

IT-tjänster och IT-konsulttjänster

Our mission is to help millions of patients to get treatment in time, by unlocking the potential of healthcare.

Om oss

Zymego is an digital health startup, on a mission to make healthcare more efficient and more accessible. Our platform lessens the administrative burden for healthcare workers, while increasing access and convenience for patients. The success of our solutions is based on years of experience of the healthcare industry, combined with extensive knowledge of how to build modern, user-friendly and secure systems. Our first feature, Zymego Now, is a tool that automatically schedules cancelled appointments, through a digital waiting list. This way, patients get shorter waiting time while healthcare providers avoid vacant time slots and wasted resources. We create a win-win situation for all parties involved; patients, healthcare providers and society as a whole. Because of seamless integrations with EHR/EMR-systems, the whole process, from patient interaction in the web portal to cancelling and rescheduling, is carried out automatically. Regarding integrations, the EHR/EMR industry is currently changing rapidly, with a strong focus on opening up API’s and adjusting to the global standard for integrations called FHIR. We are using this opportunity to improve the daily life for everyone in the healthcare system.

IT-tjänster och IT-konsulttjänster
2–10 anställda


Anställda på Zymego


  • Visa organisationssidan för Zymego, grafik

    2 139 följare

    On a mission to cure the hidden chronic decease in health care... Do you know the story behind Zymego? In 2021, three professionals from vastly different fields came together, driven by a shared frustration and a vision for a better healthcare system. The doctor Dr. Ingmar Veinberg had spent years in the healthcare field, working long hours, only to face the frustration of empty appointment slots. Despite the high demand for healthcare services, cancellations and no-shows left valuable time unused—time that could be spent treating patients in need. The Chief Architect Simon Fridlund, who specialized in designing user- centered systems put his mind to work, mapping out how to build a platform that was not just a quick fix but a true solution for both caregivers and patients. Caregivers were already overworked, and the last thing they needed was another layer of complex software. At the same time, patients needed a service that was as seamless as booking a ride or ordering food. It had to be user-friendly, responsive, and smart. The Economist Nathalie Rohlén, turned the innovation into a scalable business. Healthcare systems around the world were struggling with inefficiencies, and Zymego could offer a win-win-win solution: reducing the burden on healthcare personnel while improving access for patients and society at large. She’s the one that created a business model that not only decrease administration and shorten waiting times. It is also economic profitable for caregivers. The rest is as they say history. Please reach out if you want to be part of the journey towards 0 unused timeslots.

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Zymego, grafik

    2 139 följare

    Häromveckan besökte vi Sanna och Isabel på Urogyn. Vi pratade om deras upplevelser av Zymego – hur vi tillsammans förenklar vardagen för vårdpersonalen och skapar en mer tillgänglig vård för patienterna. Det är otroligt inspirerande att se hur vårt gemensamma arbete ger resultat: mindre manuellt administrativt arbete för personalen och högre tillgänglighet för patienterna. 🌟 Vi ser fram emot att snart dela hela caset från Urogyn! Men tills dess – ta gärna en titt på vad kunder inom vårdcentral, urologkliniker, ögonkliniker, kirurgkliniker och rehab säger om oss: 👉 www.zymego.com/sjukvard

  • Visa organisationssidan för Zymego, grafik

    2 139 följare

    Tomma tider på grund av sena avbokningar är ett globalt problem. Det kostar 185 miljarder euro i förlorade intäkter årligen (OECD). Zymego fyller sena avbokningar genom intelligent automation. Det gör att salar inte behöver stå tomma, intäkten räddas och väntetiden för patienterna minskar. Det är extra bra en dag som idag, när timpriset på el är 815,91 öre/kWh. Läs mer på www.zymego.se

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  • 900 years 🔄 That's really something.

    Visa profilen för Nathalie Rohlén, grafik

    CEO & Founder på Zymego - shorten waiting times with us

    Happy Thursday x 900! ☀️ Here’s a staggering number to brighten your day: thanks to the incredible work of the Zymego Community, patients’ waiting times have been reduced by a total of 900 years! This isn’t just a statistic—it’s a story. It’s someone’s mother getting eye surgery sooner. It’s a child seeing a doctor faster. It’s someone receiving their cancer diagnosis and treatment in time. And the impact doesn’t stop there. Healthcare professionals using Zymego are saving 1 million minutes that would have been spent on manual admin tasks—time they can now dedicate to patient care or simply take a moment to breathe. To everyone in the Zymego Community, this is your success. Together, we’re not just improving processes; we’re improving lives. The photo is from a visit to one of our first customers to join the Zymego Community, CK Kirurgi. I really do have fun at work!

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  • Zymego + Memira = win + win + win Vi är glada över vårt samarbete med Memira/Bergman Clinics, en ledande aktör inom ögonsjukvård i Europa med hela 140 kliniker. Statistik visar att nästan 20 % av patienter inom specialistvård, inklusive de som väntar på kataraktoperationer, inte får vård inom vårdgarantins 90 dagar. Genom samarbetet fylls tomma tider som uppstår vid sena avbokningar och patienter får snabbare vård. Patienter kan också hantera sina bokningar dygnet runt vilket minskar administrationen för vårdpersonalen. 🔄 Kortare väntetider för patienter som behöver vård. 🔄 Effektivare användning av befintliga resurser. 🔄 Ökad tillgänglighet och ökad patientnöjdhet Tack till alla på Memira by Bergman Clinics för förtroendet och välkomna till förkorta väntetid-communityn 🔄 🚀 #Shortenwaitingtimes #BergmanClinics #memira

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  • We received an email from the Crown Commercial Service… ….and we are thrilled to announce that Zymego has been officially approved for G-Cloud 14! This achievement marks a significant milestone for us, as we’ve been awarded a Framework Contract by the Crown Commercial Service (CCS). Receiving this recognition underscores our commitment to delivering innovative, reliable, and transformative solutions to public sector organizations across the UK. A big thank you to the Procurement Team at CCS for their trust and to our incredible Zymego team whose hard work and dedication made this possible. 🚀 Being part of G-Cloud 14 opens new opportunities for us to support government and public sector bodies in driving digital transformation with cutting-edge technology and unwavering service excellence. Here’s to new beginnings and impactful partnerships! 🌟 #DigitalTransformation #Shortenwaitingtime #PublicSector #GCloud14

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Zymego 2 rundor totalt

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2 000 000,00 US$


Spintop Ventures
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