Utnarms omslagsbild


Yrkesträning och coachning

Uppsala Union of Engineering and Science Students' career fair.

Om oss

Utnarm, Uppsala Union of Engineering and Science Students' career fair, creates possibilities and relationships between the world's future and present. Our vision is to create a platform in which students at Uppsala university’s Faculty of Disciplinary Domain of Science and Technology and companies enables to connect with each other, shaping the new foundation on what the future will hold. Every year in week 45, Utnarm is arranged for over 11 000 students and 900 Ph.D. students to meet over 120 exhibitors. The project has a turnover of more than 3,5 million SEK, and engages over 200 students. This is all made possible thanks to our motivated committee, consisting of 1 full-time employed Project Manager and 19 ambitious students, and with the help of 16 group coordinators together with about 200 personnel. Our goals are to achieve the best possible result in following aspects: - Connections between our students and their future employers - Creating a career fair that is welcoming and relevant for all of our students regardless of grade or choice of programme - Present different possibilities and career paths that lie before our students - Inspire and motivate innovation and entrepreneurship

Yrkesträning och coachning
51–200 anställda
Ideell organisation
Career fair, Expos, Employer Branding, Recruitment och Headhunting, Networking and Relations, Students, Uppsala, University, Fair, Karriärmässa, Mässa, UTN, Engineering, Science, Naturvetare, Teknologer och Doktorander


Anställda på Utnarm


  • ⏱ Only one week until the Initial Registration closes! ⏱ Register now! https://lnkd.in/g4KnN4PX

    Visa organisationssidan för Utnarm

    1 074 följare

    Se hit, alla företag! Den inledande registreringen för Utnarm 2024 har nu ÖPPNAT! Glöm inte att registrera er innan den 17/5. Genom att delta i Utnarm får du möjlighet att träffa alla fantastiska teknik- och naturvetenskapsstudenter vid Uppsala universitet. Mer information och anmälan hittar ni på vår hemsida: https://lnkd.in/g4KnN4PX Utnarm är ett arrangemang av Uppsala teknolog- och naturvetarkår --------------------------------- Attention all companies! The Initial Registration for Utnarm 2024 is OPEN! Don't forget to register before 17/5. By attending Utnarm, you will have the opportunity to meet all the fantastic engineering and science students at Uppsala University. You can find more information and the registration on our website: https://lnkd.in/g4KnN4PX Utnarm is an event by Uppsala Union of Engineering and Science Students

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  • Se hit, alla företag! Den inledande registreringen för Utnarm 2024 har nu ÖPPNAT! Glöm inte att registrera er innan den 17/5. Genom att delta i Utnarm får du möjlighet att träffa alla fantastiska teknik- och naturvetenskapsstudenter vid Uppsala universitet. Mer information och anmälan hittar ni på vår hemsida: https://lnkd.in/g4KnN4PX Utnarm är ett arrangemang av Uppsala teknolog- och naturvetarkår --------------------------------- Attention all companies! The Initial Registration for Utnarm 2024 is OPEN! Don't forget to register before 17/5. By attending Utnarm, you will have the opportunity to meet all the fantastic engineering and science students at Uppsala University. You can find more information and the registration on our website: https://lnkd.in/g4KnN4PX Utnarm is an event by Uppsala Union of Engineering and Science Students

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