Jobbsprångets omslagsbild


Ideella organisationer

Stockholm, Stockholm County 14 378 följare

Ett initiativ som gör skillnad – på riktigt

Om oss

Jobbsprånget är ett nationellt praktikprogram där alla typer av arbetsgivare är välkomna att delta. Sedan 2017 har mer än 400 arbetsgivare från 50 olika orter runt om i Sverige medverkat. Bland de som deltar finns både små, stora, privata och offentliga arbetsgivare. Många av våra praktikanter har sökt hundratals jobb innan de söker till Jobbsprånget. Efter vårt fyra månader långa praktikprogram får 7 av 10 jobb på sin professionella nivå. New in Sweden? Jobbsprånget is a four-month advanced internship programme. The purpose of the programme is to speed up the introduction to the Swedish labour market and to give candidates a chance to show their potential. Requirements: . You are born outside of the continent of Europe . You have a degree in engineering, architecture, science, or business/finance (bachelor, master or higher degree) . You have proficient English language skills, both spoken and written . You are registered at Arbetsförmedlingen Visit The next application period opens on the 16th of July. Jobbsprånget Social Media Comment Policy Jobbsprånget appreciates your comments across our social media channels. We appreciate the time and effort that our followers/audience spend to share their ideas, feedback, questions, concerts, etc. We thank everyone who comments on our social media pages. However, we want the comments on our channels to be useful and respectful to all our followers/audience. We will try our best to address and keep the comments, but we also have the right to remove the following: • Harassing comments: comments that contain abusive, vulgar, offensive, racist or threatening content, personal attacks of any kind or offensive terms that targets specific individual or group • Spam and promotional content • Content that contains personal information of an individual (home address, mobile number, etc.) • An account that does not comply with our policy may be blocked

Ideella organisationer
11–50 anställda
Stockholm, Stockholm County
Ideell organisation


Anställda på Jobbsprånget


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