Kibernetska varnost in Foresight metoda. 💻 Slovenian Cyber Resilience Lab v sklopu EU projekta FUTURESILIENCE orgnizira delavnico na temo "prihodnosti zagotavljanja kibernetske varnosti v Sloveniji". Na delavnici, ki je BREZPLAČNA, in bo potekala v sredo, 20. 11. 2024 v Ljubljani, se bomo ukvarjali z možnimi prihodnjimi scenariji, ki bi lahko ključno vplivali na kibernetsko varnost pri nas. Z nami bo tudi gospod Martin Kruse, ki kot mentor pomaga s pravilno uporabo metode Foresight. Tisti, ki vas sodelovanje zanima, se nam javite. Imeli bomo manjšo zaključeno družbo, ki bo pripravljena aktivno sodelovati v procesu. Partnerji v projektu: SGB Security Consulting and Investigations d.o.o., Cresco Innovation Slovenia, Inštitut za Varnost in Strateške Raziskave, Univerza v Mariboru, Gospodarska zbornica Slovenije, Primorski tehnološki park. #cybersecurity #Foresight #SCRL #SME #technology #security
Cresco Innovation Slovenia
Business Consulting and Services
Trzin, Trzin 219 followers
Cresco Innovation is a highly skilled team of EU/Slovenian bid writers and business/innovation development specialists.
About us
With a decade of experience behind us, Cresco’s team of highly-skilled bid writers have an excellent track record of helping companies to develop and implement innovation strategies. As a team, we have raised EUR 30million of grant funding in three years, and in 2019 alone we secured funding of EUR 17m for European SMEs. But we do more than bid writing. Our team have significant business development and innovation development skills, ensuring your projects have real commercial focus. Our bid writing consultants are all experts from industry experience and have graduates in healthcare, materials science, engineering, and are trained to ensure you receive a package of professional final documents that have the best chance of securing funding.
- Website
External link for Cresco Innovation Slovenia
- Industry
- Business Consulting and Services
- Company size
- 2-10 employees
- Headquarters
- Trzin, Trzin
- Type
- Privately Held
- Founded
- 2020
- Specialties
- bid writing, project management, EG grants specialist, partner search, IP strategy, Slovenian grants, innovation management, grant applications, collaborative grants, grant consortium partners database, IP advice and commercialisation, technology scouting, investor search, innovate UK, business development, and innovation development
Mlakarjeva ulica 42
Trzin, Trzin 1236, SI
Employees at Cresco Innovation Slovenia
ENOSTAVNA nepovratna sredstva: V četrtek, 19. 9. 2024, bomo sejmu MOS v Celju v sodelovanju z Obrtno zbornico Slovenije predstavili EU nepovratna sredstva, s katerimi lahko mala, srednja in mikro podjeta financirate svoj razvoj, implementacijo novih izdelkov, storitev, zeleni prehod in internationalzacijo na tuje trge. Večino teh razpisov pokrije 100% stroške projekta, so plačani deloma v naprej in imajo poenostavljeno poročanje. Pridružite se nam na sejmu in predavanju. Tisti, ki želite kakšno brezplačno vstopnico, pa nas lahko kontaktirate. Nekaj jih imamo še na voljo. #eurgants #funding #sme #crescoinnovation #jtbd #ozs #internationalisation
EUR 60,000 grant for market research, pilot projects and feasibility studies anywhere in the world - also in UAE and Saudi Arabia. If you are an innovative SME registered in the EU, you can apply for this grant this Autumn! As a part of the application process (which can be handled by Cresco Innovation Slovenia) you will need a partner in your target country and here is where we can help! Together with Kelmer Group and JT Business Development Limited we can help you with: ⭐ finding a local partner ⭐ finding a local project ⭐ preparing qualitative and quantitative market analysis ⭐ partner search and B2B meetings organisation ⭐ market intelligence. UAE and Saudi Arabia, as two growing markets, offer an interesting opportunity for innovative companies. Use support from the EU to explore it! #kelmergroup #jtbd #crescoinnovation #eugrants #eufunding #UAE #saudiarabia #internationalisation #strategy #grants #pilotproject #feasibilitystudy #export
Explore business opportunities in 👉 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 👈 with a EUR 60K EU grant! There are several key areas in Saudi Arabia highlighted by Kelmer Group and JT Business Development Limited where EU SMEs can be a part of their fast growth rate: ⭐ Luxury tourism (NEOM, Qiddiya, and the Red Sea Project) ⭐ Technology and Innovation (Fintech, Startups and Tech Hubs) ⭐ Healthcare services (driven by population growth) ⭐ Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology (incentives for foreign companies) ⭐ Solar and Wind Energy (the country aims to generate 50% of ⚡ from renewables by 2030) ⭐ Green Tech (Waste management, Desalination, Energy Efficiency, Carbon Capture, Smart Grids) ⭐ Agriculture and Food Security (Agritech innovations, hydroponics, smart agriculture, drought resistant crops, soil enhancement, water conservation, etc) ⭐ Food processing and packaging ⭐ Industrial and Urban development ⭐ Commercial and Residential Real estate ⭐ Luxury Tourism ⭐ E-Commerce and Retails ⭐ Private Education and Corporate Training If you are an innovative SME looking into international markets, Cresco Innovation Slovenia can help you apply for EU grants supporting your activities (technical, commercial, legal and socio-economic feasibility studies and pilot projects. #jtbd #crescoinnovationslovenia #businessdevelopment #eugrants #internatinalisation #marketresearch #feasibility
Support your internationalisation efforts with a EUR 60K EU Grant! If you are an innovative SME with a goal to compete in international markets 🌏 and you need to test your technical, commercial, legal and socio-economic viability, this grant is the right one for you! Cresco Innovation Slovenia team has already completed a project like that in #China and currently running one in #USA and #India and are already preparing one for #Kenya and one for #Brazil. In cooperation with JT Business Development Limited, we can help you reach your internationalisation goals! #EUgrants #crescoinnovation #internationalisation #globalmarkets #JTBD #businessdevelopment #EUfunding
22. 5. 2024 skupaj s partnerji Gospodarska zbornica Slovenije, Inštitut za Varnost in Strateške Raziskave, SGB Security Consulting and Investigations d.o.o., Primorski tehnološki park in Univerza v Mariboru organiziramo prvo delavnico z naslovom "Kibernetska varnost v razvojnem okolju - danes in v prihodnosti" v sklopu Slovenian Cyber Resilience Lab, kot del EU projekta FUTURESILIENCE. Delavnica je namenjena zagonskim podjetjem, srednjim, majhnim in mikro tehnološkim podjetjem in ostalim deležnikom, ki imate interes na področju kibernetske varnosti. Dnevni red: 👉 Predavanje "Kibernetska varnost v startup podjetju - kaj nas ogroža in kaj lahko storimo", ki ga bo izvedel Zvonimir Cvetko Damnjanović iz podjetja Next Sight 👉 Predavanje "Startup okolje in industrijsko vohonjenje", ki ga bo pripravila Bernarda Škrabar Damnjanović iz Inštitut za Varnost in Strateške Raziskave 👉 Predstavitev projekta Slovenian Cyber Resilience Lab 👉 Predstavitev raziskave "Razvoj kibernetske varnosti v slovenskem startup okolju", ki jo bo opravil Anže Mihelič 👉 delavnica za vse udeležence na temo "Prihodnost kibernetske varnosti v razvojnem okolju" po metodi Foresight Future Studies. Navodila za prijavo najdete v priloženem PDF dokumentu ali pri meni. Izkoristite možnost, da soustvarite prihodnje politike na področju svoje kibernetske varnosti! #jtbd #cybersecurity #futuresilience #crescoinnovation
🤺 😎 It's Cyber Security policy in Slovenia time! Cresco Innovation Slovenia is a partner in EU funded project Slovenian Cyber Resilience Lab, a part of FUTURESILIENCE consortium. Together with Gospodarska zbornica Slovenije, Inštitut za Varnost in Strateške Raziskave, SGB Security Consulting and Investigations d.o.o., Primorski tehnološki park and Univerza v Mariboru, we plan to address the issues of cybersecurity policies of the future: 👉 Spread #cybersecurity awareness in Slovenian R&D communities. We want to raise awareness about cybersecurity-related threats of the present and the future. We aim to achieve this by organizing #workshops and #trainings, as well as connecting stakeholders from Slovenian R&D communities and Slovenian cybersecurity communities. 👉 Identify and provide adequate resources for establishing cybersecurity programs. We want Slovenian Cyber Resilience Lab to connect various stakeholders who can contribute with their knowledge, time or already developed cybersecurity solutions. Aside from raising awareness, #startups and R&D communities need concrete solutions that are easy to understand, integrate and use. 👉 Raise the issue of cybersecurity resilience in Slovenian R&D communities at the national level. To secure the economic security of the country, you must secure its weakest link. Decision-makers at the national level must recognize the issue of cybersecurity in R&D communities to propose and implement nation-wide solutions and policies. This will not only benefit the start-ups themselves, but also the other stakeholders in the R&D communities – from investors to start-up incubators, accelerators and hubs. If you work in a technology company, startup, SME, policy advisory, or the support ecosystem (accelerators, incubators, chambers of commerce), reach out and get involved. 💪 With Slovenian Cyber Resilience Lab and FUTURESILIENCE you get a chance to co-create and influence future policies relating to tech community cyber resilience in the EU! #cybersecurity #accelerators #eustartups #eutech #jtbd #futuresilience #incobators
In April Cresco Innovation Slovenia presented its services in Sao Paulo, Brazil to participants of ICBUILD trade mission and local institutions, partners and individuals in Sao Paulo. One of our goals was to connect with local partners like EEN Brazil and IBREI - Instituto Brasileiro de Desenvolvimento de Relações Empresariais Internacionais which will provide local support and networks when we need them. In-depth discussions with local partners also provided a good understanding of the EU-LAC business opportunities. This is the ground work we do for the EU grants who help SMEs internationalise. When partners from LAC are needed, Cresco Innovation Slovenia and JT Business Development Limited have the network and the teams not only to find the right type of partners, but to develop a project and to support with local teams, market research, etc. 👉 If your company is looking to expand its operations to #LAC #brazil or other countries with the help of EU grants, do reach out.
Predstavljamo načine za 100% financiranje projektov z EU nepovratnimi sredstvi. V soboto, 13. 4. 2024, bo Jure Tomc, MBA iz Cresco Innovation Slovenia na dogodku 32. Strokovno srečanje kovinarjev in Strokovno srečanje plastičarjev, ki ga organizira Obrtno-podjetniška zbornica Slovenije / Chamber of Craft and Small Business of Slovenia, predstavil načine, kako lahko mikro, majhna in srednja podjetja pridobite 100% financiranje svojih inovativnih in razvojih projektov ter aktivnosti povezanih z vstopom na tuje trge preko posebnih nepovratnih sredstev na voljo v EU: 👉 poenostavljene prijave 👉 delno predplačilo sredstev (tudi do 70%) 👉 poenostavljeno poročanje 👉 IZJEMNO poenostavljeno finančno poročanje (ni ločenega računovodstva) 👉 hitri rezultati prijav 👉 podpora industrije in strokovnih ter poslovnih mentorjev.
Thanks to the #AECeurocluster project, we are in Saudi Arabia this week as part of a delegation of European SMEs to visit Big 5 Construct Saudi. Saudi Arabia is one of the target markets of the AECeurocluster project, which also financially supports participation for EU based SMEs. Cresco Innovation Slovenia is joining this mission together with representatives from Slovenski gradbeni grozd - GIZ and 3 SMEs from Slovenia, 2 from Italy and 1 from Ireland. AECeurocluster is one of 30 Euroclusters which have been launched to implement the EU Industrial Strategy and is financed by the EU from the Single Market Programme. Through the Financial Support for Third Parties Call for support, AECeurocluster encouraged SMEs from the European architecture, engineering and construction sector dealing with BIM, construction robotics, construction project management, advanced building materials, outdoor construction, construction worker safety, construction monitoring, green building, 3D printing, connected construction sites, IT and related sectors of deep technology (AI, AR/VR, sensors, robotics, drones and other unmanned vessels, advanced materials, nanotechnology, photonics), to promote projects and grants for: • Innovation training • Internationalization • Innovations • Adoption of new technologies AECeurocluster Project Consortium: - Slovenski gradbeni grozd - GIZ (Construction Cluster of Slovenia) - CSM - dID, technological Cluster on Interiors and Design (Italy) - Business Upper Austria - OÖ. Wirtschaftsagentur GmbH (Austria) - secpho, Southern European Cluster in Photonics and Optics (Spain) - TEC Cluster, Technology Enabled Construction Cluster – TEC (Romania) - Black Sea Energy Cluster (Bulgaria) Blaž Zupančič, Janez Rihter, Saverio Debernardis, Paolo Chiantini, Dr. Houssem Jerbi, Vladimir Gumilar, Rodica Lupu, Irene Burroni, Todor Tonev, Isabella Mantello, Polina Antonova, Sandra Morente, Sergio Sáez, Gabriela Sterian, Ph.D. Andro Goblon, European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA), European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP)