Folkets inlägg

Christopher Lennerbrant som jobbar med vår kund Arla som Motion Designer sammanfattar sitt halvår på detta otroliga sätt! Så glad att du är en del av oss Christopher och ser fram emot vår fortsatta resa tillsammans. 💫

Visa profilen för Christopher Lennerbrant, grafik

Motion Designer & Art Director

🌟 Spring recap & summer wishes 🌟 I've been a bit quiet lately, so thought I’d share some of what’s been going on behind the scenes this spring. It's been an incredible journey filled with lots of work and learnings! First off, I want to wish you a great summer and fun in the sun!☀️ I'm so honored and thankful to have had the opportunity to work with so many talented and creative people the last 6 months. Your inspiration and collaboration is invaluable!🙏🏻 Here’s some of the highlights: ✨ Full-Time Motion Designer – This spring I got hired full-time as a motion designer at Folket, learning more than ever about managing animation projects. ✨ Diving deeper into 3D – As a 3D artist I've been learning more than ever. New doors just keep opening and the fun just continues. It's actually ridiculous how much there is to know in that field🙉 ✨ The Barn – I’m so grateful to have gotten to work closely with the many talented creatives at The Barn, Arla Foods’s growing in-house agency. Your support and projects have been fantastic! ✨ VFX Supervisor Premiere – On set with The Barn, I found myself premiering as a VFX supervisor. What a fun experience!🤓 ✨ Summery Adventures – It’s been a lot of time at my computer, so I’m happy I’ve also managed to squeeze in some summery adventures to keep things balanced. A special shoutout to Appostrophe for the projects we did together earlier this year. Your trust and opportunities have helped shape my journey as a motion designer. Looking forward to reconnecting with you all and embarking on exciting new projects after the summer break. Here's to more fun projects and ice cream!🍹💫🌴

Linnea Olsson

Motion designer/Formgivare at Folket Sthlm - team SF Studios

5 mån


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