🎉Finále Challenger Science 2024 ovládol vedecký tím Slovenskej akadémie vied Slovenskí vedci a vedecké tímy predstavili svoje inovatívne riešenia na verejnom finále vzdelávacieho programu Challenger Science. Po troch mesiacoch intenzívneho vzdelávania, kedy rozvíjali svoje prezentačné zručnosti, komunikačné schopnosti a dizajnové myslenie, predstúpili pred odbornú porotu a ukázali, že slovenská veda má nielen publikačný, ale aj biznisový potenciál. Ako povedala Zuzana KRONEKOVÁ z tímu PoxyMed: „Do programu sme prišli ako čistí vedci, ale už po prvých workshopoch sme sa naučili pozerať na náš výskum očami inovátorov.“ 👉🏼 Na verejnom finále prezentovalo svoje vedecké projekty 10 talentovaných a ambicióznych vedcov a vedkýň, od umelej inteligencie až po inovácie v biomedicíne či environmentálnom inžinierstve. Pavol Šajgalík, predseda SAV, uviedol, že: ,, každý z účastníkov má vlastný potenciál uspieť a všetci išli do toho s plním nasadením, s obrovskou dávkou erudície a s istou mierou podnikavosti, ktorú nadobudli. A to je budúcnosť Slovenska.“ 👉🏼 Palo Luka, COO spoločnosti ESET, zdôraznil dôležitosť programov podnikavosti pre slovenských vedcov nakoľko: ,,veda a technologický pokrok odjakživa vylepšovali životy ľudí a v dnešnej dobe vieme pretaviť pozitívny dopad vedy na spoločnosť prostredníctvom produktov alebo služieb a to práve pomocou podnikavosti.“ ⭐️ Hlasy publika si získal tím INFANTSIM, ktorý sa venuje vývoju realistického modelu novorodenca pre nácvik chirurgických operácií s minimálnym invazívnym zásahom. Gratulujeme Petra Zahradnikova (LF UK) a Zdeno Spitalsky (SAV)! ⭐️ Absolútnym víťazom programu Challenger Science 2024 sa stal tím PoxyMed z Ústavu polymérov SAV, ktorých inovatívna technológia umožňuje cielené doručenie liečiv priamo na miesto účinku, čo má potenciál výrazne zlepšiť efektivitu liečby. Odniesli si zaslúženú odmenu – cestu na prestížny technologický veľtrh Viva Tech 2025 v Paríži 🇫🇷. Gratulujeme Zuzana KRONEKOVÁ, Alžbeta Minarčíková a Juraj Kronek! 🤝 Ďakujeme hlavnému partnerovi, Nadácii ESET, vďaka ktorého podpore môžeme spoločne pomáhať vedcom prekonať bariéry a vytvárame tak podmienky pre komercializáciu vedy. Takisto ďakujeme aj Európskemu inovačnému a technologickému inštitútu EIT Health, ktorý podporil realizáciu tohto programu aj partnerovi Lekárskej fakulte Univerzity Komenského. 🤝 Ďakujeme odbornej porote zloženej z akademického, biznisového, startupového aj investorského prostredia: Pavol Šajgalík, predseda SAV; Palo Luka, COO ESET; Eva Kovacova FCCA, CEO Glycanostics; a Michal Nespor, Partner Crowdberry. 🤝 Ďakujeme keynote spíkrovi Pavol Cekan, founder&CEO MultiplexDX International, ktorý povzbudil účastníkov, aby sa nebáli zlyhaní v podnikaní, ale aby vytrvalo budovali a komercializovali svoje nápady, pretože len vďaka úspešným firmám sa bude môcť Slovensko posúvať vyššie životnou úrovňou a inováciami. Ďakujeme najmä všetkým účastníkom Challenger Science 2024!
Challenger Accelerator
Professional Training and Coaching
Bratislava, Slovakia (SVK) 2,043 followers
Challenger is a non-equity startup accelerator based in CEE and the Baltics.
About us
Challenger is a non-equity startup accelerator based in CEE and the Baltics. We help you find the product-market fit, paying customers, and raise funding to scale your operation.
- Website
External link for Challenger Accelerator
- Industry
- Professional Training and Coaching
- Company size
- 11-50 employees
- Headquarters
- Bratislava, Slovakia (SVK)
- Type
- Partnership
Bratislava, Slovakia (SVK), SK
Tallinn, EE
Employees at Challenger Accelerator
Eva Šimeková
Entrepreneurship, Startups, Ecosystem | Associate Partner at CIVITTA | Business Angel
Iurii-Volodymyr Blavt
Ecosystem Builder | Startup Acceleration | Funding Attraction | Corporate Innovation
Olena Shershun
Innovation consulting | Funding and support programs for startups
Michal Laco
Strategy │ Innovation │ Entrepreneurship │ Startups │ Learning&Development
How to rebuild Ukraine with AI? Join the Challenger AI Pre-Acceleration Demo Day to know innovative solutions! 📌 This event will be especially valuable for early-stage startups and anyone considering launching a new product. You’ll hear solutions of 6 teams selected during the AI for Ukraine Recovery Hackathon in September. Over the past 2 months, these startups have refined their ideas through business and tech mentorship. Also, they attended 8 intensive sessions covering product-market fit, business model development, value proposition creation, and more. Now, they’re ready to pitch their solutions across these critical areas: ◾Assessing infrastructure damage; ◾Countering disinformation; ◾Addressing mental health needs. We’d be delighted to have you with us to support these innovative teams and witness their impactful projects! When: December 5th, 4:30 - 6:00 pm EET Where: Online Registration is required: https://lnkd.in/dfCJ7DkS The event is held in English. Challenger AI Pre-Acceleration Demo Day is organized by Civitta and Radar Tech and supported by #ESTDEV #FromThePeopleOfEstonia
📢 Don’t miss the opportunity and find out what are the next steps you can take after a hackathon to transform your idea into a startup. 🚀 Join us in the workshop From (hackathon) Idea to Startup! 📅 When? December 9th at 16:00 – 18:30 📌 Where? The Spot, Bratislava (in person) We offer: 🔸 explaining idea validation and building business model 🔸 interactive exercises 🔸 discussion in small groups Seats are limited! Register here 👉 https://lnkd.in/dcg9vE7y
😎 Last call for AI startups! This is your final chance to apply for Challenger AI 3.0 – a 3-month equity-free accelerator for AI startups. Hurry up to expand your network, only 3 days left until the deadline! 💪 Join in and share this opportunity with your friends! Link to apply is in the first comment.
🤔 Are you looking to integrate AI into your solution? Apply to the Challenger AI Accelerator and take part in a 3-month online program of workshops, mentorship, and networking. 💪 Time is running out — only 4 days left to apply! ▶︎ Want to know more about Challenger AI? Read the interview with program manager Olena Shershun on dev.ua. https://lnkd.in/d5ANGFTh
Have you applied for the Challenger AI Accelerator yet? Only 5 days left! 🚀 📌 Don’t miss the chance to level up your AI solution with our 3-month online acceleration program. Apply by November 24, 23:59 CET! 🔗 Registration link is in the first comment. Thanks Sasha Reminnyi 🇺🇦!
🍿 €35 million in grants and the future of Ukraine's startup ecosystem. Discover insights from Iurii-Volodymyr Blavt, co-founder of Challenger AI and partner at Civitta, in his interview with Eugene Gusarov. 1. What is the current state of the Ukrainian startup ecosystem, and what to get ready for 2. How does Civitta help secure multi-million grants through Horizon Europe 3. What is #ChallengerAI, and how does it support DeepTech startups All this and more in the new episode of the $100M Startup #14 podcast, now on YouTube. Link is in the first comment 👇
Chceš #podnikať a nevieš, kde začať? 💭 🚀 ChallengerKit ti s tým pomôže! Ide o bezplatný digitálny vzdelávací kurz, ktorý ponúka cenné informácie, praktické návody a rady od 35 úspešných slovenských a českých podnikateľov, odborníkov a zakladateľov startupov. 🎓 Získaj prehľad o tom, čo ťa v podnikaní čaká a neminie. Od práva, cez financie, biznis až po vlastnú motiváciu. 🏆 Stále máš možnosť zapojiť sa do súťaže o zaujímavé ceny! #digitalclass #startup #innovation #vzdelavanie
#WhyChallengerAI When should you choose an international Acceleration program? ▶︎ If you’re planning to take your startup to international markets or are ready to do so. Global acceleration programs help startups explore potentially interesting new markets, understand their target audience, and expand their customer base; ▶︎ If you’re looking for valuable connections, experienced mentors, and fellow entrepreneurs on a global scale; ▶︎ If you want to scale your product but aren’t yet sure which direction to take. The #ChallengerAI team has 2 years of experience working with AI startups in both the Ukrainian and International markets. We know how to grow your startup and will gladly help you to reach a new stage. Hurry up to apply for Challenger AI 3.0 by Nov 24 👇 https://lnkd.in/dZa4U7MQ
▶︎ We Asked, They Answered! The next #OurAlumniSay series about the Challenger Accelerator. How much did we really know about math lessons? Almost nothing — until we met GIOS (Global Innovative Online School) . GIOS CEO Nataliya Limonova and her team took part in #ChallengerAI 2.0. During the acceleration program, the GIOS team especially valued their collaboration with business mentor, Karin Künnapas, and technical mentor, Igor Kostiuk. They helped the startup to make regular updates to investors and set smart goals, start a new promising direction of activity and strengthen their position in the market, and also integrate the latest technologies for monitoring the activities of current and future users. 🙌 We’re excited to see Nataliya Limonova expanding her online learning platform with new courses and always happy to see! Keep up the amazing work! ▶︎ Unlock your potential with Challenger AI 3.0! Join our upcoming batch from January to April 2025 to enhance your solutions and receive powerful mentorship support. Read more and apply 👇 https://lnkd.in/d-taQi2K