Stort tack till Krinova Incubator & Science Park för att vi fick vara med och hjälpa er med Spot on Food! Vi ser fram emot flera fantastiska samarbeten framöver!
What an inspiring day at Spot on Food! 🌱✨ Yesterday, Kristianstad became the heart of food innovation, bringing together people from diverse industries to shape a more resilient food system. The energy was contagious, with new partnerships forming and ideas blossoming. A huge thank you to our incredible partners for making this event possible: Kristianstads kommun, European Union, COLOURS European University Alliance, Stiftelsen RUTH, Sparbanken Skåne, Viable Cities, Visit Skåne AB, Aqua Nobel , Axel Johnson, Cirkulär utvecklingshubb för livsmedel, Dagab, Gårdsfisk, LRF - Lantbrukarnas Riksförbund Skåne, and Urban Deli. Together, we’re paving the way for the future of food innovation. Here are some of the highlights from yesterday’s impactful sessions: 🔹 Preparedness Session We learned how Iceland turned food waste into business opportunities with Thor Sigfusson PhD from the Iceland Ocean Cluster. From supplements to innovative wound care, the potential to repurpose fish waste is inspiring. Andrii Ocheretnyi, Deputy Mayor of Vinnytsia, Ukraine, reminded us all of the importance of standing together and being prepared as a community during challenging times. Matthieu Vincent from DigitalFoodLab called for collective action in supporting food startups and creating a food revolution for resilience and sustainability. 🔹 Entrepreneurship Session Sara Wimmercranz of BackingMinds spoke passionately about helping small food producers grow, giving them the support they need to thrive. Dr. Avit K. Bhowmik from Karlstad University inspired us to reconnect with our communities and the planet. He sparked a powerful moment when everyone in the room held hands, reminding us of the strength we have together. 🔹 Diversity Session Märta Jansdotter Aguirre from Gröna gårdar AB urged us to follow nature’s wisdom, working with its cycles rather than trying to control them. Bjoern O. Schroeder, PhD of Umeå University discussed the modern loss of microbial diversity in our guts and how it impacts our health. Finally, Tobias Degsell from Combiner AB encouraged long-term thinking and collaboration between people with different mindsets, reminding us that real success takes time, persistence and trust. This is just the beginning of the conversations and collaborations we’re fostering in Kristianstad. Let's keep the momentum going and continue working together to drive food innovation forward! 🚀 #SpotOnFood2024 #FoodInnovation #ResilientFoodSystem #Collaboration #Preparedness #Entrepreneurship #Diversity