虎山親山步道 - 虎山溪位於都市邊緣,鄰近臺北101、四獸山、拇指山,這裡過去曾是產礦區域,大量的礦渣堆積於山溝谷口,堵塞了溪水流動。登山客熟悉得不能再熟悉的路徑,只要面臨大雨造訪,頓時溫柔盡失,成了可怕的洪水猛獸。 早年北市府產業發展局結合安全、環境、景觀進行整治工程,結合當地住戶自主美化、維護環境,清澈溪水找回了螢火蟲與水中生物,富有歷史感的人文氣息,加上便利的登山步道路網,吸引許多遊客持續造訪。Tom Hung
Tiger Mountain, located in Xinyi District, Taipei City, is also known as the Four Beast Mountains along with the nearby Elephant, Leopard and Lion Mountains. Hushan is a good place for Taipei citizens to relax on holidays, and Taipei 101 is often seen at the corners. There are many platforms on the trail where you can enjoy Taipei 101 and overlook the Taipei Basin. They are the 120 Highland Pavilion, Fuxing Garden, Shifang Temple, etc. It is also a good place to enjoy the 101 New Year's Eve fireworks. It is also a good place for photographers to capture the style of Taipei 101. popular location. In addition to the wide scenery, this place is also very rich in ecology. As the Hushan River flows through, it has cultivated a valley-type ecological environment. In addition to a variety of ferns, it is also a good place to breed fireflies, frogs, dragonflies and other rich ecology. Features of suburban hiking and ecological observation.