Causes of the U.S. Civil War image gallery

Use these images to support discussion and research on the Causes of the U.S. Civil War. Build on the content already included in the essays and videos and refer to the discussion questions related to this theme to frame your inquiry.


  • From The History of the Rise, Progress, and Accomplishment of the Abolition of the African Slave-Trade by the British Parliament, London, 1808 (British Library). The image dates to 1787, but it circulated later in many different versions.
    This schematic diagram of the interior of the slave ship “Brookes” dates to 1787, but it circulated later in many different versions, used to demonstrate the inhumane conditions of the transport on enslaved Africans by boat across the Atlantic ocean. From The History of the Rise, Progress, and Accomplishment of the Abolition of the African Slave-Trade by the British Parliament,London, 1808 (British Library).

Explore the diverse history of the United States through its art. Seeing America is funded by the Terra Foundation for American Art and the Alice L. Walton Foundation.