


Los Angeles , California 11,888 followers

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About us

StarMaker, is the world's most popular audio social platform. Based on online karaoke and voice chat rooms, with leading audio technology, rich social interaction functions, deeply localized operation strategies and comprehensive music library coverage, StarMaker has rapidly completed its global expansion. At present, StarMaker's users are widely distributed in Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Europe, America, Latin America and other regions, covering more than 100 countries around the world, and have become the leading audio application in many markets.

Company size
501-1,000 employees
Los Angeles , California
Privately Held


Employees at StarMaker


  • StarMaker是目前世界上最大的卡拉OK社區。它在歐洲、美洲、東南亞和中東等71個國家和地區的Google Play和App Store音樂排行榜上排名靠前。它已成為許多國家的用戶休閒娛樂的主要選擇。 - 工作模式:online -全职 工作时间:周一-周五10:00-19:30 工作岗位:大客户管理 招聘对象:台湾或马来西亚等地区的人会中文 工作内容: 1. 建立和管理與VIP高價值用戶的關係,提高收入和滿意度 2. 負責在CRM系統上與用戶進行日常溝通,解決並報告問題,以提高用戶體驗 3. 協助在線活動的計劃、溝通和執行 4. 維護內容創作者,發展潛在的合作夥伴 我們需要你: 1. 能適應互聯網快節奏工作環境,能快速對工作要求做出回應,能快速有效的完成工作 2. 能熟練的使用電腦辦公,具有良好的MS Office和Google Drive知識 3. 喜歡音樂,願意和用戶溝通交流,並幫助用戶反饋意見和建議,提升用戶的滿意度 4. 熱情、靈活和積極主動的性格 5. 英文能力突出者優先 6. 有互聯網工作經驗者優先 如果你有兴趣,请将你的简历发送到我的邮箱: whatsapp : 84 335430743 weixin :jenny101091 Line ID: jenny101091

  • 스타메이커 앱 운영자를 모집합니다 한국 지역 오피셜 운영 직무 설명: 1. VIP 사용자 운영: • 한국 지역 VIP 사용자와의 깊은 관계를 구축하고 우호적인 관계를 유지하며, 사용자 피드백 및 제안을 해결합니다. • 한국 내 충전 금액 증가를 촉진하고, 코인 셀러 모집 및 충전 프로모션을 진행합니다. 2. 이벤트 관리: • 이벤트 출시 설정, 홍보, 사용자 질문 응답 및 피드백을 수집하고, 이벤트 데이터 변화를 심층 분석하여 맞춤형 운영 조치를 통해 이벤트 효과를 향상시킵니다. 3. 방송 및 라이브 운영: • 음성방 및 라이브 방송의 진행자 모집을 담당하고, 양질의 콘텐츠 시스템을 구축하는 데 기여합니다. 4. 신규 사용자 유지: • 한국 신규 사용자 유지율을 높이기 위해, 한국 사용자의 사용 습관과 특성을 결합하여 콘텐츠 품질 및 사용 과정을 개선하고, 신규 사용자 유지 및 전환율을 높입니다. 자격 요건: 1. 한국어 능력: • 한국어 모국어 수준으로 업무에서 사용 가능. 2. 커뮤니케이션 능력: • 뛰어난 커뮤니케이션 능력, 논리적 사고가 명확하고, 적극적이며 책임감이 강함. 3. 데이터 분석 능력: • 데이터를 분석할 수 있는 능력을 보유하고 있으며, 컴퓨터 및 스마트폰 등 디지털 기기에 익숙하고 모바일 인터넷 산업에 대한 이해가 깊은 자 우대. 4. 스트레스 관리 능력: • 네트워크 서비스 경험이 있으며, 스트레스에 강하고 내적으로 강한 자 우대. 5. 관련 경험: • 해외 음성/라이브/소셜 관련 운영 경험이 있는 자 우대. 지원을 표시하려면 당사 영업 담당자에게 연락하거나 jenny@starmakerinteractive.com으로 문의하세요. 왓츠앱 : 84 335430743 웨이신 :jenny101091 라인 ID: jenny101091

  • StarMaker是目前世界上最大的卡拉OK社區。它在歐洲、美洲、東南亞和中東等71個國家和地區的Google Play和App Store音樂排行榜上排名靠前。它已成為許多國家的用戶休閒娛樂的主要選擇。 - 工作模式:online -全职 工作时间:周一-周五10:00-19:30 工作岗位:大客户管理 招聘对象:台湾或马来西亚等地区的人会中文 工作内容: 1. 建立和管理與VIP高價值用戶的關係,提高收入和滿意度 2. 負責在CRM系統上與用戶進行日常溝通,解決並報告問題,以提高用戶體驗 3. 協助在線活動的計劃、溝通和執行 4. 維護內容創作者,發展潛在的合作夥伴 我們需要你: 1. 能適應互聯網快節奏工作環境,能快速對工作要求做出回應,能快速有效的完成工作 2. 能熟練的使用電腦辦公,具有良好的MS Office和Google Drive知識 3. 喜歡音樂,願意和用戶溝通交流,並幫助用戶反饋意見和建議,提升用戶的滿意度 4. 熱情、靈活和積極主動的性格 5. 英文能力突出者優先 6. 有互聯網工作經驗者優先 如果你有兴趣,请将你的简历发送到我的邮箱: whatsapp : 84 335430743 weixin :jenny101091 Line ID: jenny101091

  • StarMaker是目前世界上最大的卡拉OK社區。它在歐洲、美洲、東南亞和中東等71個國家和地區的Google Play和App Store音樂排行榜上排名靠前。它已成為許多國家的用戶休閒娛樂的主要選擇。 - 工作模式:online -全职 工作时间:周一-周五10:00-19:30 工作岗位:大客户管理 招聘对象:台湾或马来西亚等地区的人会中文 工作内容: 1. 建立和管理與VIP高價值用戶的關係,提高收入和滿意度 2. 負責在CRM系統上與用戶進行日常溝通,解決並報告問題,以提高用戶體驗 3. 協助在線活動的計劃、溝通和執行 4. 維護內容創作者,發展潛在的合作夥伴 我們需要你: 1. 能適應互聯網快節奏工作環境,能快速對工作要求做出回應,能快速有效的完成工作 2. 能熟練的使用電腦辦公,具有良好的MS Office和Google Drive知識 3. 喜歡音樂,願意和用戶溝通交流,並幫助用戶反饋意見和建議,提升用戶的滿意度 4. 熱情、靈活和積極主動的性格 5. 英文能力突出者優先 6. 有互聯網工作經驗者優先 如果你有兴趣,请将你的简历发送到我的邮箱: whatsapp : 84 335430743 weixin :jenny101091 Line ID: jenny101091

  • StarMaker是目前世界上最大的卡拉OK社區。它在歐洲、美洲、東南亞和中東等71個國家和地區的Google Play和App Store音樂排行榜上排名靠前。它已成為許多國家的用戶休閒娛樂的主要選擇。 - 工作模式:online -全职 工作时间:周一-周五10:00-19:30 工作岗位:大客户管理 招聘对象:台湾或马来西亚等地区的华人 工作内容: 1. 建立和管理與VIP高價值用戶的關係,提高收入和滿意度 2. 負責在CRM系統上與用戶進行日常溝通,解決並報告問題,以提高用戶體驗 3. 協助在線活動的計劃、溝通和執行 4. 維護內容創作者,發展潛在的合作夥伴 我們需要你: 1. 能適應互聯網快節奏工作環境,能快速對工作要求做出回應,能快速有效的完成工作 2. 能熟練的使用電腦辦公,具有良好的MS Office和Google Drive知識 3. 喜歡音樂,願意和用戶溝通交流,並幫助用戶反饋意見和建議,提升用戶的滿意度 4. 熱情、靈活和積極主動的性格 5. 英文能力突出者優先 6. 有互聯網工作經驗者優先 如果你有兴趣,请将你的简历发送到我的邮箱: whatsapp : 84 335430743 weixin :jenny101091 Line ID: jenny101091

    View profile for Zhou Star, graphic

    Senior Recruiter at StarMaker

    StarMaker是目前世界上最大的卡拉OK社區。它在歐洲、美洲、東南亞和中東等71個國家和地區的Google Play和App Store音樂排行榜上排名靠前。它已成為許多國家的用戶休閒娛樂的主要選擇。 - 工作模式:online -全职 工作时间:周一-周五10:00-19:30 工作岗位:大客户管理 招聘对象:台湾或马来西亚等地区的华人 工作内容: 1. 建立和管理與VIP高價值用戶的關係,提高收入和滿意度 2. 負責在CRM系統上與用戶進行日常溝通,解決並報告問題,以提高用戶體驗 3. 協助在線活動的計劃、溝通和執行 4. 維護內容創作者,發展潛在的合作夥伴 我們需要你: 1. 能適應互聯網快節奏工作環境,能快速對工作要求做出回應,能快速有效的完成工作 2. 能熟練的使用電腦辦公,具有良好的MS Office和Google Drive知識 3. 喜歡音樂,願意和用戶溝通交流,並幫助用戶反饋意見和建議,提升用戶的滿意度 4. 熱情、靈活和積極主動的性格 5. 英文能力突出者優先 6. 有互聯網工作經驗者優先 如果你有兴趣,请将你的简历发送到我的邮箱: whatsapp : 84 335430743 weixin :jenny101091 Line ID: jenny101091

  • View profile for Zhou Star, graphic

    Senior Recruiter at StarMaker

    Hi Everyone, we are hiring to expand our team in Taiwan. If you feel that you fit the requirements, send your resume to 招聘#台湾 StarMaker作为一个全球化公司,有明确的人才培养计划和完善的公司机制。在这里,你可以提升沟通技巧,学会团队合作,锻炼数据分析的能力。在这里,你会找到志同道合的伙伴,结交各类优秀的人。在这里,你有无上限的回报和清晰的发展空间。我们期待你的加入! - 工作模式:online -全职 - 工作时间:周一~周五10:00-19:00 - VIP运营 2位 工作内容:VIP运营 职位描述: 1. 描述: 1. 建立並管理與高價值用戶的關係,以實現收入和滿意度。 2. 負責與CRM系統使用者的日常溝通,解決和報告問題,改善使用者體驗。 3.協助線上活動的規劃、溝通和執行,並提供成功的優化建議。 4. 維護內容創作者資料庫並發展潛在的合作夥伴。 我们希望你: - 有自主探索的工作精神,能够适应和拥抱变化,能快速学习,能自我驱动者优先 - 有客户服务经验者优先 - 能长期稳定合约者优先 - 有良好的办公室技能(Excel,word)优先 如果你有兴趣,请将你的简历发送到我的邮箱: #taiwan #taiwanjob

  • View profile for Zhou Star, graphic

    Senior Recruiter at StarMaker

    Attention everyone! We have exciting news to share. We are currently hiring a Business Development for our USA team. We are seeking a candidate who has experience in recruitment and management of agencies in similar mobile application such as (bigo, likee and etc ). If you believe you meet these requirements and have what it takes to join our team, we encourage you to email your resume to Salary up to 2,000USD. Don't miss this opportunity to showcase your skills and join a dynamic team. Apply now! Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

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  • View profile for Zhou Star, graphic

    Senior Recruiter at StarMaker

    Attention everyone! It's a new week, and we have exciting news to share. We are currently hiring a Designer for our French team. We are seeking a candidate who has experience in designing poster, banner and etc in similar mobile application such as (bigo, likee and etc )and is fluent in English. If you believe you meet these requirements and have what it takes to join our team, we encourage you to email your resume to Salary up to 600 USD. Don't miss this opportunity to showcase your skills and join a dynamic team. Apply now! Only shortlisted candidate will be contacted.

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  • View profile for Zhou Star, graphic

    Senior Recruiter at StarMaker

    Attention everyone! It's a new week, and we have exciting news to share. We are currently hiring a VIP Operation for our French team. We are seeking a candidate who has experience in handling VIP users and is fluent in both French and English. If you believe you meet these requirements and have what it takes to join our team, we encourage you to email your resume to Don't miss this opportunity to showcase your skills and join a dynamic team. Apply now!

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  • View profile for Zhou Star, graphic

    Senior Recruiter at StarMaker

    Looking for a career where you can make a difference? StarMaker is looking for a Business Development Specialist who's responsible for agency recruitment and agent data growth. Also, Livestream Operation Admin who could manage host community and organize different events. Note: We will only accept Indonesian applicants who can work onsite (Pacific Place Mall Jakarta). Ready for the next steps? Email your English resume at or apply directly on this job post link.

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