Heartspace.AI omdelade detta
⁉️ How do you get AI to write texts that you can use? Let's explain in less than a minute: ⏲️ Nirvana AI is your superhuman agentic AI writer. It is used by people who want to use AI without sounding like a corporate pamphlet of buzzwords and cliches. They all say one thing: Other AI copywriters = rewrite 90%. NirvanaAI = keep 90%, rewrite 10%. But how? What’s the secret? How we teach AI to write better: Focuses on what NOT to include. AI models usually write correctly but they lack taste. 🎨 Taste means knowing when to stop. Where to leave it the rest up to the reader. A tasteful piece of writing is like a marble statue. It's formed by chipping at a block until enough pieces have fallen off that something meaningful and creative can reveal itself. That is why it is usually a good sign if you have writer’s block. It means you have something important to say. AI can help you break the block and start forming the statue but if you just go onto any tool and as it to create a certain piece of content for you it often takes the approach of building the statue with mud instead. AI will add layers on layers on top of your request. It will not see the block of marble because it can’t really read your thoughts, intention of understand the deeper context. Result: you get a ”mud statue” instead of a marble statue. The problem with a ”mud statue” is that though it might look almost identical to a marble statue from far away, as soon as you get close enough the illusion falls apart. It becomes clear which of the statues that is so well crafted that you can look at it from any angle and it just becomes more beautiful the more you understand it and which one looks like it's made of... well... mud. Mud that will fall apart if you throw some water at it or put a paperweight on it or just draw your hand across it. That’s true of most AI-written content. It really is not about the dash signs or any other ”tell”. It’s that the writing becomes good but inherently bad when you start with an ”adding” approach. Our approach to better writing with AI: Start with something. Context and ideas. Not just prompts. Not just one model: Multiple steps with different AI agents. Custom automations and validations simulate the process of “carving out” a piece of text from a marble block rather than adding pieces of mud to more mud. Each text is rewritten by at least 3-4 agents (sometimes up to 20). We do grading and evaluation and the agents give each other feedback based on rulesets that we improve and adjust to each user’s perspective on “tasteful” writing. This happens even when you sleep. 😴 It learns from user interactions. We train one version of NirvanaAI for each user and the more they use it - the better it gets at understanding what that user sees as tasteful. After all, “taste” is often a matter of … well… taste. 📺 Watch the one-minute demo below and see for yourself! 😊 Heartspace.AI