Dr. Zixing Zhang
Short Bio
Zixing Zhang (张子兴) is a Professor of AI with the College of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering at Hunan University, China. He leads a Machine Intelligence Lab focusing on the research topics, such as speech and spoken language processing, affective computing, digital health, and multimodal intelligence.
From 2019 to 2022, he was an AI Expert at Huawei Technologies Research & Development (UK) Ltd, working on the cutting-edge speech technologies, such as keywords spotting, automatic speech recognition, English pronunciation assessment, and sign language. From 2017 to 2019, he worked as a research associate with the Group on Language, Audio & Music at Imperial College London (ICL), UK. From 2015 to 2019, he worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Passau, Germany.
He received his doctoral degree in 2015 for his study on Intelligent Speech Analysis with the Chair of Human-Machine Communication at the Technical University of Munich (TUM), Germany (ranked #41 as university and #20 in engineering in THE World University Ranking 2018), and received his master degree in physical electronics from the Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT), China, in 2010.
From 2010 to 2019, he worked closely with Prof. Björn W. Schuller. To date, he has (co-)authored 100+ publications, in books, leading-the-field journals (40+ articles), and important international conferences (60+ papers). All these publications have obtained 4k+ citations (Google Scholar) with H-index of 37. His research interests focus on developing state-of-the-art deep learning technologies for speaker-centered state (e.g., emotion and health) analysis and speech recognition towards a more real-life application scenario.
He is a senior member of IEEE. He serves as an associate editor of Nature Scientific Report and Frontier in Signal Processing, a leading guest editor of the IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence, and a local organisation chair of the 8th Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction conference. Moreover, he repeatedly serves as an area chair and a programme committee member of many international conferences (e.g., ICASSP and INTERSPEECH). He is also a reviewer for 50+ important journals and international conferences.