Den som någon gång fått se en halvfärdig dussintext försvinna, för att datorn börjar krångla, vet hur det känns. Att förlora strävsamt producerat forskningsmaterial … en helt annan nivå av frustration, som vi drömmer mardrömmar om. Men det finns sätt att skydda sig. – Folk har sett forskningsdata gå upp i rök för gott eftersom de inte använt plattformar som är dedikerade för långsiktig lagring, säger David Rayner på Svensk nationell datatjänst, knuten till Mistra Co-Creating Better Blue (C2B2) som expert på datalagring. Läs intervjun med David Rayner i vårt senaste nyhetsbrev. Vill du prenumerera på kommande nyhetsbrev? Skicka ett mejl till Anyone who ever watched a half-finished everyday text disappear, because the computer starts to mess up, knows how it feels. Losing painstakingly produced research material … a whole other level of frustration, something we would dream nightmares about. But there are ways to protect yourself. – People have seen research data go up in smoke for good because they didn't use platforms that are dedicated to long-term storage, says David Rayner at Svensk nationell datatjänst, associated with Mistra Co-Creating Better Blue (C2B2) as an expert on data storage. Read the interview with David Rayner in our latest newsletter. Do you want to subscribe to future newsletters? Send an email to
Mistra Co-Creating Better Blue (C2B2)
Gothenburg, Västra Götaland County 278 följare
For a sustainable blue economy in Sweden.
Om oss
C2B2 envisions a more sustainable, open and democratic, multi-sector and multi-actor blue economy and sustainable society. C2B2 aims to bring about transformative change through participatory governance supported by relevant and insightful data and knowledge by re-imagining the role of quintuple helix actors across the blue economy in Sweden in processes ‘from data to knowledge to decisions and action’. C2B2 is a research programme funded by Mistra (Swedish Foundation for Strategic Environmental Research), hosted by the University of Gothenburg. C2B2 will start in September 2023. We are 12 research organisations and initially 25 stakeholders from industry and the public sector.
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- Företagsstorlek
- 11–50 anställda
- Huvudkontor
- Gothenburg, Västra Götaland County
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- Utbildningsinstitution
Medicinaregatan 7 b
Gothenburg, Västra Götaland County, SE
Anställda på Mistra Co-Creating Better Blue (C2B2)
Do you work with #ocean #data? In C2B2 we do! For the sustainable blue economy, ocean data is absolutely essential. Ocean Data Factory Sweden conducts a yearly survey, targeting anyone in an organisation based in Sweden and/or working with Swedish data. (collection, ingestion, processing, analysis, usage, output) The aim is to highlight the trends, technologies, and challenges in using ocean data in Sweden. The survey is anonymous, with 32 multiple choice questions. C2B2 is looking forward to use the results.
Ocean Data Survey Sweden 2024
Bli en del av den dynamiska gruppen hos C2B2 partner SEI — Stockholm Environment Institute! De söker nu en expert för offshore infrastruktur och maritima frågor. Bland uppgifterna ingår att bidra till C2B2 LivingLab East. Karina Barquet Frans Sjölander Jennie Larsson
Expert: Maritime infrastructure and affairs
Thank you Karina Barquet for a very interesting talk this morning, about #offshore #multifunctionality. And thanks to Jessica Hjerpe Olausson for excellent moderating. Next C2B2 Online Breakfast Club/ Innovation Talks will be in January. Stay tuned, and feel free to request a calendar invite here:
I morgon, den 12 december – 08.30–09.30 – är det dags för ett nytt möte för C2B2:s Online Breakfast Club, Innovation Talks.Karina Barquet Barquet på SEI, ledare för LivingLabs East inom forskningsprogrammet Mistra Co-Creating Better Blue (C2B2), talar på temat Incentives for Offshore Multifunctionality – an overview of EU practices. Välkommen att delta. Ingen föranmälan krävs, det är bara att klicka på länken i kommentarsfältet nedan. Tomorrow, on 12 December – 08.30-09.30 – it's time for another meeting of C2B2's Online Breakfast Club, Innovation Talks. Karina Barquet at SEI, leader of LivingLabs East within the research program C2B2, speaks on the topic Incentives for Offshore Multifunctionality – an overview of EU practices. Welcome to participate. No pre-registration is required, just click at the link in the comment field below and join.
I morgon, den 12 december – 08.30–09.30 – är det dags för ett nytt möte för C2B2:s Online Breakfast Club, Innovation Talks.Karina Barquet Barquet på SEI, ledare för LivingLabs East inom forskningsprogrammet Mistra Co-Creating Better Blue (C2B2), talar på temat Incentives for Offshore Multifunctionality – an overview of EU practices. Välkommen att delta. Ingen föranmälan krävs, det är bara att klicka på länken i kommentarsfältet nedan. Tomorrow, on 12 December – 08.30-09.30 – it's time for another meeting of C2B2's Online Breakfast Club, Innovation Talks. Karina Barquet at SEI, leader of LivingLabs East within the research program C2B2, speaks on the topic Incentives for Offshore Multifunctionality – an overview of EU practices. Welcome to participate. No pre-registration is required, just click at the link in the comment field below and join.
Ute nu: C2B2:s nyhetsbrev för december. Läs mer om hur tidigare marinchefen Ewa Skoog Haslum kom med i C2B2:s styrelse och om hur forskarna Ola Benderius och Tarun Kadri Sathiyan bygger en "glidare". Dessutom en intervju med Mattias Rust på regeringskansliet som brinner för frågor kring havet. Missa inte heller några avgörande råd kring forskningsdata – och hur du ser till att de inte försvinner – från David Rayner på Svensk nationell datatjänst (SND). Fick du inte nyhetsbrevet? Skicka ett mejl till så lägger vi in dig i utskickslistan. Ta även en titt i mejlprogrammets skräpkorg, med vissa brandväggar krävs det att du hämtar upp nyhetsbrevet där och markerar som ”ej skräppost”. Out now: C2B2's December newsletter. Read more about how former Navy chief Ewa Skoog Haslum joined C2B2's board and how scientists Ola Benderius and Tarun Kadri Sathiyan are building a "glider". In addition, an interview with Mattias Rust at the Government offices, who is passionate about issues surrounding the sea. Also, don't miss some crucial advice about research data - and how to make sure it doesn't disappear - from David Rayner at Svensk nationell datatjänst (Swedish National Data Service – SND). Did you not receive the newsletter? Send an email to and we will add you to the mailing list. Also take a look in the email program's junk folder, with some firewalls it is required that you pick up the newsletter there and mark it as "not spam".
News from C2B2
Mistra Co-Creating Better Blue (C2B2) omdelade detta
När konferensen Blue Mission Banos Project arrangerades i Amsterdam den 26 till den 27 november 2024 var C2B2 på plats för att tala om blå ekonomi, marin säkerhet med mera. Se filmen där Frans Sjölander, SEI — Stockholm Environment Institute,Torsten Linders från Mistra Co-Creating Better Blue (C2B2) och Martin Sjöberg, IVL Svenska Miljöinstitutet deltar, plus Natalia Cediel,ARCTIK - Communication for Sustainability. When the Blue Mission Banos Project conference was held in Amsterdam on 26 to 27 November 2024, C2B2 was there to talk about blue economy, maritime security and more. See the video where Frans Sjölander, SEI — Stockholm Environment Institute,Torsten Linders from Mistra Co-Creating Better Blue (C2B2) and Martin Sjöberg, IVL Svenska Miljöinstitutet participates, plus Natalia Cediel,ARCTIK - Communication for Sustainability. Blue Mission Banos Project
C2B2 at Blue Mission Banos conference in Amsterdam
När konferensen Blue Mission Banos Project arrangerades i Amsterdam den 26 till den 27 november 2024 var C2B2 på plats för att tala om blå ekonomi, marin säkerhet med mera. Se filmen där Frans Sjölander, SEI — Stockholm Environment Institute,Torsten Linders från Mistra Co-Creating Better Blue (C2B2) och Martin Sjöberg, IVL Svenska Miljöinstitutet deltar, plus Natalia Cediel,ARCTIK - Communication for Sustainability. When the Blue Mission Banos Project conference was held in Amsterdam on 26 to 27 November 2024, C2B2 was there to talk about blue economy, maritime security and more. See the video where Frans Sjölander, SEI — Stockholm Environment Institute,Torsten Linders from Mistra Co-Creating Better Blue (C2B2) and Martin Sjöberg, IVL Svenska Miljöinstitutet participates, plus Natalia Cediel,ARCTIK - Communication for Sustainability. Blue Mission Banos Project
C2B2 at Blue Mission Banos conference in Amsterdam
Mistra Co-Creating Better Blue (C2B2) omdelade detta
Congratulations to Ms Jennie Larsson from Sweden who successfully defended her PhD dissertation entitled “Improving the Performance of Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships for Sustainable Development in Coastal Areas. Sweden (Hanö Bay) as a case study”. Coastal areas are under threat from human activities and climate change, necessitating new governance structures to ensure their sustainable management and conservation. Ms Larsson's research investigates how to improve the performance of local multi-stakeholder partnerships (M-SPs) in coastal areas, promoted as key mechanisms for achieving sustainable development goals. By drawing on stakeholder theory and using Pattberg & Widerberg’s (2014) analytical framework with nine building blocks for successful M-SPs as a foundation, the study examined drivers, challenges, and success factors of local M-SPs, as well as how these factors relate to one another. The research identifies the critical role of relational aspects in improving the performance of coastal M-SPs. WMU’s PhD programme offers students the opportunity to carry out research across the maritime field, but with an emphasis on issues related to the International Maritime Organization’s mission of maritime safety, security and environmental protection. Our doctoral programme offers unrivalled access to international maritime experts both inside and outside academia, and to organizations working at the forefront of research and development. Learn more at
Mistra Co-Creating Better Blue (C2B2) omdelade detta
Catch up with the latest development of the Digital Twin of the Ocean (DTO) program for marine biodiversity ( In this presentation I focus on the Swedish contributions to the DTO, including the genetic observatory networks for monitoring invasive alien species and the underwater observatory SUBSIM ( Both are feeding big data into the DTO. Here is the link to the seminar:
Matthias Obst: Digital Twins & observation systems for monitoring marine biodiversity and change