A look at the world on Wednesday through the eyes of political cartoonists from across the globe
Monday was an historic day for the nation, and Aurora.
It doesn't matter what political flavors you prefer or disdain, when Trump returned to the White House Monday, the need for facts about his flurry of changes became paramount.
In the last four years as Trump fought his way back to the White House, he has made endless promises and threats about what he would do “from Day One,” if re-elected.
In advance announcements, Trump said he will make good on his rhetoric, from the moment he assumes power as president.
The nation has never needed trusted, fact-based journalism as critically as it will need it starting Monday. With social media as a megaphone for unchecked dispatches, American citizens can depend only on professional, ethical journalists, dedicated to checking facts and accuracy of what’s to come.
The Sentinel, in partnership with the esteemed Associated Press, are here for you, and everyone. We have no paywalls or limits to access to critical news.
Aurora finds itself in an unenviable place in Trump’s history, targeted as the place where “mass deportations” will begin. This is where the catalogue of the nation’s top problems are Aurora’s top problems: youth violence, unaffordable housing, marginal healthcare access, an embattled police department and more.
The Sentinel is committed to continue its reputation of dedicated, fact-based reporting, now, more than ever. Also, the Sentinel will not back down from its editorial opinions calling the plays as we see them, built on facts and data, not partisan politics.
We need your help to stay the course as we tell you and all readers what’s factual and what's rhetorical, or propaganda, from the new Trump administration and its allies, as well as from its many critics. You need the facts no matter what your politics are.
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We’re proud and committed to provide you, and everyone, with the straight story on Monday, and going forward. And we’re deeply appreciative for your supporting that critical cause.
Dave Perry
Editor and Publisher
Sentinel Colorado
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A look at the world on Wednesday through the eyes of political cartoonists from across the globe
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