Heartspace.AIs omslagsbild


PR och kommunikationstjänster

Stockholm, Stockholm County 814 följare

Hire a ghostwriter who never sleeps NirvanaAI dives deep into your industry, then writes custom high-quality content.

Om oss

Heartspace builds AI-driven communication and media tools that enable the second renaissance.

PR och kommunikationstjänster
2–10 anställda
Stockholm, Stockholm County
Privatägt företag
PR, Public Relations, AI in PR, Strategic communications och Public Affairs


Anställda på Heartspace.AI


  • Heartspace.AI omdelade detta

    Visa profilen för Sohrab Fadai

    Built the {ghostwriter} who never sleeps.

    ⁉️ How do you get AI to write texts that you can use? Let's explain in less than a minute: ⏲️ Nirvana AI is your superhuman agentic AI writer. It is used by people who want to use AI without sounding like a corporate pamphlet of buzzwords and cliches. They all say one thing: Other AI copywriters = rewrite 90%. NirvanaAI = keep 90%, rewrite 10%. But how? What’s the secret? How we teach AI to write better: Focuses on what NOT to include. AI models usually write correctly but they lack taste. 🎨 Taste means knowing when to stop. Where to leave it the rest up to the reader. A tasteful piece of writing is like a marble statue. It's formed by chipping at a block until enough pieces have fallen off that something meaningful and creative can reveal itself. That is why it is usually a good sign if you have writer’s block. It means you have something important to say. AI can help you break the block and start forming the statue but if you just go onto any tool and as it to create a certain piece of content for you it often takes the approach of building the statue with mud instead. AI will add layers on layers on top of your request. It will not see the block of marble because it can’t really read your thoughts, intention of understand the deeper context. Result: you get a ”mud statue” instead of a marble statue. The problem with a ”mud statue” is that though it might look almost identical to a marble statue from far away, as soon as you get close enough the illusion falls apart. It becomes clear which of the statues that is so well crafted that you can look at it from any angle and it just becomes more beautiful the more you understand it and which one looks like it's made of... well... mud. Mud that will fall apart if you throw some water at it or put a paperweight on it or just draw your hand across it. That’s true of most AI-written content. It really is not about the dash signs or any other ”tell”. It’s that the writing becomes good but inherently bad when you start with an ”adding” approach. Our approach to better writing with AI: Start with something. Context and ideas. Not just prompts. Not just one model: Multiple steps with different AI agents. Custom automations and validations simulate the process of “carving out” a piece of text from a marble block rather than adding pieces of mud to more mud. Each text is rewritten by at least 3-4 agents (sometimes up to 20). We do grading and evaluation and the agents give each other feedback based on rulesets that we improve and adjust to each user’s perspective on “tasteful” writing. This happens even when you sleep. 😴 It learns from user interactions. We train one version of NirvanaAI for each user and the more they use it - the better it gets at understanding what that user sees as tasteful. After all, “taste” is often a matter of … well… taste. 📺 Watch the one-minute demo below and see for yourself! 😊 Heartspace.AI

  • The latest platform updates in Heartspace and NirvanaAI are on fire! 🔥 Calibration now only takes a few minutes! ⏱️ NirvanaAI learns your tone of voice and curates trending stories into high-quality summaries just for you. 📚✨ Easily turn these summaries into well-written thought leadership content with one click. Publish your next LinkedIn post, blog article, or newsletter in minutes. 📝🚀 Add your perspective, invite a friend for real-time co-editing, and build your brand online. 🤝💡 Stay visible. Break through the noise. Tell your brand's authentic story and let it move people around the world. 🌍🗣️

  • Heartspace.AI omdelade detta

    Visa profilen för Sohrab Fadai

    Built the {ghostwriter} who never sleeps.

    Om knappt en månad kommer jag hålla ett webbinarium om "Hur man får en hel organisation att acceptera AI" för Swedsoft. Om Europeiska och svenska företag ska bibehålla sin konkurrenskraft är det viktigt att vi trampar på gaspedelen vad gäller AI-adoption. Vi behöver öka kunskapen om hur AI kan användas och få in ett ansvarsfullt och effektivt nyttjande av AI som något lika självklart som att kunna hantera mejl eller sociala medier. Det här en teknisk omvandling som vi inte får försova oss från. Visst finns det nog en bubbla i värderingar och visst är det många som blåst upp vad AI kommer att kunna göra men faktum är att AI redan i dag kan skapa väldigt mycket värde som vi inte tar vara på fullt ut. Det är dags att göra det. Och jag delar gärna med mig av hur. Tydligen bra med anmälda redan enligt Hamid Ershad Sarabi men för den nyfikna går det säkert att anmäla sig ett tag till =). Ser mycket fram emot detta.

    Visa organisationssidan för Swedsoft

    469 följare

    Välkommen till vårt webbinarium: Hur får man en hel organisation att acceptera AI? 📅 Datum: 18 mars 2025 🕙 Tid: 10:00 - 11:00 💻 Plats: Online 🎤 Talare: Sohrab Fadai AI förändrar världen – men hur får vi hela organisationer att omfamna möjligheterna? Vi bjuder in dig till ett inspirerande webbinarium där Sohrab Fadai, grundare av AI-startupen Heartspace.AI och expert på AI och maskininlärning, delar konkreta strategier för att överbrygga hinder och skapa en AI-positiv kultur i företag. Med sin bakgrund inom både teknik och retorik kommer Sohrab att guida oss genom insikter och praktiska exempel på hur företag kan lyckas med AI-adoption. Agenda ✅ Varför är AI-adoptionen låg i många företag – och vad kan vi göra åt det? ✅ Hur skapar vi en öppen inställning till AI-lösningar? ✅ Praktiska exempel på AI i arbetslivet och lärdomar från verkligheten. Detta är en chans att få inspiration, kunskap och möjlighet att ställa frågor direkt till en expert. 📌 Boka in datumet och anmäl dig här: https://lnkd.in/dP9G-w_c Varmt välkommen!

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  • Heartspace.AI omdelade detta

    Visa profilen för Sohrab Fadai

    Built the {ghostwriter} who never sleeps.

    Heartspace.AI får fin exponering i Dagens industris bilaga om AI! 🚀 Tack till Love Sahlin som uppmärksammade detta först av alla i morse (alltid så snabb)! Som startup är det alltid en utmaning att balansera marknadsföring med budget. Vanligtvis hade jag sagt nej till annonsering i detta skede. Vi lever mest på ”Word of mouth”. Men vi fick ett startup-vänligt upplägg (bra pris och fokus på AI-lösningar för innehållsproduktion!) som vi inte kunde tacka nej till. Hoppas detta leder till att fler upptäcker Heartspace och NirvanaAI. Läs mer om hur vi skapar effektiv innehållsproduktion: https://lnkd.in/eDUfbDVT (native-artikel). Vad är era tankar om annonsering i tidiga skeden för startups? Dela gärna med er! 👇 Nirvana Gharni , Sara Plesnar Dennås , Azita Shariati

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  • ✨ Stop rewriting prompts! 👋 Heartspace's new custom transformations are here to help you get AI-content in your format with one click. 🚀 No more repetitive copy-pasting – now you can transform text into your desired format, tone, and structure with a single click. 🖱️ Want to see it in action? Check out the video where I show how to transform content into the awesome style of TECHARENA (happening in Stockholm Feb 20-21!). If you're in town, don't miss it – it's like Sweden's Slush, but with deeper conversations and less crowds! Highly recommended. 👍 Try Heartspace custom transformations today and see the instant content magic! ✨ Sohrab Fadai #AI #ContentCreation #Productivity #NoCode #TechArena #Stockholm

  • Heartspace.AI omdelade detta

    Visa profilen för Sohrab Fadai

    Built the {ghostwriter} who never sleeps.

    I've been heads-down coding for the past month and landed 168 commits with 23 merged pull requests. Added a bunch of code too - like 17,000+ lines across 248 files. Basically, massive improvements are on the way for Heartspace.AIs users with some long awaited features + smoother user experience overall and massive improvements on AI-output quality + some secret stuff 🤫. Really excited for you all to see it! Launch is just around the corner. Any guesses on what else is coming? 😉 

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  • Heartspace.AI omdelade detta

    Visa profilen för Sohrab Fadai

    Built the {ghostwriter} who never sleeps.

    Today I have been able to reroute most of Heartspace.AIs model router to be able to make the most use of being part of Google for Startups and to be able to let our users choose model provider themselves (or let our router do it for them). It’s funny how many moving parts includes. And how different things like streaming responses and thread handling works when working with different APIs. All of that are engineering problems we have had to solve once and now I resolving them but in a more streamlined and modular way. What will this lead to? 1. Users willl be able to choose their favorite model in Heartspace. If you love Claude sonnet 3,5 or any of the Gemini or OpenAI models you will be able to choose them by yourself instead of our model router choosing for you. 2. We will be defaulting more toward Gemini since Googles models are in general outperforming other models when it comes to content creation and because we can offer so much more from our inference approach when we can leverage the free credits Google has given us. Very generous program by the way! If you are an startup check it out! Google is doing awesome stuff for the builder ecosystem!This allows us to increase output quality and consistency without increasing prices. Most of the day I had the shit kicked out of me by resilient front-end bugs (front-end is still not my favorite thing) but progress is being made and by the end of the day I had a early version up and running. Still some things left to do but it is so good so can’t wait to release this to our users! Another cool thing is that we also got accepted into one of Cloudflares programs today and will get free hosting for a least a year from today. Saves us up to $5 000. Super grateful for that 🙌🏼🙏🏼.

  • Platform Updates: Enhanced UI, Editor & AI Co-Writer! ✨ We've been working on some updates to make using the platform more delightful: We've updated the look of some buttons, and improved the tooltips so they're more helpful. Links in the editor are now clickable, text flows better when using the co-writer, and formatting should behave more predictably. We've also cleaned up some extra line breaks (we still get them sometimes but working on a full fix for this!) You can now stop AI text generation if you need to, it delivers content faster, and you can regenerate the AI's output. We've also improved how it handles formatting and where it puts the text. Also the user experience should be overall smoother and to put it in clear terms: it looks a lot nicer 😊. Our goal is to make the platform more responsive and user-friendly, so you can focus on creating great content. Still Working On: Better formatting with lists from the AI. Smoother content streaming into the editor. More to come! https://lnkd.in/gWDr_Mmk

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