ESSAYS ON NORDIC RESILIENCE IN CRISES How can the Nordic countries develop welfare and welfare services based on important needs both today and in the future? This is the subject of four texts, which have been accepted for publication as essays, written by researchers. To stimulate a Nordic discussion, the Nordic Council of Ministers initiated a project that will result in a publication and a seminar. Following an open call, it has now been decided that the following researchers will participate in the project: Paula Mulinari, Department of Social Work, Malmö University, Ann Liljas and Bo Burström, Department of Global Public Health, Karolinska Institutet, John Lapidus, Department of Economy and Society, University of Gothenburg and Ann-Zofie Duvander and Minna Lundgren, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Mid Sweden University. The essays are based on research on care workers and invisible labour, care of older adults in the Nordic countries and care choice reforms, private health insurance, parental leave and childcare, and crisis and risk communication. The publication will focus on healthcare from a gender perspective. The Nordic Council of Ministers and The Nordic Council
Nordisk information för kunskap om kön, NIKK, är ett samarbetsorgan under Nordiska ministerrådet.
Om oss
Nordisk information för kunskap om kön, NIKK, är ett samarbetsorgan under Nordiska ministerrådet. Vi samlar in och förmedlar kunskap om politik och praktik, fakta och forskning på jämställdhets- och LGBTI-området med ett nordiskt och tvärsektoriellt perspektiv. NIKK:s verksamhetsområden berör några av vår tids stora utmaningar och knyter an till de globala målen för hållbar utveckling. Våra kunskapsunderlag är forskningsbaserade och bidrar med fördjupade nordiska och tvärsektoriella perspektiv. NIKK har en unik nordisk position, som komplement till nationella aktörer. Vi samarbetar både med nationella och andra nordiska aktörer, till exempel genom gemensamma arrangemang, där vi delar med oss av vår kunskap. I vårt uppdrag ingår också att administrera Nordisk jämställdhetsfond och Nordisk LGBTI-fond. De nordiska jämställdhetsministrarna har beslutat att NIKK ska verka som ett samarbetsorgan vid Nationella sekretariatet för genusforskning vid Göteborgs universitet i Sverige. Uppdraget pågår från oktober 2012 till och med år 2030.
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- Göteborg
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- 2013
- Specialistområden
- jämställdhet, gender equality, hbtqi, lgbti, genus och Norden
Göteborg, 40530, SE
Anställda på NIKK
Nordic Gender Equality Fund seeks new projects to fund 2025! NIKK distributes funds to promote Nordic co-operation and gender equality on behalf of the Nordic Council of Ministers. We are now looking for more projects that can contribute to Nordic benefit! The call is open between 3 March and 3 April 2025. The Nordic Council of Ministers and The Nordic Council
Nordic Gender Equality Fund seeks new projects to fund
Today is Trans Day of Remembrance. It is a day to honour the lives of all trans people who were taken too soon. It is a day to recognise the violence, threats and hatred faced by trans people. This day is also a time to ensure that injustices do not go unnoticed and call for change. We must work to improve the living conditions for trans people and change the structural injustices many face in the Nordic region and worldwide. On all levels, we need measures to create a safer and more equal world for all trans people. Read more about NIKK:s work about on trans people's living conditions here:
Publications on LGBTI
With support from the Nordic Council of Ministers' Gender Equality Fund, the Swedish Women's Lobby is launching a new report on what the Nordic countries are doing to protect children and young people from the harmful effects of pornography. The report will be launched at a seminar in Stockholm on World Children's Day, 20 November. Join us and contribute to the discussion on how we can create a digital environment free from violence for future generations! Participants: - Paulina Brandberg, Minister for Gender Equality - Meghan Donevan, researcher and expert on pornography, Umeå University - Astrid Carsbring, expert in women's rights at the Swedish Women's Organisations - Helena Vilhelmsson, Member of Parliament, Centerpartiet - Åsa Eriksson, Member of Parliament, Socialdemokraterna - Roland Utbult, Member of Parliament, Kristdemokraterna - Cecilia Elving, Chairman, Liberala kvinnor Moderator: Clara Berglund, Secretary General, Swedish Women's Organisations Date and time: 20 November at 12.00-14.00 incl. lunch Where: Skandiasalen, Mynttorget 1, Stockholm #WorldChildrensDay
Hur motverkar de nordiska länderna porrens skadeverkningar?
Today, women in the Nordic countries are among the most active labour market participants in the world, but the goal of equal conditions in the labour market is far from being achieved. The Nordic Council of Ministers has therefore commissioned the publication “Towards Pay Equity: Regulation, Reporting and Practice in the Nordic Region". Read more including the full publication here:
New Nordic report on pathways to equal pay for work of equal value
Expanding focus on the gender pay gap: How do we move towards pay equity? This has been the topic of several meetings we have organised in connection to the Nordic Council Session in Reykjavik this week. We arranged an network meeting for governmemt agencies, a fully booked seminar for parlamentarians attending the session, and a meeting with experts from academia, trade unions and ministeries in the Nordic region. Thank you all participants for sharing you knowledge on how to mowe towards pay equity! For more insights on this topic read our new report Towards pay equity: Regulations, reporting and practical application in the Nordic region: The Nordic Council of Ministers and The Nordic Council Vera Sofie Borgen Skjetne Bufdir (The Norwegian Directorate for Children, Youth and Family Affairs) Sara Andersson Jämställdhetsmyndigheten Bryndis Elfa Valdemarsdottir Johanna Lätti Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriö Maria Forthun Hoen Linn Andersen The Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions (LO) Maj-Britt Briem Byrial Bjørst Teknisk Landsforbund Sonja Yr Thorbergsdottir Lina Stenberg Andrea Jochmann-Döll BSRB Janina Henkes Aline Brüser CES - ETUC Christina Stockfisch Milla Järvelin Nordens Fackliga Samorganisation - Pohjolan ammatillinen yhteisjärjestö Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Line Karlskov Jensen Monia Sarenstrand Deepati Forsberg Jimmy Sand Elin Engström
This year marks the 50th anniversary of the Nordic Council of Ministers' decision to establish official co-operation between the Nordic governments on gender equality issues. To make wise choices for the future, it is important to know the history that many build on. NIKK is therefore publishing an anniversary publication in which we have interviewed eight people with different backgrounds and knowledge, asked them to reflect on the past years and also to look ahead. Read the full publication: The Nordic Council of Ministers and The Nordic Council Andreas Nielsen 🌷Sara Kolka Hanna Onwen-Huma Kira Appel Mikaela Thuresson Andreas Lunn Ingigerður Bjarndís Írisar Ágústsdóttir Lise Østby Petter Dotterud Anthun Ivalu Nørreslet Rex Lív Patursson
More knowledge is needed in many different areas: more research, but also knowledge on how to deal with different practical situations. Politicians and other decision-makers, employers, colleagues and trade unions - all need knowledge to help improve working life for trans people. These are some of the conclusions at a Nordic conference on working conditions of trans people in the Noridic region, arranged by NIKK this Wednesday. The conference was opened by Paulina Brandberg, Minister for Gender Equality and Working Life in Sweden, and had representatives from governments, authorities, academy, non governmental organisations, employers and labour organisations. We thank everyone who participated! Paulina Brandberg Aaron Kroon Susanna Young Håkansson Edward Summanen Sølve Storm Lukas Romson Tanja von Knorring Daniel Hjalmarsson Martin Parnov Reichhardt Karin Ahlstrand Oxhamre Mia Luhtasaari Wenche Fredriksen Ugla Stefanía Kristjönudóttir Jónsdóttir El Häkkinen
‘People with caring responsibilities, regardless of gender, also tend to take more responsibility for the climate and make more environment-friendly lifestyle choices,’ said Jimmy Sand, analyst at NIKK, in a presentation of results from publications by NIKK, at the Sustainable Living Summit in Stockholm on 15 October. 🎬 The recording of the Nordregio conference is available online: 📑 Read the final report for the Nordic Council of Minister´s Sustainability programme (by Nordregio): The Nordic Council of Ministers and The Nordic Council Nordregio #NordicEquality #NordicSolutions
NIKK on climate and gender at final conference for Sustainable Living Programme
Who cares about men in care? Why are there so few men in nursing, and what can be done to change this? Join Nordregion ( for an engaging webinar on 15 November at 10.00 CET where they will explore the persistent gender imbalance in nursing and examine what steps can be taken to address it. The event is part of a project funded by the Nordic gender equality fund
Who cares about men in care? | Nordregio