👉🏿 Under perioden 2 - 31 januari kan du teckna #HEART TO2 i Realheart. Fastställd teckningskurs är 8,47 SEK. Nyttjandeperioden för teckningsoptionerna inleddes den 2 januari 2025 och pågår till och med den 31 januari 2025. Sista dag för handel med teckningsoptionerna är den 29 januari 2025. #NoOneShouldDieOfHeartFailure #Medtech #ArtificialOrgans #TotalArtificialHeart
Tillverkning av medicintekniska produkter
Västerås, Västmanland 3 662 följare
With the help of medical technology solutions and innovation we want to save as many heart failure patients as possible.
Om oss
No one should die of heart failure. Therefore Scandinavian Real Heart AB develops a total artificial heart (TAH) for implantation in patients with life-threatening heart failure. Realheart® TAH has a unique, patented design that resembles that of the natural human heart. The artificial heart consists of a four-chamber system (two atria and two ventricles) which provides the opportunity to generate a physiologically adapted blood flow that mimics the body's natural circulation. A unique concept in the medical technology world. Only about 8,000 heart transplants occur annually worldwide and the availability of donated hearts is very limited. There is a great need and patients with heart failure die while waiting for a new heart. Realheart develops a heart pump (TAH) that mimics the body's natural circulation. The patented solution can be used as a transitional solution for patients waiting for a heart transplant. Successful studies have been performed on anesthetized animals and further animal studies must be done before the first clinical studies in humans can be performed. The design and batteries of the heart pump should give the patient increased mobility and the possibility of a higher quality of life.
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Extern länk för Realheart
- Bransch
- Tillverkning av medicintekniska produkter
- Företagsstorlek
- 11–50 anställda
- Huvudkontor
- Västerås, Västmanland
- Typ
- Publikt aktiebolag
- Grundat
- 2007
- Specialistområden
- Total Artificial Hearts, Artificial Organs och Medical Device
Kopparbergsvägen 10
Västerås, Västmanland 722 14, SE
Anställda på Realheart
💝 CHRISTMAS IS ABOUT GIVING. GIVING LOVE, GIVING CARE AND GIVING HOPE. What if together we could give the greatest gift of all: the ability for every heart in the world to keep beating. Every year, thousands of patients wait for a new heart to survive, but there are not enough donors. That's why we are working tirelessly to develop an artificial heart - a solution that can save lives when time is running out. Maybe this Christmas you'll join in by supporting innovation and research that will give more people the chance to live a life filled with new memories, laughter and love. Realheart Hjärt-Lungfonden Hjärtebarnsfonden Riksförbundet HjärtLung For all the hearts in the world ❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 Realheart #TotalArtificialHeart #NoOneShouldDieOfHeartFailure #Medtech #AHeartForEveryHeart
👉🏿 Do you know about the medication and infection risks of heart transplantation versus an artificial heart? After a heart transplant, lifelong treatment with immunosuppressive drugs is required to prevent rejection of the new heart. These drugs often have side effects such as increased risk of infection, kidney damage and increased risk of diabetes and cancer. For patients with an artificial heart, the need for medicines is different, as it is not a biological organ and therefore not at risk of rejection by the immune system. These patients need to take blood thinners to reduce the risk of stroke or embolisms. However, there is always a risk of infection associated with the external driveline. When Realheart brings its Realheart® TAH to the market, it will have a thin driveline connecting the heart pump to the battery and control unit. Realheart's goal is to revolutionize the treatment of heart failure by developing a total artificial heart that mimics the structure and function of the human heart. Improving patients' quality of life and reducing complications associated with current solutions, such as through-the-skin leads, are central to this work. In this regard, it is interesting to highlight Realheart's collaboration with the Swedish company InvivoPower, which specializes in innovative energy solutions for medical applications and holds a patent on the energy link itself, where power is transmitted wirelessly through the skin. The The collaborative project focused on developing this technology specifically for artificial hearts. A collaboration that was made possible through funding from Vinnova. Realheart is focused on delivering a whole new generation of artificial hearts and the collaboration with Invivopwer underlines the company's ambition to not only create a mechanical solution for heart failure patients, but also to optimize patient care and user experience. By integrating wireless charging, Realheart can take another step towards creating a solution that is both functional and patient-centered in the future. Wireless charging through the skin for artificial hearts could set a new standard for the next generation of artificial organs, further strengthening Sweden's strong position as a leader in medical device innovation. Innovation is not just about developing a product, but also about fundamentally improving patients' lives. Realheart is demonstrating this through this initiative together with InvivoPower. Realheart® TAH is designed to replace the diseased heart in heart failure patients, initially in those who are on the waiting list for a transplant but are at risk of dying before being offered a new heart or in patients who for some reason do not meet the criteria for a transplanted heart. In the long term, the treatment will also be offered as a permanent treatment. #TotalArtificialHeart #ArtificialOrgans #Medtech #Innovation #NoOneShouldDieOfHeartFailure
🌟 Every year on December 10, the Nobel Prize is presented in memory of Alfred Nobel, who passed away on this day in 1896. The legacy of Alfred Nobel reminds us that progress requires courage, vision and a willingness to turn ideas into reality. This legacy permeates today's Swedish innovations in many fields, not least in medical technology, and places Sweden at the forefront of global health technology. 🩵 The fact that the team at Realheart possesses courage, vision and will is undeniable. The courage to dare to focus on developing the most difficult and life-sustaining technology in the medical technology world - a total artificial heart. With an incredibly strong will and desire to improve the lives of patients with severe heart failure, the vision is that no one should die of heart failure. 💡 Alfred Nobel, who also recognized that innovation is about combining scientific insights with practical solutions that improve people's lives, is one of history's most prominent innovators and inventors, with over 350 patents to his name. His work, which ranged from chemical discoveries to technological solutions, laid the foundations for a Swedish tradition of innovation that remains strong today. Just as Nobel paved the way for new solutions with its dynamite and industrial focus, Realheart drives its work forward with equal ambition. The need around the world for alternative solutions to heart transplants demonstrates the importance of combining technology and science to create breakthrough products that change lives. #Medtech #NoOneShouldDieOfHeartFailure #TotalArtificialHeart #Innovation #TheNobelPrize
Every year the Nobel Prizes are presented on 10 December, in memory of Alfred Nobel who passed away on this day in 1896. Stay tuned to follow the Nobel Prize festivities later today.
🖤 Do You Know One of the Unique Advantages of Realheart® TAH? A fundamental unique advantage is the imitation of the structure and function of the human heart, including the pulsatile pumping mechanism. Like the human heart, Realheart® TAH has two atria, two chambers and an AV plane, a valve plane that moves up and down. The man behind the Dynamic Adaptive Piston Pump (DAPP) theory is Swedish scientist and physician Stig Lundbäck, who revolutionized the understanding of the heart's function by describing its pumping action in a new way, changing the traditional view of how the heart works. Lundbäck explained that the heart works as an adaptive piston pump with specific dynamic properties such as: 👉🏿 The heart adapts its work by adjusting both pressure and volume according to the body's needs. 👉🏿 The rotation and stretching movements of the heart muscles are central to maintaining efficient blood flow. 👉🏿 The heart optimizes energy input and flow, which is crucial to understanding heart failure and related conditions. All these dynamic features are what Realheart aims to achieve with its total artificial heart. Initially, Realheart® TAH will serve as a bridge-to-transplant (BTT) until a heart transplant, but it is also intended to be offered as a permanent treatment for patients with end-stage heart failure. Stig Lundbäck's research has not only increased our understanding of the heart as an organ, but has also created a platform for innovation in medical technology and the treatment of heart failure. His work has strengthened Sweden's position as a leading nation in medical research and technology for cardiovascular diseases. His valuable research and theory now form the basis and development of Realheart® TAH. #TotalArtificialHeart #HeartFailure #ArtificialOrgans #Medtech #NoOneShouldDieOfHeartFailure
💡 Stort framsteg för mänskligheten att detta ska lyckas. 20 års forskning ligger bakom utvecklingen av världens första artificiella hjärta som imiterar det mänskliga hjärtat. Lägre biverkningar och ett fullgott liv för patienter med biventrikulär hjärtsvikt, skulle vara vinsten med att efterlikna det mänskliga hjärtat. Tekniken bygger på att det konstgjorda hjärtat ska vara så likt det mänskliga hjärtat som möjligt, med två förmak, två kammare och en pulserande pumpmekanism. 👉🏿 Vid Aktiespararnas event Stora Aktiedagarna i Stockholm kunde Realhearts vd Ina Laura Perkins presentera en rad mycket positiva testresultat från såväl blod-, som hållbarhets-, och säkerhetsstudier. Eventuella tekniska risker, fortsatt drift och patientrekrytering var frågor som hon gav tydliga svar på. Hon presenterade också flertalet argument för varför man borde intressera sig för Bolaget just nu. 🩶 Cirka 60 transplantationer gör i Sverige varje år, samtidigt som 3 500 patienter dör. Ett glapp som Realheart försöker fylla. Om man skulle nå så lite som 1% av patienterna på väntelistan skulle det innebära intäkter på 150 MSEK. En implantation i 25% av dessa patienter skulle innebära en potentiell marknad på 3,8 miljarder SEK. "Allra bäst är det att få ett transplanterat hjärta. Men det är lite som att vinna på lotteri. Det finns för få hjärtan, endast 8 000 i hela världen per år", säger Ina Laura Perkins. Ina Laura Perkins berättar om ett patientvänligt system gällande interaktionen med den yttre styrenheten. På modellen som hon visar upp får hon feedback från läkare, sjuksköterskor och patienter. Och intresset är stort för ett hjärta byggt i två delar, för att möjliggöra en flexibel implantation. #Medtech #TotalArtificialHeart #ArtificialOrgans #NoOneShouldDieOfHeartFailure
Realhearts vd Ina Laura Perkins på Stora Aktiedagarna Stockholm 28 november 2024 (SVE)
👉🏿 Känner du till Realheart och deras totala artificiella hjärta, Realheart TAH eller är detta helt nytt för dig? 🩵 Oavsett vilket så kommer Ina Laura att bjuda på en spännande och innehållsrik presentation där patienternas liv och välmående är i fokus. Realheart TAH ska rädda liv på svårt sjuka hjärtsviktspatienter där donerade hjärtan inte räcker till eller är möjliga att få. Det finns för få tillgängliga hjärtan för transplantation och läkarna och kirurgerna behöver fler säkra och pålitliga alternativ i sin verktygslåda. Realheart TAH har potential att bli ett sådant alternativ. Du kommer bland annat att få senaste uppdateringarna kring utvecklingen av Realheart TAH, positiva resultat från flertalet studier, nytt patent och viktiga nationella och internationella samarbeten. Sannolikt får hon även frågor om den nyligen genomförda sammanläggningen av aktier. 👉🏿 Missa inte eventet på torsdag 28 november, när Realhearts vd Ina Laura Perkins presenterar Bolaget för befintliga och nya aktieägare vid Aktiespararnas event Stora Aktiedagarna i Stockholm. Du kan delta på plats eller se sändningen live. 🩵 VÄLKOMMEN! 👁 Livesändningen hittar du här: https://lnkd.in/dmtTcvNU 📄 Programmet hittar du här: https://lnkd.in/dpMgB-2g #TotalArtificialHeart #ArtificialOrgans #Medtech #NoOneShouldDieOfHeartFailure #HeartFailure
👉🏿 How does Realheart relate to the heart pump company Carmat? And in what way? Ina Laura Perkins tells us more about this in the interview with Mattias Vahlne at Direkt Studios on the occasion of the company's published Q3 report for 2024 (SWE). Additional program points are collaborations and presentations at conferences, valuable patent in India and new positive data from preclinical studies are some of the areas that Ina Laura Perkins talks about. 🌎 In Japan alone, the company recently made three presentations in connection with the ISMCS - International Society for Mechanical Circulatory Support conference. Ina Laura Perkins Laura explains why the study on the blood clotting protein von Willebrand factor (vWF) is so important and what role pulsatile heart pumps can play for patients. 🩵 The patient simulator, Scandinavia's first, built in collaboration with Kungliga Tekniska högskolan and with funding from Vinnova, was also featured in one of the presentations. When tested at rest and during exercise, the human heart was stimulated and it could be seen that the Realheart TAH followed the same pattern as the human heart. “Our international collaborations are very important and it is very exciting that, following a conversation with Prof. Dr. J. D. Schmitto, MD, PhD, MBA, FRCS(Glasg) FACS at the European Mechanical Circulatory Support Summit - EUMS conference in Hannover, we agreed to work together to reach German clinical trials,” said Ina Laura Perkins, CEO of Realheart. #Medtech #ArtificialOrgans #TotalArtificialHeart #HeartFailure
Realheart Report Comment on Q3 2024, at Direct Studios (SWE)
👉🏿 PRESS RELEASE New Preclinical Simulation Data Shows Superior Effect of Realheart® TAH in Regulating Cardiovascular Function During Sleep. Realheart announces that the company presented updated safety data from a preclinical study with Realheart® TAH at the 30th Annual Meeting of ISMCS - International Society for Mechanical Circulatory Support 2024. At the meeting, the company’s R&D engineer Faisal Zaman was nominated for the Helmut Reul Young Investigator Award, a prestigious award that recognizes ground-breaking innovation. 🩵 Besides presenting positive results from two preclinical studies, earlier communicated in a press release on September 5 (https://lnkd.in/dyRqTGn2), Realheart now presented promising results concerning cardiac output during sleep and exercise. In the current studies, the performance of Realheart® TAH was compared to a market-leading product. Simulation results show that Realheart TAH's automatically regulated cardiac output is superior to the market-leading product in adapting to patient needs, both during sleep and exercise. “This is very promising data as it is likely that patients will have a better quality of life if the artificial heart can automatically adapt to the body's activity level. We are committed to developing an artificial heart that mimics the physiological heart as closely as possible, and the research results presented at the ISMCS - International Society for Mechanical Circulatory Support meeting reveal yet another aspect in which we are successful in this ambition,” said Ina Laura Perkins, CEO of Realheart. ✨ During ISMCS - International Society for Mechanical Circulatory Support, Realheart R&D engineer Faisal Zaman was nominated for the Helmut Reul Young Investigator Award for his contributions to the research and development of Realheart® TAH. The nomination meant that the research results were presented in the opening session of the conference and thus to a packed auditorium. #TotalArtificialHeart #ArtificialOrgans #Medtech #NoOneShouldDieOfHeartFailure
👉🏿 PRESS RELEASE Realheart Is Granted Patent Approval in India for Its Device Used in the Surgical Implantation of Realheart® TAH. Realheart announces that the company has been granted an approval by Intellectual Property India for its patent application (no. 202117045813) concerning a technical application related to the clinical use of Realheart® TAH. The approved patent pertains to a vascular coupling device, which is used to connect Realheart® TAH to the major vessels of the circulatory system. The duration of the patent is 20 years, which will thus expire in April 2042. “We are very happy that the patent authority in India has granted us a patent approval that complements and further strengthens our IP portfolio in India, which is a valuable as fast-growing market. While the U.S. remains our most prioritized market in the short term, we see great potential in the Indian market to realize the company’s long term growth potential,” said Ina Laura Perkins, CEO of Realheart. #HeartFailure #TotalArtificialHeart #Medtech #ArtificialOrgans #NoOneShouldDieOfHeartFailure
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