SICCUM ABs omslagsbild


Avfallshantering och -kassering

Pajala, Norrbotten County 204 följare

Extract more value from waste - Complete the circular loop

Om oss

Utmaningar med låg torrsubstanshalt? Vi förvandlar avfall till värde. Vårt motto "Extract value from waste" speglar vårt engagemang för en hållbar framtid och vår beslutsamhet att förändra synen på hanteringen av avfall, slammer och kontaminering med låg torrsubstanshalt. Vår frysavvattningsteknik är anpassad för både kampanj och kontinuerliga processer. Med våra lösningar kan vi effektivt leverera önskad torrsubstanshalt helt utan att nyttja kemikalier eller fossila bränslen. Avfall och slammer ska inte ses som ett problem, utan en möjlighet att återcirkulera till värdekedjan. Låt oss tillsammans extrahera värde ur ert avfall och bidra till en hållbarare framtid. Påbörja resan att förvandla ditt avfall till värde idag.

Avfallshantering och -kassering
2–10 anställda
Pajala, Norrbotten County
Privatägt företag
Frysavvattning, Avvattning, Sanering och Avfallshantering


Anställda på SICCUM AB


  • Siccum Approved for a 42 Million SEK Project under the Swedish Energy Agency's Major Pilot and Demonstration Project Initiative New Technology for Sustainable Sludge and Sediment Management Through this project, Siccum takes a significant step toward more energy-efficient and sustainable dewatering of sludge and sediment. The technology is based on freeze dewatering, which reduces both energy consumption and the need for dewatering chemicals, supporting the energy and climate transition. Project Purpose and Goals The project's aim is to develop and demonstrate a full-scale facility with the FDWU. By employing freeze dewatering, energy usage can be reduced by up to 90% compared to traditional methods, which contributes to lower carbon emissions and more efficient resource use. This technique also eliminates the need for chemical additives, significantly reducing the environmental impact of sludge dewatering. The FDWU technology can further facilitate the recovery of valuable resources like phosphorus from wastewater sludge, promoting a circular economy and resource efficiency. The long-term goal of the project is to establish the FDWU as a new standard in sustainable sludge management.

  • Advancing Industry Through Innovation and Product Development Grants Grants Approved for Accelerated Development Industry Innovation and Product Development. Two of Siccum's development projects have been approved for grants: an Innovation Development grant for the continued development of the FDWU, and a Product Development grant for the Reverse Core Sampler. These grants are awarded by the Regional County Council, Region Norrbotten, through their regional development entity, Utveckla Norrbotten. This entity manages and approves funding contributions for regional development initiatives by the European Union. Project 1: Fostering Innovation in Dewatering Technology We are at the brink of a transformative era in the dewatering field, thanks to our advancements. Supported by Utveckla Norrbotten, Region Norrbotten, and the European Union, our project aims to commercialize the innovative freeze dewatering technology for sludge and sediments from various sectors, including the base industry, water treatment plants, and the pulp industry. These sectors regularly produce sludge—a challenging byproduct due to its low dry matter content. Current dewatering methods, primarily relying on oil and coal burners, fall short in environmental sustainability and economic efficiency. Siccum’s technology aims not only to revolutionize the handling of sludge and sediments but also to offer a significantly greener and more cost-effective solution. Project 2: Revolutionizing Environmental Sampling with Precision Equipment In the field of environmental remediation there is a critical need for equipment capable of accurately mapping sediment and soil conditions. Traditional sampling methods often result in self-contamination, leading to unreliable results. To address this, Siccum has developed a concept for a new product—the Siccum Reverse Core Sampler. This innovative tool aims to drastically improve sample integrity and, consequently, the accuracy of environmental assessments. The development of this tool has already entered a collaborative phase with a partner to test the equipment, with plans to construct a number of experimental units for field trials. These trials are crucial for refining the design and manufacturing process, laying the groundwork for the commercial production of the sampler. Notably, the manufacturing will take place in Norrbotten, where initial screenings have shown promising potential for sourcing both components and expertise locally. This initiative not only underlines our commitment to regional development but also emphasizes our focus on enhancing manufacturing productivity and efficiency for the commercial version of the sampler. Acknowledgments We express our gratitude to Region Norrbotten and its entity Utveckla Norrbotten, and the European Union for the grants to the projects. The grants give us the possibility to accelerate the ongoing innovation and development at Siccum.

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  • Benchtests currently underway for a client in the environmental remediation sector. Initially, the sediment sample exhibited a dry substance content of 17%. Following processing using our freeze dewatering solution, the average dry matter content increased over 85%. Bound water has been successfully released, and the material will continue drying. See the dry material in the image.

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  • Sweco strengthens Siccum's organizational capability for delivery and growth Exciting development for Siccum. Today we can announce a collaboration with Sweco, a global leader in consulting engineering. This collaboration is set to significantly strengthen Siccum's organizational capabilities, enhancing the value delivered to its customers and ensuring world-leading quality in project delivery and management. Read more on our website! #Collaboration #Innovation #Sweco

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  • SICCUM AB omdelade detta

    We were thrilled to welcome representatives from the County Board (Länsstyrelsen), Luleå Kommun and WSP during our core sampling operations at Karlshäll, Luleå, Sweden. Thank you for the visit! Watch our feature of the Siccum Reverse Core Sampler! -- Discover the future of dredging cost savings with our feature on the Siccum Reverse Core Sampler, currently in action at Karlshäll, Luleå, Sweden. The Siccum Reverse Core Sampler is not just a tool, it's a cost saving planning tool. By enabling precise sampling, it lays the groundwork for more accurate dredging plans, leading to significant operational cost savings. See the Reverse Core Sampler in action and understand how it can streamline your projects, reduce unnecessary dredging, and ultimately save costs. Visit our website for more insights into the Reverse Core Sampler and start optimizing your dredging projects today. #CoreSampler #Dredging #Innovation #innovationinaction

  • We were thrilled to welcome representatives from the County Board (Länsstyrelsen), Luleå Kommun and WSP during our core sampling operations at Karlshäll, Luleå, Sweden. Thank you for the visit! Watch our feature of the Siccum Reverse Core Sampler! -- Discover the future of dredging cost savings with our feature on the Siccum Reverse Core Sampler, currently in action at Karlshäll, Luleå, Sweden. The Siccum Reverse Core Sampler is not just a tool, it's a cost saving planning tool. By enabling precise sampling, it lays the groundwork for more accurate dredging plans, leading to significant operational cost savings. See the Reverse Core Sampler in action and understand how it can streamline your projects, reduce unnecessary dredging, and ultimately save costs. Visit our website for more insights into the Reverse Core Sampler and start optimizing your dredging projects today. #CoreSampler #Dredging #Innovation #innovationinaction

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