Best wishes for this new year! As we take our first steps into 2025, sensing into what the year might have in store we are reminded of two skills that we could all do well to develop. We see both as being pivotal on the journey towards regenerative leadership. No. 1 🕊️ The first is developing our relationship with the unknown. Getting comfortable with not knowing all the answers, not having to know how things are going to turn out before taking action. Making friends with the unknown keeps us open to new opportunities and gradually moves us into a state of trust. It builds our capacity for responding to change. We recognise our own vulnerability and the importance of community and collaboration. We value the unique contributions our colleagues and community bring. Perhaps best of all, we develop stronger relationships, with colleagues and with ourselves. It feels like a breath of fresh air! No 2 🦋 The second is realising the importance of space. When we create and hold space with intention we reach into a delectable depth that makes us feel more alive. We understand what it is to be human. When we slow down and create space for ourselves, we can sense into what we need to nurture us; what we need to optimise our potential. We are the human being taking a time-out from the doing. We can become present to our own needs and our purpose and we can come home to ourselves. When we create and hold space for others, with the appropriate intention and skillset, we are offering the gift of presence. We are creating a collective energy that is authentic. We are nurturing fertile soil and creating the conditions required for what wants to emerge from the collective. We are cultivating organic relationships free from contaminating agendas and false expectations. It's where we want to be, free of judgement and free to be our natural selves! #regenerativeleadership #regenerativebusiness #futurefit #naturepositive
Natural Intelligence
Yrkesträning och coachning
Helsingborg, Skåne County 351 följare
Transformational outdoor experiences - half-day to week-long in inspiring natural environments & nature-based coaching.
Om oss
Creating & holding space for you and your team outdoors. Space and time in nature, has become a rare commodity but is as important to human wellbeing and creativity as it always has been. Being in nature is pivotal as a way to balance all our doing. We create the conditions for new perspectives, creativity and natural wisdom to emerge and inform business. We hold space, outdoors, inspiring and facilitating inner leadership and development. We believe in business as a force for positive change. We help you and your team build capacity for navigating the ever increasing pace of change and thriving with unpredictability. We offer transformational outdoor activities from half-day to week-long experiences in inspiring natural environments, the wilder the better! Our coaching programs are designed to support your change and to invite more nature into your organisation.
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Extern länk för Natural Intelligence
- Bransch
- Yrkesträning och coachning
- Företagsstorlek
- 2–10 anställda
- Huvudkontor
- Helsingborg, Skåne County
- Typ
- Privatägt företag
Helsingborg, Skåne County 252 50, SE
Anställda på Natural Intelligence
Mark Henderson 🌻
Holding space for regenerative leadership in nature; Exploring the transformational potential of business; NatureProcess coach & mentor; Guide &…
Martin Tufvesson
Inner Development - Regenerative Leadership - Creating & holding space for you and your team outdoors.
Nu går vi in i en både mörkare och kallare årstid då vikten av att spendera tid utomhus blir allt viktigare. Vi behöver ljuset och naturens välgörande kraft än mer för att hålla vår energi och fortsätta vara i god balans. Vi vill bjuda dig som är chef eller ledare en kvalitativ stund tillsammans med oss i Katrinetorps trädgårdar fredagen den 22/11 kl 12-14. Vi har förberett med en reflektionsövning som kan hjälpa dig att landa veckan och kanske till och med hitta hem till vad som är extra viktigt för dig just nu. Som vanligt avslutar vi med en välsmakande lunch och livgivande samtal kring bordet. Anmäl dig här: Bild: Gruppen från septembers 'Taking it Outside' går bland träd på Katrinetorp. #regenerativeleadership #näringslivmalmö #takingitoutside #outdooroffice #walkandtalk #hållbarledarskap
It's wonderful! It doesn't feel like the dust will settle on the #IDGSummit 2024! The Inner Development Goals movement has momentum! We want to share some take-aways from the Summit last week. We are coming from the perspective of having gathered a group of business people for a live-stream workshop on Day 2, in Malmö. It was a great experience where we included a couple of recordings from Day 1, live-streamed from Day 2, Track 2, reflected and walked-and-talked outside and had our own circle sharings. 🌳 Starting right back with the pre-summit workshop with Frederic Laloux sharing what they have learned from the success of The Week and talking about what we need to stimulate behavioral change: 🌱 Spaces to process emotional response 🌱 Work with existing social groups (rather than individuals) 🌱 Peer-based information more powerful than top-down 🌱 Pride & courage are better long-term motivators than fear & guilt Talking of fear and guilt, there is a narrative that often seems to perpetuate both these, placing them at the door of the individual while ignoring the fact that it is vested corporate interests that are responsible for ecosystem destruction. Everything has an effect so personal responsibility is also important. 🌳It was good to hear Tho Ha Vinh PhD say that conflicts and wars have two principle root causes. 'One. There is structural violence, systemic violence in our economic system, in our political systems.... Two. Fear is one of the great causes of violence. Fear and greed and fundamentally ignorance because we don't acknowledge the fundamental interdependence, interbeing of all people and all life forms as if destroying others could make us safe.' 🌳Loved this from Rosanna Rippel! 'In your surrender, you will find peace. Instead of suffering from uncertainty, you will be conscious of potential, which isn't driven by the fear of failure, but rather the will to create.' 🌳Erik Fernholm beautifully reminded us of what is really important and to enjoy this sacred gift that is life! We also loved this powerful question (shared with Erik by Frank Bond) to put to ourselves in any situation, 'Am I acting to avoid discomfort or for who I am to be?' Yup, there was a lot that resonated with us! 🌳Jennifer Garvey Berger led a great interactive session challenging us to 'Rise to Love' as co-creators. We had great fun with the exercise which left us feeling seen, connected, self-appreciative and yes, loved! Thank you to all who worked hard to make the Summit the great success it was! Brimming with new inspiration and empowered, we carry inner development into our networks and clients, contributing what we can to healing the behavioral crisis. #innerdevelopment #personaldevelopment #sustainablebusiness #regenerativeleadership
Can you feel Nature's invitation to slow down? Here we are in the middle of a spectactularly colourful autumn. Nature is starting to slow down and release. Slowing down can be done in what whatever way feels right for you. It often supports us to restore ourselves and reconnect to what's really important. We invite you to join us for a couple of hours next month and allow us to hold space for your slowing down, even if it's just for a short time. Our monthly 'Taking it Outside' time in nature and lunch is for leaders and managers and is on Friday, 22nd November 12.00 - 14.00, Katrinetorp. Our theme is inspired by autumn and links to one of the Inner Development Goals skills in the 'Thinking' dimension. It is 'Perspective'. Find out more and register here: This is an opportunity for you, as a leader, to create a little distance to your 'doing' and to balance it with some 'being' and 'presence' in nature. It's a chance to relax and benefit from the exchange of ideas with other like-minded leaders over a delicious lunch with many of the ingredients grown in the garden. The Inner Development Goals (IDG) is an excellent framework when it comes to understanding and practising future-fit leadership. We weave the IDG qualities with nature to design simple but profound exercises for our time together. Our intention is that you are inspired with new insights that can benefit your leadership and help to release potential in you and your organisation. #regenerativeleadership #futurefitbusiness #natureinspired #perspective
We are full of appreciation, inspiration and hope today after our #IDGSummit 2024 live-stream workshop yesterday. When we create the space and take the time for reflection and conscious dialogue, we can sense the seeds of the fairer, peaceful world we dream of. There was such a shared desire to facilitate change in the room yesterday and this is what gives us all hope and the energy to keep on in order to realise our dream. 🙏 Inspirational input from the Summit from speakers and business leaders sharing their journey of integrating the Inner Development Goals framework and creating workplaces that welcome and actively support the development of the whole individual. 🙏 A heart-felt 'thank you' to everyone who contributed to the day yesterday at Katrinetorp, Malmö! #innerdevelopment #regenerativebusiness #regenerativeleadership #creatingspace #being
🌳 Ses vi på Katrinetorp i Malmö den 17/10? Det är hög tid att säkra din plats nu! 🌳 Varje månad har vi på Natural Intelligence träffar för chefer, ledare och beslutsfattare där vi samtalar kring det inre ledarskapet och naturens positiva effekter på medarbetare och arbetsteam. 🌳 Ta del av Marcus Kanewoffs och Martin Tufvessons reflektion från förra träffen i videon! 🌳 Eftersom vi jobbar nära Inner Development Goals så vill vi givetvis bjuda på något speciellt när nu IDG har sin årliga Summit i Stockholm. 🌳 Därför bjuder vi in till en heldag på Katrinetorp den 17/10 med både livestream från IDG-summit i Stockholm samt workshop och samtal. 🌳 Givetvis tar vi också en sväng ut i Katrinetorps trädgård och närliggande natur för reflektion och kontemplation. Och såklart serveras det god mat med närodlade råvaror under dagen. 🌳 975 kr/person. Frukost, lunch och fika ingår. Tider: 8:30 - 17:00. 🌳 LÄS MER OCH BOKA DIN PLATS HÄR: #takingitoutside #regenerativeleadership #innerdevelopmentgoals #inspiredbynature
Natural Intelligence omdelade detta
Nu är det nedräkning på detta! Öresund Leadership Hub livestreamar! Klicka på länken så får du all info och kommer till anmälan. Full dag (17/10) med intressanta människor kring borden och som talare i livestreamen. Frukost och lunch inkluderat i priset, 975 kr/person. Plats Katrinetorp i Malmö. Och ja, självklart skall vi ta en sväng ut i den vackra omgivningen för att landa de intressanta livestream-talarna och samtalen kring borden! Boka nu och säkra din plats! Du får gärna dela länk vidare till kollegor som du tror skulle uppskatta detta!
How to balance all the 'doing' with more 'being'? If you have been on one of our events you know this is an underlying theme in our work. We see how much it's needed in leadership and in business in general. We know it's power to actually inform, authenticate and accelerate the doing! We have an opportunity for more 'being' coming up next week. On 17th October we are hosting a live-stream workshop around the Inner Development Goals #IDGSummit. It will be a day filled with inspiration, integration in nature, group discussion and networking. A day to experience a change of pace, to review perspectives, be inspired and to recharge. Oh, and breakfast and an amazing lunch with ingredients from the gardens! It's taking place at Katrinetorp Landeri on the outskirts of Malmö (pictured below). Full details here: #regenerativeleadership #innerdevelopment #natureinspired
How to balance all the 'doing' with more 'being'? If you have been on one of our events you know this is an underlying theme in our work. We see how much it's needed in leadership and in business in general. We know it's power to actually inform, authenticate and accelerate the doing! We have an opportunity for more 'being' coming up next week. On 17th October we are hosting a live-stream workshop around the Inner Development Goals #IDGSummit. It will be a day filled with inspiration, integration in nature, group discussion and networking. A day to experience a change of pace, to review perspectives, be inspired and to recharge. Oh, and breakfast and an amazing lunch with ingredients from the gardens! It's taking place at Katrinetorp Landeri on the outskirts of Malmö (pictured below). Full details here: #regenerativeleadership #innerdevelopment #natureinspired
Natural Intelligence omdelade detta
Nedräkning till Inner Development Goals, #IDGSummit. Två veckor kvar till Live-stream Workshop i Malmö. Jag ser verkligen fram emot en dag med inspirerande föreläsare och att dela erfarenhet kring #innerdevelopment och hur det stödjer framgång i företagandet. Har du bokat din plats? #IDGSummit #regenerativeleadership #personligutveckling
Join us, alongside the global Inner Development Goals #IDG Hub community, for the #IDGSummit 2024 later this month! Seize this unique opportunity to connect with thought leaders and changemakers who share our commitment to inner development, sustainability, and positive impact. Can’t be there in person? Attend our Summit live-stream workshop in Malmö on 17th October for a shared experience with fellow changemakers. More details here: #TheSpaceInBetween #IDGSummit #RegenerativeLeadership
Inner Development Goals Summit Workshop 2024