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MEC Profil

MEC Profil


Halmstad, Halland County 521 följare

Wholesale company with 40 years experience in the product media industry.

Om oss

We provide the business of product media with strong products for successful campaigns. We have long and relevant experience in specialized production and trading together with our contracted suppliers. Smart and cost effective freight is another cornerstone of our business. This will benefit our customers and partners in several ways. We only sell through distributors. MEC Gruppen, established in 1985, is a promotional item wholesale company based in Sweden. We supply the industry of product media with communicative items for strong and successful campaigns. We have a long and relevant experience of customised production, trading and sourcing together with our contracted manufacturers. Smart and cost effective freight is another corner stone of our business. This will benefit our customers and partners in several ways. MEC Gruppen includes a number of specialist areas. Together we form a strong supplier for our dealers in a highly competitive market.

11–50 anställda
Halmstad, Halland County
Privatägt företag
Produktmedia, Product media, Promotion, Import, Bespoken production, Certificates, Multiwear, Logistics, China production, Stock items, Advertising products, Give-aways, Wholesaler, White label solutions, Fast deliveries, Ethics, China sourcing & trading, Impression catalogue, Electronics, Reflectives, Flags & Display, Mugs & Glasses, Logoband, TJK Tage Johanssons Korgar, Axel & Morin, KEBACK, Cupline, Keller Reflex, NS Promotion, XPO System, NS Textil, Promotional textile, Water bottles och Trading


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