OF THE WORLD AS IT IS AND NOT AS IT WILL BE To understand the future of the business world, that is, the markets, the experience of the past and the reality of today are fundamental values. The entrepreneur's understanding of the macro-political environment, both internally and internationally, is fundamental, but it is also essential to understand specifically his market. I'm not talking about the financial market, but the market for its products and services. The news that China reached a trade surplus of almost 1 trillion dollars last year, that is, 15 times more than Brazil, and filled the cash register, while the United States has a deficit of trillions, simply says that the war against China, which future President Trump announces, changes its figure. The Chinese have cash and achieved this result by absolute technological and commercial competence. We are continuously despising the managerial and technological advancement of Chinese companies. They use the most advanced management techniques, using all the wisdom of Confuncius and his rich history. The Chinese have not advanced now, they were already advanced in the 15th century, when Marco Polo discovered them. But the biggest concern today is with the Trump 2 government. The expectation is that you comply with what you say. No popular proverb applies to him, neither that of a dog that barks does not bite, nor that of which the caravan passes and the dogs bark. The unpredictability is great, but there is a new element in his mandate. The influence of billionaires led by the richest man in the world, Musk. Trump's inauguration costs 1 billion reais, financed by businessmen. North American policies will be guided essentially by a group of billionaires. Ideological or state interests will be subjugated to the interests and ideas of individuals and their companies. We've already seen this movie. In Central America with United Fruits, in Chile, with ITT, etc. But this time with different shapes and with even greater strength. This game has already begun in Europe, with Musk directly interfering in German and British politics. And with the dollar strengthened, another instrument of pressure, the situation gets complicated. Brazil is not vulnerable because the co-occupant of the Alvorada Palace treated Musk, who even has a position in the Trump government, with a swear word. It is vulnerable because there are cracks in democratic institutions. Also its political governance system does not offer security and monetary stability, but an uncontrolled spending. And the economic base depends on the commodity market. The policies of the Trump administration will greatly affect the most economically vulnerable and the fragile in their political bases. The Lula government lasts another 2 years, Trump's, four. And Xi's, until his death. This is prospective from Brazil, published in Diario do Comércio 17.1.2025. Bogdan Šalej
Business Consulting and Services
SloGlobal is an online business network platform to promote, connect & inform the Slovenian business diaspora and Expats
About us
Slovenian Global Business Network was founded by Dr Štefan Bogdan Barenboim Šalej (São Paulo, Brazil & Ljubljana, Slovenia), who has 60 years of experience with the Slovenian business communities around the globe, together with Dr Peter Kraljič, Director of Emeritus of McKinsey & Co. (Düsseldorf, Germany & Kolomban, Slovenia) and Ambassador Aljaž Gosnar, an experienced Slovenian diplomat (Ljubljana, Slovenia). The main objective is to help to connect Slovenian businesspeople around the world through the business platform SLO Global - sloglobal.net and business events.
- Website
- Industry
- Business Consulting and Services
- Company size
- 2-10 employees
- Headquarters
- Ljubljana
- Type
- Nonprofit
- Founded
- 2021
- Specialties
- Business Networking, Business Events, and Connecting Slovenian Businesspeople Around the World
Kersnikova ulica 6
Ljubljana, 1000, SI
Minister Matej Arčon wishes to all Slovenias Merry Christmas, congratulations on Independence Day and happy 2025. More at ➡️ https://lnkd.in/dW-5-96E Urad Vlade RS za Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu #cestitka #greetings #happynewyear #minister #matejarcon #vesnahumar
It's time to reflect and to look forward ... SLOVENIAN GLOBAL BUSINESS NETWORK wishes that 2025 brings you everything you hope for and more! ✨ https://lnkd.in/dEZqrpYp
3 years of the Slovenian-Argentine Chamber of Commerce's successful work were celebrated in Buenos Aires last Thursday. Read more at ➡️ https://lnkd.in/dGE-3GQD SLOVENIAN GLOBAL BUSINESS NETWORK SLOBRAZ - Chamber of Commerce Slovenia Brazil #anniversary #digitalbusinessmap #sloar #slobraz #sgbn #argentina #business #diaspora
Pred 30 leti smo ,ko sem bil Predsednik Zbornice malih in srednjih podjetij brazilske zvezne države Minas Gerais, Sebrae Minas, z pomočjo koroških Slovencev in Dvojezične trgovske akademije v Celovcu, ustanovili tovrstno šolo v Belo Horizonte. Preko 20 tisoč maturantov je spremenilo gospodarstvo in življenje v tej 25 miljonski zvezni državi z pomočjo in znanjem Slovencev. Hvala vsem za sodelovanje,ki traja še danes. Video je v portugalscini z podpisi v angleščini.
Há trinta anos fundamos na Sebrae Minas, quando fui seu Presidente, Escola técnica de formação gerencial, com metodologia da Áustria e Eslovénia,Academia gerencial bilíngue de Celovec, que formou mais de 20 mil alunos e transformou a sociedade e economia de Minas. É possível sim no Brasil fazer coisas boas.
Documentário 30 anos Escola do Sebrae
If you missed the online conference on How to do business in Brazil, you have the possibility of watching the recording of the event now. Find out more at ➡️ https://lnkd.in/gznXNWdf SLOBRAZ - Chamber of Commerce Slovenia Brazil SLOVENIAN GLOBAL BUSINESS NETWORK Sergio Rodrigues Costa, MA Mateja Kračun Uros Kravos #brazil #slovenia #networking #business #latinamerica #market #webinar #slobraz #sgbn
Sobrevivemos sem o comércio com a China na escala que está nos dias de hoje? Vamos aderir a Rota da seda? Quem faz negócio da China com Brasil, os chineses ou brasileiros. https://lnkd.in/dspdmmb6
Save the Date! For more information about the webinar on September 17, 2024, write to info@slobraz.com.br ➡️ https://lnkd.in/dN9nQpTF
The first steps towards establishing a new Slovenian Chamber of Commerce in South America have been done. Read more at ➡️ https://lnkd.in/d_Uj4kkc #uruguay #sgbn #slobraz #sloar #diaspora #networking #business #connections Slobraz Câmara de Comércio Eslovênia Brasil Slovenian-Argentine Chamber of Commerce SLOVENIAN GLOBAL BUSINESS NETWORK stefan salej Andrés Martín Conde
🗣 Razprava o nastanku, uveljavitvi in nadaljnjem razvoju slovenske gospodarske diplomacije 📈 Na Diplomatski akademiji smo organizirali razpravo o slovenski gospodarski diplomaciji, ki v zadnjem času vidno prispeva k večjemu uveljavljanju slovenskih podjetij v tujini ter privabljanju tujih investicij v Slovenijo. V razpravi so sodelovali upokojeni veleposlanik Aljaž Gosnar, generalni sekretar zunanjega ministrstva v času vzpostavitve direktorata za gospodarsko diplomacijo ter nekdanji veleposlanik pri Uradu OZN in STO v Ženevi ter v Španiji, ki trenutno deluje kot mednarodni poslovnež; dr. stefan salej, vodja projekta Slovenska poslovna globalna povezava, uveljavljen slovenski poslovnež v mednarodnem okolju, nekdanji direktor ICPE in slovenski diplomat v času PSEU 2008; in dr. Slobodan Šešum, generalni direktor za gospodarsko in javno diplomacijo, z bogatimi izkušnjami iz prakse gospodarske diplomacije. ☝️ Veleposlanik Gosnar je izpostavil naslednji moto, ki bi moral biti vodilo vsakemu diplomatu: »Če pride na obisk v tujino predsednik ali zunanji minister, je to čast, privilegij, če pride podjetnik, je to obveznost.« Zavzel se je za večjo povezanost med gospodarstveniki in diplomati, tudi v smislu, da bi bili nekdanji diplomati svetovalci gospodarskim združenjem in podjetjem glede držav, v kateri so službovali, kar bi pozitivno vplivalo na pridobivanje poslov v teh okoljih. 💫 Dr. Šalej je predstavil projekt SLOVENIAN GLOBAL BUSINESS NETWORK, ki obsega več tisoč slovenskih poslovnežev po vsem svetu. Globalna povezava ima na voljo praktična orodja, npr. direktorij, v katerem je razvidno, kje se v določeni državi prodajajo slovenska vina ali katere izdelke proizvajajo slovenska podjetja. Slovenske diplomate je pozval, da dejavno sodelujejo v tej povezavi in uporabljajo njena orodja, med drugim pri ustanavljanju bilateralnih gospodarskih zbornic v državah sprejemnicah. 🌍 V razpravi je sodeloval tudi generalni direktor dr. Slobodan Šešum. Dejal je, da slovenska gospodarska diplomacija zajema več komponent, ki morajo delovati v sozvočju. Med njimi je izpostavil srečanje Slovenskega globalnega foruma, ki združuje predstavnike MZEZ, Ministrstva za gospodarstvo, turizem in šport ter podjetnike. Dobro in usklajeno sodelovanje med vsemi akterji prinaša uspehe, ki smo jim priča v zadnjem času. Izpostavil je, da morajo najprej podjetniki imeti predstavo, kaj konkretno želijo doseči na tujih trgih, pri nadaljnjih korakih pa jim nato pomaga slovenska diplomacija. 🤝 V razpravo so se vključili slovenski diplomati in uslužbenci Ministrstva za gospodarstvo, turizem in šport, ki so poudarili, da sodelovanje v okviru slovenske gospodarske diplomacije dobro poteka. Za doseganje uspehov pa je treba imeti pred sabo točno določene predstave, kaj zmoremo in kaj želimo doseči. Gospodarska zbornica Slovenije, Obrtno-podjetniška zbornica Slovenije / Chamber of Craft and Small Business of Slovenia, AmCham Slovenia, British-Slovenian Chamber of Commerce