🚀 Learn how Farmtopia’s Reusable Software Components are transforming the development and deployment of Agricultural Digital Solutions (ADSs), making them accessible to small and medium-sized farms. 🚜 Additionally, on a webinar, you will find out how to integrate these solutions into the Open Call process. 💡 📌Registration is required via the following link: https://lnkd.in/d6u7jvHH
ITC - Innovation Technology Cluster
IT Services and IT Consulting
Murska Sobota, Slovenia 1,309 followers
ITC Cluster aims to foster cross-sectoral innovation based upon novel technologies.
About us
ITC cluster aims to foster cross-sectoral innovation based upon novel technologies and ICT, while bringing together SMEs and other institutions from different sectors and turn them into being ‘’Smart’’. The Cluster focuses its effort in setting up foundation that allows knowledge actors and industry players (especially SMEs) to detect, create and exchange new technologies and best practices, which will allow them to create new services and products, and thus generate new value chains.
- Website
External link for ITC - Innovation Technology Cluster
- Industry
- IT Services and IT Consulting
- Company size
- 11-50 employees
- Headquarters
- Murska Sobota, Slovenia
- Type
- Nonprofit
- Founded
- 2011
Lendavska ulica 5a
Murska Sobota, Slovenia 9000, SI
Employees at ITC - Innovation Technology Cluster
Daniel Copot
Business Development Manager @ ITC Cluster | Digital Innovation Hub Manager @ DIH AGRIFOOD, Entrepreneur and Project Manager by heart
Tomaž Zadravec
Senior Project Manager at ITC Slovenia | Driving Cross-Sector Innovation & Sustainable Food Systems | Community manager at DIH AGRIFOOD
Darja Kukovic
Senior Project Manager at ITC Cluster, DIH AGRIFOOD Demo Farms Manager
Miran Bunderla
Head Of Development | Data Space Manager at ITC - Innovation Technology Cluster
ITC - Innovation Technology Cluster reposted this
On Wednesday, November 20th, the work of DIH AGRIFOOD was presented at a study event organized for the Ukrainian delegation of representatives from municipalities and development-focused organizations. Hosted by the Pomurje Chamber of Commerce, the event showcased #localdevelopment efforts in the #Pomurje region.🌾 We highlighted the collaborative initiatives under the DIH AGRIFOOD umbrella, focusing on innovative agrifood projects. These initiatives employ advanced technologies and sustainable practices to foster farming innovation and regional development. 🌱 🚀 Additionally, the event served as an excellent platform for fostering connections and exploring opportunities for future collaboration. 🤝 Thanks to Tomaz Bokan and Natalija Rebrica from ITC - Innovation Technology Cluster for sharing our mission toward a more sustainable, digitalized, and economically resilient agriculture sector. #DigitalTransformation #RegionalDevelopment #FarmingInnovation #PomurjeRegion #EUProjects #CollaborativeInitiatives #Sustainability #AgriTech #FutureOfFarming #InnovationInAgriculture
🌍Currently we are in beautiful Barcelona, attending the kick-off meeting of the VERNE project – an ambitious initiative to transform the European tourism sector 🚀 VERNE focuses on transitioning local and regional tourist destinations toward sustainable and circular models, addressing challenges like resource depletion and environmental impact. Through collaboration with public administrations, destination management organizations, private sectors, NGOs, and citizens, we will deliver scalable solutions such as digital innovations, improved waste management, and sustainable mobility. 💡 As part of pilot activities, ITC will support the upscaling of the ZeroNET community in Pomurje region by: ✅ Enhancing and expanding a cloud-based marketplace for surplus food. ✅ Creating innovative processed products by connecting different stakeholders in the food supply chain ✅ Deploying electric delivery vehicles for zero-emission logistics, optimizing delivery routes ensuring eco-friendly and efficient distribution of local and surplus food. This pilot prioritizes waste reduction and sustainable tourism practices, aligning perfectly with VERNE’s vision to become a one-stop hub for sustainable tourism across Europe. Stay tuned for updates as we shape a more sustainable future for tourism! 🌱✨ #SustainableTourism #CircularEconomy #VERNEProject #Innovation #ZeroWaste
Nacionalni kompetenčni center za superračunalništvo SLING vabi na največjo slovensko superračunalniško konferenco DNEVI SLING, ki bo potekala od 3 - 5. decembra 2024 v hotelu MONS v Ljubljani. Bogat tridnevni program, ki ga bodo začinili tuji ter domači strokovnjaki, bo prikazoval konkretne primere uspešne uporabe superračunalništva v industriji, javni upravi in raziskavah. Obiskovalcem bodo predstavljene priložnosti dostopanja do nacionalne superračunalniške infrastrukture ter strokovne podpore nacionalnega kompetenčnega centra HPC SLING. PODJETJA, PRIDRUŽITE SE: 👉 Atraktivne, zanimive, strokovne vsebine za podjetja, industrijo, raziskovalce in ljubitelje tehnologije 👉 Izvejte več o možnostih uporabe nacionalne superračunalniške infrastrukture VEGA in ARCTUR-2 ter koriščenje (brezplačnih) storitev NCC SLING 👉 Dobite vpogled v najnovejše hardware in software sisteme ter možnost komunikacije s ponudniki 👉 Dogovorite se za B2B sestanek s partnerji SLING omrežja in spoznajte možnosti uporabe superračunalništva, konzultacij ali razvoja “proof-of-concept” brezplačno 👉Navdihnite se nad inovacijami in rešitvami, ki so jih uvedla slovenska podjetja s pomočjo superračunalništva 👉 Ne zamudite priložnosti za gradnjo novih poznanstev, partnerstev ali poslovnih priložnosti 👉 Nadgradite svoje znanje 📲 Vstop je brezplačen, zaradi omejenega števila mest pa je obvezna prijava na dogodek. Agenda in registracija na dogodek SUPERRAČUNALNIŠTVO ZA INDUSTRIJO so na voljo na povezavi https://lnkd.in/d-8JuyUA
ITC - Innovation Technology Cluster reposted this
🚀 Welcome to the ADRURAL Project! We are thrilled to announce the successful launch of the ADRURAL project, which had a productive kickoff meeting on November 14–15, 2024, at the📍 Regional Union of Municipalities of the Ionian Islands, in Corfu, Greece. The meeting provided an excellent opportunity to introduce the project, outline the work programme, and discuss the expected outputs and deliverables. Partners also reviewed individual roles, timelines, and the overarching project schedule. Additionally, the ADRURAL Steering Committee established the official Rules of Procedure to guide our collaborative efforts moving forward. ✨ The ADRURAL project empowers rural communities by leveraging tested and innovative #SmartSolutions and other #innovative scenarios and models. Through these community-led innovations, the project will tackle key societal and environmental challenges in rural areas. 👉 Stay connected for updates as we embark on this exciting journey! PED - IN | reframe.food | DIH AgriFood Croatia | CESCI Balkans | Vojvodina Development Agency - Razvojna agencija Vojvodine | ITC - Innovation Technology Cluster | PREDA PLUS Foundation for Sustainable Economic Development | Inovaciono preduzetnički centar Tehnopolis/Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center Tehnopolis | INTERA Technology Park | Camera di Commercio Venezia Rovigo | #RuralInnovation #SustainableCommunities #ClimateResilience #SmartRuralDevelopment #GreenTransition #SocialInnovation #RuralEmpowerment
Uniting efforts to tackle critical societal and environmental challenges. 🤝 🌟 The new ADRURAL project aims to empower rural communities by implementing innovative and proven Smart Solutions. Among other activities in the project, ITC will organize a Mini Living Lab. ♻ This lab will focus on #bioeconomy using a #demofarm approach developed by DIH AGRIFOOD, providing valuable insights into sustainable practices in rural areas. 🌱 Stay tuned for updates as we drive innovation and sustainability in our communities! PED - IN | reframe.food | DIH AgriFood Croatia | CESCI Balkans | Vojvodina Development Agency - Razvojna agencija Vojvodine | PREDA PLUS Foundation for Sustainable Economic Development | Inovaciono preduzetnički centar Tehnopolis/Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center Tehnopolis | INTERA Technology Park | Camera di Commercio Venezia Rovigo #ADRURAL #RuralDevelopment #SmartSolutions #Bioeconomy #Sustainability #Innovation #CommunityEngagement #LivingLab
I'm excited to have participated in the successful kick-off meeting of the ADRURAL project with my colleague Natalija Rebrica last week. The meeting, which was held in Corfu on November 14-15 and organized by the Regional Association of Municipalities of the Ionian Islands, was a great success. This initiative empowers rural communities by implementing tested and innovative Smart Solutions. For us, the highlight of our discussions was the planning of a Mini Living Lab in Slovenia, which will be organized by ITC - Innovation Technology Cluster. The lab will focus on #bioeconomy through a #demofarm approach (developed in the scope of DIH AGRIFOOD), and this hands-on experience will significantly contribute to understanding and promoting sustainable practices in our rural areas. The collaboration and enthusiasm of all participants during the meeting truly emphasized the importance of working together to address vital societal and environmental challenges. A huge thank you to everyone involved for their valuable contributions and dedication. We are excited to embark on this transformative journey and make a meaningful impact together! Stay tuned for updates as we drive innovation and sustainability in our communities! #ADRURAL #RuralDevelopment #SmartSolutions #Bioeconomy #Sustainability #Innovation #CommunityEngagement #LivingLab
ITC - Innovation Technology Cluster reposted this
🎯 #digitaltransformation through advanced and data-driven tools is a key factor in 🌱 agricultural development. It enables more efficient resource management, enhanced traceability, and adaptability to 🌍 environmental challenges. 📢 DIH AGRIFOOD organized today’s policy/tech workshop at our 🚜#demofarm BeEko - Eko kmetija Paldauf. It was dedicated to identifying open challenges in data access and data sharing, upgrading digital tools in CAP implementation, and practical views on integrating DIH AGRIFOOD applications into agricultural practices in Slovenia. Through a mix of presentations and hands-on demonstrations, we illustrated and presented how digital tools - many of which are being co-developed also with support from European Union projects like Farmtopia, GREEN.DAT.AI, QuantiFarm, Horizon Europe DIVINE Project and others - can assist 🚜 farmers in 📅 optimizing daily operations, 🌱 enable informed decisions and 🌍 protect the environment. 🙏 Big thanks to the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food, ITC - Innovation Technology Cluster, KGZS - Zavod Murska Sobota and BeEko - Eko kmetija Paldauf!
🍎🍯 Tradicionalni slovenski zajtrk – praznik lokalne hrane! 🥛🍞 Danes obeležujemo Tradicionalni slovenski zajtrk, pobudo, ki poudarja pomen uživanja lokalno pridelane hrane in ohranjanja slovenske kulinarične dediščine. S preprostimi, a kakovostnimi živili, kot so kruh, maslo, med, mleko in jabolka, se spomnimo na pomen podpore lokalnim kmetom, pridelovalcem in čebelarjem. Lokalna hrana ni le okusna, ampak tudi trajnostna izbira, ki prispeva k zdravju, okolju in razvoju lokalnih skupnosti. Naj nas današnji zajtrk spodbudi k zavedanju, kako pomembno je izbirati domače in kakovostno – ne le danes, temveč vsak dan. Naj bo petkov zajtrk tudi vaš najljubši! 🐝🍽️
📍Another workshop on alternative proteins took place yesterday. It emphasised the importance of increasing the availability and accessibility of sustainable and healthier products like #alternativeprotein while maintaining other choices. 🍀 Thanks to our #womenpower team for organizing a delicious event. 😉
Gathering Consumer Insights!💡 Yesterday's workshop focused on choice expansion, highlighting the importance of increasing the availability and accessibility of sustainable and healthier products, such as #alternativeprotein options while maintaining other choices. Our Living Lab members had the opportunity to taste different dishes made from alternative proteins.🍽️ Thanks to everyone who participated. Stay tuned for the next Living Lab session, scheduled for March 2025! 🚀
We're proud of our colleague, Sasa Straus, who will be a guest speaker at The Women's Academy for Rural Innovation! With her wealth of experience, she is an invaluable contributor to our team, and we're happy to have such an expert on board. 😊
We’re excited to welcome Sasa Straus as a speaker at The Women’s Academy for Rural Innovation! 👏 With over 15 years of experience and a PhD in 🌱agriculture, Saša is a dedicated food systems expert at ITC & DIH AGRIFOOD, where she’s spearheading innovative projects to make the agri-food sector more sustainable. Her expertise spans managing complex R&D and investment projects, with a focus on data-driven insights to reduce food loss, optimise underutilised crops, and enhance nutrition. Saša’s commitment to practical, actionable solutions shines through her leadership in Living Lab initiatives, where groundbreaking sustainability solutions are tested in real-world settings. 🙌 We are looking forward to having her enlighten our #RuralChangeMakers on shaping a resilient and sustainable future for rural Europe!