New Yorker Magazine, Inc.

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Harold Ross and the Founding of The New Yorker

Harold W. Ross was born in 1892 in Aspen, Colorado to George Ross, an Irish immigrant, and Ida Ross, a school teacher from Kansas. Ross dropped out of high school after his sophomore year. His first job as a newspaper man was in Salt Lake City, at The Tribune. He became a tramp newspaperman, working at 23 newspapers in 6 years. In 1917 he enlisted in the Army. During World War I he was a staff member and then editor of Stars & Stripes.

On returning from the war Ross launched the Home Sector, a continuation of the Stars & Stripes published for returning veterans. In 1920 Ross married Jane Grant whom he had met in France during the war through a friend and colleague at the paper, Alexander Woollcott. By the time of his marriage Ross had become editor of American Legion Weekly (which had absorbed Home Sector). It was soon apparent that Ross was not satisfied working for a house organ.

For some time the couple lived on Grant's salary from The New York Times and saved Ross's salary towards his dream publication. He believed there was a gap in the magazine industry, that there was room for a sophisticated, funny, urbane, upscale weekly. He found contemporary magazines (i.e. Judge, Life, Saturday Evening Post) either sophomoric, or middlebrow. Furthermore these national magazines were not suited to upscale advertising because they had to appeal to readers spread throughout the country and of all levels of sophistication and income. For Ross, the number of people reading his magazine would not be as important as who was reading it. Ross's audience would be educated, cosmopolitan New Yorkers, who spent money in fine restaurants and stores?the kind of audience advertisers would pay to target.

In 1924 Ross was still shopping his dummy of what would become The New Yorker around when he accepted the position as editor of Judge. While this publication embodied the stale humor for Mid-Americans to which Ross's magazine would reply, Ross hoped to experiment with some of his editorial ideas in its pages. Ross left Judge after 5 months.

Later the same year, Ross succeeded in selling his idea to Raoul Fleischmann, the yeast-fortune heir; Fleischmann supplied an initial investment of $25,000 that was matched by Ross and Grant. Fleischmann ended up investing another $700,000 in the magazine over the next three years. (At one point during the first year, Ross and Fleischmann actually decided to cease publication but changed their minds only days later). Their partnership was often rocky: Ross always suspected he was being worked to death for Fleischmann's economic benefit. Nevertheless, Fleischmann spent the rest of his life, until 1969, as vice president, president, chairman, and publisher of The New Yorker; Ross spent the rest of his as its editor. While it exacerbated his ulcers, Ross's suspicion of his publisher helped to establish the unique editorial autonomy at the magazine, an autonomy Fleischmann, and his son Peter, would respect even after Ross's death.

Early Years

The first issue of the New Yorker appeared on February 17, 1925. The first few issues were editorially and financially unsuccessful, and Ross was forced to include a lot of poor material to fill unsold advertising space. These lean months led to Ross's (and later William Shawn's) infamous habit of stockpiling manuscripts against a day when there might be no good copy to publish. For several years, departments were constantly switched in and out of the magazine until a proper mix was established; yet, even as the magazine's format gelled, the execution still suffered. Only art?cartoons, covers, illustrations?worked from the beginning, thanks to the influence of the art director, Rea Irvin. Irvin not only created the layout, typeface, and symbol?Eustace Tilley? of the magazine, but taught Ross about art.

After a large promotional push orchestrated by John Hanrahan, a man disliked by Ross because he was brought in by the panicked Fleischmann, Fall 1925's ad pages were up. By the spring of 1926 The New Yorker was making money and by the next year it was in the black. Of course, it was not only Hanrahan's promotion which helped the magazine onto its successful path. The magazine's content had improved considerably with the addition of several pivotal staff members who helped Ross define his magazine's voice much as Irvin had helped establish its look.

Katharine Angell (later Katharine S. White) was hired in the summer of 1925 as a part-time reader of manuscripts; almost immediately she became a full-time worker and a principal factor in the magazine's maturation. Ross used White as the final word on "sophistication," on taste and style, and she was involved with every aspect of the magazine. The two fed on each other's energy. In 1927 E.B. White, James Thurber, and Wolcott Gibbs all came aboard. Besides friendship and support, these writers provided the clear, precise, and imaginative prose about urbane topics for which the New Yorker became famous.

In 1929, hot on the heels of the stock market crash, the magazine announced it would appear in two editions: one for New York City (to appeal to advertisers targeting its inhabitants only) and one for the rest of the country. Somehow, The New Yorker was able to sustain its success throughout the thirties. It remained aloof from the Depression, maintaining its ironic, whimsical, and casual tone. According to William Shawn, at that time the staff was "actually proud of being apolitical and socially detached." The magazine had yet to establish its reputation for analytical journalism: it remained primarily a humor magazine.

Even as the magazine flourished and the staff solidified, Ross's frenetic panic-ridden management style lingered. It was difficult for him to delegate authority: his vision and investment were at stake. Ross knew he could not continue his attempts to do it all (without driving himself and his staff crazy), yet, rather than dividing responsibilities sensibly, Ross searched for the man or woman who could do it all. For years he sought someone who could head the editorial department, keep all departments on schedule, and get the magazine out each week. He called this savior a "managing editor', but to everyone else he was known as "Ross's Jesus." There were as many as 30 of these figures, all failures.

Finally in the 1936, with Ik Shuman floundering much as his predecessors had, the Jesus parade ended. Ross offered St. Clair McKelway, who was then a reporter and editor of non-fiction (or Fact) pieces, this "managing editor" position. McKelway accepted on the condition that Fact?journalism?editorship be separated from Fiction?fiction, verse, art?editorship. Not only would this division create more manageable parts, but would free fiction editors, such as Wolcott Gibbs and Katharine White, from the responsibility of editing journalism. Ross accepted this deal: McKelway became editor of Fact, taking Sanderson Vanderbilt and William Shawn as his assistants; White became Fiction editor; and Shuman was left with the remaining administrative duties.

In McKelway's three year tenure as editor (1936-1939) he developed a group of young writers who would establish the magazine's standards of literary journalism. This group of writers included Joseph Mitchell, A.J. Liebling, Brendan Gill, E.J. Kahn Jr., Emily Kahn, and Philip Hamburger.

Fiction, on the other hand, was slower to develop. Ross was less predisposed to fiction than his successor Shawn, and, especially in the beginning, the magazine's low pay made it impossible to compete for the works of Hemingway or Fitzgerald. Ross could not get the big names, but felt he could still find good writing. He made his fiction editors?Katharine White, then Gus Lobrano?keep lists of promising young writers and stay in touch with them. He also insisted that his editors tend to these writers with the utmost care and attention by providing prompt readings, responses, and payment. Editors became the writers' friends and support.

This treatment helped compensate for the magazine's famous low pay. (Unlike Fact writers, who had the luxury of accumulating debt from the magazine's drawing accounts, fiction writers lived from sale to sale.) It was one reason writers continued to publish their work in The New Yorker even after it had helped them achieve renown.

The War Years

McKelway resigned in 1939 and returned to writing and reporting exclusively. William Shawn became editor of Fact. One of his first acts as editor was to convince Ross that the magazine should seriously commit to covering the coming war, in contrast to its near obliviousness to the Depression.

Reports-in words and pictures-were dispatched from all over the world. They were literary first-hand accounts, not full of received information, about interesting people, places, and things. The dispatches from overseas ?written by A. J. Liebling, E. J. Kahn, Philip Hamburger, and Mollie Panter-Downes among others?gave the magazine a new depth, scope, and seriousness that continued after the war's end. The most famous, and perhaps most important, of these articles was John Hersey's "Hiroshima," which appeared as an entire issue of the magazine on August 31, 1946. It was Shawn who urged Ross to give Hersey's article its own issue. Ross later called its publication the most satisfying thing he had done in his life.

As the magazine flourished editorially, business became better than ever. In 1944 total revenues exceeded $4 million for the first time. Because of wartime excess-profit taxes and paper shortages the magazine needed to find ways to limit circulation?actually ceasing to take new subscriptions for a period during 1943. That same year, Jane Grant, by then Ross's ex-wife, suggested the magazine publish a smaller sized edition for distribution to the armed forces. Ik Shuman convinced Fleischmann and Ross that it would help solve some of their paper woes, and Grant used her vast connections to circumvent governmental red tape.

The "pony" edition appeared in September 1943 as a monthly with no ads and a circulation of 20,000; by the following March it was a weekly, and by the end of 1944 its circulation exceeded 150,000. The edition was a success in every way. Most importantly, it introduced a whole new generation of readers to the magazine. After the war, circulation of the regular magazine increased dramatically, and for the first time The New Yorker became more of a national publication than a comic weekly for "sophisticated" East-Coasters. In 1947 the magazine's circulation leapfrogged to 320,000, many of the readers living outside New York. The magazine was a national cultural heavyweight.

Despite the success, there were problems at the magazine. The loss of manpower in the office meant that for much of the war years Shawn and Ross were practically handling the entire Fact department themselves. In the spring of 1943 the Whites came back to New York and the magazine. (In 1938 the Whites had left for Maine, leaving two giant holes at the magazine and depriving Ross of two of his best friends.) Their return provided some relief for a beleaguered Ross. Still, racked by the stress of the short-staffed war years and personal financial problems Ross felt he had to leave the magazine, something he had threatened several times previously during disputes with Fleischmann. Over the years Ross had grown increasingly hostile towards Fleischmann and his "group." Ross suspected that while all his hard work had helped make this "group" rich, which it did, Ross's only profits were ulcers and alimony payments. By November 1945, however, Ross signed a new contract, which included an option to quit with three months notice, and a consultant job for Jane Grant. The latter stipulation was added to absolve Ross of any financial obligations to his ex-wife.

Ross's new contract also required that Ross groom a successor. The three front-runners were Shawn, Gus Lobrano (Fiction editor), and James Geraghty (Art Director). When Ross died on December 6, 1951, during an operation for lung cancer, the successor was still unknown.

The Succession

On January 21, 1952 a memo from Fleischmann was posted in the editorial offices. It announced that William Shawn had accepted the position of editor effective immediately. Shawn had begun his career at the New Yorker as a "Talk of the Town" reporter in 1933, in 1936 he was associate editor to McKelway, and in 1939, Shawn became managing editor of Fact and Ross's right hand.

Brendan Gill writes: "Under Shawn, the magazine broadened its range, lifted its gaze, deepened its insights." Many consider Shawn responsible for bringing social consciousness to Ross's creed of facts, accuracy, and clarity and thus transforming a cosmopolitan humor magazine into the most important one in the nation if not the world. However, it is apparent that this transformation was well under way by the time World War II definitively established the magazine as a source of serious journalism. Shawn's influence is obvious, but it was the state of the world ?depression, fascism, war? which made Ross's decision to steer his magazine in a more serious direction ineluctable.

Shawn happened to be the perfect man to help Ross make the magazine more intellectually challenging, politically engaged, and journalistically audacious, and then continue these trends as editor. Under Shawn's editorship the magazine would to cover the entire world and consistently raise the standards for literary and investigative journalism. Shawn's New Yorker became the most successful magazine in the country and one of the most important in the world.

The Editing Process

Over the Ross and Shawn years the magazine was edited and put together in similar ways. Both editors read every word of the each issue before it was published. (Some staff claim Shawn read most pieces two or three times.) Ross's editorial style was hands on, detailed oriented, and some say maddening. He produced query sheets and memos of incredible detail and length. Shawn did not share Ross's penchant for memo writing. Instead he conducted most of his business with writers, staff, and Ross in person. He was known for his almost reverential treatment of writers and an editing style which was firm while never condescending and he cultivated strong bonds with those he worked with closely. (By 1970 Shawn had already had 50 books dedicated to him.) While the styles of the editors differed (out of the office as well as in) their goal was the same: accuracy and clarity.

Neither editor had complete control of what advertisements went into the magazine, but their opinions of certain ads or products carried great weight. Eventually, strict rules were promulgated in the ad department regulating the copy of ads and the type of products allowed in the magazine. Both editors believed in a strict separation between the business and editorial sides of the magazine. (Shawn went as far as banning members of the advertising staff from the 18th floor of 25 West Forty-third Street, the editorial offices.) Shawn admitted, however, that he was able to meddle in advertising affairs more than he would have been able to at any other publication.

Ross's struggles with Fleischmann left Shawn with an environment in which he enjoyed great freedoms. He set his own budget and never needed to provide an accounting of how each year's money was spent. This allowed Shawn to give his writers exceptional leeway to develop their own ideas (articles were never assigned) into articles, while they were supported by drawing accounts, far more generous and therefore dangerous, than those of the Ross days. The lack of fiscal accountability also allowed Shawn to keep everyone's salary or payments a secret, which was a New Yorker tradition. (Ross's systems for paying writers were notoriously Byzantine: no one really understood their own pay, and so, as Ross hoped, neither could anyone figure out what the other writers or staff earned. Under Shawn, methods of payment and salary became no less mystifying.)

In the case of both staff and freelance writers, Fact pieces had to be approved by the Fact editor and/or Ross or later Shawn. Topics, or persons in the case of Profiles, were "reserved" by writers, or for writers by editors. After the writer wrote the first draft he or she collaborated with an editor (by letter or more often in person) in line-by-line revision. For Fiction no reservations were made; stories were considered only on submission; they were read by several editors and then a vote on acceptance was taken.

Proofs of edited stories went to the editor, copy editor, and fact-checking department. The editor reviewed all the corrections made on the proofs with the author by phone, mail, or in person. New Yorker editors were famous for "suggesting" changes; while editors were always tactful, never adversarial, writers were aware that refusing certain suggestions might mean his or her story would not appear in the magazine. After the last changes were made the story was proofed again and put into the manuscript bank where it is ready to run at any time.

Art-especially cartoons-were a collaborative affair. "Idea men" were employed by the magazine to come up with cartoon concepts and captions. Some of these idea men would execute their own first drawings. Ross, Shawn, or other editors would assign an idea to the artist they felt most suited to its execution. On Tuesday afternoons, Ross, then Shawn, would preside over the art meetings in which drawings were critiqued and changes suggested.

Tension and Turmoil

After reaching its peak in the late 1960s, the magazine's ad space continually decreased through the 1980s. William Shawn believed that the staff edited the magazine not for advertisers, or even readers, but for itself; he did not believe in editing down for a certain audience, but in putting out the best possible magazine. Outside the magazine Shawn's editorial integrity and talents were admired and acknowledged almost universally. Yet, as revenues continued to decline, his principled stances sometimes exasperated internal tensions.

In the early 1970's, Shawn began to feel the need to groom a successor. His first candidate was Bob Bingham, but by 1975, three years after he had made Bingham "executive editor," Shawn knew Bingham could not be Editor. His next choice was Jonathan Schell, a young man who had written several articles and Comment (as the "Notes and Comments" department was known) pieces on Vietnam that some readers and staff found overly polemical, ideological, and political. Senior editorial staff reacted against Schell as Shawn's successor; soon Shawn dropped the idea of grooming Schell. In 1978, in an attempt to calm the waters stirred by the Schell affair, Shawn circulated a memo stating that he was staying on. Peter Fleischmann, who had succeeded his father as chairman of The New Yorker Inc. in 1969, was still not satisfied. He was growing tired of the persistence of the succession question and made no secret of his frustration with Shawn's indecision. Shawn responded to this lack of confidence by resigning, with the stipulation that he would remain for two years or until a new editor was found and sufficiently prepared.

Shawn did not leave in two years, and the drama played itself out inconclusively until 1985 when S. I. Newhouse Jr.'s Advance Publications, Inc. bought The New Yorker. Advance Publications also owned the Condé Nast magazine group and Random House. There was considerable unrest spreading throughout the editorial floors; the staff feared for its editorial autonomy. While Advance Publications attempted to assuage their fears with a statement of commitment to Shawn and his magazine, significant changes were imminent.

The End of an Era

The changes began in 1986. Peter Fleischmann resigned due to health reasons, although many suspected his stepping down was precipitated by the takeover. Then on February 13, 1987, William Shawn was fired and Robert Gottlieb was named Editor of the magazine. The magazine was seen as needing a transfusion of new blood after 25 years of William Shawn's editorship: in addition to the steady decline in revenues, the magazine did not seem to be cultivating new talent. While the staff agreed in part with this view, it was angered by the manner of Shawn's dismissal and questioned the ability of Gottlieb, an outsider with no magazine experience, to fill Shawn's formidable shoes.

Gottlieb's tenure was relatively uneventful and moderately successful. In June of 1992, however, he resigned after disputes with S.I. Newhouse over the direction the magazine should take. Gottlieb thought that the few small changes he had made at the magazine were enough and saw no need for further evolvement. Tina Brown, who had been editor at Vanity Fair, another of Newhouse's Condé Nast publications, was named Editor.

From the guide to the New Yorker records, ca.1924-1984, (The New York Public Library. Manuscripts and Archives Division.)

Weekly magazine founded in New York City in 1925 by Harold W. Ross, Jane Grant, Alexander Woollcott and Raoul Fleischman. Ross, a former newspaper writer, convinced Fleischman, heir to a fortune derived from yeast and bakery businesses, to provide funds to establish a sophisticated, humorous publication aimed at a cosmopolitan audience. The first issue appeared on February 17, 1925. The New Yorker's signature editorial style was defined during the late 1920s by Ross, Grant, fiction editor Katharine White, and art director Rea Irvin, who designed the layout, typeface, and famous Eustace Tilley symbol. Prominent authors associated with the magazine's early years include E. B. White, James Thurber, Wolcott Gibbs, Edmund Wilson and Dorothy Parker. During the early 1930s, The New Yorker maintained an aloof, casual tone towards social issues associated with the economic depression, remaining primarily a humor magazine. Stronger emphasis was placed on serious journalism beginning in 1936, as non-fiction editor St. Clair McElway cultivated the talent of such writers as Joseph Mitchell, A. J. Liebling, Brendan Gill, Philip Hamburger and Emily Kahn. McKelway's successor, William Shawn, convinced Harold Ross to devote much attention to World War II.

After the war, circulation increased dramatically as The New Yorker became a truly national publication. Harold Ross died in 1951 and was succeeded as Editor by William Shawn, who continued to broaden the magazine's outlook and raise its standards for literary and investigative journalism. Shawn maintained Ross' meticulous editorial standards, reading every word of each issue before appeared. Even the copy and content of advertisements was subject to editorial review. Advertising sales peaked in the late 1960s, then gradually declined through the 1970s and 1980s, despite the magazine's formidable literary reputation. In 1985 The New Yorker was purchased by Advance Publications, Inc., owner of the Conde Nast magazine group. A highly controversial change of leadership took place in 1987, when William Shawn was fired and Robert Gottlieb was named Editor. Gottlieb resigned in 1992, and was succeeded by former Vanity Fair Editor Tina Brown, who left the magazine in 1998 and was succeeded by David Remnick.

From the guide to the New Yorker public relations department materials, 1932-1988, (The New York Public Library. Manuscripts and Archives Division.)

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
creatorOf New Yorker Magazine, Inc. New Yorker public relations department materials, 1932-1988. New York Public Library System, NYPL
creatorOf New Yorker public relations department materials, 1932-1988 New York Public Library. Manuscripts and Archives Division
creatorOf New Yorker records New York Public Library. Manuscripts and Archives Division
referencedIn Vladimir Nabokov papers, 1918-1987, 1934-1975 The New York Public Library. Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of English and American Literature.
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
correspondedWith Abish, Walter person
correspondedWith Abse, Dannie person
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correspondedWith Adams, Franklin P. person
associatedWith Adams, Franklin Pierce person
correspondedWith Adams, Samuel Hopkins person
correspondedWith Addams, Charles person
associatedWith ADLER, Alfred person
associatedWith ADLER, Renata person
correspondedWith Agee, James person
correspondedWith Agee, Joel person
correspondedWith Aiken, Clarissa L. person
correspondedWith Aiken, Conrad person
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correspondedWith Alain, A. (Daniel Brustlein) person
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correspondedWith Albee, Edward person
correspondedWith Alexander, Jack person
correspondedWith Aley, Maxwell person
correspondedWith Aley, Ruth person
correspondedWith Aley, Ruth & Maxwell person
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correspondedWith Allen, Frederick L. person
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correspondedWith Allen, Robert person
correspondedWith Allen, Steve person
correspondedWith Allen, Woody person
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correspondedWith Altman, B. Co. person
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correspondedWith Amis, Martin person
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correspondedWith Anderson, Alston person
correspondedWith Anderson, C. W. person
associatedWith ANDERSON, Jervis person
correspondedWith Anderson, Maxwell person
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correspondedWith Anderson, Virginia person
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correspondedWith Angley, Edward person
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correspondedWith Arking, Linda person
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associatedWith Arno, Ed person
correspondedWith Arnold, Constable & Co. corporateBody
correspondedWith Arno, Peter person
correspondedWith Artists, Lists of person
correspondedWith Asbury, Herbert person
correspondedWith Asch, Nathan person
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correspondedWith Ashbery, John person
correspondedWith Asimov, Isaac person
associatedWith Aspen, Colorado person
correspondedWith Astor, Brooke person
correspondedWith Astor, Helen person
associatedWith ASTRACHAN, Anthony person
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correspondedWith Atherton, John person
associatedWith Atkinson, Brooks person
correspondedWith Atwood, Margaret person
correspondedWith Auchincloss, Louis person
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correspondedWith Ayer, Harriet Hubbard person
correspondedWith Ayres, Ann Grosvenor person
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correspondedWith Bacon, Peggy person
correspondedWith Bacon, Robert person
correspondedWith Bacon, Wallace person
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correspondedWith Bagnold, Enid person
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correspondedWith Baldwin, James person
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correspondedWith Bambara, Toni Cade person
associatedWith Bank of New York corporateBody
correspondedWith Banks, Russell person
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correspondedWith Barley, Anne Louise person
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correspondedWith Barlow, Perry person
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correspondedWith Barnes, Jane person
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correspondedWith Barry, Robert person
correspondedWith Barry, Thomas person
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correspondedWith Barthelme, Frederick person
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correspondedWith Barton, Ralph person
associatedWith Baruch, Bernard person
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correspondedWith Bates, Barbara person
correspondedWith Batki, John person
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correspondedWith Baum, Roland L. person
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correspondedWith Beattie, Anne person
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correspondedWith Behrman, S. N. person
associatedWith Behrman, S. N. (Samuel Nathaniel) person
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correspondedWith Bell, Charles G. person
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correspondedWith Benchley, Peter person
correspondedWith Benchley, Robert person
associatedWith Benchley, Robert C. person
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correspondedWith Benet, Rosemary Carr person
correspondedWith Benet, Stephen Vincent person
correspondedWith Benet, William Rose person
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correspondedWith Benson, Sally person
correspondedWith Bentley, Beth person
correspondedWith Bercovici, H. LeB. person
correspondedWith Bercovici, Rion person
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correspondedWith Bergdorf, Goodman person
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correspondedWith Bishop, Jim person
correspondedWith Bishop, John Peale person
correspondedWith Bishop, Morris person
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correspondedWith Blackmur, R. P. person
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correspondedWith Blanchard, Helen person
correspondedWith Blassingame, Lurton person
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correspondedWith Bliven, Bruce Jr. person
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correspondedWith Blow, Katharine person
correspondedWith Blow, Katherine person
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correspondedWith Bogan, Louise person
associatedWith Bogart, Humphrey person
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correspondedWith Bolton, Isabel (Mary Britten Miller) person
correspondedWith Bolton, Isabel (Mary Britton Miller) person
correspondedWith Bongartz, Ray person
correspondedWith Bongartz, Roy person
correspondedWith Bonner, Mary Graham person
associatedWith Bonner, Paul person
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correspondedWith Booth, Philip person
correspondedWith Borges, Jorge Luis person
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associatedWith Borglum, Gutzon and Mary person
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correspondedWith Boyd, Madeleine person
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correspondedWith Boyer, Richard person
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correspondedWith Boyle, T. Coraghessan person
correspondedWith Boyle, T. Coraghesssan person
correspondedWith Bradbury, Malcolm person
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correspondedWith Bragdon, Elspeth (O'Halloran) person
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correspondedWith Brasier, Virginia person
correspondedWith Brautigan, Richard person
correspondedWith Breslin, Jimmy person
correspondedWith Breuer, Bessie person
correspondedWith Brickman, Marshall person
correspondedWith Brinnin, John Malcolm person
correspondedWith Brinnin, John Malcom person
correspondedWith Brodeur, Paul person
correspondedWith Brodkey, Harold person
correspondedWith Brodsky, Joseph person
correspondedWith Bromell, Henry person
correspondedWith Bromfield, Louis person
correspondedWith Bronk, William person
correspondedWith Brooke, Bissell person
correspondedWith Brooke-Rose, Christine person
correspondedWith Brooks, Gwendolyn person
associatedWith BROOKS, John person
correspondedWith Brooks, Van Wyck person
correspondedWith Brossard, Chandler person
correspondedWith Broughton, James person
correspondedWith Broun, Heywood person
associatedWith Broun, Heywood (Memorial Committee) person
correspondedWith Brown, Bo person
correspondedWith Brown, Bob person
correspondedWith Brown, Carlton person
correspondedWith Brown, Harry person
correspondedWith Brown, James Oliver person
associatedWith Brown, John Mason person
correspondedWith Brown, Rita Mae person
correspondedWith Brown, Rosellen person
correspondedWith Brown, Ruth person
correspondedWith Broyard, Anatole person
correspondedWith Brubaker, Howard person
associatedWith Brundage, Story and Rose corporateBody
associatedWith Brundage, Story & Rose corporateBody
correspondedWith Brush, Katherine person
correspondedWith Bryan, C. D. B. person
correspondedWith Bryan, Joseph person
correspondedWith Bryan, Joseph III person
correspondedWith Buchan, Perdia person
correspondedWith Buchan, Perdita person
correspondedWith Buchwald, Art person
correspondedWith Buck, Pearl S. person
correspondedWith Buechner, Frederick person
correspondedWith Bulkley, Robert M. person
correspondedWith Bull, Johan person
correspondedWith Bulosan, Carlos person
associatedWith Bundles For Britain, Inc. corporateBody
correspondedWith Bundy, Gilbert person
correspondedWith Burger, Otis person
correspondedWith Burgess, Anthony person
correspondedWith Burke, Kenneth person
associatedWith Burnham, James person
correspondedWith Burns, Robert Grant person
correspondedWith Burroughs, Edgar Rice person
correspondedWith Burroughs, William person
associatedWith Burrows, Abe person
correspondedWith Burton, J. J. person
correspondedWith Burt, Struthers person
correspondedWith Busch, Frederick person
correspondedWith Busch, Niven person
correspondedWith Busch, Noel person
correspondedWith Butler, Ellis Parker person
correspondedWith Byatt, Antonia S. person
correspondedWith Bye, George T. person
associatedWith Byfield, Ernest person
correspondedWith Bynner, Witter person
associatedWith Cagney, James person
correspondedWith Cain, James M. person
correspondedWith Calder, Alexander person
correspondedWith Caldwell, Erskine person
correspondedWith Caldwell, Taylor person
correspondedWith Calisher, Hortense person
correspondedWith Callaghan, Morley person
correspondedWith Calvino, Italo person
correspondedWith Camera Club, The person
correspondedWith Campbell, Alan person
correspondedWith Campbell, E. Simms person
correspondedWith Campbell, Kenneth person
correspondedWith Camus, Albert person
correspondedWith Canby, Vincent person
correspondedWith Cane, Melville person
correspondedWith Cannell, Kathleen person
correspondedWith Cantor, Eddie person
correspondedWith Cantor, Jay person
associatedWith Cantwell, Robert person
associatedWith CAPA, Jerry person
correspondedWith Capote, Truman person
associatedWith Capra, Frank person
correspondedWith Cardozo, Nancy person
correspondedWith Carmer, Carl person
associatedWith CARO, Robert A. person
correspondedWith Carpentier, Alejo person
correspondedWith Carples, Esther person
correspondedWith Carroll, Carroll person
correspondedWith Carruth, Hayden person
correspondedWith Carson, Rachel person
correspondedWith Carter, Angela person
correspondedWith Carter, John Franklin person
correspondedWith Carver, Gertrude person
correspondedWith Carver, Raymond person
correspondedWith Cary, Joyce person
correspondedWith Cary, Peter person
correspondedWith Casey, John person
correspondedWith Caspary, Vera person
correspondedWith Cassill, R. V. person
correspondedWith Cerf, Bennett person
associatedWith Cerf, Bennett A. person
correspondedWith Chamberlain, Brenda person
correspondedWith Chambrun, Jacques person
correspondedWith Chaplin, Charlie person
correspondedWith Chappell, Fred person
correspondedWith Chappell, George person
correspondedWith Charyn, Jerome person
associatedWith CHASAN, Daniel person
correspondedWith Chase, Allan person
correspondedWith Chase, Frank person
associatedWith Chasen, Dave person
associatedWith Chast, Roz person
correspondedWith Chatwin, Bruce person
correspondedWith Cheever, John person
correspondedWith Chester, Alfred person
correspondedWith Cheuse, Alan person
correspondedWith Chotzinoff, Samuel person
associatedWith Christianson, David person
correspondedWith Christmas List, Subjects for person
correspondedWith Ciardi, John person
correspondedWith Clampitt, Amy person
correspondedWith Clarke, Beverly person
correspondedWith Clarke, Beverly L. person
correspondedWith Clavell, James person
correspondedWith Clay, George person
correspondedWith Cleaver, Eldridge person
correspondedWith Cluett, Jack person
correspondedWith Coates, Robert person
correspondedWith Coates, Robert M. person
correspondedWith Coatsworth, Elizabeth person
associatedWith Cobean, Sam person
correspondedWith Codman, Florence person
correspondedWith Coetzee, J. M. person
correspondedWith Coffin, Robert P. Tristram person
correspondedWith Cohen, David Robert person
correspondedWith Cohen, Leonard person
correspondedWith Cohen, Robert David person
correspondedWith Cohen, Robert M. person
associatedWith COLEBROOK, Joan person
correspondedWith Cole, Hilda person
correspondedWith Coles, Robert person
correspondedWith Collier, John person
correspondedWith Collinge, Patricia person
correspondedWith Collins, Christopher person
correspondedWith Colwin, Laurie person
correspondedWith Comfort, Alex person
correspondedWith Commager, Henry Steele person
associatedWith COMMONER, Barry person
correspondedWith Concagh, William person
correspondedWith Conkling, Grace Hazard person
correspondedWith Connell, Evan person
correspondedWith Connell, Evan S. person
correspondedWith Connelly, Marc person
correspondedWith Connolly, Cyril person
correspondedWith Conroy, E. T. person
correspondedWith Conroy, Frank person
correspondedWith Cooke, Alastair person
correspondedWith Cooke, Alistair person
correspondedWith Cooke, Charles person
correspondedWith Cooke, Charles & Helen person
correspondedWith Cooke, Helen person
associatedWith Cook, Ted person
associatedWith COOPER, Henry person
associatedWith COOPER, Henry S. F. person
correspondedWith Cooper, Jane person
correspondedWith Cooper, Loise Field person
correspondedWith Cooper, Louise Field person
correspondedWith Coover, Robert person
associatedWith Corcoran, John person
correspondedWith Corke, Hilary person
correspondedWith Corle, Edwin person
associatedWith Cornwell, Dean person
correspondedWith Corso, Gregory person
correspondedWith Cortazar, Julio person
correspondedWith Cort, David person
correspondedWith Cotler, Gordon person
correspondedWith Cotton, Will person
correspondedWith Cotton, William person
correspondedWith Covarrubias, Miguel person
correspondedWith Coward, Noel person
correspondedWith Cowing, George Cecil person
correspondedWith Cowley, Malcolm person
correspondedWith Cowling, George Cecil person
correspondedWith Cozzens, James Gould person
associatedWith Crabbe, A. D. person
correspondedWith Crane, Frances person
correspondedWith Crane, Nathalie person
correspondedWith Craven, Richard person
correspondedWith Craven, Thomas person
associatedWith Crawford, Joan person
correspondedWith Crawford, Phyllis person
correspondedWith Crawford, William G. person
correspondedWith Crawford, William Galbraith person
correspondedWith Crockett, Albert person
correspondedWith Crockett, A. S. person
correspondedWith Crouse, Russel person
correspondedWith Crowell, Chester T. person
correspondedWith Crowninshield, Frank person
correspondedWith Croy, Homer person
correspondedWith Cullinan, Elizabeth person
associatedWith Cullum, Leo person
correspondedWith Cummings, E. E. person
correspondedWith Cummings, Parke person
correspondedWith Cummings, Thayer person
correspondedWith Cunningham, Larabie person
correspondedWith Cuppy, Will person
correspondedWith Currie, Ellen person
correspondedWith Curtiss, Philip person
correspondedWith Cushing, Mary Watkins person
correspondedWith Dahl, Roald person
correspondedWith Daiches, David person
correspondedWith D'Alessio, G. person
correspondedWith D'Alessio, Gregory person
correspondedWith Darrow, Whitney person
correspondedWith Darrow, Whitney Jr. person
correspondedWith Davenport, Marcia Clark person
correspondedWith Davey-Hill, Leonard person
correspondedWith Davies, Rhys person
correspondedWith Davis, Elmer person
correspondedWith Davis, George person
correspondedWith Day, Chon person
correspondedWith Day, Clarence person
correspondedWith Day Lewis, Cecil person
correspondedWith Day, Mrs. Clarence person
correspondedWith Day, Robert person
correspondedWith Day, Robert J. person
correspondedWith Dean, Albert person
correspondedWith De Andrade, Carlos Drummond person
correspondedWith Decker, Richard person
associatedWith Decker, Sheila W. person
associatedWith Dedini, Eldon person
correspondedWith DeJong, David person
correspondedWith Delbanco, Nicholas person
correspondedWith DeLillo, Don person
correspondedWith DeMille, Cecil B. person
correspondedWith de Miskey, Julian person
correspondedWith DeMiskey, Julian person
associatedWith de Molas, Nickolas person
correspondedWith De Morinni, Clara person
correspondedWith DeMorinni, Clara person
correspondedWith Dempsey, David person
correspondedWith Denison, Harold person
correspondedWith Dennis, Nigel person
correspondedWith De Pauw, Victor person
correspondedWith DePauw, Victor person
correspondedWith Deren, Maya person
correspondedWith Deutch, Babette person
correspondedWith Deutsch, Babette person
correspondedWith Deutsch, David person
correspondedWith DeVoto, Bernard person
correspondedWith DeVries, Katinka person
correspondedWith DeVries, Peter person
correspondedWith Dickey, James person
correspondedWith Didion, Joan person
associatedWith Dietz, Howard person
correspondedWith Dillard, Annie person
correspondedWith Dillard, R. H. W. person
correspondedWith Diller, Phyllis person
correspondedWith Dimmit, H. S. person
correspondedWith Disch, Thomas person
correspondedWith Disch, Thomas M. person
correspondedWith Dixon, Stephen person
correspondedWith Doctorow, E. L. person
correspondedWith Dodd, Lee Wilson person
correspondedWith Dodge, Homer J. person
correspondedWith Doerr, Harriet person
correspondedWith Dolson, Hildegard person
correspondedWith Dolson, Hildegarde person
correspondedWith Domini, John person
correspondedWith Donelan, Charles person
correspondedWith Donleavy, J. P. person
correspondedWith Donoso, Jose person
correspondedWith Doolittle, Hilda (H. D.) person
correspondedWith Dos Passos, John person
correspondedWith Doubleday, Doran & Co. corporateBody
correspondedWith Doughty, LeGarde S. person
correspondedWith Douglas, William O. person
associatedWith Dove, Leonard person
correspondedWith Dove, Leonard J. person
correspondedWith Dove, L. J. person
correspondedWith Dowd, Alice person
correspondedWith Dow, Dorothy person
correspondedWith Dowell, Coleman person
correspondedWith Downey, Fairfax person
correspondedWith Downie, James Vale person
correspondedWith Drabble, Margaret person
associatedWith Draper, Muriel person
correspondedWith Dreiser, Theodore person
associatedWith DREW, Elizabeth person
associatedWith Drucker, Boris person
associatedWith Drucker, Mort person
correspondedWith DuBois, Guy Pena person
correspondedWith DuBois, Guy Rene person
correspondedWith DuBois, W. E. B. person
correspondedWith Dubus, Andre person
correspondedWith Dufault, Peter Kane person
correspondedWith Dunbar-Gibson, Inc. corporateBody
correspondedWith Dunhill, Alfred person
correspondedWith Dunn, Alan person
correspondedWith Dunne, Finley Peter person
correspondedWith Dunne, John Gregory person
correspondedWith Dunsany, Lord person
correspondedWith DuPont, de Nemours & Co. corporateBody
correspondedWith Du Pont, De Nemours & Co. corporateBody
associatedWith Duranty, Walter person
correspondedWith Durrell, Lawrence person
correspondedWith Durrenmatt, Friedrich person
correspondedWith Duryee, Mary Ballard person
associatedWith DUVOISIN, Roger person
associatedWith DYSON, Freeman J. person
correspondedWith Dyson-Hudson, Rada person
correspondedWith Eastman, Max person
correspondedWith Eaton, Evelyn person
correspondedWith Eberhart, Richard person
correspondedWith Ebright, Frederick person
correspondedWith Edman, Irvin person
correspondedWith Edman, Irwin person
associatedWith Einstein, Albert person
correspondedWith Eisenberg, Emanuel person
correspondedWith Elkin, Stanley person
correspondedWith Ellis, H. F. person
correspondedWith Ellison, Ralph person
correspondedWith Ellman, Richard person
correspondedWith Elmo, Ann person
correspondedWith Embry, Jacqueline person
correspondedWith Emery, John C. person
associatedWith Englander, Jules corporateBody
correspondedWith Engle, Paul person
correspondedWith Enright, Elizabeth person
correspondedWith Ephron, Nora person
correspondedWith Epsey, John person
associatedWith EPSTEIN, Edward person
correspondedWith EPSTEIN, Edward J. person
associatedWith EPSTEIN, Edward Jay person
associatedWith Erskine, John person
correspondedWith Ervine, St. John person
correspondedWith Espey, John person
correspondedWith Evans, Abbie Huston person
correspondedWith Fadiman, Clifton person
correspondedWith Fair, Charles person
correspondedWith Fair, Charles Maitland person
correspondedWith Fandel, John person
correspondedWith Farbstein, W. E. person
correspondedWith Farina, Richard person
correspondedWith Farrell, James T. person
associatedWith Farris, Joseph person
correspondedWith Fast, Howard person
correspondedWith Faulkner, William person
correspondedWith Fay, Nancy person
correspondedWith Fay, Sarah person
associatedWith FAY, Stephen person
correspondedWith Fearing, Isabel person
correspondedWith Fearing, Kenneth person
correspondedWith Feiffer, Jules person
correspondedWith Feldkamp, Fred person
correspondedWith Feldkamp, Fred J. person
correspondedWith Feldman, Irving person
correspondedWith Feld, Rose person
correspondedWith Feld, Rose C. person
correspondedWith Fenton, Edward person
associatedWith Ferber, Edna person
associatedWith Ferber, Edna - Complains of Anti-Negro Stereotyping person
correspondedWith Ferlinghetti, Lawrence person
correspondedWith Ficke, Arthur Davison person
correspondedWith Fiedler, Leslie person
correspondedWith Field, Rachel person
associatedWith Fields, W. C. person
correspondedWith Fierst, A. L. person
correspondedWith Fife, Shannon person
correspondedWith Finan, James person
correspondedWith Fineman, Irving person
correspondedWith Finger, Charles J. person
correspondedWith Finney, Charles person
associatedWith FIORE, Barbara person
associatedWith First-Stamford National Bank & Trust Company corporateBody
correspondedWith Fishback, Margaret person
correspondedWith Fish, Edmond person
associatedWith Fisher, Ed person
correspondedWith Fisher, M. F. K. person
correspondedWith Fishman, Joseph F. person
associatedWith FITZGERALD, Frances person
correspondedWith Fitzgerald, F. Scott person
correspondedWith Fitzgerald, Zelda person
correspondedWith Flack, Ambrose person
correspondedWith Flagg, James Montgomery person
correspondedWith Flanner, Janet person
correspondedWith Fleischmann, Raoul person
associatedWith Fleming, Ian person
correspondedWith Fles, Barthold person
correspondedWith Fletcher, John Gould person
correspondedWith Flint, Susan person
correspondedWith Flood, Charles person
correspondedWith Flynn, Errol person
correspondedWith Foote, Shelby person
correspondedWith Forbes, John person
correspondedWith Ford, Corey person
correspondedWith Ford, Margaret person
correspondedWith Ford, Richard person
correspondedWith Forester, C. S. person
associatedWith Fowler, Gene person
correspondedWith Fox, Douglas person
associatedWith Fradon, Dana person
correspondedWith Frankenberg, Lloyd person
correspondedWith Frankforter, Alice person
correspondedWith Frankfurter, Felix person
correspondedWith Frank, Waldo person
correspondedWith Franzen, William person
associatedWith Fraschino, Edward person
associatedWith Frascino, Edward person
correspondedWith Frater, Alexander person
correspondedWith Freeland, Stephen person
correspondedWith Freeland, Stephen L. person
correspondedWith Freeman, Devery person
correspondedWith Freeman, Everett person
correspondedWith French, Marilyn person
correspondedWith Freud, Clement person
associatedWith Freuh, Alfred person
correspondedWith Fried, Hanna person
correspondedWith Friedman, Bruce Jay person
correspondedWith Friel, Brian person
correspondedWith Frost, Frances person
correspondedWith Frost, Francis person
associatedWith Frost, Robert person
correspondedWith Frowert, P. K. person
correspondedWith Frueh, Al person
correspondedWith Frueh, Alfred person
correspondedWith Frueh, Alfred J. person
correspondedWith Fruhauf, Aline person
correspondedWith Frye, Ralph person
correspondedWith Fuchs, Daniel person
correspondedWith Fuentes, Carlos person
associatedWith FUNK, Tom person
correspondedWith Furman, Laura person
correspondedWith Fyfe, J. H. person
correspondedWith Gaddis, William person
correspondedWith Galbraith, John Kenneth person
correspondedWith Gallant, Mavis person
correspondedWith Galler, David person
correspondedWith Gallico, Paul person
correspondedWith Gannett, Lewis person
associatedWith Gannett, Lewis S. person
correspondedWith Garcia Marquez, Gabriel person
correspondedWith Gardiner, John Rolfe person
correspondedWith Gardner, John person
correspondedWith Garon-Brooks, Jay person
correspondedWith Garrett, George person
correspondedWith Garretto, Paulo person
correspondedWith Garrigue, Jean person
correspondedWith Garson, Eli person
correspondedWith Gass, William person
correspondedWith Gehman, Richard person
correspondedWith Gehrig, Lou person
correspondedWith Gellert, Hugo person
correspondedWith Gellhorn, Martha person
correspondedWith Geng, Veronica person
associatedWith Gerberg, Mort person
correspondedWith Gershwin, Ira person
correspondedWith Gerstein, Evelyn person
correspondedWith Gerstenbrand, Alfred person
associatedWith GETZ, Arthur person
correspondedWith Ghose, Zulfikar person
correspondedWith Gibbs, Angelica person
correspondedWith Gibbs, Anthony person
correspondedWith Gibbs, Wolcott person
associatedWith Gibbs, Wolcott, 1902-1958 person
correspondedWith Gibson, John person
correspondedWith Gibson, John E. person
correspondedWith Gibson, Walker person
correspondedWith Gibson, William person
correspondedWith Gibson, William W. person
correspondedWith Gibson, W. W. person
correspondedWith Gifford, Barry person
correspondedWith Gilbert, Morris person
correspondedWith Gill, Brendan person
correspondedWith Gillespie, Susan person
correspondedWith Gilliatt, Penelope person
correspondedWith Gill, Richard person
correspondedWith Gilman, Martha person
correspondedWith Gilman, Mildred person
correspondedWith Ginsberg, Allen person
correspondedWith Ginsberg, Louis person
correspondedWith Glasgow, Ellen person
correspondedWith Gleason, Harold Willard person
correspondedWith Gluck, Louise person
correspondedWith Godden, Rumer person
correspondedWith Godley, John person
correspondedWith Godwin, Gail person
correspondedWith Gogarty, Oliver St. John person
associatedWith Goldberg, Herbert person
correspondedWith Goldberg, Rube person
correspondedWith Golding, William person
correspondedWith Goldman, Morton person
correspondedWith Goldman, William person
correspondedWith Goldring, Douglas person
correspondedWith Gollomb, Joseph person
associatedWith GOODWIN, Richard N. person
correspondedWith Gordimer, Nadine person
correspondedWith Gordon, Ann person
correspondedWith Gordon, Mary person
correspondedWith Goss, John Mayo person
correspondedWith Gottlieb, H. J. person
correspondedWith Gould, Barbara person
correspondedWith Goytisolo, Juan person
correspondedWith Graham, Al person
correspondedWith Graham, Bernard person
correspondedWith Graham, John person
correspondedWith Graham, Nancy person
correspondedWith Graham, Nancy M. person
correspondedWith Grahn, Mary person
correspondedWith Grant, Jane person
correspondedWith Grass, Gunter person
correspondedWith Grass, Gunther person
correspondedWith Grau, Shirley Ann person
correspondedWith Graves, Robert person
correspondedWith Gray, Dorothy person
correspondedWith Gray, Francine person
associatedWith GRAY, Francine du Plessix person
correspondedWith Gray, Peter person
correspondedWith Gray, Robert person
correspondedWith Green, Abel person
correspondedWith Greene, Emily person
correspondedWith Greene, Graham person
correspondedWith Greene, Grahame person
correspondedWith Green, Eleanor person
correspondedWith Greene, Ward person
correspondedWith Green, Hannah person
correspondedWith Green, Henry person
associatedWith Greenstein, Milton person
correspondedWith Gregory, Blanche person
correspondedWith Gregory, Horace person
correspondedWith Griffith, Ann Warren person
correspondedWith Griffith, Maddy Vegtel person
correspondedWith Gropper, William person
correspondedWith Grossman, Sylvia person
associatedWith Gross, Sam person
correspondedWith Grosz, George person
correspondedWith Groszman, Lore person
correspondedWith Groszmann, Lore person
correspondedWith Gruening, Ernest person
associatedWith Guaranty Trust Company corporateBody
associatedWith Guaranty Trust Company of New York corporateBody
correspondedWith Guerard, Albert person
correspondedWith Guerard, Albert J. person
correspondedWith Guerrard, Philip person
correspondedWith Guiterman, Arthur person
correspondedWith Gumbinner, Paul person
correspondedWith Gunn, Thom person
correspondedWith Gunther, John person
correspondedWith Gurganus, Allan person
correspondedWith Gysin, Brion person
correspondedWith Hague, R. A. person
correspondedWith Hahn, Emily person
associatedWith Haldeman-Julius, E. person
correspondedWith Hale, Agnes person
correspondedWith Hale, Agnes Burke person
correspondedWith Hale, Jeanne person
correspondedWith Hale, Nancy person
correspondedWith Hale, Robert person
correspondedWith Haley, Alex person
correspondedWith Hall, Donald person
correspondedWith Hallen, Ingrid person
correspondedWith Halliburton, Arthur person
correspondedWith Halper, Albert person
correspondedWith Hamburger, Philip person
correspondedWith Hamilton, Edith person
associatedWith Hamilton, William person
correspondedWith Hammerstein, Oscar person
correspondedWith Hammond, Percy person
correspondedWith Hampl, Patricia person
correspondedWith Hampton, David person
correspondedWith Hampton, David B. person
associatedWith Hancock, Malcolm person
associatedWith Handelsman, J. B. person
correspondedWith Handke, Peter person
correspondedWith Hannah, Barry person
correspondedWith Hanna, Mark person
correspondedWith Hanney, N. B. person
correspondedWith Hansen, Ron person
associatedWith Harbord, J. G. person
correspondedWith Harcourt, Brace & Co. corporateBody
correspondedWith Hardin, Nancy person
correspondedWith Hardin, Nancy Hale person
correspondedWith Hardwick, Elizabeth person
correspondedWith Harlow, Alvin F. person
correspondedWith Harriman, Margaret person
correspondedWith Harriman, Margaret Case person
associatedWith Harriman, W. Averell person
correspondedWith Harrington, Michael person
correspondedWith Harrison, Jim person
associatedWith HARRISON, Richard Edes person
correspondedWith HARRIS, Richard person
associatedWith Harris, Sid person
correspondedWith Harvey, Alice person
correspondedWith Hatfield, Weston P. person
correspondedWith Haupt, Theodore person
correspondedWith Haupt, Theodore C. person
correspondedWith Hawkes, John person
associatedWith HAYES, Harold T. P. person
associatedWith Hayes, Helen person
correspondedWith Hay, Sara Henderdson person
correspondedWith Hay, Sara Henderson person
correspondedWith Hay, Sarah Henderson person
correspondedWith Hayward, Leland person
correspondedWith Hazard, John W. person
correspondedWith Hazzard, Shirley person
correspondedWith Heaney, Seamus person
associatedWith Hearst, John Randolph person
correspondedWith Heath, Horton person
correspondedWith Hecht, Anthony person
correspondedWith Hecht, Ben person
correspondedWith Heimer, Melvin person
correspondedWith Held, John Jr. person
correspondedWith Heller, Joseph person
correspondedWith Hellman, Geoffrey person
correspondedWith Hellman, Geoffrey T. person
correspondedWith Hellman, George person
correspondedWith Hellman, George S. person
correspondedWith Hellman, Lillian person
correspondedWith Helprin, Mark person
correspondedWith Hemenway, Robert person
associatedWith Hemingway, Ernest person
correspondedWith Henderson, Alice Corbin person
associatedWith Henderson, B. W. person
correspondedWith Henderson, Robert person
associatedWith Henderson, William James person
correspondedWith Hentoff, Nat person
associatedWith Herbert, Alan Patrick person
correspondedWith Herbert, F. Hugh person
correspondedWith Herford, Oliver person
correspondedWith Herman, Justin person
correspondedWith Herold, Don person
correspondedWith Hersey, John person
associatedWith HERTZBERG, Hendrik person
correspondedWith Herz, Henrietta person
correspondedWith Hesse, Hermann person
correspondedWith Hibben, Sheila person
correspondedWith Hicks, Granville person
correspondedWith Highet, Gilbert person
correspondedWith Highsmith, Patricia person
correspondedWith Hill, Carol person
correspondedWith Hill, Trevor person
correspondedWith Hillyer, Robert person
correspondedWith Hilton, Ned person
correspondedWith Himes, Chester person
correspondedWith Himes, Chester B. person
correspondedWith Hiss, Alger person
correspondedWith Hodgins, Eric person
correspondedWith Hoffenstein, Samuel person
correspondedWith Hoffer, Eric person
correspondedWith Hoff, Sidney person
correspondedWith Hoff, Sydney person
correspondedWith Hoke, Travis person
correspondedWith Hokinson, Helen person
correspondedWith Hokinson, Helen E. person
correspondedWith Holbrook, Stewart person
correspondedWith Holbrook, Weare person
correspondedWith Holden, Raymond person
correspondedWith Holding, Elizabeth Sanxay person
correspondedWith Hollander, John person
correspondedWith Holland, Henrietta person
correspondedWith Holland, Henrietta Fort person
correspondedWith Holly, F. M. person
correspondedWith Holmes, John person
correspondedWith Holton, Leonard T. person
correspondedWith Holzinger, J. J. person
correspondedWith Holzinger, John J. person
correspondedWith Hoover, J. Edgar person
correspondedWith Hope, Constance person
correspondedWith Horch, Franz person
correspondedWith Horch, Franz T. person
correspondedWith House, John Jr. person
correspondedWith Howard, Richard person
correspondedWith Howe, George person
correspondedWith Hoyt, Nancy person
correspondedWith Hoyt, Philip person
correspondedWith Hoyt, Philip D. person
associatedWith HUBBELL, Albert person
correspondedWith Hudson, Lois Phillips person
correspondedWith Hughes, Langston person
associatedWith Hughes, Rupert person
correspondedWith Hughes, Ted person
correspondedWith Humphries, Rolfe person
correspondedWith Hunnicutt, Nat C. person
correspondedWith Hunter, J. Graham person
correspondedWith Hunt, Morton person
associatedWith Hunt, Stan person
correspondedWith Hurd, Louise person
associatedWith Hurley, Robert A. person
correspondedWith Huston, John person
correspondedWith Hutchens, John person
correspondedWith Hutchens, John K. person
associatedWith Hutchins, Robert M. person
correspondedWith Huxley, Aldous person
correspondedWith Hyatt, Jack person
correspondedWith Hyde, Fillmore person
correspondedWith Hyman, Edgar person
correspondedWith Hyman, Edgar C. person
correspondedWith Hyman, Stanley person
associatedWith HYMAN, Stanley Edgar person
associatedWith IGLAUER, Edith person
correspondedWith Illustrators, Society of corporateBody
correspondedWith Imperial Salons, Ltd. corporateBody
associatedWith Ingersoll, Ralph person
associatedWith Ingersoll, Ralph, 1900- person
correspondedWith Ingersoll, Ralph McAllister person
correspondedWith Inge, William person
correspondedWith Ingram, Bowen person
correspondedWith Ingram, Mrs. Bowen person
associatedWith Investment Counsel - Brundage, Story and Rose person
correspondedWith Ionesco, Eugene person
correspondedWith Irvin, Dorothy person
correspondedWith Irving, John person
associatedWith Irvin, Rea, 1881-1972 person
correspondedWith Isherwood, Christopher person
correspondedWith Ives, Marian person
correspondedWith Ives, Marion person
correspondedWith Jackson, Shirley person
correspondedWith Jacobsen, Josephine person
correspondedWith Jacobs, Florence B. person
correspondedWith Jacobs, Hayes B. person
correspondedWith Jacobson, Marjorie Marks person
correspondedWith Jaffe, Sam (Agency) corporateBody
associatedWith James, Marquis person
correspondedWith Jarrell, Randall person
correspondedWith Jenkins, Clay David person
correspondedWith Jennings, Leslie Nelson person
correspondedWith Jessel, George person
correspondedWith Jhabvala, Ruth Prawer person
correspondedWith J, K person
correspondedWith Jocelyn, Glen person
correspondedWith Johnson, James Weldon person
correspondedWith Johnson, Margot person
correspondedWith Johnson, Nora person
associatedWith Johnson, Nunnally person
associatedWith Johnson, Owen person
correspondedWith Johnson, Sewell person
correspondedWith Johnston, Alva person
associatedWith JONAS, Gerald person
correspondedWith Jones, James person
correspondedWith Jones, Ruth Lambert person
correspondedWith Jones, Stanley person
correspondedWith Jong, Erica person
correspondedWith Jordan, Elizabeth person
correspondedWith Jordan, Neil person
correspondedWith Joseph, Nannine person
correspondedWith Josephson, Matthew person
correspondedWith Justema, William person
correspondedWith Justice, Donald person
correspondedWith Just, Ward person
associatedWith KAEL, Pauline person
correspondedWith Kahn, E. J. person
correspondedWith Kanin, Garson person
correspondedWith Kantor, MacKinlay person
correspondedWith Kaplan, James person
correspondedWith Karasz, Ilonka person
associatedWith Karlin, Nurit person
correspondedWith Karli, Simon Peter person
correspondedWith Kastner, Alton person
correspondedWith Katz, Steve person
correspondedWith Katz, Steven person
correspondedWith Kauffman, Reginald Wright person
correspondedWith Kaufman, Charles person
correspondedWith Kaufman, George S. person
correspondedWith Kazin, Alfred person
correspondedWith Keating, Bern person
correspondedWith Kees, Weldon person
correspondedWith Keillor, Garrison person
correspondedWith Keller, Martha person
correspondedWith Kennan, George F. person
correspondedWith Kennedy, Gerta person
correspondedWith Kennedy, Greta person
correspondedWith Kennedy, John F. person
associatedWith Kennedy, Joseph P. person
correspondedWith Kennedy, Ludovic person
associatedWith Kennedy, Margaret person
correspondedWith Kennedy, William person
correspondedWith Kennedy, X. J. person
correspondedWith Kentfield, Calvin person
associatedWith Kent, Rockwell person
associatedWith KENYON, Nicholas person
correspondedWith Kerouac, Jack person
correspondedWith Kesey, Ken person
correspondedWith Kidd, David person
associatedWith Kidder, Peabody & Company corporateBody
correspondedWith Kiely, Benedict person
correspondedWith Kimbrough, Emily person
correspondedWith King, Alexander person
correspondedWith King, Hortense Flexner person
correspondedWith Kingston, Maxine Hong person
associatedWith KINKEAD, Eugene person
correspondedWith Kinkead, Eugene F. person
correspondedWith Kinkead, Katharine person
associatedWith KINKEAD, Katharine T. person
correspondedWith Kinnell, Galway person
correspondedWith Kinross, Patrick person
correspondedWith Kirkup, James person
correspondedWith Kissinger, Henry person
correspondedWith Klausner, Bertha person
correspondedWith Klein, I. person
correspondedWith Knapp, Clarence person
associatedWith Knapp, Clarence H. person
associatedWith Knopf, Alfred A. and Blanche W. person
correspondedWith Knowles, James person
correspondedWith Knowles, John person
correspondedWith Kober, Arthur person
correspondedWith Koestler, Arthur person
associatedWith Kokoschka, Oscar person
associatedWith Koren, Edward person
correspondedWith Kosinski, Jerzy person
correspondedWith Kostelantz, Richard person
correspondedWith Kotzwinkle, William person
associatedWith KRAFT, Joseph person
correspondedWith Kraft, Ken person
correspondedWith Kramer, Arthur person
associatedWith KRAMER, Jane person
correspondedWith Kramer, Larry person
correspondedWith Krauss, William A. person
correspondedWith Kreymborg, Arthur person
correspondedWith Krim, Seymour person
correspondedWith Kroll, Ernest person
correspondedWith Kronengold, A. person
correspondedWith Kronengold, Adolph person
correspondedWith Kubly, Herbert person
correspondedWith Kumin, Maxine person
correspondedWith Kundera, Milan person
correspondedWith Kunitz, Stanley person
correspondedWith Kunstler, William person
correspondedWith Kyriakis, Michael person
correspondedWith LaFarge, Christopher person
correspondedWith LaFarge, Oliver person
correspondedWith LaFollette, Suzanne person
correspondedWith LaFrance, Ernest person
correspondedWith Laing, Alexander person
correspondedWith Laing, Dilys Bennett person
correspondedWith Laird, Rose person
correspondedWith Lake, Austen R. person
correspondedWith Lake, Carlton person
correspondedWith Lamott, Kenneth person
correspondedWith Lancaster, W. W. person
correspondedWith Langbaum, Robert person
correspondedWith Lang, Daniel person
correspondedWith Langland, Joseph person
correspondedWith Lankes, J. J. person
correspondedWith Lardner, David person
correspondedWith Lardner, James P. person
correspondedWith Lardner, John person
correspondedWith Lardner, Ring person
correspondedWith Lardner, Ring Jr. person
correspondedWith Larkin, Philip person
correspondedWith Laski, Harold J. person
correspondedWith Lattimore, Richmond person
correspondedWith Laughlin, E. O. person
correspondedWith Lavin, Mary person
correspondedWith Lawrence, D. H. person
correspondedWith Leacock, Stephen person
correspondedWith Lea, Fanny Heaslip person
correspondedWith Lebowitz, Fran person
correspondedWith LeBrun, Frederico person
correspondedWith LeCarre, John person
correspondedWith Lee, Alwyn person
correspondedWith Lee, C. Y. person
correspondedWith Lee, Laurie person
correspondedWith Lee, Muna person
correspondedWith Lees, Hannah person
correspondedWith LeGuin, Ursula person
correspondedWith Lehrenbaum, Burton person
correspondedWith LeLong, Lucien person
correspondedWith Lem, Stanislaw person
correspondedWith Lengel, William C. person
correspondedWith Lenninger, August person
correspondedWith Lenninger, August C. person
correspondedWith Lennon, John person
correspondedWith Leonard, Baird person
correspondedWith Lerner, Max person
associatedWith LESSARD, Suzannah person
correspondedWith Lessing, Doris person
correspondedWith Lessing, Dorothy person
correspondedWith Levertov, Denise person
associatedWith Levin, Arnie person
correspondedWith Levin, David person
correspondedWith Levine, Philip person
correspondedWith Levin, Harry person
correspondedWith Levin, Meyer person
correspondedWith Lewis, D. B. Wyndham person
correspondedWith Lewis, Lester person
correspondedWith Lewis, Lester Assoc. person
correspondedWith Lewisohn, James person
correspondedWith Lewis, Sinclair person
correspondedWith L'Heureux, John person
correspondedWith Lieberman, Laurence person
correspondedWith Lieber, Maxim person
correspondedWith Liebling, A. J. person
associatedWith Lillie, Beatrice person
correspondedWith Lincoln, Victoria person
associatedWith Lindsay, Howard person
correspondedWith Lintelman, Leslie W. person
correspondedWith Lin, Yutang person
correspondedWith Lister, R. P. person
correspondedWith Littell, Robert person
correspondedWith Litvinov, Ivy person
correspondedWith Livingstone, Tristram person
correspondedWith Lloyd, David person
correspondedWith Lockridge, Richard person
correspondedWith Loder, Dorothy person
correspondedWith Lodge, David person
correspondedWith Loeser, Katinka person
correspondedWith Loesser (DeVries), Katinka person
associatedWith Lofting, Hugh person
correspondedWith Logan, Andy person
correspondedWith Logan, Harlan person
correspondedWith Logan, Lorens person
associatedWith LONG, Barbara person
correspondedWith Long, Bloch & Long person
correspondedWith Long, Lois person
correspondedWith Longstretch, E. person
correspondedWith Lorde, Audre person
correspondedWith Lord, Russell person
associatedWith Lorentz, Pare person
associatedWith Lorenz, Lee person
correspondedWith Loveridge, George person
correspondedWith Lowell, Robert person
correspondedWith Lowry, Malcolm person
correspondedWith Loy, Mina person
associatedWith Lubitsch, Ernst person
associatedWith LUBOV, Don person
associatedWith Luce, Clare Booth person
associatedWith Luce, Henry R. person
correspondedWith Luhan, Mabel Dodge person
correspondedWith Lum, Bertha person
associatedWith Lunt, Alfred person
associatedWith Lunt, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred person
correspondedWith Lurie, Alison person
correspondedWith Lyon, Katherine person
correspondedWith Lyon, Mrs. Charles person
correspondedWith Lyons, A. & S. person
correspondedWith Lyons, Charles person
associatedWith MacArthur, Charles person
correspondedWith Macdonald, Dwight person
correspondedWith MacDonald, Roberta person
correspondedWith MacDuffie, Elspeth person
correspondedWith MacGregor-Hastie, Roy person
correspondedWith MacKaye, Milton person
associatedWith MacKENZIE, Jane person
associatedWith MacKenzie, Rachel person
correspondedWith MacLeish, Archibald person
correspondedWith MacMillan, Margaret person
associatedWith MacMILLAN, R. person
correspondedWith MacNeice, Louis person
correspondedWith MacNiece, Louis person
correspondedWith Magaziner, Sari person
correspondedWith Mahoney, Tom person
associatedWith Mahood, Kenneth person
correspondedWith Mailer, Norman person
correspondedWith Malamud, Bernard person
associatedWith MALCOLM, Janet person
associatedWith Malman, Christina person
correspondedWith Malman, Christine person
correspondedWith Maloney, Russell person
correspondedWith Maltz, Albert person
correspondedWith Mamet, David person
correspondedWith Manchester, William person
correspondedWith Maner, William Lawton person
correspondedWith Mankiewicz, Herman person
associatedWith Mankiewicz, Herman J. person
associatedWith Mankoff, Robert person
correspondedWith Mann, Erika person
correspondedWith Mannes, Marya person
correspondedWith Manning, Margaretta person
correspondedWith Mann, Klaus person
correspondedWith Mann, Thomas person
correspondedWith Mansfield, Katherine person
associatedWith MARCUS, Greil person
correspondedWith Markey, Morris person
correspondedWith Marks, Marjorie person
correspondedWith Marks, Mendez person
correspondedWith Marquand, John P. person
correspondedWith Marquis, Don person
correspondedWith Marriott, Alice person
correspondedWith Marshall, Lenore person
correspondedWith Marsh, Ngaio person
correspondedWith Marsh, Peter person
correspondedWith Marsh, Reginald person
associatedWith Martin, Charles person
associatedWith Martin, Charles E. person
correspondedWith Martin, Hansford person
associatedWith Martin, Henry person
correspondedWith Martin, Patricia person
correspondedWith Martin, Steve person
correspondedWith Marvel, Tom person
correspondedWith Marx, Groucho person
associatedWith Marx, Harpo person
associatedWith Marx, Zeppo person
correspondedWith Masaryk, Jan person
associatedWith Maslin, Michael person
correspondedWith Mason, Bobbie Ann person
correspondedWith Masters, Edgar Lee person
correspondedWith Matchett, William H. person
correspondedWith Mathieu, Beatrice person
correspondedWith Matson, Harold person
correspondedWith Matthiesen, Peter person
correspondedWith Matthiessen, F. O. person
correspondedWith Matthiessen, Peter person
correspondedWith Maugham, W. Somerset person
associatedWith Mauldin, Bill person
correspondedWith Maurois, Andre person
correspondedWith Maxwell, Ernest person
correspondedWith Maxwell, James person
correspondedWith Maxwell, William person
correspondedWith May, Ruth person
correspondedWith Mazor, Julian person
correspondedWith McCallister, Richard person
correspondedWith McCall, Monica person
correspondedWith McCarten, John person
correspondedWith McCarthy, Cormac person
correspondedWith McCarthy, Eugene person
correspondedWith McCarthy, Mary person
correspondedWith McCarty, Milburn person
associatedWith MCCLELLAND, David person
correspondedWith McClendon, Sarah person
correspondedWith McConaughty, Elizabeth person
correspondedWith McCord, David person
correspondedWith McCord, Lida person
associatedWith MCCORMACK, Elizabeth R. S. C. J. person
correspondedWith McCoy, Esther person
correspondedWith McCoy, Samuel Duff person
correspondedWith McCullers, Carson person
correspondedWith McElroy, Joseph person
correspondedWith McEwan, Ian person
correspondedWith McGinley, Phyllis person
correspondedWith McGrath, Thomas person
correspondedWith McGuane, Thomas person
correspondedWith McGuire, William person
correspondedWith McHale, Tom person
correspondedWith McHugh, Heather person
correspondedWith McHugh, Vincent person
correspondedWith McIlvaine, Ellan person
correspondedWith McIntosh, Mavis person
associatedWith McIntyre, Oscar Odd person
correspondedWith McKay, Dorothy person
associatedWith McKelway, St. Clair, 1905-1980 person
correspondedWith McKenney, Ruth person
correspondedWith McKeough, Elsie person
correspondedWith McKinney, Laurence person
correspondedWith McKuen, Rod person
correspondedWith McLaughlin, Robert person
correspondedWith McNerney, Eugene Jr. person
correspondedWith McNulty, Faith person
correspondedWith McNulty, John person
associatedWith MCPHEE, John person
correspondedWith Mears, Helen person
correspondedWith Meehan, Thomas person
correspondedWith Meeker, Oden & Olivia person
correspondedWith Mehdevi, Anne person
correspondedWith Mehdevi, Anne Sinclair person
correspondedWith Mehdevi, Mohamed person
correspondedWith Mehta, Ved person
correspondedWith Mencken, H. L. person
correspondedWith Menghetti, Jules (Re: John Tinker) person
correspondedWith Menninger, Karl person
correspondedWith Meredith, Burgess person
correspondedWith Meredith, William person
correspondedWith Merrell, Marian person
correspondedWith Merrell, Marion person
correspondedWith Merriam, Eve person
correspondedWith Merrill, James person
correspondedWith Merton, Thomas person
correspondedWith Merwin, W. S person
correspondedWith Mewshaw, Michael person
correspondedWith Meynell, Viola person
correspondedWith Mian, Mary person
correspondedWith Michener, James person
correspondedWith Middleton, Lamar person
correspondedWith Middleton, Scudder person
correspondedWith Milburn, George person
correspondedWith Miles, Josephine person
associatedWith Miller, Alice Duer person
correspondedWith Miller, Arthur person
associatedWith MILLER, Frank person
correspondedWith Miller, Henry person
correspondedWith Miller, I. & Son corporateBody
correspondedWith Miller, I. & Sons corporateBody
correspondedWith Miller, Marion person
correspondedWith Miller, Max person
correspondedWith Miller, Warren person
associatedWith Mirachi, Joseph person
correspondedWith Mitchell, Joseph person
correspondedWith Mitchell, Susanna Valentine person
correspondedWith Mitchison, Naomi person
associatedWith Modell, Frank person
correspondedWith Moffat, Donald person
correspondedWith Molinaro, Ursule person
correspondedWith Molnar, Ferenc person
correspondedWith Mommsen, Theodor person
correspondedWith Monroe, Charles person
correspondedWith Montzoures, H. L. person
correspondedWith Moorehead, Alan person
correspondedWith Moore, Marianne person
correspondedWith Moorepark, Howard person
correspondedWith Moore, Samuel T. person
correspondedWith Moor, Paul person
correspondedWith Moravia, Alberto person
correspondedWith Morgan, Berry person
correspondedWith Morgan, Wallace person
correspondedWith Morley, Christopher person
correspondedWith Morris, E. G. person
associatedWith MORRIS, Ivan person
correspondedWith Morrissett, Ann person
correspondedWith Morris, William person
correspondedWith Morris, William (Agency) corporateBody
correspondedWith Morris, Wright person
correspondedWith Mortimer, Penelope person
correspondedWith Mort, John person
correspondedWith Morton, Charles person
correspondedWith Morton, David person
correspondedWith Mosher, John C. person
correspondedWith Moss, Grant person
correspondedWith Moss, Howard person
associatedWith Moss, Howard, 1922- person
associatedWith MOSTERT, Noel person
correspondedWith Mountzoures, H. L. person
associatedWith MOYNIHAN, Daniel P. person
correspondedWith Mueller, Lisel person
associatedWith Mulligan, James person
associatedWith Mulligan, Laura person
correspondedWith Mullins, Helene person
correspondedWith Mulvaney, Joseph person
correspondedWith Mumford, Lewis person
correspondedWith Mundell, William person
correspondedWith Munro, Alice person
correspondedWith Munro, David person
associatedWith MUNRO, Roxie person
correspondedWith Munves, James person
correspondedWith Murdoch, Iris person
correspondedWith Murphy, Mark person
correspondedWith Murray, Philip person
correspondedWith MURRAY, William person
correspondedWith Murrow, Edward R. person
correspondedWith Musil, Robert person
correspondedWith Myers, Lou person
associatedWith Nabokov, Vladimir Vladimirovich, 1899-1977 person
correspondedWith Naipaul, V. S. person
correspondedWith Narayan, N. K. person
correspondedWith Narayan, R. K. person
associatedWith Nash, Ogden, 1902-1971 person
associatedWith Nathan, George Jean person
correspondedWith Nathan, Robert person
associatedWith Nehru, Jawaharlal person
associatedWith NELSON, Janet S. person
correspondedWith Nemerov, Howard person
correspondedWith Neruda, Pablo person
correspondedWith Newhouse, Edward person
associatedWith NEWHOUSE, John person
correspondedWith Nichols, Beverley person
correspondedWith Nin, Anais person
correspondedWith Nix, Harry person
correspondedWith Nordan, Lewis person
correspondedWith Norman, Charles person
associatedWith Norris, Charles Gilman person
correspondedWith Norris, Leslie person
correspondedWith Nowell, Elizabeth person
correspondedWith Oates, Joyce Carol person
correspondedWith Ober, Harold person
associatedWith O'Brian, William person
correspondedWith O'Brien, Edna person
correspondedWith O'Brien, Tim person
correspondedWith O'Connor, Edwin person
correspondedWith O'Connor, Frank person
correspondedWith O'Connor, Liam person
correspondedWith Odets, Clifford person
correspondedWith Oehser, Paul person
correspondedWith Oeschner, Frederick person
correspondedWith O'Faolain, Sean person
correspondedWith Ogburn, Charlton Jr. person
correspondedWith O'Halloran, Elspeth person
correspondedWith O'Hara, Frank person
correspondedWith O'Hara, John person
associatedWith Oldden, Richard person
correspondedWith Olds, Elizabeth person
correspondedWith Olds, Sharon person
associatedWith OLIVER, J. person
correspondedWith Olsen, Tillie person
correspondedWith Olson, Charles person
correspondedWith Olson, Toby person
associatedWith Opie, Everett person
correspondedWith Orner, Faustina person
correspondedWith Orr, Clifford person
correspondedWith Orr, Edith person
correspondedWith Orr, Gregory person
correspondedWith Ortgies, June C. person
correspondedWith Orwell, George person
correspondedWith Osborne, John person
correspondedWith Osborn, Margaret person
correspondedWith Osk, Richard person
correspondedWith O'Toole, Edward person
correspondedWith Owens, Warren L. person
correspondedWith Ozick, Cynthia person
correspondedWith Packard, Frederick person
correspondedWith Packer, Peter person
correspondedWith Pack, Robert person
correspondedWith Paladino, Ralph person
correspondedWith Paladino, R. D. person
correspondedWith Paley, Grace person
associatedWith Palmer, Frederick person
correspondedWith Pancake, Breece D'J person
correspondedWith Panter-Downes, Mollie person
correspondedWith Parker, Dorothy person
correspondedWith Parker, James Reid person
correspondedWith Parker, Nancy person
correspondedWith Park, Frances person
correspondedWith Parkinson, C. Northcote person
correspondedWith Parsons, Elizabeth person
correspondedWith Partch, Virgil F. person
associatedWith Pascal, David person
correspondedWith Passen, Ben person
correspondedWith Passes, Misc. person
correspondedWith Pasternak, Boris person
correspondedWith Patchen, Kenneth person
correspondedWith Paton, Alan person
correspondedWith Patterson, Eleanor person
correspondedWith Patton, Frances Gray person
associatedWith Paul, Elliot person
correspondedWith Pauling, Linus person
associatedWith Payette, Alphonse person
correspondedWith Paz, Octavio person
correspondedWith Peacock, Roscoe person
correspondedWith Pearsall, Phyllis person
correspondedWith Pearson, Drew person
correspondedWith Pearson, Edmund person
correspondedWith Pearson, Edmund Lester person
correspondedWith Peck, Augustus person
correspondedWith Pedrick, Jean person
correspondedWith Peet, Creighton person
correspondedWith Peirce, Waldo person
correspondedWith Pemberton, Murdock person
correspondedWith Percy, Walker person
correspondedWith Perec, George person
correspondedWith Perelman, S. J. person
correspondedWith Perera, Padma person
correspondedWith Perkins, Max person
correspondedWith Perkins, Maxwell person
correspondedWith Perrera, Padma person
correspondedWith Perrin, Noel person
correspondedWith Perry, George Sessions person
correspondedWith Perry, Glen person
correspondedWith Perry, Ralph Barton person
correspondedWith Peters, Astrid person
correspondedWith Petty, Mary person
associatedWith PFAFF, William person
correspondedWith Phillips, Jayne Anne person
correspondedWith Piercy, Marge person
associatedWith PINCUS, Walter person
correspondedWith Pinsky, Robert person
correspondedWith Plant, Richard person
correspondedWith Plath, Sylvia person
correspondedWith Plomer, William person
correspondedWith Plumly, Stanley person
correspondedWith Podhoretz, Norman person
correspondedWith Pohl, Frederick person
correspondedWith Pohl, Frederick J. person
correspondedWith Pohl, Frederik person
correspondedWith Police Press Passes, Requests for person
correspondedWith Pollard, Joseph person
associatedWith Pope, Arthur Upham person
correspondedWith Popkin, Zelda person
associatedWith Porges, Peter person
associatedWith Porter, Cole person
correspondedWith Porter, Harold E. person
correspondedWith Porter, Katherine Anne person
correspondedWith Porter, Verne person
correspondedWith Posner, David person
correspondedWith Postgate, Raymond person
correspondedWith Potok, Chaim person
correspondedWith Pound, Ezra person
correspondedWith Powell, Dawn person
correspondedWith Powell, William B. person
correspondedWith Powell, William F. person
correspondedWith Powers, J. F. person
correspondedWith Powers, Marcella person
associatedWith POWLEDGE, Fred person
correspondedWith Pratt, Theodore person
correspondedWith Pratt, William W. person
correspondedWith Prentice, F. W. person
correspondedWith Pressoir, Esther person
correspondedWith Price, Garrett person
correspondedWith Price, George person
correspondedWith Price, Mark person
correspondedWith Price, Reynolds person
correspondedWith Price, Richard person
correspondedWith Priestley, J. B. person
correspondedWith Pringle, Henry person
correspondedWith Pringle, Henry F. person
associatedWith Pringle, Henry Fowles person
correspondedWith Pritchett, Mary person
correspondedWith Pritchett, Mary Leonard person
correspondedWith Pritchett, V. S. person
correspondedWith Pudney, John person
correspondedWith Puig, Manuel person
correspondedWith Pulsifer, Harold person
correspondedWith Purdy, James person
correspondedWith Purdy, Nina person
correspondedWith Puzo, Mario person
correspondedWith Pynchon, Thomas person
correspondedWith Pynchon, Thomas R. person
associatedWith Quaintance, Arthur person
associatedWith Quaintance, Arthur D. person
associatedWith Quaintance, Arthur (Mining) person
correspondedWith Queen, Ellery person
correspondedWith Quinn, John Robert person
correspondedWith Rabassa, Gregory person
correspondedWith Rae, Ruth person
correspondedWith Rahv, Philip person
correspondedWith Rahv, Phillip person
correspondedWith Rama Rau, Santha person
correspondedWith Rand, Christopher person
associatedWith RAND, Victor person
correspondedWith Ransom, John Crowe person
correspondedWith Rascoe, Burton person
correspondedWith Rawlings, Marjorie Kinnan person
correspondedWith Rea, Gardener person
correspondedWith Rea, Gardner person
associatedWith Rea, Gardner C. person
correspondedWith Reed, Henry person
associatedWith REID, Alastair person
correspondedWith Reid, Alistair person
associatedWith Reilly, Donald person
correspondedWith Reilly, Tom person
correspondedWith Reiner, Carl person
associatedWith Remington, William person
correspondedWith Rexroth, Kenneth person
correspondedWith Reynolds, Paul R. person
correspondedWith Rhys, Jean person
correspondedWith Rice, Elmer person
correspondedWith Rice, John Andrew person
correspondedWith Rice, John Andrews person
correspondedWith Rice, Virginia person
correspondedWith Rich, Adrienne person
correspondedWith Richards, I. A. person
associatedWith Richter, Mischa person
correspondedWith Rigg, H. K. person
correspondedWith Riskin, Robert person
correspondedWith Roberts, Marion person
correspondedWith Roberts, Mary Carter person
associatedWith Robertson, Drue MacKenzie person
correspondedWith Robinson, A. A. person
correspondedWith Robinson, Henry Morton person
correspondedWith Robinson, Kenneth person
correspondedWith Robinson, Leonard Wallace person
correspondedWith Robinson, Marilynne person
correspondedWith Robinson, Ted person
correspondedWith Robison, Mary person
correspondedWith Roche, Paul person
correspondedWith Rodell, Marie person
correspondedWith Rodell, Marie F. person
associatedWith Rodgers, Richard person
correspondedWith Roethke, Theodore person
associatedWith Rogers, Ginger person
correspondedWith Rogin, Gilbert person
correspondedWith Rollnick, Sonia person
correspondedWith Root, Waverly person
correspondedWith Rose, Carl person
correspondedWith Rosenfeld, Paul person
correspondedWith Rosenthal, M. L. person
associatedWith Ross, Al person
associatedWith Ross, Ariane Allen person
associatedWith Ross, Frances Elie person
correspondedWith Ross, Harold person
associatedWith Ross, Harold Wallace, 1892-1951 person
associatedWith Ross, Ida Martin person
correspondedWith Ross, Lillian person
associatedWith Ross, Patricia Alix person
correspondedWith Rosten, Leo person
correspondedWith Rosten, Leo C. person
correspondedWith Rosten, Leonard person
correspondedWith Rosten, Norman person
correspondedWith Roth, Henry person
correspondedWith Roth, Philip person
associatedWith ROUECHE, Berton person
correspondedWith Rovere, Richard person
correspondedWith Rovere, Richard H. person
correspondedWith Rowse, A. L. person
correspondedWith Roy, Malcolm person
correspondedWith Rubinstein, Helena person
correspondedWith Rudman, Mark person
correspondedWith Rukeyser, Muriel person
correspondedWith Runyon, Damon person
correspondedWith Rush, Norman person
correspondedWith Russell, Bertrand person
correspondedWith Russell, Sydney K. person
correspondedWith Russell, Sydney King person
correspondedWith Ryall, G. F. T. person
correspondedWith Ryan, Gertrude person
correspondedWith Sack, John person
correspondedWith Sagan, Carl person
correspondedWith Salinger, J. D. person
correspondedWith Salisbury, Leah person
correspondedWith Salisbury, Nate person
correspondedWith Salpeter, Harry person
correspondedWith Salsbury, Nate person
correspondedWith Salter, James person
associatedWith SAMPSON, Anthony person
correspondedWith Samuelson, Nathan person
associatedWith Sandburg, Carl person
correspondedWith Sanders, Sidney A. person
correspondedWith Sanders, Sydney A. person
correspondedWith Sandow, Hyman person
correspondedWith Sandoz, Mari person
correspondedWith Sanford, Loyola Lee person
correspondedWith Sansom, William person
associatedWith Sargeant, Caroline Belle person
correspondedWith Sargeant, Winthrop person
correspondedWith Sargent, E. N. person
correspondedWith Saroyan, William person
correspondedWith Sarraute, Nathalie person
correspondedWith Sarton, May person
correspondedWith Satenstein, Sidney person
associatedWith Sauers, Charles person
associatedWith Sauers, Charles D. person
correspondedWith Saunders, Marion person
associatedWith Savage, Brian person
associatedWith Saxon, Charles person
associatedWith Saxon, Charles D. person
correspondedWith Sayles, John person
correspondedWith Sayre, Joel person
correspondedWith Schacht, Marshall person
correspondedWith Schaffner, John person
correspondedWith SCHELL, JONATHAN person
correspondedWith Schmidt, Arno person
correspondedWith Schmidt, Walter person
associatedWith Schoenbaum, Bernard person
correspondedWith Schofield, Dorothy Hunt person
correspondedWith Scholes, Kenneth person
correspondedWith Schoonmaker, Frank person
correspondedWith Schorer, Mark person
correspondedWith Schubert, Bernard L. person
correspondedWith Schulberg, Budd person
correspondedWith Schulman, Rosyrie person
correspondedWith Schuyler, James person
correspondedWith Schwartz, Delmore person
correspondedWith Schwimmer, Rosika person
correspondedWith Scully, James person
correspondedWith Seager, Allan person
correspondedWith Seeds, Charme person
correspondedWith Seeger, Pete person
associatedWith SEGAL, John M. person
correspondedWith Segal, Lore person
correspondedWith Seiffert, Marjorie Allen person
correspondedWith Seldes, Gilbert person
associatedWith Seldes, Gilbert Vivian person
correspondedWith Semantics, International Society For General corporateBody
associatedWith Sem, M. person
associatedWith Sempe, J. J. person
associatedWith SENNETT, Richard person
correspondedWith Settle, Mary Lee person
correspondedWith Sexton, Anne person
correspondedWith Shadbolt, Maurice person
correspondedWith Shafer, Margaret person
associatedWith SHAHN, Judith person
correspondedWith Shange, Ntosake person
correspondedWith Shanks, George person
associatedWith SHAPIRO, David person
associatedWith SHAPIRO, Fred person
associatedWith SHAPIRO, Fred C. person
correspondedWith Shapiro, Karl person
correspondedWith Shaplen, Robert person
correspondedWith Shaw, Charles person
correspondedWith Shaw, Irving person
correspondedWith Shaw, Irwin person
correspondedWith Shawn, William person
correspondedWith Shay, Edith and Frank person
correspondedWith Sheean, Vincent person
correspondedWith Sheed, Wilfred person
associatedWith SHEED, Wilfrid person
associatedWith SHEEHAN, Susan person
correspondedWith Shellhase, George person
correspondedWith Shellhase, Jane person
correspondedWith Shelton, Richard person
correspondedWith Shenton, Edward person
associatedWith Shepard, Arnot Jr. person
correspondedWith Sheridan, Bernard person
correspondedWith Shermund, Barbara person
associatedWith Sherwood, Robert E. person
correspondedWith Shiffert, Edith person
associatedWith Shirvanian, Vahan person
associatedWith SHIZUME, M. person
correspondedWith Shorer, Mark person
associatedWith SHRIVER, Sargent person
correspondedWith Shuman, Ik person
correspondedWith Siebel, Julia person
associatedWith Silberberg, Daniel H. person
correspondedWith Sillitoe, Alan person
correspondedWith Sillitoe, Allan person
correspondedWith Silone, Ignazio person
correspondedWith Silver, Rose person
correspondedWith Simenon, Georges person
correspondedWith Simic, Charles person
correspondedWith Simon, Robert person
correspondedWith Simon, Robert A. person
correspondedWith Simpson, Louis person
correspondedWith Simpson, Robert person
correspondedWith Simpson, Wallis Warfield person
correspondedWith Sinclair, Upton person
correspondedWith Singer, Evelyn person
correspondedWith Singer, Isaac B. person
correspondedWith Singer, Isaac Bashevis person
correspondedWith Sissman, L. E. person
correspondedWith Sitwell, Osbert person
correspondedWith Skinner, Cornelia Otis person
correspondedWith Slade, Caroline person
correspondedWith Slade, John person
correspondedWith Slater, Helen person
correspondedWith Slater, J. J. person
correspondedWith Slonimski, Anton person
correspondedWith Smedley, Doree person
correspondedWith Smelser, Marshall person
correspondedWith Smiley, Jane person
correspondedWith Smith, Alice Good person
associatedWith Smith, Claude person
correspondedWith Smith, Constance person
correspondedWith Smith, Dave person
correspondedWith Smith, Grace person
correspondedWith Smith, Helena person
correspondedWith Smith, Helena Huntington person
correspondedWith Smith, Henry person
correspondedWith Smith, John Campbell person
correspondedWith Smith, Lee person
correspondedWith Smith, Milton A. person
correspondedWith Smith, Mrs. Gerard person
correspondedWith Smith, Stevie person
associatedWith Smith, Thorne person
correspondedWith Smith, William Jay person
associatedWith Smits, Tom person
correspondedWith Smullen, William person
correspondedWith Snodgrass, W. D. person
associatedWith Snow, Edgar person
correspondedWith Snyder, Gary person
correspondedWith Soglow, Otto person
correspondedWith Sontag, Susan person
correspondedWith Sopher, Aaron person
correspondedWith Sorrentino, Gilbert person
correspondedWith Southern, Terry person
correspondedWith Spaeth, Sigmund person
correspondedWith Spark, Muriel person
correspondedWith Spaulding, E. K. person
correspondedWith Spaulding, E. R. person
correspondedWith Spencer, Elizabeth person
correspondedWith Spender, Stephen person
associatedWith Spingarn, Arthur H. person
correspondedWith Sproehnle, Kate person
correspondedWith Stafford, Jean person
correspondedWith Stafford, William person
associatedWith Stallings, Laurence person
correspondedWith Stanton, Olive person
correspondedWith Starbuck, George person
associatedWith Starke, Leslie person
associatedWith Starrett, Kemp person
correspondedWith Starrett, Vincent person
correspondedWith Starrett, W. Kemp person
correspondedWith Steegmuller, Frances person
correspondedWith Steegmuller, Francis person
correspondedWith Stegner, Wallace person
correspondedWith Steig, Henry person
correspondedWith Steig, Henry Anton person
correspondedWith Steig, William person
correspondedWith Steinbeck, John person
correspondedWith Steinberg, Saul person
associatedWith STEINER, George person
associatedWith Steiner, P. person
correspondedWith Stein, Gertrude person
correspondedWith Stern, David S. person
correspondedWith Stern, G. B. person
associatedWith Stevens, Mick person
correspondedWith STEVENSON, James person
correspondedWith Stevens, Wallace person
correspondedWith Stewart, Donald Ogden person
correspondedWith Stewart, John D. person
correspondedWith Stewart, Natacha person
correspondedWith Stewart, Natasha person
correspondedWith Stieglitz, Alfred person
correspondedWith Stix, Thomas person
correspondedWith Stone, Irving person
correspondedWith Stone, Ruth person
correspondedWith Stong, Philip D. person
correspondedWith Stoppard, Tom person
correspondedWith Stoutenberg, Adrien person
correspondedWith Stout, Rex person
correspondedWith Strachey, Julia person
correspondedWith Strakosch, Avery person
correspondedWith Strand, Mark person
correspondedWith Strassman, Toni person
correspondedWith Street, Julian person
associatedWith Street, Julian Leonard person
correspondedWith Strobel, Marion person
correspondedWith Strunk, Will person
associatedWith Stryker, Lloyd Paul person
correspondedWith Sturges-Jones, Marion person
associatedWith Sturges, Preston person
correspondedWith Styron, William person
correspondedWith Suckow, Ruth person
correspondedWith Sugrue, Thomas person
correspondedWith Sukenick, Ronald person
correspondedWith Sukennikoff, A. M. person
correspondedWith Sullivan, Frank person
correspondedWith Sundgaard, Arnold person
correspondedWith Susann, Jacqueline person
correspondedWith Swados, Harvey person
correspondedWith Swan, Jon person
correspondedWith Swartz, Roberta Teale person
associatedWith Sway, Albert person
correspondedWith Swenson, May person
correspondedWith Switzer, Leonard person
correspondedWith Szulc, Tad person
correspondedWith Taggard, Genevieve person
correspondedWith Talese, Gay person
correspondedWith Tao-Kim-Hai, Andre M. person
correspondedWith Taper, Bernard person
correspondedWith Tarbell, Ida person
correspondedWith Tate, Allen person
associatedWith Taylor, Deems person
correspondedWith Taylor, Elizabeth person
correspondedWith Taylor, Harvey person
correspondedWith Taylor, Peter person
correspondedWith Taylor, Richard person
correspondedWith Taylor, Robert Lewis person
correspondedWith Taylor, William person
correspondedWith Teller, Edward person
correspondedWith Templeton, Edith person
correspondedWith Terry, Daise person
associatedWith The Bell Syndicate, Inc. corporateBody
correspondedWith Theroux, Alexander person
correspondedWith Theroux, Paul person
correspondedWith Thielen, Benedict person
correspondedWith Thiongo, Ngugi wa person
correspondedWith Thomas, D. M. person
correspondedWith Thomas, Dorothy person
correspondedWith Thomas, Dylan person
correspondedWith Thomas, Martha Banning (Patience Eden) person
correspondedWith Thomason, John W. Jr. person
correspondedWith Thomas, Rosemary person
correspondedWith Thompson, Donald person
associatedWith Thompson, Dorothy person
correspondedWith Thompson, E. B. person
correspondedWith Thompson, Hunter person
associatedWith Thurber, James, 1894-1961 person
correspondedWith Thurman, Richard person
correspondedWith Tientjiens, Eunice person
associatedWith Tobey, Barney person
correspondedWith Toklas, Alice B. person
correspondedWith Tomkins, Calvin person
correspondedWith Tomlinson, Charles person
correspondedWith Topkins, Katharine person
correspondedWith Toumey, William person
correspondedWith Towne, Charles Hanson person
correspondedWith Trevor, William person
correspondedWith Trillin, Calvin person
correspondedWith Trilling, Diana person
correspondedWith Trilling, Lionel person
correspondedWith Truax, Hawley person
correspondedWith Truman, Harry S. person
correspondedWith Tucci, Niccolo person
correspondedWith Tucker, Ray person
correspondedWith Tudor, Charles person
correspondedWith Tullius, F. P. person
correspondedWith Tully, Jim person
correspondedWith Tunis, John person
correspondedWith Tunis, John R. person
correspondedWith Turnbull, Andrew person
correspondedWith Tyler, Anne person
associatedWith TYNAN, Kenneth person
correspondedWith Tyng, W. E. person
associatedWith TYRMAND, Leopold person
correspondedWith Ueland, Brenda person
correspondedWith Undset, Ingrid person
correspondedWith Untermeyer, Jean Starr person
correspondedWith Untermeyer, Louis person
correspondedWith Updike, John person
correspondedWith Valenzuela, Luisa person
correspondedWith Van Buren, Raeburn person
correspondedWith Vanderbilt, Amy person
correspondedWith Vanderbilt, Gloria person
correspondedWith Vanderbilt, Sanderson person
correspondedWith Van Doren, Carl person
correspondedWith Van Doren, Charles person
correspondedWith Van Doren, Dorothy person
correspondedWith Van Doren, Mark person
correspondedWith Van Duyn, Mona person
correspondedWith Van Loon, Hendrick person
associatedWith Van Loon, Hendrick Willem person
correspondedWith Van Loon, Hendrik Willem person
associatedWith VAN RYNBACH, Iris person
associatedWith VENDLER, Helen person
correspondedWith Vidal, Gore person
correspondedWith Viereck, George Sylvester person
correspondedWith Viereck, Peter person
associatedWith Vietor, Dean person
correspondedWith Vivante, Arturo person
correspondedWith Vizinczey, Stephen person
correspondedWith Vonnegut, Kurt person
correspondedWith Vorse, Mary Heaton person
correspondedWith Voznesensky, Andrei person
correspondedWith Wagoner, David person
correspondedWith Wainwright, Loudon person
correspondedWith Wakefield, Dan person
correspondedWith Wakefield, Dave person
correspondedWith Wakoski, Diane person
correspondedWith Walcott, Derek person
correspondedWith Waldo, Richard person
correspondedWith Waldron, Eli person
correspondedWith Walker, Alice person
correspondedWith Walker, C. Lester person
correspondedWith Walker, James J. person
correspondedWith Walker, Lester person
correspondedWith Walker, Stanley person
correspondedWith Walker, Ted person
associatedWith WALLACE, Kevin person
correspondedWith Wallace, Robert person
correspondedWith Wallace, Robert A. person
correspondedWith Walton, Edna Lou person
correspondedWith Wanamaker, John person
associatedWith Warburg, James P. person
correspondedWith Ward, Dearing person
correspondedWith Ward, Olive person
correspondedWith Ware, Leonard person
correspondedWith Warfield, Frances person
correspondedWith Warner, Sylvia Townsend person
correspondedWith Warren, Joyce person
correspondedWith Warren, Robert Penn person
correspondedWith Waterman, Myra person
correspondedWith Watkins, Ann person
correspondedWith Watkins, Vernon person
associatedWith WATT, Douglas person
correspondedWith Watts, Stephen person
correspondedWith Watt, W. W. person
correspondedWith Waugh, Alec person
correspondedWith Waugh, Evelyn person
correspondedWith Weales, Gerald person
correspondedWith Weaver, John V. A. person
correspondedWith Webb, Paul person
associatedWith Weber, Robert person
correspondedWith Wechsberg, Joseph person
correspondedWith Weekes, Hobart person
correspondedWith Weidman, Jerome person
correspondedWith Weimar, Edward W. person
correspondedWith Weimar, E. R. person
correspondedWith Weimar, E. W. person
correspondedWith Weismiller, Edward person
correspondedWith Weismiller, Frances person
correspondedWith Weismiller, Francis person
correspondedWith Welch, Denton person
correspondedWith Weldon, Fay person
correspondedWith Weller, George person
correspondedWith Welles, Orson person
correspondedWith Welles, Winifred person
correspondedWith Wells, Anna Mary person
correspondedWith Wells, Carolyn person
correspondedWith Wells, H. G. person
correspondedWith Welty, Eudora person
correspondedWith Werner, Hazel Hawthorne person
correspondedWith Werner, M. R. person
correspondedWith Wertenbaker, G. P. person
associatedWith WERTENBAKER, William person
correspondedWith West, Anthony person
associatedWith WEST, Anthony - BOOKS person
correspondedWith West, Jessamyn person
correspondedWith Weston, Christine person
correspondedWith Weston, Mildred person
correspondedWith West, Paul person
correspondedWith West, Rebecca person
correspondedWith Wharton, Don person
correspondedWith Whedon, John person
correspondedWith Wheeler, M. Bernice person
correspondedWith Wheeler, Roy person
correspondedWith Wheelis, Allen B. person
correspondedWith Wheelock, John Hall person
correspondedWith Whelden, John person
correspondedWith Whitaker, R. person
correspondedWith Whitaker, R. E. M. person
correspondedWith Whitaker, Roger person
associatedWith White, E. B. (Elwyn Brooks), 1899-1985 person
correspondedWith White, Edmund person
correspondedWith White, Katharine person
correspondedWith White, Katharine S. person
associatedWith White, Katharine Sergeant Angell person
correspondedWith White, K. S. person
correspondedWith White, Patrick person
associatedWith WHITESIDE, Thomas person
correspondedWith White, T. H. person
correspondedWith White, Theodore person
correspondedWith White, Walter person
correspondedWith Whitman, Edmund person
correspondedWith Whitney, Helen Hay person
correspondedWith Whittaker, R. person
correspondedWith Whittaker, R. E. M. person
correspondedWith Whittemore, Reed person
associatedWith WHITWORTH, William person
correspondedWith Wickenden, Dan person
correspondedWith Widdemer, Margaret person
correspondedWith Wideman, John Edgar person
correspondedWith Wiggam, Lionel person
correspondedWith Wiggins, Marianne person
correspondedWith Wilbur, Richard person
associatedWith WILDER, Alec person
correspondedWith Wilder, Thornton person
associatedWith Wiley, Hugh person
correspondedWith Wiliams, William Carlos person
associatedWith Wilkinson, Frances Elie Ross person
correspondedWith Williams, Gene person
correspondedWith Williams, Gluyas person
correspondedWith Williams, Joy person
associatedWith William Sloan Associates Inc. corporateBody
correspondedWith Williams, Oscar person
correspondedWith Williams, Sue person
correspondedWith Williams, Tennessee person
correspondedWith Williams, William Carlos person
correspondedWith Williams, Winifred person
correspondedWith Willingham, Calder person
correspondedWith Willis, Winifred person
correspondedWith Wilson, Angus person
correspondedWith Wilson, Bettina person
associatedWith Wilson, Edmund, 1895-1972 person
correspondedWith Wilson, Forrest person
associatedWith Wilson, Gahan person
correspondedWith Wilson, John R. person
correspondedWith Wilson, Marjorie D. person
associatedWith WILSON, Shawn person
correspondedWith Wilson, Sloan person
correspondedWith Wincelberg, Simon person
correspondedWith Winchell, Walter person
correspondedWith Windham, Donald person
associatedWith WIND, Herbert Warren person
correspondedWith Wing, Willis Kingsley person
correspondedWith Winkler, John person
correspondedWith Winkler, John K. person
associatedWith Winney, Harold person
correspondedWith Winslow, Thyra Samter person
correspondedWith Winterich, John person
correspondedWith Winterich, John T. person
correspondedWith Wish, Fred A. person
correspondedWith Wittner, Fred person
correspondedWith Wodehouse, P. G. person
correspondedWith Woiwode, Larry person
associatedWith WOLCOTT, James person
correspondedWith Wolfe, Fred person
correspondedWith Wolfe, Thomas person
correspondedWith Wolff, Tobias person
correspondedWith Wolf, Harriet person
correspondedWith Wolfson, Victor person
associatedWith Wong, Anna May person
correspondedWith Wood, Clement person
correspondedWith Wood, Grant person
associatedWith Woodman, Bill person
correspondedWith Wood, Thomas person
correspondedWith Woodward, Stanley person
correspondedWith Woolf, Virginia person
associatedWith Woollcott, Alexander, 1887-1943 person
associatedWith Woolley, Monty person
correspondedWith Wortman, Denys person
correspondedWith Wouk, Herman person
correspondedWith Wrenn, Philip person
correspondedWith Wright, Charles person
correspondedWith Wright, Frank Lloyd person
correspondedWith Wright, James person
correspondedWith Wright, Richard person
correspondedWith Wright, Rowe person
correspondedWith Wurdemann, Audrey person
associatedWith Wylie, Elinor - Poetry Fellowship person
correspondedWith Wylie, Lou person
correspondedWith Wylie, Philip person
associatedWith Yaffa, David person
correspondedWith Yates, Richard person
correspondedWith Yellen, Samuel person
correspondedWith Yerby, Frank person
correspondedWith Yevtushenko, Yevgeny person
correspondedWith Young, Art person
correspondedWith Young, Crawford person
correspondedWith Young, Marguerite person
correspondedWith Yourcenar, Marguerite person
associatedWith Zeigler, Su person
correspondedWith Zinberg, Len person
correspondedWith Zugsmith, Leane person
correspondedWith Zukofsky, Louis person
correspondedWith Zweig, Paul person
Place Name Admin Code Country
New York (N.Y.)
New York (N.Y.)
American literature
American literature
Authors, American
American periodicals
Caricatures and cartoons
Magazine covers
Magazine design
Magazine illustration
Periodical editors
Public relations

Corporate Body

Active 1932

Active 1988

Related Descriptions