

IT Services and IT Consulting

Digital transformation partner (not only) for the telecommunications industry

About us

Welcome to nexonera, where the fusion of IT and innovation creates a modern ecosystem of technological solutions (not only) for the telecommunications industry. Our company specializes in optimizing and modernizing IT systems for communication service providers (CSPs). We do specialize on the end-to-end solutions for complex problems based on the exceptional domain know-how in the area of Service Fulfillment, Service & Network Inventory Management and Service Assurance acquired on large delivery projects for Tier 1 and Tier 2 CSPs accross Europe: Sunrise (Switzerland), Hutchsion 3 (Austria), T-Mobile (Czech Republic), Slovak Telekom (Slovakia), Telenet (Belgium) and KPN (The Netherlands). As an independent implementation company we are working with OSS market leaders such as Amdocs OSS, Ciena Blue Planet, VC4, CROSS NI, Atrinet and leading global system integration companies such as Nokia, TechMahindra, HPE and CGI. The in-depth OSS domain and product knowledge is combined with custom software development experience. When off-the-shelf products fall short in flexibility and essential features, we bridge this gap by offering bespoke, enterprise-grade Telco solutions crafted precisely to meet your needs. Our portfolio boasts cutting-edge open-source technologies, including Java, Kotlin, frontend frameworks like React, Vue and Angular, alongside Kafka, Camunda, Neo4j and more.

IT Services and IT Consulting
Company size
51-200 employees
Privately Held
Digital Transformation, IT System Modernization, Cloud Migrations, End-to-end Solutions, Service Fulfillment, Service Inventory Management, Network Inventory Management, and Service Assurance



Employees at nexonera


  • 🚠❄️ Naša lyžovačka v Schladmingu! ❄️🚠 Včera sme sa vrátili z lyžovačky plnej zážitkov, zimných športov a tímového ducha. ❄️ Každý deň sme objavovali nové svahy a užívali si zjazdovky. 🏔️ Ubytovanie bolo ideálne – blízko svahov a pohodlné, čo nám umožnilo po dňoch plných pohybu relaxovať. 🛏️✨ Najviac nás potešila úžasná tímová atmosféra. Spoločne sme zvládli všetko od plánovania večerí po obedy na svahu. Podporovali sme sa a pomáhali si navzájom. 💪😊 Obrovská vďaka patrí kolegovi Adamovi za jeho fantastické jedlá, ktoré nás udržali plných energie. 🍽️👏 Žiaľ, tento rok sme sa nevyhli úrazu, no veríme, že kolega sa rýchlo zotaví. ❤️🩹 Ďakujeme za skvelú atmosféru a tešíme sa na ďalšiu akciu! 🤍🎿 🚠❄️ Our Ski Trip to Schladming! ❄️🚠 Yesterday, we returned from a ski trip full of fun, winter sports, and team spirit. ❄️ Each day, we explored new slopes and enjoyed diverse runs. 🏔️ Our accommodation was perfect—close to the slopes and very comfortable, making it easy to relax after active days. 🛏️✨ The best part was the fantastic team atmosphere. We tackled everything together, from planning dinners to lunches on the slopes, always supporting and helping one another. 💪😊 Special thanks to our colleague Adam for his incredible meals that kept us energized. 🍽️👏 Unfortunately, we had an injury this year, but we believe our colleague will recover quickly. ❤️🩹 Thank you all for the amazing atmosphere—already looking forward to the next trip! 🤍🎿 #SkiTrip2025 #TeamSpirit #Telecommunication #Telco #nexonera_team #Schladming

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  • Ďakujeme za podporu a spoluprácu počas tohto roka. Prajeme vám príjemné prežitie sviatočných chvíľ, veľa radosti, pokoja a úspešný štart do nového roka 2025! 🎄✨ Thank you for your support and collaboration this year. We wish you a joyful holiday season, filled with peace and happiness, and a successful start to the New Year 2025! 🎄✨ Best regards,
Your nexonera team!🫶🏼 #StrongerTogether #Teamwork #Telecommunication #PF2025 #nexonera_team

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  • V rámci nášho Back Office a Infra tímu sme si užili skvelý teambuilding! 🎉 Zahrali sme si laser golf (adrenalín nechýbal), vychutnali si pizzu 🍕, zhodnotili vianočný večierok a hlavne sme mali kopec zábavy. 🏌️♂️🏅 Víťazom sa s výrazným náskokom stal Ivan– gratulujeme! 👏💪 A tešíme sa na ďalšie spoločné akcie! 😊 As part of the Back Office and Infra team, we had an amazing teambuilding event! 🎉 We played laser golf (the adrenaline was real), enjoyed some delicious pizza 🍕, reflected on the Christmas party, and, most importantly, had a lot of fun. 🏌️♂️🏅 The winner, with a significant lead, was Ivan – congratulations! 👏💪 Looking forward to more team adventures! 😊 #TeamBuilding #Golf #CompanyCulture #Backoffice #Infrastructure #nexonera_team

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  • Včerajší vianočný večierok na lodi bol nezabudnuteľný! 🎄🚢 Zišli sme sa s kolegami so Slovenska a pripojili sa k nám aj český a rumunský tím, aby sme spoločne oslávili koniec roka. Atmosféra bola čarovná – hudba, chutné jedlo a nádherný výhľad na nočnú Bratislavu a hrad. A hoci nás na chvíľu prekvapil výpadok elektriny na celej lodi, vôbec nám to nevadilo. Naopak, bolo to akési kúzlo – sviečky, rozhovory bez rušivých obrazoviek a bar, ktorý fungoval ako hodinky. Nakoniec sme si užili ešte viac smiechu a vzájomných príbehov. Presne takéto chvíle ukazujú, že to najcennejšie na našej práci sú ľudia, s ktorými ju zdieľame. ✨ Yesterday's Christmas party on the boat was unforgettable! 🎄🚢 We gathered with colleagues, joined by the Czech and Romanian teams, to celebrate the end of the year together. The atmosphere was magical – music, delicious food, and stunning views of Bratislava at night, including the castle. Even a brief power outage on the boat didn’t spoil the evening. On the contrary, it added a certain charm – candlelight, conversations without distractions, and a bar that kept working perfectly. In the end, we shared even more laughter and memorable stories. Moments like these remind us that the most valuable part of our work is the people we share it with.✨ #ChristmasParty #Teamwork #Innovation #WorkFamily #nexonera_team

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  • 🎁 Koľko lásky sa zmestí do krabice od topánok? 🎁 Aj my sme sa tento rok zapojili do tejto krásnej iniciatívy! 💌 Ako firma sme pripravili 11 darčekových krabičiek, aby sme starkým v domovoch sociálnych služieb spríjemnili Vianoce. Každý z nás môže prispieť k šíreniu radosti a ukázať, že na seniorov nezabúdame. 💕 Ďakujeme celému tímu za odhodlanie a organizátorom projektu za to, že takto nádherne spájajú ľudí. Ak chcete vedieť viac alebo sa zapojiť, navštívte 👉 web . Spoločne tvoríme láskavejšie Vianoce! 🌟   This year, we proudly joined this wonderful initiative! 💌 As a company, we prepared 11 gift boxes to bring joy to seniors in care homes and make their Christmas brighter. Each of us can contribute to spreading happiness and show our elderly that they are not forgotten. 💕 A big thank you to our team for their dedication and to the project organizers for connecting people in such a meaningful way. If you'd like to learn more or participate, visit 👉 Together, we can create a kinder Christmas! 🌟   #KoľkoLásky #HelpingSeniors #ChristmasForAll #ConnectingPeople #nexonera_team

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  • Dnes sme odštartovali Lunch & Learn! Počas chutného obeda sme si vypočuli inšpiratívnu prednášku od našej kolegyne Nadi (IT Project Manager), ktorá nám predstavila svoje skúsenosti a prácu na projekte v oblasti telekomunikácií. 💡📞Naďa nám priblížila, ako jej tím pristupoval k riešeniu komplexných výziev v telco oblasti, aké technológie využívali, a aké výsledky dosiahli. 🌟 Bolo skvelé vidieť, aký veľký prínos má tímová spolupráca. Veľká vďaka Nadi za jej čas a energiu – prezentácia sa vydarila💪 a my sa tešíme na ďalšie Lunch & Learn stretnutia a nové zaujímavé témy.   We kicked off our Lunch & Learn today! 🌟 During a delicious lunch, we enjoyed an inspiring presentation by our colleague Naďa (IT Project Manager), who shared her experience and work on a project in the telecommunications field. 💡📞Nadia gave us insight into how her team tackled complex challenges in the telco sector, what technologies they used, and the impressive results they achieved. ✨ It was great to see the huge impact that teamwork can have! A big thank you to Nadia for her time and energy – the presentation was a success! 💪 We're excited about the next Lunch & Learn sessions and more exciting topics. 🚀   #LunchAndLearn #Teamwork #KnowledgeSharing #Telecommunications #Inspiration #nexonera_team

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  • Tento rok nás Web Summit zaujal rôznorodosťou tém, ktoré prepojili technológie so spoločenskými a environmentálnymi otázkami. 💻 Quantum computing – pre technických nadšencov jasné numero uno. Kvantové výpočty posúvajú hranice možností od kryptografie po modelovanie. 🌍 Udržateľnosť – kľúčová výzva pre ľudstvo. Technológie musia byť nielen pokročilé, ale aj zodpovedné, aby sme chránili našu planétu. 🤝 Etické a sociálne otázky – diskusie o inklúzii a diverzite nám pripomenuli, že technológie majú byť prínosom pre všetkých. Web Summit ukázal, že budúcnosť patrí inováciám s hodnotami. 🌱💡 Aké témy oslovili vás? 👇   This year’s Web Summit impressed us with its diversity of topics, connecting technology with societal and environmental challenges. 💻 Quantum computing – a clear numero uno for tech enthusiasts, pushing boundaries from cryptography to complex system modeling. 🌍 Sustainability – the key challenge for humanity. Technology must be not only advanced but also responsible to protect our planet. 🤝 Ethical and social issues – discussions on inclusion and diversity reminded us that technology should benefit everyone. Web Summit showed us that the future belongs to innovation with values. 🌱💡 What topics inspired you the most? 👇   #WebSummit2024 #TechForGood #QuantumComputing #Sustainability #InnovationWithImpact #nexonera_team

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  • Včera sme zažili indický večer cez MS Teams s našimi kolegami z Indie! !✨ Pripravili si fascinujúcu prezentáciu aj o svojich sviatkoch, ktorých jedinečné významy a atmosféry nám otvorili dvere do bohatstva indickej kultúry. 🎉🌺Mali sme tiež možnosť vidieť ich rodiny na krásnych fotografiách, čo posilnilo naše puto. 👨👩👧👦💖Naša večera sa niesla v duchu chutí – objednali sme si delikátne indické jedlo, ktoré nám priblížilo pravú atmosféru Indie. 🍛🥳 Tento večer nám pripomenul, aké dôležité je budovať mosty medzi kultúrami. Ďakujeme našim kolegom za prezentáciu a tešíme sa na ďalšie spoločné chvíle! ❤️✨Štastné Diwali!🕯️   Yesterday, we had an unforgettable Indian evening via MS Teams with our colleagues from India!✨ They prepared a fascinating presentation about their festivals, which opened our eyes to the unique meanings and atmospheres of Indian culture. 🎉🌺We also had the chance to see their families through beautiful photos, which strengthened our connection. 👨👩👧👦💖 Our evening was filled with flavors as we ordered delicious Indian food that brought us closer to the true atmosphere of India. 🍛🥳   This evening reminded us of the importance of building bridges between cultures. 🌍🤝 A big thank you to our colleagues for the amazing presentation, and we look forward to more shared moments! ❤️✨ Enjoy Diwali!🕯️ #IndianEvening #India #CulturalExchange #Diwali #nexonera_team

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  • Včera sa náš DevOps inžinier Patrik Kristel zúčastnil AWS Cloud Day v Prahe. 🎉 Na podujatí získal cenné informácie o najnovších pokrokoch v infraštruktúre AWS a o rastúcom vplyve AI v cloudovom prostredí. 🌥️ Bolo inšpirujúce vidieť, ako je AWS hnacím motorom inovácií so škálovateľnými riešeniami poháňanými AI, a Patrik nadobudol praktické skúsenosti s nástrojmi, ktoré menia DevOps. 🚀 S nadšením sa chystáme využiť tieto nadobudnuté poznatky na optimalizáciu našej cloudovej infraštruktúry a využitie AI na zvýšenie efektivity našich pracovných postupov.💡   Yesterday, our DevOps engineer, Patrik Kristel, attended the AWS Cloud Day in Prague.🎉 The event offered valuable insights into the latest advancements in AWS infrastructure and the growing impact of AI in the cloud space.🌥️ It was inspiring to see how AWS is driving innovation with scalable, AI-powered solutions, and Patrik gained hands-on experience with tools that are transforming the DevOps landscape.🚀 We’re excited to apply these new learnings to continue optimizing our cloud infrastructure and harnessing AI for greater efficiency in our workflows. 💡   #AWS #AWSCloudDay #AI #DevOps #CloudInfrastructure #nexonera_team

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  • V nexonere sme nedávno prezentovali našu novú víziu a firemné hodnoty – dôveru, otvorenosť, tímovosť a zodpovednosť. Tieto hodnoty sú pre nás viac než len slová. Snažíme sa ich žiť každý deň, pretože veríme, že práve ony sú kľúčom k budovaniu otvorenej, podporujúcej a príjemnej firemnej kultúry. 💼✨ Naša spoločná snaha je vytvárať pracovné prostredie, kde každý cíti podporu, dôveru a má priestor na rozvoj.   At Nexonere, we recently introduced our new vision and company values – trust, openness, teamwork, and responsibility. These values are more than just words to us. We strive to live by them daily because we believe they are the key to building an open, supportive, and positive company culture. 💼✨ Our shared effort is to create a work environment where everyone feels supported, trusted and has room for growth.   #CompanyValues #Teamwork #Trust #Openness #Responsibility #CompanyCulture #TogetherWeGrow #nexonera_team

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