#DYK the boreal forests covering land north and south of the northern polar circle stores two thirds of the carbon in the soil. Due to the cold climate the decomposition of lignin rich #deadwood is slow. Also in #boreal #oldgrowthforest healthy soils and carbon sequestering is maintained by fungi in cooperation with trees and other plants through mykkorhiza (a vast network of fungal mycelium and fine roots in the soil). Biodiversity is key to this slow process resulting in massive carbon sequestering over thousands of years and requires natural forest ecosystems to develop over centuries. The loss of boreal old-growth forest due to logging is a major contributor to loss of biodiversity and carbon sequestering capacity, and to the release of carbon to the atmosphere, increasing the effects of the interconnected biodiversity and climate crises. You can support Naturarvet in our work to permanently protect some of the last remaining non-degraded boreal old-growth forests and make a difference for both biodiversity and climate at the same time. Together we protect the precious #LifeOnEarth ! Visit our website to learn more and contribute. https://lnkd.in/dp6Yvzuv
Ideella organisationer
Sparreholm, Södermanlands län 338 följare
Together we preserve the precious Life on Earth!
Om oss
Naturarvet is a charity with the objective to acquire properties of old-growth forests in order to contribute to the preservation of biodiversity in Sweden. Forests acquired by Naturarvet may never be logged or managed in any other way and can never be sold, so they are protected for all future generations. Naturarvet has so far acquired 13 properties in 8 areas from the north to the south of Sweden, protecting 2,275 acres of old-growth forest. These protected areas not only preserve biodiversity. Preserving old-growth forest is also the most effective way to mitigate the worst effects of climate change. Each preserved old-growth forest is an added parachute slightly slowing down the fall off the precipice of climate catastrophe.
- Webbplats
Extern länk för Naturarvet
- Bransch
- Ideella organisationer
- Företagsstorlek
- 1 anställd
- Huvudkontor
- Sparreholm, Södermanlands län
- Typ
- Ideell organisation
- Grundat
- 2003
Björksäter 1
Sparreholm, Södermanlands län 64991, SE
Anställda på Naturarvet
Naturarvet omdelade detta
Giva Sverige har skickat ett TRUE-intyg för Naturarvet 🥹 Dina gåvor till Naturarvet är i trygga händer 👥➕💰❤️🌳🍄🌲 https://lnkd.in/d9iQnhpj
Vi har stängt vår jobbannons på Linkedin efter att ha fått in 150 ansökningar. Du kan fortfarande läsa om jobbet och söka via vår hemsida. https://lnkd.in/d-Ukr4vT
En julklapp till våra givare och till planeten 👥➕💰❤️🌳🍄🎄 https://lnkd.in/dh-eRb2t
Minskad förlust tack vare enträgna givare 💚 Naturarvets ändamål, att förvärva och permanent skydda skyddsvärd gammal skog är den viktigaste åtgärden du kan bidra till för att bromsa klimatkatastrofen och artutrotningen. Det är inget som vi bara säger, det är vetenskapligt fastlagt och är rådande konsensus hos de oberoende ekologer som studerar de naturliga ekosystemens förmåga att lagra kol och ge en trygg livsmiljö för alla arter som hör hemma i det naturliga ekosystemet. Därför blev vi mycket bekymrade när Naturarvets hemsida under semestern i mitten av juli plötsligt inte kunde kommunicera med Swish handel, så att besökare inte kunde använda den mest populära betalmetoden som vi erbjuder för att ge en gåva eller beställa gåvobevis och ”köpa” skogsrutor. 21 försök att ge en gåva Läs hela artikeln på ps://https://lnkd.in/dA8J8W5M
Det finns miljöhjältar och så finns det miljöhjältar. Det har sagts att svenska företag är de verkliga miljöhjältarna. I våra ögon är Leif Danielsons eftermäle det konkreta beviset på vad som kännetecknar en riktig miljöhjälte. Han vigde sitt liv åt att skydda gammelskogarna och bidrog konkret med sin kärlek till naturen, sin kunskap, sin lokalkännedom och som mentor för många lärlingar - kort och gott med sin passion för livet på Jorden. Och när en lärling blev skickligare än han själv så lärde han sig i sin tur av lärlingen. Vad kännetecknar en miljöhjälte för dig? Läs vår minnesruna och bidra till minnesinsamlingen. Länk i kommentar. https://lnkd.in/di8mfw8D
Vi bjuder på lättsmälta morgon-nyheter till frukost. Till lunch kommer en riktigt god nyhet och till kvällen blir det en svårsmält nyhet att sova på. God Morgon! https://lnkd.in/dTJ8TnyA
Naturarvet acquires another 180 hectares of old-growth forest in Jämtland. Of that area 106 hectares are productive forest, of which 46 hectares were planned to be logged. The climate crisis mitigation effect of not logging is equal to the yearly effect of the worlds largest DAC+S plant Mammoth in Iceland. And we preserve biodiversity on top of that. At a cost that is maybe 3% of the cost for building and maintaining Mammoth. So by helping Naturarvet acquire 30 more forests like the one we acquire today, you help us mitigate the climate crisis 30 times more effective than the worlds largest DAC+S plant for the same money that Climeworks’ spent on Mammoth. And all that permanently protected old-growth forest will store and continue to sequester carbon every year and be a safe home for thousands of red listed species for all future in the safe ownership of Naturarvet. Which method of carbon sequestering do you think is the smartest? Where do you put your money? https://lnkd.in/dhvxzVEF
It's #EarthDay today! Celebrate Mother Earth by supporting Naturarvet in our quest for more Swedish old-growth forests to acquire. We're completing the purchase of Ekås Oak-beech forest, a broadleaf forest in Halland in May. At the same time we're aquiring a property with boreal forest, northern decideous forest and vast mires in Jämtland. All contributions are welcome. Visit our website to choose your preferred way of contributing. https://naturarvet.se If your company didn't join 1% for the Planet yet, this is a good time to take the leap and make a real difference for the Planet. Donate to the protection of the last remaining old-growth forests in Sweden as your commitment. Why should you? Because old-growth forests are the worlds best climate crisis mitigators, species protectors and outdoor life spaces. Experience the magic of visiting a forest that you have taken part in the protection of with thousands of others. Your contribution will count as an area of forest and the amount of carbon that forest can sequester each year. If you speak Swedish, please join the webinar Havet & Skogen at 15:00 today. As part of the webinar we will present the story of the protection of 110 hectares of mixed natural forest on Gräsö in the northern part of Roslagen. Link to the zoom webinar on our website. https://lnkd.in/dVzYgr_G
The Swedish association for professional fundraising Giva Sverige has nominated 20 finalists in 5 categories of #stenbeckspriset 2023. Naturarvet is nominated together with Icebug AB in the category corporate cooperation. Be inspired and join the 1 % track for the mitigation of the worst climate change scenarios. Naturarvet has as their only objective the acquisition of Swedish old-growth forests and by their statutes protecting acquired forests for present and future generations. The EU recently came through with a new legislation for restoring natural ecosystems. Ecologists have identified the restoration and protection of natural ecosystems (forests) as the primary action necessary in order to secure a natural carbon sink and continuous sequestration. The first golden rule in that process is to protect whatever natural ecosystems that remains. In Sweden that means the 5 % of unprotected old-growth forest needs to be protected first, since they are the best carbon sinks and sequesters. Make sure you join the 1 % track to implement that first necessary step together with Naturarvet. If you're and individual, please visit our website and join as a Skogsfadder (Forest patron) with a monthly contribution of 1 % of your salary. If you're a business, join 1% for the Planet and choose Naturarvet as your primary Environmental partner, or get in touch with us and create your unique partnership together with us. https://lnkd.in/diA3C7iV
Tredje finalist i kategorin Företagssamarbete för Stenbeckspriset 2023 Naturarvet tillsammans med Icebug AB 🏅 #stenbeckspriset #insamlingsforum #civsam