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Batam City Square Mall
Dolphin loverz
a place to shop in batam. affordable price and easy to reach with large variety of stuff
Jabal Arafah Mosque
Masjid Jabal Arafah It is a tourist attraction with many people who come to the local area. It is popular. Someone has recommended Masjid Jabal Arafah before. You can see the beautiful scenery of the city here, which is very good.
Batam Island
Traveler 314
easy access from Singapore for a quick weekend trip. affordable food and shopping though the ferry ticket is getting pricey
Budhi Bhakti Temple
Dolphin loverz
Vihara Budhi Bhakti Batam atau yang sering disebut (PEK KONG WINDSOR) adalah Wihara sederhana dari kelenteng tradisi Pek kong yang terletak di Pusat Kota Batam di daerah Windsor dengan titik tempat yang sangat strategis. Vihara Budhi Bhakti Batam dikelola oleh Yayasan Vihara Umat Buddha Kota Batam, dimana untuk kegiatan Spiritual Keagamaan Buddha - nya dikelola langsung oleh Generasi Muda Mudi Vihara Budhi Bhakti Batam.