Medicon Village

Medicon Village


Lund, Skåne 14 719 följare

The largest value-driven life science park in Scandinavia.

Om oss

Medicon Village är den största värderingsdrivna forskarparken i Norden med fokus på life science och därmed en livlig mötesplats för forskare, entreprenörer och andra med intresse av life science. Ägd av den ideella stiftelsen "Mats Paulssons stiftelse för forskning, innovation och samhällsutveckling", som bidrar till nya projekt som betonar forskning och innovation som gynnar människors möjligheter till ett bättre liv. Den hållbara ägarmodellen innebär att avkastningen på kapitalet, tillsammans med överskott från driften av Medicon Village, återinvesteras i forskning i form av donationer. Med 2 800 anställda i 180 företagoch organisationer fungerar Medicon Village som en mötesplats för individer dedikerade till olika discipliner inom life science. Dessa inkluderar bioinformatik, biomedicinsk teknik, tillverkning av bioläkemedel, bioteknik, klinisk forskning och företag inom kontraktsforskning (CRO), diagnostik och patologi, miljöbioteknik, genomik och genetisk forskning, hälsovårdstjänster, medicinteknik, näringsläkemedel, läkemedel, regenerativ medicin och mer.

1 001–5 000 anställda
Lund, Skåne
life science, innovation, research, community, laboratories, space to let, space to rent, bioinformatics, biomedical engineering, biopharmaceutical manufacturing, biotechnology, CRO, environmental biotechnology, healthcare services, medical devices, nutraceuticals, pharmaceuticals, regenerative medicine, ATMP, genomic and genetic research, diagnostics and pathology och clinical research and contract research organizations


Anställda på Medicon Village


  • Current 9 job vacancies posted on our website: - IT Validation Manager at Camurus (application deadline 23 February) - Laboratory technician Non-Clinical Development at Camurus (application deadline 23 February) - Life Science Consultant at Semcon (application deadline 23 February) - Senior Electronics Engineer at OIM Sweden AB (application deadline 28 February) - Project Manager in Quality Assurance and Quality Management Systems at Aptio Group (application deadline 28 February) - Scientific Operations Manager at Asgard Therapeutics (application deadline 28 February) - Senior Project Leader – Diagnostics at Reccan (application deadline 15 March) - Validation Engineer Life Science at Knightec (application deadline 4 April) - Quality Engineer MedTech at Knightec (application deadline 5 April) As part of our Talent Attraction Programme, we offer both Medicon Village members and other companies and organisations within the Skåne life science ecosystem the opportunity to post open life science positions in Skåne for free on our public website. Additionally, information about these open positions is shared in our weekly newsletter (with over 6,400 subscribers), on our LinkedIn page every Friday, and through other distribution channels we use. Link for details on open positions, and how to submit new ones, in comment below. #hiring #talentattraction #talentretention #matchmaking #lifescience #sciencepark Aptio Group Sweden AB | Asgard Therapeutics | Camurus | Knightec | OIM Sweden AB | Reccan | Semcon

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Medicon Village, grafik

    14 719 följare

    On this crisp Friday morning, we had the warm pleasure of welcoming Professor Max Lu, President and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Surrey in the UK and a member of the UK Prime Minister’s Council for Science and Technology, and Martin Malmsten, Professor at University of Copenhagen (Københavns Universitet) and guest professor at Lund University to Medicon Village, who met with our Sarah Lidé to exchange perspectives on how we work at the interface of academia and industry to foster research and innovation. At Medicon Village, we believe that proximity breeds innovation, and it's inspiring to share experiences with other leading international environments on how we can support getting the best ideas to the market, for the goal of benefiting human health and society. Thank you Max and Martin for a good dialogue! #lifescience #sciencepark

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  • Today, a delegation led by His Royal Highness Prince Daniel, alongside prominent entrepreneurs and business leaders from Prince Daniel’s Fellowship and the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences’ (IVA) Business Council, visited Medicon Village and SmiLe Venture Hub. The visit aimed to strengthen synergies between the networks while fostering discussions on entrepreneurship and innovation within the region.   During the delegation visit, Medicon Village and SmiLe Venture Hub presented their innovation support activities and four Medicon Village-based companies – Dx4Life, Camurus, ImmuneBiotech, and Asgard Therapeutics – presented their groundbreaking work in research and development. These companies highlighted their contributions to healthcare innovation, showcasing Sweden’s thriving biotech and life sciences sector.   The visit underscores the importance of collaboration between academia, industry, and entrepreneurship in driving innovation and economic growth.   Pictured are Prince Daniel alongside Medicon Village founder Mats Paulsson. Link for details in comment below.   #lifescience #sciencepark #isaksimonsson (photo) SmiLe Venture Hub | Prins Daniels Fellowship | Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences | Dx4Life | Camurus | ImmuneBiotech AB  | Asgard Therapeutics | Ulrika Ringdahl

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  • Welcome to Science for Lunch, hosted by Lonza Biologics, showcasing how they can partner with you in developing an ADC, monoclonal antibody, bispecific, or small molecule – particularly in the oncology field – from molecule design through de-risking and development to clinical manufacturing. ADCs represent a growing and complex class of therapeutics, presenting unique challenges yet offering significant benefits to patients. Bioconjugation is a critical component in the development of ADCs and other targeting and delivery agents. Early assessment of bioconjugation technology options, along with de-risking the payload, linker, and biologics targeting molecule, is essential for optimising the pathway to first-in-human studies.   Lonza Biologics is a fully integrated CDMO, providing innovative development and manufacturing services and technologies from late-phase drug discovery to market supply. Covering both drug substance and drug product across various molecule types, Lonza’s integrated approach and deep expertise offer unique advantages and real timeline optimisation.   Three key takeaways: - Discover early-phase drug development strategies - Connect in person with industry leaders - Learn from real-world examples   Speakers: - Raymond Donninger, MB ChB, Senior Director Commercial Development, Early Development Services - Raphael Frey, PhD, Director Commercial Development Bioconjugates - Mamiko Ninomiya, PhD, Project Leader, Preclinical Development Bioconjugates   For more information and registration, please click link in comment below.   #knowledgesharing #adc #cdmo #lifescience #sciencepark #lonza Lonza

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  • The life science industry has evolved into one of Sweden’s most vital sectors, delivering significant societal value. Medicon Village stands out as a unique hub for life science innovation in southern Sweden, bringing together 180 companies, healthcare providers, and medical researchers from academia that collectively employ 2,800 people.   As part of our commitment to collaboration, we had the pleasure of welcoming Marlen Ottesen and Camilla Wifralius from the Healthcare Committee in Region Skåne today. Our discussion focused on how we can work together to address healthcare challenges and create the best possible conditions for our growing companies. We look forward to continuing our close collaboration with the region in the coming years.   #lifescience #sciencepark Region Skåne

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  • We sometimes forget just how much has been achieved by the many inspired members of our life science park since that windy inauguration day in January 2012, when the Medicon Village journey began.   Today, at AstraZeneca’s Senior and Alumni Association in Lund’s annual meeting, our Petter Hartman had the opportunity to reflect on some of the highlights and to share our perspective on where we stand today and where we are heading.   It has been a long time since AstraZeneca left Lund, and our site to entrepreneur Mats Paulsson, who, together with other visionary leaders, transformed a crisis into what is now the largest life science park in Scandinavia – a place where world-class research, innovation, and societal development meet to benefit human health and society. With 2,800 employees in 180 businesses representing a broad spectrum – from prevention and diagnostics to treatment and care.   #lifescience #sciencepark #draco #astra #astrazeneca

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  • At today’s Science for Lunch at Medicon Village! Leadership Seminar: Talent Strategies for Business Growth Are you looking to elevate your business with the right talent? We are having an insightful lunch seminar together with Medhouse, where we’ll dive into key strategies for attracting, securing, and retaining top talent to drive business success. More info on our event concepts at More on Medhouse: Speakers: Krister Sandström, Managing Director Nordic, Medhouse Pontus Salomonson, Business Unit Manager, Medhouse #TalentStrategy #BusinessGrowth #lifescience #sciencepark

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Medicon Village, grafik

    14 719 följare

    With its final application slot closing in June 2025, interested organisations should act quickly to take advantage of HALRIC’s extensive research infrastructure and collaborative network. The EU Interreg Öresund-Kattegat-Skagerrak co-financed project provides a unique opportunity for life science companies to accelerate innovation through fully funded industry pilot projects.   Within the HALRIC (The Hanseatic Life Science Research Infrastructure Consortium) framework, Francesco Bez, Innovation Manager at Medicon Village, supports industrial stakeholders in life science by facilitating pilot project applications and ensuring efficient communication and synergy between partners. Please feel free to reach out to him at   Led by Lund University and Medicon Valley, HALRIC aims to foster collaborations between key stakeholders, including companies and hospitals in the region. The initiative enables the use of unique research techniques and expertise, enhancing engagement with small- and large-scale infrastructures such as MAX IV, ESS, EuXFEL, and DESY, through the support of collaborative pilot projects.   The consortium also focuses on developing prototype models to manage the vast amounts of electronic data generated by these highly specialised infrastructures. Additionally, it strengthens life science ecosystems and strategic dialogues between participating partners in Sweden (Lund University, Malmö University, MAX IV, ESS, Skåne University Hospital, Region Skåne, Medicon Village), Denmark (University of Copenhagen, Technical University of Denmark, Aarhus University, University of Southern Denmark, Rigshospitalet/Region Hovedstaden, Medicon Valley Alliance), Germany, and Norway.   Link for details in comment below.   #lifescience #sciencepark HALRIC Hanseatic Life Science Research Infrastructure ConsortiumInterreg Öresund-Kattegat-Skagerrak | MAX IV Laboratory | European Spallation Source ERIC | European XFEL | DESY | Lund University | Malmö University | Skånes universitetssjukhus (Skåne University Hospital) | Region Skåne – utveckling & innovation | Medicon Valley Alliance

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  • We hosted today’s Science for Breakfast ourselves to have the opportunity to share our perspective on where we, as the largest life science park in Scandinavia, stand today and where we are heading. We are optimistic about the road ahead and our ability to strengthen Medicon Village as one of the leading life science platforms for research and business in the Nordics. As we adapt to both new opportunities – thanks to our new laboratory building – and the turbulence in the market, we are adjusting our communication strategy slightly. This shift aims to build on our strong position as a dynamic life science park that supports both research and business while proactively attracting more talent, capital, and businesses to Medicon Village. Accordingly, our new key message is "Your Next Location", with "The largest life science park in Scandinavia" as a secondary message. To make it easier for our members and others who appreciate our life science park to act as ambassadors – attracting attention and potentially even new members to expand our community – we are now launching an ambassador programme. You can find documents and additional materials to help spread the word about who we are and the benefits of using Medicon Village as a platform for research and business growth at the link in the comment below. Also read more about our upcoming events via the link in another comment below. #scienceforbreakfast #lifescience #sciencepark

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  • Current 7 job vacancies posted on our website: - Associate Manufacturing Scientist, Upstream at BioInvent International (application deadline 10 February) - IT Validation Manager at Camurus (application deadline 23 February) - Laboratory technician Non-Clinical Development at Camurus (application deadline 23 February) - Life Science Consultant at Semcon (application deadline 23 February) - Senior Electronics Engineer at OIM Sweden AB (application deadline 28 February) - Project Manager in Quality Assurance and Quality Management Systems at Aptio Group (application deadline 28 February) - Scientific Operations Manager at Asgard Therapeutics (application deadline 28 February) As part of our Talent Attraction Programme, we offer both Medicon Village members and other companies and organisations within the Skåne life science ecosystem the opportunity to post open life science positions in Skåne for free on our public website. Additionally, information about these open positions is shared in our weekly newsletter (with over 5,900 subscribers), on our LinkedIn page every Friday, and through other distribution channels we use. Link for details on open positions, and how to submit new ones, in comment below. #hiring #talentattraction #talentretention #matchmaking #lifescience #sciencepark Aptio Group Sweden AB | Asgard Therapeutics | BioInvent International AB | Camurus | OIM Sweden AB | Semcon

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