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Monster Hunter’s Malzeno invades Tokyo via incredible 3-D video

Jul 4, 2022

The Elder Dragon is making a fearsome appearance in Shinjuku for a limited time only.

As well as being the location of one of the busiest (and most frustrating) train stations in the world, Tokyo’s Shinjuku is also home to a giant rooftop billboard called Cross Shinjuku Vision. The billboard, which sits just near Shinjuku Station’s east exit, is over 150 square metres (1614 square feet) in size and previously delighted visitors to Shinjuku with a giant calico cat.

But head over to Shinjuku Station these days and you’ll find something much less furry and cute waiting for you on the rooftop billboard — Malzeno, the Elder Dragon from Capcom’s Monster Hunter series.

Malzeno has been terrorising the people of Shinjuku since June 24 in celebration of the latest expansion pack of the popular Monster Hunter series — Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak, which was released on June 30. Thanks to Cross Shinjuku Vision’s curved screen and stunning 4K visuals, the Elder Dragon really feels like it’s about to leap right out of the screen and attack!

Upon appearing in the billboard, which will be screened eight times at random intervals between 7:00 a.m. and 1:00 a.m., Malzeno flies into shot before roaring down at passers-by. To make things even more impressive, Malzeno is ‘life-size’, so the Elder Dragon is the same size as it is in the game. Featured in the background of the billboard is the Citadel ruins, where Malzeno can usually be found in-game.

Anyone wishing to face the monster head-on will need to head down to Shinjuku pretty quick though, as Malzeno will only be hijacking the billboard until July 7. For those unable to make it to Shinjuku, you can also try and catch a glimpse of the fearsome beast via the Cross Shinjuku Vision livestream below.

It’s not known what will be appearing in the billboard once Malzeno moves out, although given Tokyo’s impressive catalogue of incredible 3-D ads, we’re sure it’ll be something really cool.

Cross Shinjuku Vision / クロス新宿ビジョン
Address: Tokyo-to, Shinjuku-ku, Shinjuku 3-23-18
Screened at random eight times between 7:00 a.m. and 1:00 a.m (sound is turned off at midnight)

Source, images: PR Times
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