About us
Andersen in Slovenia is an advisory firm with a team of experienced professionals providing a range of comprehensive services including tax, accounting and business advisory.
- Website
External link for Andersen in Slovenia
- Industry
- Financial Services
- Company size
- 51-200 employees
- Headquarters
- Ljubljana, Slovenia
- Type
- Privately Held
Barjanska cesta 3
Ljubljana, Slovenia 1000, SI
Employees at Andersen in Slovenia
Mojca Gornjak, PhD
Managerial experience in Accounting (IFRS or SRS), Finance, Taxes, Sustainability in insurance and advisory; Certified Fraud Examiner; Certified…
Lucijan Klemencic
Law Firm Senica & Partners, Ltd.
Katarina Kresal
Managing Partner at Law Firm Senica & Partners, Ltd., Managing Partner Andersen in Slovenia, Co Chair for Andersen Global CEE Subregion President of…
Marko Voljc
Company Owner at Voljc&Voljc Consulting SA de cv
☕️Cofee with Senica☕️ In our latest Coffee with Senica, Maša Kramar, our expert in Real Estate Law, joins Anze Zalar to discuss some of the key trends and changes in the real estate sector. We explore the recent updates on property tax models, the challenges arising from the supply-demand imbalance, and the growing influence of green legislation and ESG factors in property transactions. Watch the full interview below ⬇️ If you have any questions, feel free to reach out in the comments. #CoffeeWithSenica #RealEstate #ESG #GreenTransition #Senica #AndersenInSlovenia
⚖️ Dan odvetniške pravne pomoči Pro bono ⚖️
Our Law Firm will once again participate in the Day of Pro bono Legal Aid, organised by the Bar Association of Slovenia for the 14th consecutive year. We will provide free legal advice on: 📅 Thursday, 19 December 2024 🕘 9.00 am - 4.00 pm Appointments are required: 📞+386 01 252 80 00 📧 senica@senica.si #ProBono #LegalAdvice #Senica #AndersenInSlovenia
Maša Kramar, Partner at Law Firm Senica & Partners, participated as a panelist at the Property Forum in Belgrade organized by Property Forum Events & News and Csanad Csuros on the topic A new age of working – how to create the best office assets? The panel moderated by Zsolt Hintenberger MRICS, PMP and joined by Michal Dorszewski and Danijela Nedeljkovic Stojakov, focused on emerging trends in office buildings with coworking and flex-space, addressing key issues such as sustainability, post-pandemic workplace expectations, and the integration of technology in modern office spaces. Maša provided a perspective on how these trends influence legal work especially in due dilligence and contract law. She also pointed out the importance of green leases and more flexible leasing terms, compliance with evolving regulations, and commented on the overall market trend in office spaces in Slovenia. How do you see the future of office sector? #RealEstate #PropertyForum #OfficeBuildings #Trends #Senica #AndersenInSlovenia
📢 As the year draws to a close, we’re excited to share the December edition of our Andersen European Employment Insights newsletter! This edition provides a comprehensive overview of the latest developments in employment laws, regulations, legal precedents, and collective agreements across 19 European countries. Don’t miss out—read the full edition 👉 https://docdro.id/pbw7pQn This time in the spotlight is Maja Skorupan, Senior Associate at Law Firm Senica & Partners, member of Andersen Global. Maja delves into Slovenia's approach to EU minimum wage policies, providing insightful analysis on the implementation of Directive 2022/2041. She highlights the distinctive wage-setting mechanisms in Slovenia and emphasizes the vital importance of collective bargaining in fostering fair and equitable wages. #EuropeanEmploymentInsights #EmploymentandLaborLaw #Employment #AndersenEurope #AndersenEmploymentandLaborLaw #Newsletter
Na enem mestu smo povzeli pojasnila oz. posodobitve dokumentov Finančne uprave Republike Slovenije (v nadaljevanju FURS), ki so objavljene na spletni strani FURS-a od novembra 2024. Več na povezavi 👉 https://lnkd.in/dwpUNJVA #DavcneNovicke #AndersenInSlovenia #Senica
Neustavnost Zakona o zdravljenju neplodnosti in postopkih oploditve z biomedicinsko pomočjo (ZZNPOB) ⚖️ Ustavno sodišče RS je presodilo, da omejitev dostopa do postopkov oploditve z biomedicinsko pomočjo (OBMP) za samske ženske in ženske v istospolnih zakonih oziroma zunajzakonskih skupnostih krši pravico do nediskriminatorne obravnave in pravico do svobodnega odločanja o rojstvih otrok. Dejanski položaj samskih žensk in žensk v istospolnih parih ter žensk v raznospolnih parih je po presoji Ustavnega sodišča enak, saj so te ženske v primerljivih okoliščinah, ko gre za spočetje otroka. Državni zbor mora ugotovljeno neskladje odpraviti v roku enega leta po objavi odločbe Ustavnega sodišča RS v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije, do odprave neskladja pa se za postopke OBMP še vedno uporablja trenutna ureditev. Več o odločitvi Ustavnega sodišča RS si lahko preberete na sledeči povezavi: 👉 https://lnkd.in/dmUZdnu6 #UmetnaOploditev #ZZNPOB #Senica #AndersenInSlovenia
Fantastic experience at the CEE Property Forum 2024 in Vienna, where Andersen proudly participated as a Platinum Sponsor. 🤝✨ This flagship event brought together real estate professionals from across Central and Eastern Europe, delivering exceptional networking opportunities, thought-provoking discussions, and a platform to showcase Andersen’s expertise in the real estate industry. We are incredibly proud of our whole team who represented Andersen, especially of Katarina Kresal and Ken Rosen, who had an insightful keynote speech on the Real estate market in the US in light of the elections and global real estate trends, and of Philipp Zschaler, Razvan Gheorghiu Testa, FRICS, and Maja Šubic, who participated as panelists at interesting panels discussing new investment opportunities in the region – Where to expand next? Big thanks to Csanad Csuros, Ákos Budai, and the whole CEE Property Forum team, who organized the event perfectly. See you at the next event on 10.12.2024 in Belgrade! #RealEstate #CEEPropertyForum #Andersen #AndersenInSlovenia #Senica #AndersenTeam Maša Kramar * Ales Ahcan * Dr. Jasper von Detten * Detlev Stoecker * Kevin Hindley * Musa Sabo * Peter Cavojsky * Andrea Borsányiová * Philip Christ * Viktor Enslinger * Oliver Ginthör * Stefan Gutbrunner * Maria Hofer* Kálmán Levente LL.M.* Vojtech Makovec* Michael Novák * Martina Schümann * Max von Frantzius
📢 Novosti Zakona o gospodarskih družbah (ZGD-1M) Državni zbor je sprejel novelo ZGD-1M, ki prinaša pomembne spremembe za poslovanje družb v Sloveniji. Novela se osredotoča na področja, kot so preglednost, trajnost in uravnoteženost spolov, ter vključuje: 🔹 Poročanje o davčnih informacijah: Multinacionalne družbe z letnimi prihodki nad 750 milijonov evrov bodo morale poročati v elektronski obliki, kar povečuje dostopnost informacij za javnost. 🔹 Trajnostno poročanje: Nova pravila zavezujejo vse velike družbe in nekatere srednje ter majhne družbe, ki kotirajo na borzi, k poročanju o okoljskih, socialnih in upravljavskih dejavnikih. 🔹 Uravnoteženost spolov: Velike borzne družbe in podjetja v večinski državni lasti bodo morale vzpostaviti večjo uravnoteženost spolov v upravnih in nadzornih organih. 🔹 Prerazvrščanje podjetij po velikosti: Posodobljena merila bodo zmanjšala število podjetij, ki so zavezana k pripravi in objavi poročil, kar razbremenjuje manjša podjetja. Te spremembe odražajo sodobne trende v upravljanju podjetij in prinašajo bolj trajnosten ter transparenten okvir za poslovanje. Celoten pregled novosti si lahko preberete na naši spletni strani 👉 https://lnkd.in/dqqH4HxU. Kaj menite o teh spremembah in kako bodo le-te vplivale na vaše poslovanje? Veselimo se vaših komentarjev! 👇 #NovostiZGD1M #TrajnostnoPoročanje #Senica #AndersenInSlovenia
📢 We're excited to share the November edition of our European Employment Insights newsletter! Including in-depth analyses of the latest changes in employment laws, regulations, legal rulings, and collective agreements across 18 European countries. Discover how these recent changes are affecting businesses and employees 👉 https://docdro.id/TVxMVmI This month’s European Partner Spotlight features Cord Vernunft from Andersen in Germany, who shares the impact of economic crises on employment, business adaptation, emerging trends, the role of technology in the workplace, and more. The contribution for Slovenia, was prepared by Maja Skorupan, M.A. Senior Associate at Law Firm Senica & Partners. #EuropeanEmploymentInsights #EmploymentandLaborLaw #Employment #AndersenEurope #AndersenEmploymentandLaborLaw #Newsletter #Senica #AndersenInSlovenia