Year End Report Scandinavian Enviro Systems AB | January – December 2024 An extraordinary eventful year laying the foundation for continued success.
Scandinavian Enviro Systems AB (publ)
Gothenburg, Vastra Gotaland County 3 873 följare
Efficient tyre recycling using patented tech. Recovering valuable resources & limiting the need for fossil exploitation.
Om oss
Scandinavian Enviro Systems contributes to enhanced environmental and economic sustainability using a patented technology for the recovery of valuable raw materials from scrapped and end-of-life products, including tyres. The production of new tyres using carbon black recovered with Enviro’s technology reduces carbon dioxide emissions by up to 93 per cent compared with the use of virgin carbon black. Enviro has its head office in Gothenburg and a plant for the recycling of end-of-life tyres in Åsensbruk. The largest owner is the French tyre manufacturer Michelin. Enviro was founded in 2001 and is listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market.
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- Bransch
- Miljötjänster
- Företagsstorlek
- 11–50 anställda
- Huvudkontor
- Gothenburg, Vastra Gotaland County
- Typ
- Publikt aktiebolag
Frihamnen 16b
Gothenburg, Vastra Gotaland County 417 70, SE
Anställda på Scandinavian Enviro Systems AB (publ)
Scandinavian Enviro Systems announces an upcoming change regarding the company’s news distribution service for Investor Relations (IR) and Public Relations (PR). Starting from February 4, 2025, all company news and press releases will be distributed via
Key local personnel from Scandinavian Enviro Systems (Enviro) and Antin Infrastructure Partners’ joint venture company Infiniteria, are today moving to the site outside Uddevalla where the joint venture company is establishing its first full-scale recycling plant. Among the personnel now starting to work from the site are Fredrik Alpner, Plant General Manager, along with about ten other key individuals.
In a interview with Tidningen Näringslivet, Enviro’s CEO Fredrik Emilson discusses how Enviro contributes to the green transition with a circular solution to a gigantic environmental problem. Read more:
Another progress update from our JV contractor EBC Group on the plant project in Uddevalla: “We now have an almost weather-tight structure in House B2, which is a significant achievement. The L-shaped retaining walls have been diligently installed near the forest, reinforcing the project's foundation and safety. Additionally, the installation of interior partition walls in House B1 is in full swing, marking continued progress and dedication from our fantastic team. We are grateful for everyone's hard work and commitment, which drives this project forward. Your efforts are crucial for us to continue delivering and achieving our goals.”
Projekt Rota, November: Vi har nu nästan tätt hus i Hus B2, vilket är en stor framgång. L-stöden har flitigt monterats mot skogen, vilket stärker projektets grund och säkerhet. Dessutom pågår monteringen av lättväggar på insidan av Hus B1 för fullt, vilket markerar fortsatt progress och engagemang från vårt fantastiska team. Vi är tacksamma för allas hårda arbete och dedikation som driver detta projekt framåt. Er insats är avgörande för att vi ska kunna fortsätta leverera och nå våra mål. #Byggprojekt, #Teamwork, #Kvalitet, #Hållbarhet , #ebc, #ebcgroup ,#environmentbuildingcompany Robert, Håkan, Peter Infiniteria - Cuibhil Luxco 2 Scandinavian Enviro Systems AB (publ)
On November 26, Scandinavian Enviro Systems CEO Fredrik Emilson presented Enviro at Aktiespararnas investor event Stora Aktiedagarna in Stockholm. Emilson’s presentation covered, among other things, Enviro’s technology, its expansion plans and the construction of the first full-scale recycling plant which is underway outside Uddevalla, Sweden. Watch the presentation below (in Swedish).
Scandinavian Enviro System - Stora Aktiedagarna Stockholm 26 november 2024
New plant progress update from our JV contractor in Uddevalla: ”We have progressed from Buildings B1 and B4 up past the Oil Containment, Pyro Gas Platform, and other foundations to Building B2, which is the standalone office building where the frame, floor slabs, concrete base, and roof have been installed. The next installation will be the sandwich panels, among other things.”
🔨 Uppdatering om Projekt Rota 🔨 Projekt Rota har nu passerat oktober månad och vi har tagit oss vidare från Hus B1 och B4 upp förbi Oljeinvallning, Pyrogasplatta och andra fundament till Hus B2 som är det fristående kontorshuset där stomme, bjälklag, betongsockel och tak monterats på, nästa montage blir sandwich m.m. Det är en fortsatt fin progress i projektet och vi vill som vanligt tacka samtliga inblandade för det fina arbetet som görs! #Byggprojekt, #Teamwork, #Kvalitet, #Hållbarhet #ebc, #ebcgroup, #environmentbuildingcompany Robert, Håkan, Peter Infiniteria - Cuibhil Luxco 2 Scandinavian Enviro Systems AB (publ)
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Senaste finansieringsrunda
Aktiekapital efter börsintroduktion29 324 983,00 US$