Hemisphere: Pioneering a Plant Based Future

Hemisphere: Pioneering a Plant Based Future


Empowering a sustainable future with unique, premium hemp-derived proteins and oils.

Om oss

At Hemisphere, we're not just creating products; we're setting industry standards. Our expertise lies in producing high-quality protein and oil from hemp seeds, known for their superior nutritional benefits and versatility. Whether it's enriching food and beverages, enhancing cosmetics, or boosting health supplements, our products are designed to meet diverse industry needs. Our ultimate goal? To create a net-positive impact on our planet, giving back more than we take. Sounds utopian? We've found the way. Follow us on our journey to discover how. The future starts now.

2–10 anställda
Privatägt företag
Plant-based Proteins, Hemp Seed Oil, Sustainability, Innovation, Nutritional Excellence, Innovative Processing, Science, Research, Carbon Reduction, Nutrient-Rich, Vegan-Friendly och Made In Europe



  • At Hemisphere, we're not just creating products; we're setting industry standards. Our expertise lies in producing high-quality protein and oil from hemp seeds, known for their superior nutritional benefits and versatility. Whether it's enriching food and beverages, enhancing cosmetics, or boosting health supplements, our products are designed to meet diverse industry needs. Discover the endless possibilities with our hemp-derived ingredients. Let's innovate together! 🌏 💚 🍀 #protein #oil #hemp #hempseed #hempseedoil #innovation #sustainability

  • 🌿 Fueling the Future: Hemp Innovation & Sustainability Take Center Stage 🌱🌍🚀 We are thrilled to announce the successful completion of our seed round, supported by both existing and new shareholders. This recently concluded seed round, combined with a substantial EU grant, paves the way for the next big step in our journey: the establishment of our first full-scale factory, set to open its doors in May 2025. This facility will have an impressive annual production capacity of 400,000 kg of pure protein powder and 350,000 liters of premium hemp seed oil. Hemp is not only an incredibly versatile crop but also a powerful tool for environmental sustainability. It requires minimal water, naturally regenerates the soil, and absorbs significantly more CO2 than many other crops. By building our business around this remarkable plant, we are contributing to a greener, more sustainable future. We extend our heartfelt thanks to our customers, partners, shareholders, and supporters for making 2024 an incredible year. Together, we are creating impactful solutions for tomorrow, and we can't wait to see what we will achieve in 2025. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to grow and innovate! 🚀 #impact #proteinrevolution #hempseed #sustainablefuture #fundraising

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  • Hemp: The Plant of the Future 🌿 At Hemisphere: Pioneering a Plant Based Future, we’re proud to take meaningful, actionable steps toward creating a better tomorrow. By harnessing the incredible potential of hemp, we’re driving innovation and sustainability for a brighter future. Together, let’s shape a more sustainable world! 🌍 #Sustainability #Innovation #HempForTheFuture #Hemisphere

  • Hemisphere: Pioneering a Plant Based Future omdelade detta

    Visa profilen för Maria Selting, grafik

    Founder of Phuturist | Fractional CMO services | Tech Philosopher | iZettle/PayPal, Lingio, TEDxStockholm

    👉 Would you take a pill that scans your microbiome, and let AI combine the perfect food for you? This week, at Planethon - Thrive within planetary boundaries we took 10 journalists on a time travel journey into 2052, to experience the future food system could look like. It was a three-course dinner made up of the protein hemp, which can play a key role in the future helping us to transition into a sustainable food system. 👉 Did you know that the global food system accounts for 26% of global greenhouse gas emissions and that agriculture consumes 80% of drinking water? Well, hemp requires almost no water and absorbs 10 times more carbon dioxide than wheat! During the night we: 🔮 went on a time travel journey during guided meditations, with stops in 2034, 2041 and 2052 🥗 tasted hemp bread, hemp macarons, hemp ice cream and 3D-printed flank steak 🌐 tried out a prototype of a future food label system, where you scan a food label and get all the info you need about the food 🤖 A tablet that scans your microbiome and then provides personalised nutrients in a bottle developed with the help of forensic gastronomy So what was the purpose of all of this? By applying the latest methodologies in future work, using strategic foresight and speculative design, we can showcase how it is possible to - based in science - transition into a sustainable future. It is possible, we just need to do it! Thanks to Fotografiska and Martin Wall for providing a great three-course hemp experience, and to Hemisphere: Pioneering a Plant Based Future for providing the hemp! Curious to learn more about how to work with futures? Check out Planethons report here: https://lnkd.in/g59kkhrg

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  • Hemisphere: Pioneering a Plant Based Future omdelade detta

    Visa profilen för Gurgîn Bakircioglu, grafik

    Föreläser om klimaträttvisa för Sveriges förorter. Omställlningsglad opinionsbildare. Driver Nordens största ljudproduktion om hund - Hundpodden Vår Bästa Vän och Skandinaviens enda veganska hundfodersida - Vecanis.se

    I veckan blev jag en av de inbjudna journalisterna som fick uppleva framtidens mat och matsystem – och stjärnan i showen var hampa, en råvara som är både stigmatiserad och revolutionerande. 🌱 Syftet med kvällen var att gestalta hur en så liten gröda som hampa kan spela en nyckelroll i omställningen till ett hållbart livsmedelssystem. Med minimal vattenförbrukning och en förmåga att binda stora mängder koldioxid är hampa inte bara en råvara för framtiden, utan också för vår nutid. Vi fick ta del av hampabaserade innovationer som macarons, glass och till och med 3D-printat kött och jag är jävligt säker på att framtiden smakar hopp och hållbarhet... och hampa visar vägen. Stort tack till Fotografiska och kökschefen Martin Wall som experimenterat med hampa, Planethon - Thrive within planetary boundaries och till Hemisphere: Pioneering a Plant Based Future som bidragit med den fantastiska grödan!

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  • Hemisphere: Pioneering a Plant Based Future omdelade detta

    Visa profilen för Karin Wachtmeister, grafik

    Verksamhetsutvecklare Region Sörmland och Christineholm Förvaltnings AB

    Hur kommer produktionen på Christineholm se ut 🔜2034 🔜 2041 🔜 2052? Odlar och förädlar nästa generation hampaprodukter månntro? - inte omöjligt! 🪴 Tack Planethon - Thrive within planetary boundaries, Hemisphere: Pioneering a Plant Based Future och Fotografiska för möjligheten att smaka och lära mer om superfood - 'Hampa och Hopp - en middagsupplevelse från framtiden' 🌟 Stolt sörmlänning när såväl keramik från Anna Lindell samt hydrotermiskt korn från Warbro Kvarn förgyllde kvällen 🌟

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  • 🌟 A Big Thank You to Planethon - Thrive within planetary boundaries and Fotografiska! 🌟 We’re incredibly grateful to Planethon - Thrive within planetary boundaries and Fotografiska for hosting such inspiring dinners centered around the endless potential of hemp. Your dedication to sustainability and creativity continues to amaze us, and we’re proud to have been part of this fantastic collaboration. Hemp is not just an ingredient; it’s a path toward a more sustainable and innovative future. Together, we’ve shown how powerful this plant can be when paired with visionary minds and a shared mission to thrive within planetary boundaries. Thank you for championing a future we can all believe in! 💚 #ThankYou #Collaboration #HempFuture #Sustainability #Planethon #Fotografiska

    Visa profilen för Agnes Hjelmer, grafik

    CEO @ Hemisphere Technologies, Consultant @ Experience Unleashed, Advisory boardmember @ Commerce Futures, Boardmember @ True Performance, Founder @ Fair Candles

    🌱 Hemp: The Ingredient of the Future 🌱 At Hemisphere: Pioneering a Plant Based Future, we believe in the transformative power of hemp to create a more sustainable and healthier world. That’s why we were thrilled to collaborate with Planethon - Thrive within planetary boundaries and Fotografiska to highlight the incredible potential of hemp at an unforgettable dinner experience. From innovative flavors to sustainability at its core, hemp is proving to be more than just an ingredient—it’s a game-changer. Proud to see our ingredients inspiring creative and impactful moments like this! Join us in exploring the future of food, health, and sustainability—one hemp innovation at a time. #HempFuture #Sustainability #Hemisphere #FoodInnovation #PlanetFriendly

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  • Hemp is the future, and Planethon - Thrive within planetary boundaries - together with Fotografiska, has showcased just how promising this future can be with an exciting dinner featuring hemp-based ingredients (supplied by us!).

    Visa organisationssidan för Planethon - Thrive within planetary boundaries, grafik

    2 155 följare

    Wow vilken kväll! 🤩 Igår tog vi med 10 journalister på en tidsresa in i 2052, för att uppleva hur framtidens mat och matsystem kan se ut. Det blev en framtidsupplevelse under en trerättersmeny på hampa hos Fotografiska! “Hampa & Hopp” är en del av det Vinnova finansierade projektet "Gestalta framtidens hållbara lösningar inom matsystemet", som även löper inom ramen för Proteinrevolutionen (en av de Vinnova-finaniserade innovationsplattformarna). Under detta projekt har vi utforskat hur proteinet hampa kan vara en möjliggörare i omställningen och visa på vår förmåga att skapa ett hållbart livsmedelssystem! 👉 Visste du att det globala livsmedelssystemet står för 26% av de globala växthusgasutsläppen och att jordbruket förbrukar 80% av dricksvattnet? 🌱 Hampa däremot behöver extremt lite vatten och 1 hektar hampa kan absorbera mellan 10-15 ton koldioxid per år! Syftet med kvällen var därför att gestalta hur en så liten gröda som hampa, kan spela en nyckelroll för att ställa om till ett hållbart livsmedelssystem! Kvällen utvecklades med hjälp av de senaste framtidsmetoderna strategisk framsyn och spekulativ design. Kvällen bjöd bland annat på: 🔮 En tidsresa där vi fick äta oss in i framtiden med stopp i 2034, 2041 och 2052 under guidade meditationer 🥗 Hampabröd, hampa-macarons, hampa-glass och 3D-printad flankstek 🌐 En prototyp för hur du i framtiden kan skanna en matetikett och få upp all info du kan vilja veta om maten 🤖 En tablett som skannar vad din mikrobiom och sedan ger personaliserade näringsämnen på flaska framtaget med hjälp av kriminalteknisk gastronomi från Preventionsmottagningen - skulle du vilja ha det i framtiden? Stort tack till Fotografiska och kökschefen Martin Wall som experimenterat med hampa och till Hemisphere: Pioneering a Plant Based Future som bidragit med den fantastiska grödan! Nu laddar vi inför middag nr 2 ikväll! 🚀 Nyfiken på att lära dig mer om våra framtidsmetoder? https://lnkd.in/g59kkhrg

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  • 🌱 At Hemisphere, we’re excited to introduce our next-generation plant-based protein—designed to redefine industry standards. With high protein content, exceptional water-binding, and gel-forming properties, our versatile protein is perfect for a wide range of applications: from meat alternatives to snacks, sport bars, shakes, and baked goods. What sets it apart? It has no taste or color, allowing it to seamlessly integrate into your products without altering their original flavor or appearance. 🌍 By partnering with Hemisphere, you’re not just incorporating a premium ingredient—you’re aligning with the future of sustainable food. Our protein meets today’s consumer demand for healthier, eco-conscious options without sacrificing taste, texture, or functionality. Let’s collaborate to create the next generation of plant-based products that deliver both superior taste and sustainability. 👉 Contact us for more information and let’s lead the shift toward a more sustainable and nutritious food system together. #PlantBased #Sustainability #FoodInnovation #EcoFriendly #ProteinRevolution #FutureOfFood #SustainableLiving

  • Did you know that hemp is one of the most versatile crops when it comes to growing conditions? 🌿 Hemp can thrive in a wide range of climates and soil types, making it an incredibly valuable crop for farmers globally. Whether you're in temperate, subtropical, or tropical regions, hemp has the adaptability to grow robustly and yield high-quality produce. This resilience means that hemp can be cultivated in many parts of the world, providing a sustainable and profitable option for farmers. Its ability to grow in various soil conditions also reduces the need for chemical fertilizers and pesticides, making it an eco-friendly crop that supports sustainable agricultural practices. Hemp's versatility extends beyond just growing conditions. It's a crop that contributes to soil health by restoring nutrients and preventing erosion. Additionally, its deep root system helps to improve soil structure and increase water retention, further enhancing its sustainability credentials. For farmers, this adaptability translates to greater flexibility and reduced risk, as they can integrate hemp into their crop rotations without worrying about specific climate or soil requirements. This opens up new opportunities for economic growth and environmental stewardship. At Hemisphere, we are proud to support the cultivation of this remarkable plant. Our commitment to leveraging hemp's versatile growing conditions aligns with our mission to promote sustainable agriculture and deliver high-quality, plant-based products. Let's celebrate hemp's incredible adaptability and its potential to transform agriculture worldwide! 🌿🌍 #HempAgriculture #SustainableFarming #VersatileCrop #GlobalFarming #HempCultivation #EcoFriendlyFarming #HemisphereHemp #AgriculturalInnovation

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