors, making sure we live by our promise. To promote and award the GlobalConnectors who have taken our behaviors to heart, we have the E A S Y Awards two times per year and give our employees the opportunity to nominate colleagues who they think embodies our behaviors best.
As AI demand grows, so does the need for a robust infrastructure The potential of AI is immense, but unlocking it requires responsible implementation and a strong digital foundation. High-capacity fiber networks are essential to handle the surge in data consumption driven by AI adoption. As a provider of the digital infrastructure that enables companies to implement AI, GlobalConnect is featured in a recent AI whitepaper from Denmark’s leading tech association, DI - Digital. The whitepaper crafts a shared roadmap for responsible use of AI assistants in the public and private sectors. Our contribution highlights a B2B use case that shows how AI can drive innovation responsibly. By leveraging AI-driven campaigns and integrating AI assistants, our team has transformed lead generation, achieving greater efficiency and precision. This case, alongside the many inspiring examples in the whitepaper, demonstrates the significant benefits of AI assistants—not just in streamlining tasks but in reshaping workflows altogether in a responsible way. Please find the whitepaper in the comments, and let’s keep the conversation on responsible AI innovation going.
Från koaxialnät till framtidssäker fiber – Åre Sadelns samfällighet väljer GlobalConnect!🚀 GlobalConnect är stolta över att vara en del av Åre Sadelns samfällighetsförenings resa från ett förlegat koaxialnät till ett snabbt och framtidssäkert fibernät. Till samfällighetens drygt 840 hushåll kommer vi att leverera en robust och pålitlig lösning som möter både dagens och framtidens digitala behov. Göran Ekman, styrelseledamot i samfälligheten: "I dagens samhälle är internet A och O. Speciellt för de som jobbar hemifrån eller streamar mycket TV – då är det viktigt att allt fungerar sömlöst. Fiber ger oss en lösning som är snabb, stabil och betydligt enklare att underhålla." Att koppla upp en samfällighet av denna storlek är en komplex uppgift som kräver både samarbete och expertis från flera viktiga bidragsgivare. Synergierna mellan ansvarig säljare Lars Sundström, kommunansvarig i Åre Jens Rask, byggledare Andrea Rahm & Annette Johnsson samt leveranskoordinator Malin Östlund har varit avgörande för att ro detta projekt i land. Tillsammans säkerställer de att Globalconnect kan leverera ett fibernät i världsklass! 👉 Läs mer om projektet här: https://lnkd.in/dmB8MFQ5
Åre Sadelns samfällighet | GlobalConnect
As we wrap up this year’s final leadership training summit, we’re inspired by the growth and impact our leaders bring to GlobalConnect every day. Leadership isn’t just about training – it’s about continuous development, collaboration, and applying new skills to drive progress. This year, over 100 leaders across GlobalConnect have participated in programs designed to enhance personal growth, leadership capabilities, and internal networks. Through virtual and in-person sessions, they’ve connected our values and strategies with practical exercises, reflections, and meaningful feedback. We’re excited to build on this momentum in the coming year and continue fostering leadership excellence across our organization!
EASY Awards 2024 Q4 😍 🎖 Introducing the GlobalConnect EASY Awards Finalists for 2024 Q4! Our commitment to our customers is to provide an EASY experience, with "Expertise", "Availability", "Speed", and the focus on "You", our valued customer, but also our internal culture. To ensure we uphold this promise, we integrated the EASY concept into our internal values and behaviors, allowing us to remain consistent with our pledge. To appreciate and recognize the GlobalConnect employees who have adopted these values, we have the EASY Awards two times each year. Our staff have the chance to nominate their colleagues who best represent these EASY principles. We were inundated with nominations, and it brings us great joy to announce and celebrate our exceptional finalists in the four categories! Expertise Håvard Kjelberg, Bente Pulz Nielsen, Tom Ghorbani and Anne Josephine Rutherford Available Kine Johnsen, Fredrik Klasenius, Matti Kuokkanen and Dennis Samson. Speed Sini Pekki, Bjarne Olesen, Kathrin Rathert and Andreas Blix J. You Anja Klinkby Molin, Helge Agdestein, Hedvig Oppitz and Michell Vester.
GlobalConnect to deploy energy efficient next gen fiber technology with Nokia 🚀 Full story below 👇 The Nordic companies have agreed to a partnership to deploy Nokia’s next generation fiber technology to boost GlobalConnect’s rapid fiber expansion in the region. The rollout has started, with Nokia supplying the Finnish fiber rollout, in which GlobalConnect is investing 500 million Euros for the coming years. The technology will offer increased speed and lower energy consumption. https://lnkd.in/dPec-FGy
GlobalConnect deploys Nokias XGS-PON
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